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Box Lists for C:11/1/22

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 080851 [return to top]


FF - Arnold, Charles - Newspaper Clippings of First Graduate of School of Journalism, 1934-1967

FF - Barchak, Leonard - Resume, Correspondence, 1976-1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Baughman, James L. - Correspondence, Transcript, 1981-1983 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Baughman, John Ross - Transcript, 1983 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Bell, Floyd Kenneth - Request for Salary Increase, Resignation, BJ, 1928 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Bell, Thomas Henry - Payroll Information, Personnel Data Sheet, Newspaper Clippings, 1963-1978 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Bennett, Laurence C. - Educational Assistance Program, 1977-1980 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Boczkiewicz, Robert E. - Correspondence, 1976-1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Borden, William - Visiting Research Associate, 1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Bowman, Camille - Instructor, 1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Brooks, Basil (Butch) G. - Educational Assistance Forms, Correspondence, 1976-1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Bryant, Vaughn Motley - Correspondence, Published Articles, Photograph, 1937-1938

FF - Burke, Charles - Recommendation from Dean Roy Fisher, 1981 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Callway (Robb), Meg Inez - Photographs, Newspaper Clipping, Correspondence, 1938-1972

FF - Casteel, Kathy - Curriculum Vita, 1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Chapman, Lisabith (Beth) W. - Work-related Memos, Correspondence, 1979-1981 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Childers, Elihie Read - Correspondence, 1920-1925

FF - Clairborne, Raymond Craig - Photograph, Correspondence, New York Times Articles, 1940-1965 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Clayton, Charles Curtis - Correspondence, 1938-1944

FF - Crodry, Harold V. - Student Petition to Retain as Faculty, Correspondence, 1972-1981 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Covitz, Randy - Correspondence, 1981

FF - Cowan, Walter G. - Course and Grade Information, 1933-1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Curry, James M. - Biographical Note, 1927

FF - D'Arcy, Ruth - Letter of Resignation, Record of Vacation and Absence, 1976-1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Dessauer, Philip Edward - Application for Degree, Correspondence, 1938-1948 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Dickey, Cheryl Christine - Employment Appraisals, 1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Dobyns, Frank L. - Correspondence, Travel Vouchers, 1966-1981 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Doerner, Russell - Resignation, Correspondence, 1981-1984 [RESTRICTED]

FF - DuBeau, Normant Parent - Degree Audit, Correspondence, 1940-1965 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Duffy, G. Thomas - Team Reporting Notes, Correspondence, 1973-1978 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Dunn, Samuel Watson - Correspondence as Dean of Business and Public Administration, 1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Edom, Clif - Journalism Professor, Photograph, Correspondence, 1957-1979

FF - Ellard, Roscoe E - Resignation of Professorship, Job Offer from Columbia University, 1928-1941 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Ellard, Roscoe E - Resignation of Professorship, Job Offer from Columbia University, 1928-1941 (cont'd) [RESTRICTED]

FF - Ellard, Roscoe E - Resignation of Professorship, Job Offer from Columbia University, 1928-1941 (cont'd) [RESTRICTED]

FF - Eschen, John Francis - Photograph, Correspondence, Obituary Notice, 1938-1960

FF - Ferguson, Harry - Photographs, Degree Audit, Correspondence, 1926-1964 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Ferguson, Oliver Baker - Photograph, Degree Audit, Correspondence, 1958-1971 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Fisher, Paul Leslie Jr. - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Paper, 1940-1955

FF - Froman, Jane - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1961-1970

FF - Gafke, Roger Adams - Correspondence, Photographs, Military Service, 1957-1964 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Goldberg, Ben - Correspondence, Graduate Assistant, 1938-1942 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Godich, Mark Steven - Photograph, 1977-1982

FF - Greene, Francis Joseph - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1955-1957 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Gross, Milton Eugene - Degree Audit, Correspondence, Alumni Record, 1939-1942 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Haily, Foster Bowman - Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, 1924-1966

FF - Harte, Houston - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Death Notice, 1930-1965

FF - Haworth, David - Correspondence, 1978

FF - Hedges, Frank H. - Photographs, Alumni Directory Page, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, 1922-1940

FF - Housman, Robert Lloyd - Resume, Transcript, Correspondence, Poem about Walter Williams, 1930-1960 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Isham, James L. - Photographs, Newspaper Clippings, Degree Audit, Alumni Directory Page, 1938-1959 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Israel, Larry Herbert - Photograph, Alumni Record, Correspondence, 1952-1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Jacobs, Morris E. - Newspaper Clippings, Photographs, Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, 1924-1964

Box 2 - 080852 [return to top]


FF - Jacobs, Nathan E. - Correspondence, Published Profile, 1924-1974

FF - Jinks, Robert Larry - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1948-1964

FF - Johnson, Alfonso - Correspondence, 1919-1938

FF - Kinyon, Henry Hubbard - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Photographs, Alumni Directory Page, 1924-1971

FF - Kinyon, Ruth - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1939-1964

FF - Kirkpatrick, James C. - Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, 1929-1969

FF - Knight, Robert Patrick - Reports for PhD Examination, Application for PhD, 1965-1968 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Kriegler, Philip - Photograph, Newspaper Clippings, Transcript, 1947-1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Kwitny, Jonathan - Photograph, Application for Degree, Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1958-1962 [RESTRICTED]

FF - LaCossitt, Henry - Photographs, Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1935-1962

FF - Lamb, John M - Correspondence, Alumni Record, 1942-1958 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Lambert, Edward Charles - Correspondence, PhD Candidate Information, 1949-1952 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Laurenti, Lynn - Correspondence, 1977

FF - Lo, May Day - Photographs, Grade Reports, 1933 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Lockwood, Sara L. - Photographs, Correspondence, Discussion on Biography of Walter Williams, 1924-1961

FF - Loeb, Marshall Robert - Newspaper Clippings, Transcript, 1950-1962 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Long, Howard R. - Correspondence, Photographs, Newspaper Clippings, Alumni Directory Page, 1930-1965

FF - Lowenstein, Ralph L. - Photograph, Correspondence, Transcript, 1965-1968 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Lower, Elmer W. - Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, Photograph, Speech, 1932-1972

FF - Lowis, Sarah I. - Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, 1935-1963

FF - Lu, David C. - Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, Photographs, 1930-1972

FF - Luebke, Barbara F. - Promotion and Tenure Review, 1980-1983 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Luker, Betty Ann - Transcript, Alumni Directory Page, 1939-1965 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Magdovitz, Benjamin I. - Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, Transcript, 1946-1973 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Manchester, William Raymond - Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, Photograph, 1950-1969

FF - Marken, Edith May - Correspondence, 1924-1966

FF - Marsh, Susie L. - Salary, Vacation and Absence Information, 1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Martin, Frank Lee Jr. - Grade Reports, Newspaper Clippings, 1934-1964 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Martin, Martha Joe - Photograph, Correspondence, 1963-1965

FF - Martin, Ralph Guy - Correspondence, 1941-1961

FF - Maupin, Emma Catherine - Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, Transcript, 1939-1961 [RESTRICTED]

FF - May, James Garfield - Correspondence, Photographs, 1926-1965

FF - Mayfield, Juliet Ixora - Transcript, Obituary Notice, 1938-1983 [RESTRICTED]

FF - McBride, Mary Margaret - Photographs, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, 1938-1974

FF - Merrill, John Calhoun - Academic Biography, Publications by him, Newspaper Clippings, 1964-1975 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Miller, William E. - Resume, 1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Milton, Claire B. - Vacation and Absence Record, 1977-1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Misselwitz, Henry Francis - Correspondence, 1925-1970

FF - Misselwitz, William E. - Degree Audit, Correspondence, 1938-1957 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Montague, Samuel A. - Alumni Directory Page, Correspondence, 1935-1959 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Moore, Horatio B. - Alumni Directory Page, Correspondence, 1925-1960

Box 3 - 080853 [return to top]


FF - Morelock, Thomas C. - Photographs, Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, 1923-1960

FF - Morgan, Paul C. Jr. - Correspondence, Resume, 1976-1981 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Morris, Joe Alex - Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, 1926-1957

FF - Moskop, Roy L. - Correspondence, Transcript, Alumni Directory Page, 1938-1969 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Mott, Karen Roxann - Resume, 1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Myers, Vernon Carl - Correspondence, Photograph, 1932-1968

FF - Nash, Vernon - Correspondence, Writings, 1924-1965

FF - Nelson, Richard W. Jr. - Correspondence, Resume, Request for Leave of Absence, 1982-1984 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Nichol, David M. - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Staff Form, 1972-1974 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Noblin, Mark E. - Resume, 1979-1980 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Nordyke, Lewis T. - Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, 1933-1958

FF - Norlander, Everett C. - Correspondence, Photograph, 1925-1960

FF - Norman, J. Philip - Correspondence, 1971-1979

FF - Papert, Frederic Stuart - Transcript, Alumni Directory Page, Correspondence, 1943-1969 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Pappenfort, Ranne Jeanne - Newspaper Clippings, Transcript, 1965-1974 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Parry, Thomas W. Jr. - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Photographs, 1924-1955

FF - Patterson, Don D. - Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, 1922-1939

FF - Patterson, Joye - Grade Reports, 1960-1965 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Paxton (Keeley), Mary - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Photographs, Alumni Directory Page, 1925-1975

FF - Pett, Saul - Transcript, Correspondence, 1935-1957 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Pfeiffer, Pauline - Newspaper Clippings, 1951-1961

FF - Phillips, Ruth - Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, 1921-1931

FF - Pollack, Joseph - Transcript, Newspaper Clippings, 1947-1963 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Pollard, William Braxton - Correspondence, 1932-1967

FF - Pope, Lester Neal - Correspondence, Resume, 1975-1978 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Powell, J. B. - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Photograph, 1921-1944

FF - Powers, Ronald Dean - Transcript, Newspaper Clippings, Application for Degree, 1961-1963 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Price, James W. - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1930-1967

FF - Quirno, Eliseo - Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, 1923-1925

FF - Raidt, William Thomas - Photograph, Transcript, Correspondence, 1938-1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Reed, Walter W. - Transcript, Correspondence, Photograph, 1943-1964 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Rentchler, Janice Wilson - Correspondence, 1925-1973

FF - Reynolds, Donald Worthington - Alumni Directory Page, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, 1927-1966

FF - Ridings, J. Willard - Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, 1928-1957

FF - Ridings, Paul O. - Photographs, Correspondence, 1938-1957

FF - Robling, John Stevens - Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, 1946-1969

FF - Ross, Kenneth - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1972-1974

FF - Rucker, Bryce Wilson - Transcript, Newspaper Clippings, 1956-1968 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Rucker, Frank W. - Alumni Directory Page, Photographs, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, 1935-1958

FF - St. Pierre, Glen Sevair - Correspondence, Photograph, Transcript, 1955-1974 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Salmon, Clarke - Alumni Directory Page, Correspondence, 1925-1959

FF - Sanders, Leo - Correspondence, Photograph, Alumni Directory Page, 1923-1961

FF - Schooley, C. Herschel - Correspondence, Photographs, Alumni Directory Page, 1935-1971

FF - Schott, Webster - Correspondence, Transcripts, 1945-1970 [RESTRICTED]

Box 4 - 080854 [return to top]


FF - Schwaninger, James C. - Transcript, Photograph, 1965-1966 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Scott, Stephen C. - Correspondence, 1974-1975

FF - Scroggins, Albert Taylor Jr. - Transcript, Edition of the Howard Alumnus, 1946-1954 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Seidner, Frederic J. - Transcript, Photograph, Newspaper Clippings, 1949-1964 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Sharp, Eugene - Photographs, Alumni Directory Page, Correspondence, 1923-1939

FF - Shea, John Hamilton - Correspondence, Transcripts, 1935-1965 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Shen, James C. H. - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1935-1972

FF - Sherard, Regina - Work History, 1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Shipley (Mahoney), Linda - Journalism Exam, Transcript, 1968 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Simpson, Betty Jo - Transcript, Photographs, 1951-1953 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Sims, Neal B. - Resume, 1971 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Soderstrom, E. A. - Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, Grade Report, 1924-1926 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Sosniecki, Dale - Educational Assistance Questionnaire, 1977-1978 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Sowers, Edward Walker - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Alumni Directory Page, 1936-1967

FF - Staples, George Edward - Photographs, Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, 1932-1957

FF - Stellwagen, Joan Felicia - Transcript, Photographs, Application for Degree, 1949-1954 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Sterling, James C. - Transcript, Photographs, 1960-1964 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Stiles, William D. - Transcript, Photographs, Newspaper Clippings, 1948-1958 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Stone, Alvin Eugene - Correspondence, Resume, 1975-1978 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Straus, Roger Williams Jr. - Correspondence, 1937-1967

FF - Supplee, Elizabeth Cornell - Correspondence, Application for Degree, 1941-1945 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Sutton, Carol - Transcript, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, Photographs, 1951-1975 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Swain, Virginia - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Photographs, 1934-1960

FF - Swan, Joyce - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1928-1969

FF - Swindler, William F. - Transcript, Correspondence, 1936-1959 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Taft, William Howard - Correspondence, Grade Report, 1939-1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Taylor, Harry E. - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Photographs, Alumni Directory Page, 1922-1959

FF - Taylor, Howard Blaine - Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, 1928-1977

FF - Terry, Hugh B. - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1934-1969

FF - Thieman, Homer L. - Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, Grade Report, 1936-1969 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Thomas, Maxwell J. - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Application for Degree, 1955-1971 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Thompson, Paul J. - Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, Photographs, Newspaper Clippings, 1925-1964

FF - Thrailkill, Beatrice - Missouri Alumnus Clipping, 1957

FF - Todd, Russell George - Correspondence, Publications, Newspaper Clippings, 1979-1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Tong, Hollington K. - Photograph, Correspondence, 1925-1961

FF - Topping, Seymour - Correspondence, Photograph, Newspaper Clippings, 1943-1969

FF - Townsend, Newton Ira - Transcript, Correspondence, 1945-1956 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Tucker, William Jared Jr. - Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, Grade Reports, Alumni Directory Page, 1933-1957 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Turner, Ralph H. - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Photographs, 1927-1965

FF - Turner, Wallace Lee - Correspondence, Transcript, Newspaper Clippings, 1939-1961 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Turrentine, James Louis - Photographs, Correspondence, Transcript, 1937-1963 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Tyler, William H. Jr. - Transcript, Journalism Exam, Photograph, Newspaper Clipping, 1956-1961 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Ullmann, John - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1978-1981

FF - Ulven, Mark - Thesis Proposal, Resume, 1981-1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Umansky, Martin - Transcript, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, Application for Degree, 1936-1959 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Utterback, Karen - Correspondence, Application for Employment, 1975

FF - Utsler, Max - Correspondence, 1978-1981

FF - Valenzuela, Jesus Zafra - Photographs, Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1925-1958

FF - Verzosa, Paul Rodriguez - Correspondence, Alumni Directory Page, 1922-1938

FF - Vladimir, Irwin A. - Photograph, Correspondence, Nomination for Missouri Honor Award for Distinguished Service to Journalism, 1925-1965

FF - Votaw, Maurice E. - Correspondence, 1921-1950

FF - Wade, Reese Harold - Grade Report, Correspondence, 1937-1966 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Walker, Charlene - Transcript, Grade Report, Newspaper Clipping, 1946-1966 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Walker, Herbert W. - Photograph, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, Obituary, 1934-1967

FF - Wall, Hermon Duncan - Correspondence, Application for Degree, Grade Report, 1926-1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Walli, Donald S. - Correspondence, Promotion and Tenure Material, 1976-1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Walsh, Denny Jay - Transcript, Newspaper Clippings, Photograph, 1953-1964 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Walsh, John - Correspondence, 1967

FF - Walt, Norman Edward - Transcript, Newspaper Clipping, 1948-1964 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Whale, John Hilary - Photograph, Correspondence, 1980-1984

FF - Williams, Harry M. Jr. - Correspondence, Educational Assistance Questionnaire, 1980-1983 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Williams, Dorothy Ann - Resume, 1979 [RESTRICTED]

Box 5 - 080855 [return to top]


FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - A, ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - Ba-Bi, ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - Bl-By, ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - C , ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - D-Fi, ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - Fl-G, ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - H-I, ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - J-K, ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - L , ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - Ma-Me, ca. 1948

Box 6 - 080856 [return to top]


FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - Mi-O, ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - P-Q, ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - R , ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - Sa-Sh, ca. 1948

FF - Journalism Alumni Directory Questionnaire - Y, ca. 1948

FF - ACPRA Convention, 1958

FF - Advertising Lecture Series, 1958-1959

FF - Advertising Federation of America, 1958-1959

FF - Alumni on Overseas Assignment by Country

FF - Alpha Delta Sigma Observance, 1958

FF - Business Publications Conference, 1958-1959

FF - School of Journalism 50th Anniversary - Calendar of Events, 1958

FF - Erwin D. Canham Speech - Stamp Day

FF - Advertising Club of New York Celebrity Luncheon - Harry S. Truman, 1958

FF - Incoming Correspondence, 1958

FF - Journalism Alumni Lists, 1958

FF - Magazine Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - D'Arcy Advertising Co., 1958

FF - D'Arcy Advertising Releases, 1958

FF - Distinguished Advertising Series, 1958

FF - Editor and Publisher, 1958

FF - 50th Anniversary, 1958

FF - School of Journalism Postage Stamp - Correspondence and Press Release, Sept 22, 1958

FF - School of Journalism 50th Anniversary - Honorary Chairmen, 1958

FF - Journalism Interdepartmental Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - School of Journalism: Enrollment 1957-1958, Publications re: 50th Anniversary

FF - J School History

FF - F. L. Megnin and Dick Abels - Gifts to School of Journalism, 1958

FF - MIPA Newsletter, 1958

FF - Press Congress of the World

FF - Press Congress of the World Press Releases, 1958-1959

FF - Public Relations Society of America, PRSA), 1957-1958

FF - Newspaper Correspondence, 1958

FF - National Press Club Speeches, Jan 26, 1959

FF - National Newspaper Week Releases, 1958

FF - Freedom of Information Conference, 1958

FF - 50th Anniversary Executive Committee Meeting Agenda, 1958

FF - National Newspaper Week, 1958

FF - Newspaper Advertisers Executive Association - Stamp Day, 1958

FF - Nathan Jacobs Correspondence and Photograph, 1958

FF - Creative Advertising Conference, April 1959

FF - Missouri College Newspaper Association Workshop

FF - Walter Williams Paper - By Sara Lockwood Williams

FF - Ford Foundation Grant, 1958

FF - Women in Journalism Program

FF - Publications, 1957-1958

FF - 50th Anniversary Publicity and Promotions Committee

FF - Publicity - Stamp Day Ceremony, 1958

FF - 50th Anniversary Public Relation Aids, 1958

FF - Public Relations Conference, 1958

FF - Public Relations Requests, 1958

FF - Pulitzer Prize Winners

Box 7 - 080857 [return to top]


FF - Press Releases - Advertising

FF - Requests: 50th Anniversary Informational Material, 1959

FF - Sigma Delta Chi Dinner, 1958

FF - Student Information Blanks, 1958

FF - Sunday Missourian, 1958

FF - VIP Correspondence, 1958

FF - Cutlines

FF - Dorothy Roe - Correspondence and Speech, 1958-1959

FF - Correspondence re: Journalism Awards Advertising, 1959-1960

FF - Women in Journalism (WIJ) - Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - WIJ Press Releases, 1958

FF - WIJ Short Biographies

FF - WIJ Hotel Reservations

FF - WIJ Speeches - Dorothy Roe, Helen Delich

FF - WIJ Letter to Clubs

FF - WIJ Menu Plans

FF - WIJ "Missouri Meets", 1959

FF - WIJ Lunch/Dinner Reservations and General Correspondence, 1959

FF - WIJ Correspondence - Signatures Cut, 1934-1959

FF - McBride, Mary Margaret - Photographs, Correspondence, Biography, 1958-1959

FF - Sherman, Margot - Biography, Newspaper Clipping, Correspondence, Photograph, 1958-1959

FF - Robb, Inez - Biography, Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - Fredericks, Pauline - Correspondence, 1958

FF - Haworth, Mary - Biography Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - Start, Clarissa - Biography, Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - Porter, Sylvia - Biography, Newspaper Clippings, Photographs, Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - Hood, Caroline - Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - Brookman, Laura Lou - Biography, Correspondence, 1959

FF - Lambert, Eleanor - Biography, Photograph, Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - Browning, Norma Lee - Biography, Correspondence, 1958

FF - Van Buren, Abigail - Correspondence, 1958

FF - Rapp, Virginia Venable - Press Release, Biography, Correspondence, 1958

FF - Roosevelt, Eleanor - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Photographs, 1958-1959

FF - Lindsay, Malvina - Correspondence, 1958

FF - Luce, Clare Boothe - Correspondence, 1958

FF - Delich, Helen - Correspondence, Photograph, Bibliography, 1958-1959

FF - Visiting Instructor Program (VIP) - Lecture Series, 1958

FF - VIP - Lecture Series Schedule, 1959

FF - VIP - Press Releases, 1958

FF - D'Arcy Advertising, 1958

FF - Boyle, Hal VIP - Biography, Correspondence, Newspaper Clip, 1958

FF - Block, Lillian VIP - Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - Stephenson, William VIP - Resume, Correspondence, 1958 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Leonard, Jack VIP - Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - Jenks, Irving H. VIP - Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - Lee Hills Hall - Newspaper Articles, Correspondence, 1989-1995

FF - Voice of Democracy Scholarship

FF - Lee Hills VIP - Correspondence, Biography, 1958

FF - Considine, Bob VIP - Correspondence, 1958

FF - Drury, Michael VIP - Correspondence, Photographs, Biography, 1958

FF - Fuerbringer, Otto VIP - Correspondence, 1958

FF - Willhelm, John VIP - Correspondence, Photographs, Biography, 1958

FF - Cutler, Howard VIP - Correspondence, Photographs, 1958

FF - Bernays, Edward L. VIP - Correspondence, Photograph, 1958

FF - LaCossitt, Henry VIP - Biography, Correspondence, Photograph, 1958

FF - Johnson, John H. VIP - Biography, Photographs, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, 1958

FF - Lower, Elmer VIP - Correspondence, Photograph, 1958

FF - King, Frank VIP - Correspondence, Photographs, Newspaper Clippings, 1958

FF - Costa, Joseph VIP - Photograph, Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1958

FF - Botthof, Walter E. VIP - Photograph, Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - Colt, John VIP - Correspondence, 1958

FF - Waring, Houston VIP - Correspondence, Newspaper Clipping, 195801959

FF - James, Sidney VIP - Correspondence, Speech, 1959

FF - Ramsdell, Irving VIP - Correspondence, 1958

FF - Applegit, Elmer M. VIP - Correspondence, 1958-1959

FF - Women's Ad Club Bulletin, 1958

FF - Brandt, Raymond "Pete" VIP - Correspondence, 1958

FF - Press Congress Photographs

FF - Women in Journalism Photograph

FF - Affirmative Action - School of Journalism, 1985-1987

FF - School of Journalism - Academic Program Review, 1983

FF - Dean Roy Fisher's Trip to China - Photographs, 1980

FF - Budget - UM Rolla, UMSL, UMC School of Journalism, 1986-1987

FF - Dean Earl English - Resume, Newspaper Clippings, Correspondence, Photograph, 1949-1990

FF - Ford Foundation - Correspondence, Grant Information, 1988

Box 8 - 080858 [return to top]


FF - Dean James D. Atwater - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Funeral Service Program, Slides, 1983-1996

FF - Dean Roy Mac Fisher - Photographs, Newspaper Clippings, 1971-1981

FF - Board of Curators, 1987-1989

FF - William Allen White - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1933-1977

FF - Junge, Loomis Carol - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, 1968

FF - Neff, Ward A. - Correspondence, 1918-1942

FF - Neff, Jay H. - Correspondence, Newspaper Clippings, Photograph of Neff Hall, 1931-1962

FF - Photographs - Journalism Buildings and Students, ca. 1960

FF - Photographs - Passageway of J. H. Neff Hall, n.d.

FF - Photographs - School of Journalism Buildings, Machines, and Students, ca. 1937-1960

FF - Photographs and Negatives - School of Journalism Miscellaneous (includes negatives of Walter Williams at his desk; prominent journalists [e.g., Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney]; Journalism Week participants and medal winners; and others.), ca. 1915-1983

FF - Temby, Mable (Women in Journalism) - Speech, Correspondence, 1959

FF - Crichton, Tom - "1941" Rough Draft, 2003

FF - Dean Mills - Newspaper Clippings, 1988-1993

FF - Journalism Week - Programs, Newspaper Article, 1921-1985 (with gaps)

FF - Newspaper Clippings re: Facsimile, 1948

FF - Reynolds, D. W. - Newspaper Clip, Reynolds Journalism Institute Groundbreaking Announcement, 1960, 2005

FF - Uehling, Barbara - Newspaper Clippings, 1978-1987

FF - Monroe, Haskell, 1987

FF - Roby, Max - Newspaper Clipping, Correspondence, Resume, 1987

FF - Queen Smith Materials - Postcards, Commencement Pamphlets, 1922-1923, 1961

FF - Lee Hills Hall - Dedication Material, Schematic Design, Correspondence, Ceremony, 1992, 1995

FF - Lee Hill Chair in Free Press Studies - Guidelines, n.d.

FF - Microsoft Online Journalism Center, 1989-1995

FF - J-News, Spring 2005

FF - Missouri Honor Medal, 2004-2005

FF - Miscellaneous Meetings, Banquets and Conferences - Pamphlets, 1936-1993

FF - School of Journalism Convocation Pamphlet, 1939, 1991

FF - Larsen, Lisa - Obituary

FF - Journalism Week Newspaper Clipping, 1930

FF - Miscellaneous Student/Staff Files - James Gentry, Robert Hahn, Bobette Toalson, 1967-1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings, ca. 1940-2006

FF - Journalism - Miscellaneous, 1944-2008

FF - Journalism Week Publication, 1930

Box 9 - 080865 [return to top]


Book - Golden Book of the Round Table, 1921-1926

Book - Scholastic Journalism, 1950

Book - School of Journalism Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1970-1983

Book - History of the Missouri Press Association, 1931

Book - Talent Truth and Energy, 1984

Book - Missouri School of Journalism Alumni Directory, 2002

Book - Missouri Newspapers, 1992

Book - Missouri Honor Medal, 2005

Book - Written by Students in Journalism, 1926-1927

Book - A Manual of Radio News Writing, 1946

Book - In Memoriam: Walter Williams, 1936

Book - From Missouri to the Isle of Mull, 1909

DVD - Trustees for the Public, 2008

CD - Old Journalism News, 1997

Audio Tape - Byron Scott, 9-13-2005

Return to C:11/1/22 summary

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Compiled: October 2010
Revised: 20 October 2010

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