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Box Lists for C:1/36/3Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).
[A20-34] FF - American Hospital Association, 2002-2004 FF - Anesthesiology, 2003-2006 FF - Advanced Practice Nurses (APN), 2002-2003 FF - Physician Assistants, 2003 FF - APN Billing, 2002 FF - Ambulance Services, 2000-2006 FF - American Red Cross, 2003-2005 FF - Ashland Clinic, 2005 FF - Bariatric Surgery Program, 2004-2005 FF - Bed Capacity Planning, 2004-2005 FF - Blue Cross Blue Shield Cardiac Centers of Excellence, 2005 FF - Bond Agency, 2004-2005 FF - Board of Curators - Quarterly Physical Facilities Report, 2003-2005 FF - Cardiology Information System, 2004 FF - Cardiovascular Meeting, 2002-2005 FF - Care Process Innovations Grant, 2007 FF - CARTS - MD Recruitment, 2008 FF - CARTS - MD Recruitment, 2007 FF - CARTS - MD Recruitment, 2006-2007 Box 2 - 020085[noted as no longer on the shelf in the Records Center in December 2022] [return to top] [A20-34] Box 3 - 020088 [return to top][A20-34] FF - IVF Grant Proposal, 2007 FF - J&J Project, 2001-2003 FF - Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc., ca. 2006 FF - Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - K. Sevidge and L. Neal, 2007 FF - Leadership Education, 2007 FF - Leadership Retreat, 2004 FF - Legal Matters, 2004-2005 FF - Legends Awards, 2007 FF - Legislative Talking Points, 2005 FF - Legislative Affairs - State Budget Requests, 2004-2005 FF - Legislative Affairs, 2003-2004 FF - Life among Diabetics - NIH Collaborative Study, 2007 FF - Long Term Acute Care, 2003-2004 FF - Mammography, 2005 FF - Managed Care, 2002-2005 FF - Marathon Office Interiors, 2006 FF - Missouri Hospital Association (MHA), 2008 FF - MHA - Correspondence, 2007 FF - MHA Grant - Professional Nursing and Clinical Laboratory Science, 2007 FF - MHA - Charitable Contributions, 2006 FF - MHA - UHC Certificate of Membership, 2006 FF - MHA - Ellis Fischel Certificate of Membership, 2006 FF - MHA - Disaster Preparedness, 2005 FF - MHA - Hospital Industry Data Institute, 2005-2006 FF - MHA Proposal (Grant), 2004 FF - MHA - Missouri Quality Report, 2004-2005 FF - MHA - HIDI Agreement, 2003-2004 Box 4 - 020105 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Missouri Healthcare Information Reporting Systems (MHIRS), 2005 FF - Orthopaedic Trauma Room, 2005 FF - Gynecology/Oncology, 2003-2004 FF - Obstetrics, 2005 FF - OB-1VF Lab (Center for Reproductive Health), 2005 FF - Observation/Short Stay Patients, 2004-2005 FF - On Call Automation, 2003 FF - Oncology Inpatient QI Team, 2004 FF - Oncology Service Line Administrator, 2001, 2006 FF - Outpatient Procedure Unit, 2004 FF - Performance Management System, 2003 FF - Pharmacy, 2005-2006 FF - Perfusionists, 2003 FF - Playground, 2004 FF - Pre-Op Clinic, 2005 FF - Plant Rental Costs - University Hospital, 2003 FF - Recruitment/Retention, 2004-2005 FF - Rusk Rehabilitation Center, 1996, 2003-2005 FF - Regional Economic Development, Inc. (REDI), 2004-2005 FF - Service Excellence, 2005 FF - MUHC Service Excellence Report, 2/2004 FF - Service Excellence - Core Team Minutes, 2005 FF - Solucient, 2004-2005 FF - Standards of Performance, 2005 FF - Standards of Performance - Administrators, 2005 FF - School of Medicine - Resource Data Book, FY2003-2004 FF - UMHC Strategic Plan, 2003-2005 FF - Vascular Surgery, 2004-2005 FF - Wound Care Center, 2003-2004 FF - Workers Compensation, 2003-2006 FF - Zegerid, 2005 [RESTRICTED] Box 5 - 109437 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Academic Health Centers, 2004-2005 FF - Association of American Medical Colleges, 2005-2006 FF - ACGME (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education), 2003-2008 FF - Health Care Advisory Board, 2007-2009 FF - American Hospital Association, 2000-2008 FF - Association of American Medical Colleges, 2004-2009 FF - Association of American Medical Colleges, 2004-2009 (cont’d) FF - Breakfast with an Administrator, 2006-2007 FF - Capital Region Medical Center, 2000-2004 Box 6 - 109439 [return to top][A20-34] FF - ITS/Cerner, 2003-2006 FF - Legislature, 2007 FF - Legislature, 2006-2007 FF - Legislature, 2005-2006 FF - Legislature, 2005 FF - Juni Muhota, 2009 FF - Operations, 2007-2008 Box 7 - 133581 [return to top][A20-34] [Records in this box pertain to the Missouri Rehabilitation Center (MRC)] FF - Jacquelyn Jones, Associate Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, 1996 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia Discussions (re merger of MRC with University Health Care), 1994-1995 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia Transition, 1994-1996 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia Affiliation, 1994 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia Personnel, 1996 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia (merger of MRC with UHC), 1995-1996 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia (Merger) Discussions, 1995 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia Purchasing, 1994-1996 FF - Planning (MRC "A Plan for the Future"), 1996 FF - University of Missouri-Columbia/Missouri Department of Health (DOH) Transfer, 1996 FF - UM Health Science Center/MRC Merger, 1996 FF - DOH Executive Management Team Meeting Minutes, 12/20/1994 FF - MRC Library Committee, 3/28/1996 FF - Employee Awards Program, 1972, 1994-1996 FF - Employee Picnic, 1993-1997 FF - Employees - Past Socials (includes photographs), 1957, 1980-1987 FF - Illness of Employee (Notification), 1995-1998 FF - Employee Training, 1993 FF - Hospital Committees, 1982 FF - Infection Control Committee, 1993-1996 FF - Medical Records/Utilization Review Committee, 1994-1996 FF - SMSU Health Advisory Committee, 1993 FF - Ad Hoc Committee on Tuberculosis, 1993-1996 Box 8 - 133582 [return to top][A20-34] [Records in this box pertain to the Missouri Rehabilitation Center (MRC)] FF - Building Plans, 1996 FF - Missouri Certificate of Need (CON), 1997 FF - Bylaws of the Medical Staff, ca. 1995 FF - Medical Staff Executive Minutes, 1996-1997 FF - Bylaws of the Medical Staff, 1993 FF - Administrative Council, 1995-1998 FF - Planning Retreat, 8/27/1999 FF - Organizational Charts, 1990-1996 FF - Organizational Charts (cont’d), 1997 FF - Inter-Office Memos, 1998-2000 FF - Correspondence, 1998-2000 FF - Administrative Council Agendas/Minutes, 2000 FF - Mercy Health Services - "Strategic Development Plan for Logan Region Strategic Service Unit, FY1994-1996", 4/1993 FF - Administrative Council Minutes, 1997-1999 FF - Mike Philips - State Auditor’s Report, 1996-1999 FF - General Employee Meeting, 1993-1995 FF - Bylaws of the Medical Staff, 1994 FF - Administrative Council, 2001 FF - Inter-Office Memos, 1994 FF - Holiday Program, 2000 FF - Letters of Sympathy to Employees, 2001 Box 9 - 133583 [return to top][A20-34] [Records in this box pertain to the Missouri Rehabilitation Center (MRC)] FF - Memoranda (Inter-Office), 1989-1990 FF - Correspondence, 7/1989-7/1990 FF - MRC Governing Body, 1994 FF - "All About Me", n.d. FF - Cardiac Rehabilitation, 2005 FF - CSTAR (Comprehensive Substance Treatment and Rehabilitation), 2004 FF - Cerner, 2005 FF - "Delivering the Difference" form, n.d. FF - Fundraising, 2005 FF - Inter-Office Memoranda, 2003-2005 FF - Letters (Correspondence), 2004-2007 FF - Missouri Quality Award, 2004 FF - Pain Management, 2003 FF - Salary Increases, 2005 FF - Inter-Office Memoranda, 1992-1994 FF - Medical Staff Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, 1996-1998 FF - MACET (Missouri Advisory Committee for the Elimination of Tuberculosis), 1993-1996 FF - Medical Staff Rounds - Attendance Sheets, 1996 [RESTRICTED] FF - MRC Governing Body, 1994 FF - Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), 1987-1990 FF - Medical Staff Rounds, 1995-1998 FF - Medical Staff Rounds - Attendance Sheets, 1995 [RESTRICTED] FF - CARF, 1993 Box 10 - 133584 [return to top][A20-34] [Records in this box pertain to the Missouri Rehabilitation Center (MRC)] FF - Allied Pharmacy Management, 1995 FF - American Cancer Society, 1994-1996 FF - BlueCHOICE, 1994-1996 FF - City of Mount Vernon - Chamber of Commerce, 1982-1995 FF - Community Blood Center, 1995-1996 FF - Alliance for Community Health Care, St. Louis, 1995 FF - Freeman Contract, 1994-1996 FF - GenCare Health System, St. Louis, 1995 FF - Hammons Heart Institute, 1994 FF - Head Injury Evaluation Plan, 1993 FF - HealthCare USA, St. Louis, 1996 FF - Hospital Industry Data Institute (HIDI), 1993 FF - SMSU Student Agreement, 6/1989 FF - CMSU Speech Agreement, 1989 FF - Humana, 1995-1996 FF - Legislature - Miscellaneous, 1994-1996 FF - Medicaid Managed Care, 1995-1996 FF - Medicare SELECT, 1995 FF - Mercy Health Plans, St. Louis, 1995 FF - Missouri Hospital Association (MHA) - Annual Licensing Survey/Executive Compensation Survey, 1991-1995 FF - MHA - Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Agreements, and Dues, 1984-1994 FF - MHA District Council, 1994-1995 FF - MHA - Meetings, 1993-1994 FF - Missouri Public Health Association, 1990 FF - Prudential Health Care, St. Louis, 1995 FF - Red Cross, 1995 FF - Rehabilitation Services for the Blind, 1994 FF - St. John’s Regional, Springfield, 1995 FF - St. John’s Regional, Joplin, 1994 FF - St. Louis Medicaid Managed Care, 1995 FF - United Way, 1993-1994 FF - Memorandum of Understanding, Federal VA/MRC Ventilator and Head Injury Treatment, 1990-1991, 1999 FF - Vencor, 1995 FF - Missouri Veterans Home (MVH), 1990-1995 FF - Volunteers - Marilyn Suddath, 1987-1996 FF - MRC Governing Body, 1993 FF - MRC Governing Body, 1992 Box 11 - 133592 [return to top][A20-34] [Records in this box pertain to the Missouri Rehabilitation Center (MRC)] Binder - Administrative Council Meeting Minutes, 9/2006-6/2007 Binder - Administrative Council Meeting Minutes, 2006 Binder - Administrative Council, 2005 Binder - Administrative Council Meetings, 2003-2004 Box 12 - 020046 [return to top][A20-34] FF - George Carr, 2006-2010 FF - Compliance, 1999-2005 FF - Compliance, 1999-2005 (cont’d) FF - Department Manager Meeting, 2010-2011 FF - Les Hall, 2008-2009 FF - Hospital Director, 2006-2008 FF - Hospital Director, 2005-2006 FF - Hospital Director, 2004-2005 FF - HIS Professionals, LLC, 2003-2004 Box 13 - 020047 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Cerner Discussions, 2003 FF - Cerner - Contract documents, 2003 FF - Cerner - Professional Services Agreement, 2003 FF - Cerner/Information Technology, 2004-2006 FF - Information Systems (IS), 2002-2003 FF - Information Technology (IT), 2003-2005 FF - IT, 2004-2006 FF - George Carr and Dr. Churchill, 2005 FF - Mark Jackson, 2008-2009 FF - Mark Jackson, 2010-2011 FF - President Gordon Lamb, 2007-2008 FF - Meetings with President Lamb, 2007-2008 FF - President Lamb, 2007 (cont’d) FF - Conflict of Interest Letters, 2009 FF - Mike Lynch, 2008-2009 FF - Mike Lynch, 2008-2009 (cont’d) Box 14 - 020048 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Mike Lynch, 2007-2008 FF - James Moody, 2007-2009 FF - Operations Meeting, 2008-2009 FF - Jim Steele, 2008 FF - Jim Steele, 2008-2009 FF - Supply Chain, 2005-2006 FF - Oracle Procurement Meeting, 12/17/2008 FF - Supply Chain, 2008 Box 15 - 109438 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Capital Region Medical Center, 2008 FF - Capital Region - Board of Directors Meetings, 1-6/2008 FF - Capital Region 10th Anniversary, 10/17/2007 FF - Capital Region, 2007 FF - Capital Region, 2005-2006 FF - Capital Region, 2004 FF - Department Managers Meetings, 2006-2010 FF - Dr. Eubanks, 2008-2009 FF - Surgery Meeting, 2/28/2008 FF - Trauma/BICU, 2/07/2008 FF - University of Missouri Health Care Executive Team, 2007-2009 FF - University of Missouri Health Care/School of Medicine/University Physicians Executive Staff, 2007-2008 FF - Hospital Chairs, 2009 FF - Hospital Chairs, 2006-2009 Box 16 - 117712 [return to top][A20-34] FF - James H. Ross - Outgoing Correspondence, 2011 FF - Ross - Incoming Correspondence, 2011 FF - Connie Dorflinger - Miscellaneous, 2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - Ross - Outgoing Correspondence, 2010 FF - Ross - Incoming Correspondence, 2010 Box 17 - 117717 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Briefing Meetings, 2010-2011 FF - Briefing Meetings, 2010-2011 (cont’d) FF - Institute for Healthcare Leadership (IHL) - Ross, 2011 FF - Connie’s Executive Staff folder, 2010-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - Executive Staff, 2011 FF - General Medical Staff, 1/19/2010 FF - Heart Walk, 8/14/2010 FF - Health Management and Informatics (HMI) - Chair Search Committee, 10/2010 [RESTRICTED] FF - Hospitalists/Intensivists Salaries, 2010-2011 FF - Hospitalist Service Development Task Force, 2010-2011 FF - House Staff Organization Executive Committee, 2009-2010 FF - Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Seminar, 12/2010 FF - Leadership Development, 2010 FF - Lock Down Incident, 10/2010 FF - Lynch/Poehling/Ross Meeting, 9/2010 FF - Manager’s Meeting, 6/29/2010 FF - Medicaid Optimization Project, 1/12/2010 FF - Medical Staff Bylaws Discussion, 1/12/2010 FF - Meeting with the State, 11/23/2010 FF - Parker/Kopfle/Ross Meeting, 8/26/2011 FF - Presentation to HMI Graduate Students, 10/22/2010 FF - Miscellaneous Development Events (includes Children’s Miracle Network Radiothon, basketball games, and Ellis Fischel Gala), 2007-2010 FF - University of Missouri Health Care Executive Team - University of Missouri Health Care/School of Medicine/University Physicians, 2008 Box 18 - 117751 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Jim Ross - Expanded Executive Staff, 2009-2010 FF - Jim Ross - Executive Calendar Meeting, 2009-2011 FF - Executive Clinical Management Committee, 2009 FF - Jim Ross - 7:00 am Executive Meeting, 2011-2012 FF - Jim Ross - 7:00 am Executive Meeting, 2010-2011 FF - Growth of Missouri Orthopaedic Institute (MOI), 8/11/2011 FF - Clarissa Easton, 2009-2011 FF - Easton/Larsen/Ross Meetings, 2009-2011 FF - Clarissa Easton, 2010-2011 FF - Clarissa Easton, 2008-2009 FF - President Floyd, 2004-2005 FF - President Floyd, 2004-2005 (cont’d) Box 19 - 117761 [return to top][A20-34] FF - American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), 2008-2009 FF - Insure Missouri, 2008 FF - Jim Ross - Miscellaneous (includes correspondence, event invitations, thank-you cards, and "Dear Colleagues" letters, 2004-2008 FF - Juni Muhota, 2009-2010 FF - Jim Ross - Miscellaneous Correspondence, 2004-2005 FF - Jim Ross - Miscellaneous Correspondence, 2003-2004 FF - Jim Ross - Miscellaneous Correspondence, 2004 (cont’d) FF - Jim Ross - Miscellaneous Correspondence, 2000-2003 Box 20 - 133591 [return to top][A20-34] [Records in this box pertain to the Missouri Rehabilitation Center (MRC)] Binder - Administrative Council Committee, FY2011 Binder - Strategic Plan and Departmental Goals, FY2009 Binder - Administrative Council - Minutes, 7/2008-6/2009 Binder - Administrative Council - Minutes, 7/2007-6/2008 Box 21 - 133593 [return to top][A20-34] [Records in this box pertain to the Missouri Rehabilitation Center (MRC)] Binder - Tuberculosis Patient Care Meeting, 3/31/2010 [RESTRICTED] Binder - Compliance Committee, 2000-2003 [RESTRICTED] Binder - All Employee Forum Minutes, 2008 [RESTRICTED] Binder - Hospital Leadership, 2008 [RESTRICTED] Binder - Compliance Meeting, 2004-2007 [RESTRICTED] Box 22 - 054412 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Cynthia Grueber Correspondence, 2005-2006 [RESTRICTED] FF - Presidential Search Advisory Committee Meeting, 5/2007 [RESTRICTED] FF - President Search, 2007 FF - Interim President Stephen Owens, 2011 FF - Press Ganey - Employee Surveys, 2005-2007 FF - Press Ganey - Patient Surveys, 2005 FF - Press Ganey - Physician Surveys, 2004-2007 FF - Public Relations, 2005 FF - Public Relations, 2002-2005 FF - Boone Hospital Center, 2006 FF - Fred Parry, 2006 FF - UMHC Reports, 2004-2006 FF - University Hospital's 50th Gala, 2006-2007 FF - University Hospital 50th Anniversary Steering Committee, 2005-2006 FF - "Inside Columbia" Magazine Interview, 2006 FF - Miscellaneous Correspondence (subjects include Rural Health Care, Hope and Spirit Awards, Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, UMHC Master Facility and Strategic Plans, University Hospital 50th Anniversary, staff appreciation, Healthcare Day, and Columbia Safe Kids Coalition), 2006 Box 23 - 054626 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Senior Executive Staff Assistant Connie Dorflinger, 2015 [RESTRICTED] FF - Mitch Wasden - Incoming Correspondence, 2015 FF - Mitch Wasden - Outgoing Correspondence, 2015 FF - Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award Application, 2011 FF - Clinical Support and Education (CS&E) Building Move, 2008 FF - Miscellaneous correspondence, 2008-2009, 2012 FF - Columbia Orthopaedic Group (COG) Appraisal, 2004-2006 Box 24 - 054715 [return to top][A20-34] The records (foldered and unfoldered) in this box pertain to the following topics: the office of UMHC Chief Executive Officer James Ross, (2010-2015). Box 25 - 117718 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Douglas Anthony, 2009-2011 FF - Sherry Browne, 2010-2011 FF - Joanne Burns, 2011-2012 FF - Cerner - Tiger Institute (TI) Working Documents, 2009 FF - Budget, 2009 FF - Dean Robert Churchill, 2008-2012 FF - Dean William Crist, 2006-2008 FF - Dean Crist, 2004-2007 Box 26 - 117753 [return to top][A20-34] FF - President Elson Floyd, 2005 FF - President Floyd - Meetings, 2006 FF - President Floyd, Greg Worsowicz, and William Crist, 2006-2007 FF - President Floyd and Clinical Chairs, 2006 FF - Kristi Gafford, 2007 FF - Anita Larsen - Cell Phone, 2006 FF - Anita Larsen, 2010-2012 FF - Anita Larsen, 2010-2011 FF - Anita Larsen, 2008-2009 FF - Anita Larsen, 2007-2008 FF - Mikel Lynch, 2010-2012 FF - Miscellaneous records (subjects include internal audits, Discovery Ridge, MU Center for Health Ethics, consulting firms, space planning, Paul M. Schyve, events and receptions, and Truman Veterans Hospital), 2005-2006 Box 27 - 125238 [return to top][A20-34] Binder - Affiliation Agreements, 2005-2007 Binder - Transfer Agreements, 1994-2005 Binder - Transfer Agreements, 2005-2006 FF - Affiliate Hospitals, 2004-2006 FF - Affiliates, 2005-2009 FF - Cooper County, 2012 [RESTRICTED] FF - Hermann Area District Hospital, 2006 FF - Cooper County Memorial Hospital, 2003-2010 Box 28 - 125239 [return to top][A20-34] The records (foldered and unfoldered) in this box pertain to the following topics: Dennis Stambaugh, UMHC Director of Post-Acute Inpatient Services and Project Development and the Missouri Quality Award and the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award, (2011-2012). Box 29 - 125240 [return to top][A20-34] FF - UMHC Planning Information, 2004-2006 FF - Baldridge National Quality Program Criteria, 2004 FF - Baldridge Program Information, 2004 FF - Baldridge Award (also includes materials related to Missouri Quality Award), 2003-2005 FF - Quality Improvement Resources, 2003-2005 FF - Missouri Quality Award (MQA), 2005 FF - Center for Health Care Quality (includes director search materials), 2004-2005 [RESTRICTED] FF - Performance Improvement Committee/Quality Committee, 2005 FF - UMHC Quality, 2005 FF - Report, "State of Infection Control at University Hospitals and Clinics", 4/18/2005 FF - UMHC Performance Excellence Steering Team and Baldridge Award, 2011-2012 FF - Action Planning for Baldridge and MQA awards, n.d. FF - Performance Excellence, 2011-2012 FF - MQA Site Visit Prep, 2011 FF - Performance Excellence, 2007, 2012 FF - MQA - Site Visit Manual, 2007 FF - MQA - Case Study, n.d. FF - MQA Feedback Report, 2005 FF - MQA Application, Capital Region Medical Center, 2006 FF - MQA Application Summary, Heartland Health, 2005 FF - MQA Application, St. Mary's Health Center, 2002 Box 30 - 125241 [return to top][A20-34] The records (foldered and unfoldered) in this box pertain to the following topics: Dennis Stambaugh, UMHC Director of Post-Acute Inpatient Services and Project Development and the Missouri Quality Award and the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award, (2007-2012). Box 31 - 125242 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Excellence in Missouri Conference, 2008 FF - Missouri Quality Award (MQA) Banquet, 11/15/2007 FF - MQA, 2007 FF - MQA/Baldridge Meetings - Handouts/Information, 2007 FF - MQA Meeting, 11/2006 FF - MQA Opportunities for Improvement (OFI) Action Plan, 2010 FF - MAQ Application, 2009 FF - Excellence in Missouri Conference, 2010 FF - Excellence in Missouri Conference - MQA Awards Banquet, 11/20/2008 FF - MQA Site Visit, 2007-2011 [RESTRICTED] FF - MQA Site Visit, 2009 Box 32 - 125247 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Rusk Board Meeting, 5/27/2010 FF - Rusk Board Meeting, 2/26/2010 FF - Rusk Board of Managers Meeting, 12/3/2009 FF - Rusk Board of Managers, 8/27/2009 FF - Rusk Board of Managers, 5/28/2009 FF - Rusk Board of Managers, 3/24/2009 FF - Rusk Governing Body, 12/4/2008 FF - Rusk Governing Body, 2007 FF - Rusk Governing Body, 8/28/2008 FF - Rusk Governing Body, 3/11/2008 FF - Rusk Governing Body, 3/11/2008 (cont'd) FF - HealthSouth/Rusk Rehabilitation Center, 12/27/2007 FF - HealthSouth/Rusk Rehabilitation Center - Advisory Committee, 2/28/2007 FF - University of Missouri Health Care - Information for Congressman Kenny Hulshof, 8/11/2005 FF - HealthSouth/Rusk Rehab, 2005 FF - HealthSouth, 2005 FF - Rusk Governing Body, 2005 FF - Rusk Governing Body, 2004 FF - Rusk Governance Committee, 2001-2002 Box 33 - 125248 [return to top][A20-34] The records (foldered and unfoldered) in this box pertain to the following topics: Capital Region Medical Center Board of Directors Meetings, (2008-2011). Box 34 - 125249 [return to top][A20-34] FF - Budget, FY2011 FF - Budget, FY2011 (cont'd) FF - Innis Company, 2010-2011 FF - Tuesday Executive Staff Meetings, 2009 FF - Calendar Meeting - Connie's Notes, 2009 FF - Routed to Executive Staff, 2007-2008 FF - Incoming Correspondence, 2007 FF - Outgoing Correspondence, 2007 FF - Alan Luger, 2006 [RESTRICTED] Box 35 - 137204 [return to top][A20-34] Binder - CEO Organizational Performance Review, 7/2012-12/2012 Binder - Operational Performance, 9/2011-3/2012 Binder - CEO Organizational Performance Review, 10/2011-6/2012 Binder - Operational Performance, 4/2012-9/2012 Box 36 - 137205 [return to top][A20-34] Binder - UMHC Infection Control Annual Report, 2013 Binder - Department of Health and Human Services - Meaningful Use Standards, 12/30/2009 Binder - UMHC Briefing Meetings, 5/2/2011-8/25/2011 Binder - UMHC Briefing Meetings, 3/11/2011-4/30/2011 Binder - UMHC Briefing Meetings, 2/14/2011-3/10/2011 Binder - UMHC Briefing Meetings, 12/6/2010-1/28/2011 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: May 2020
Revised: 13 December 2022
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