MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site MU Libraries -- links to home page of the University Libraries of the University of Missouri at Columbia University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia University of Missouri -- links to home page of the University of Missouri at Columbia spacerHeader graphic


Hours & Contacts

Policies & Procedures

* UM-System
* Columbia

Topical Guides

Online Exhibits

* Archival
* General

MU Libraries

Box Lists for C:1/34/10

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 047153 [return to top]


FF - Affirmative Action Plan, Work Force Analysis (Volume 2), 2003

FF - Affirmative Action Plan (Volume 1), 2003

FF - Affirmative Action Plan (Volume II), 2002

Box 2 - 047154 [return to top]


FF - Affirmative Action Plan, Work Fore Analysis (Volume II), 1999

FF - Affirmative Action Plan (Volume I), 1999

FF - Affirmative Action Plan, Department AAP Reports (Volume 4), 1999

FF - Affirmative Action Plan, Workers with Disabilities and Disabled Veterans, 1999

Box 3 - 047156 [return to top]


FF - Affirmative Action Plan (Volume III), 2002

FF - Affirmative Action Plan (Volume I), 2002

FF - Affirmative Action Plan (Volume III), 2001

Box 4 - 047157 [return to top]


FF - Affirmative Action Plan (Volume I), 2000

FF - Affirmative Action Plan, Factors 1-9 Reports (Volume III), 1999

Box 5 - 047158 [return to top]


FF - Affirmative Action Survey, 1994

FF - Affirmative Action Plan, Work Force Analysis (Volume 2), 2001

FF - Affirmative Action Plan (Volume 1), 2001

Box 6 - 049053 [return to top]


[No Folder List Available. Contents include: Undergraduate Affairs, (2000), Wakonse Conference, (1998?2000), personnel files [RESTRICTED], Minority Visitation Program (MVP), (1994), Correspondence, (1998), Association of Black Graduate and Professional Students, (1999), Audrey Watson Youth Leadership Program, (2001)]

Box 7 - 049055 [return to top]


FF - B Miscellaneous

FF - Black Business Student Association (BBSA), 2001

FF - Black Collegian, 2001

FF - Black Faculty and Staff Organization, 2001

FF - Black History Month, 2001

FF - Black Issues in Higher Education, 2001

FF - Black Studies, 2001

FF - Campus Climate, 2001

FF - Campus Mediation, 2001

FF - Board of Curators, 2001

FF - Business, College of, 2001

FF - Campus Mediation Services, 2001

FF - Candidate CVs, Administrative Positions, 2001

FF - Capital Campaign, 2001

FF - Chancellor, Office of the, 2001

FF - Colleague Circles, 2001

FF - Catering and Food, 2001

FF - Cross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory, 2001

FF - Crisis Strategic Management Team; Exploratory Meeting, 2001

FF - Recruitment Issues, 2001

FF - Research Audit, 2001

FF - Diverse Faculty Initiative, 2001

FF - Diversity Design Team, 1999

Box 8 - 049061 [return to top]


FF - Spousal Accommodation, 2000

FF - Status of Women Committee, 2000

FF - Strategic Planning Advisory Council, 2000

FF - Thank You Correspondence, 2000

FF - Asian Affairs, 2001

FF - Research, Office of, 2002

FF - Recognition of Faculty Women, 2002

FF - Records Management, 2002

FF - Recruit/Retention Task Force, 2002

FF - Rwanda Project, 2002

FF - Sexual Harassment Brochure, 2002

FF - Search for Common Ground; Film Services, 2002

FF - Faculty Hire, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Show-Me State Games, 2002

FF - Spousal Accommodation Appointments, 2002

FF - Social Work, School of, 2002

FF - Salute to Excellence, 2002

FF - Student Success Center, 2002

FF - Spectrum, 2002

FF - St. Louis Public Schools, 2002

FF - Status of Women, 2002

FF - Student Life, 2002

FF - Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS); Newsletter, 2002

FF - Study Abroad, 2002

FF - Stancell, Arnold F., MU Visit, 1/2003

FF - International Center; Strategic Planning, 2002

FF - Tech 4-U Community Technology Center, 2002

FF - Truman School of Public Affairs, 2002

FF - Tuskegee University, 2002

FF - Talking Points, 2002

FF - Undergraduate Affairs, Vice Provost of, 2002

FF - Undergraduate Studies, Vice Provost Office, 2002

FF - United Way, 2002

FF - University Catering Information, 2002

FF - Urban League, 2002

FF - College of Veterinary Medicine, 2002

FF - Vice Chancellor Correspondence, 2002

FF - Wakonse Conference, 2002

FF - Williamson, Barbara, 2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Women's Studies, 2002

FF - David L. Watt (Russia), 2002

FF - Nicole Williams, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Academic Affairs Subcommittee, 2001

FF - Academic Affairs; Vice President, 1998-2001

FF - Academic Retention Services, 2001

FF - Academic Support Center, 2001

FF - Academic Retention Services, 1999

FF - Accommodations, 1998-1999

FF - Chairing the Academic Department, 2/2001

FF - Former ACE Fellow Conference, 2/2001

FF - ADA Coordinator, 2001

Box 9 - 002102 [return to top]


FF - Directors Meeting, 2004-2005

FF - MAIPFD and Academic Resource Development and Internationalization (ARDI) Central Staff Meeting, 2004-2005

FF - Waiting for Follow-Up, 2006-2007

FF - International Conflict and the Media, 2006

FF - Global Scholars, 2006

FF - Logan College of Chiropractic, 2006

FF - Salzburg Seminar, 2006

FF - Ikbal Chowdhury, 2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - PeopleAdmin, n.d.

FF - Silpakorn University, 2005

FF - International Students' Entrepreneurial Circles (ISEC), n.d.

FF - MU International Club - Constitution and By-Laws, 2005

FF - US Patent and Trademark Office, 2005

FF - Faculty Rankings, 2005

FF - MU Pride Points, n.d.

FF - Emergency Guidelines, n.d.

FF - IPFD Planning, 2006

FF - Africa Initiatives Group, 2006

FF - Intercollegiate Athletics - Student-Athlete Academic Yearbook, 2005

FF - AIEA Conference, 2006

FF - Oona Thommes Paredes, 2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Cambio de Colores, 2006

FF - Teleconference, "A Systematic Approach to Support Part-Time Faculty", 4/2006

FF - Graduate School Interim Dean Pamela J. Benoit - Curriculum Vita, n.d.

FF - European Union Center, 2005

FF - Vietnam Initiatives Group (VIG), 1/2006

FF - Counseling Psychology Newsletter, 10/2005

FF - Research Report: "Internationalizing Teacher Education: What Can Be Done", n.d.

FF - Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management, 2006

FF - Millennium Challenge Corporation, 2006

FF - Paper - "Ethical Entrepreneurs: An Oxymoron?", n.d.

FF - Budget Scenarios for Peace Corps Fellows Program, n.d.

FF - Peer-Review Team Report with Institution Responses, 3/2006

FF - Association of International Education Administrators, 2/2006

FF - Mizzou Latino Student Orientation, 2006

FF - Guide to Federal Student Aid, 2006-2007

FF - Campus Visitation Program/ACCESS Mizzou, 2005

FF - AHANA, 2006

FF - Associate Vice Provost for International Incentives and International Center Director (AVP/ICD) - Search Committee, 2006 [RESTRICTED]

FF - FAFSA on the Web Worksheet, 2006-2007

FF - Dr. Handy Williamson, 2005

FF - Diversity Reports, n.d.

FF - NCAA Subcommittee on Equity, 2004-2005

FF - Julie Graff, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Karla McLucas, n.d. [RESTRICTED]

FF - David Mount, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Roger Worthington, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Rosemary Ihetu, 2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Andrew Muriuki, 2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Tamkang University, 2004

FF - Memorial Union Renovation, 2004

FF - Johnson and Lee (Diversity Consultants), 2003

FF - Lisa Flores, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Tim Gallimore, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Christine Grant, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Mel George, 2004

FF - Brad Jacobson, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Val Jensen, 2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Program for Excellence in Teaching - Report to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education - Report on Graduate Teaching Assistants' English Language Proficiency, 1988-2000

FF - Study Abroad Advisory Council, 2004-2005

FF - Council on International Initiatives (CII), 2004-2006

FF - International Education Inventory, 2009

FF - USAID International Food Aid Conference, 4/2009

FF - IPFD Annual Report Materials, 2002-2005

FF - Commission on International Programs, 2008-2009

FF - International Programs Annual Performance Report, 2007-2008

FF - Wen Chieh Jieh (Taipei Economic and Cultural Office), 4/2009

Box 10 - 002104 [return to top]


FF - Minority Affairs, International Programs and Faculty Development (MAIPFD) - Correspondence, 2004

FF - Nebraska Diversity Director Ward Chambers, 2004

FF - International Center - Budget, 2001-2004

FF - International Education Week - Colin Powell, 2004

FF - Intersection, 2004

FF - Iraqi Proposal - Ali Hussam, 2004

FF - Jefferson Club, n.d.

FF - Law School, 2003

FF - Law School, 2004

FF - Law School - Diversity Planning, 2004

FF - Latino Studies Center, 2004

FF - Leadership Development Program (UM-LDP), 2004

FF - Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (LSUROP), 2004

FF - McNair Scholars - McNair Journal, Fall 2007

FF - UM Internal Audit, 2004

FF - Missouri Association for Blacks in Higher Education (MABHE), 2004

FF - MAIPFD - Office Equipment, 2004

FF - MAIPFD - News/Articles, 2004

FF - MAIPFD - Summary of Outside Professional and Public Activities, 2003

FF - MAIPFD - Capital Campaign, 2004

FF - MAIPFD - Diversity Accomplishments, 2004

FF - MAIPFD - Communication Strategy, 2004

FF - Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) Grant, 2004

FF - Minority- and Women-Owned Businesses (MBE/WBE), 2004

FF - Minority Affairs Committee, 2004

FF - Missourian Newspaper, 2004

FF - Missouri Rehabilitation Research Training Program, 2004

FF - Mizzou Weekly, 2004

FF - Lester Monts, University of Michigan Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Diversity, 2004

FF - Ted Morse, 2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Martin Luther King Celebration, 2004

FF - Martin Luther King Presentations, 2004

FF - Meetings/Conference Brochures, 2004

FF - Martin Luther King Planning Committee, 2004-2005

FF - Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), 2004

FF - MAIPFD - Staff Meeting, 2004

FF - MAIPFD - Directors, 2004

FF - Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH), 2004

FF - School of Music, 2004

FF - Multicultural Affairs, 2005

FF - MU Campus Accessibility Tracking System (MUCATS), 2004

FF - MU Strategic Plan, 2005 [empty folder]

FF - MU Strategic Plan, 2004

FF - MU Self Study Criterion 5, 2004

FF - Multicultural Teaching Scholars (MTS) Program, 2004

FF - NAFSA Paper, 2004

FF - National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC), 2004

FF - NASULGC, 2003

FF - New Faculty Teaching Scholars (NFTS) Program, 2004

FF - NFTS, 2005

FF - New Faculty Orientation, 2004

FF - National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), 2004

FF - Non-Renewal of Tenure Track Faculty, 2004

FF - Department of Occupational Therapy, 2004

FF - Peace Corps, 2004

FF - Peace Corps, 2004-2008

FF - Personal Energy Transportation International, 2007

FF - Peace Studies, 2005

FF - Permanent Residency Advisory Committee, 2003

FF - PeopleSoft, 2004

FF - Permission to Reproduce, 2004

FF - Program for Excellence in Teaching (PET) - Learning for All Projects, 2005

FF - PET - Learning for All Projects, 2004

FF - PET, 2004

FF - Department of Philosophy, 2004

FF - Post-Doc Hiring Plans, 2003

FF - Program for Cultural Cooperation, 2004

FF - Provost Correspondence, 2005

FF - Provost Correspondence, 2004

FF - Provost Staff - Tenure Applications, 2004

FF - Provost Staff, 2004

FF - Provost - Weekly Meetings - Handy Williamson, 2003-2005

FF - Psychology Department, 2004

Box 11 - 002105 [return to top]


FF - American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) National Conference, 4/2004

FF - American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE), 2005

FF - Administrative Associate I, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Academic Retention Services, 2004

FF - Accounting Services, 2004

FF - Accessibility Tour, 2004

FF - Academic Leadership, 2004-2005

FF - ADA Coordinator, 2004

FF - Admissions Update - Monthly Statistics, 2004

FF - Ralph Rowlett - African Research Articles, 2004

FF - Applied Scholastics, 2005

FF - American Association for Affirmative Action - Region VII, 2003

FF - Dean Richard Andrews, 2004

FF - Mark Weston Aoyagi - Statistical Assistantship, 2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - College of Arts and Science, 2004

FF - Audrey Walton Youth Leadership Conference, 2003

FF - Big Ideas for Teaching Excellence (BITE), 2004

FF - Black History Month, 2005-2007

FF - Black Business Student Association (BBSA), 2004

FF - National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), 2004-2005

FF - Black History Month, 2004

FF - Black History Month, 2004 (cont'd)

FF - Black History Month, 2003

FF - Black Studies Program, 2004

FF - Missouri Legislative Black Caucus, 2004

FF - Boone County National Bank, 2004

FF - George Brooks Tribute, 2004

FF - Brown vs. Board of Education Jubilee Celebration, 2003

FF - Collins and Co. Contract, 2004-2005

FF - City of Columbia, 2004

FF - Colleague Circles, 2004-2005

FF - Collegiate 100, 2004

FF - MAIPFD Chart Pack, 2004

FF - Chronicle of Higher Education, 2004

FF - Office of Community Relations, 2004

FF - University Concert Series, 2005-2006

FF - Concert Series/KBIA, 2004

FF - MAIPFD - Directors Meetings, 2003

FF - Disability Services, 2005

FF - Disability Services, 2004

FF - Disability Services, 2006

FF - Diversity Activities, 2004

FF - DiversityInc, 2004

FF - Employee Assistance Program, 2004

FF - Diversity Perceptions, 2004

FF - Diversity Recruitment, 2004

FF - Diversity Sit-In Protest, 2004

FF - Eldercare, 2004

FF - Educational, School and Counseling Psychology (ESCP) - Minority Hiring, 2004

FF - Exposure to Research for Science Students (EXPRESS), 2004

FF - Faculty Council, 2004

FF - Faculty Developmental Leave Program, 2004-2006

FF - Faculty Development Project Award, 2005

FF - Faculty Development Project Awards, 2004

FF - Full-Time Ranked Faculty, 1997-2002

FF - Faculty Development, 2004-2005

FF - Faculty Awards - Miscellaneous, 1998-1999

FF - Vice Provost for Faculty Development, 2005

FF - Faculty Development, 2004-2005

FF - Thomas G. Johnson - Research Leave Report, 2003-2004 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Faculty Development Project Awards, Winter 2004

FF - Spousal Accommodation, 2005 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Faculty Fellowships, 2004

FF - Faculty Hiring Guidelines - Advertising Section, 2003-2005

FF - Faculty Diversity at MU, 1995-2005

FF - Chris Fox, 2003-2005 [RESTRICTED]

FF - From the Four Directions [Native American student group], 2004

FF - Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center (GOBCC), 2005

FF - GOBCC, 2004

FF - Government Relations, 2003

FF - Harry S. Truman School of Public Affairs, 2003

FF - College of Human Environmental Sciences, 2003

FF - School of Health Professions, 2003

FF - HLAFSA [Hispanic and Latin American Faculty and Staff Association], 2005

FF - HLAFSA, 2004

FF - Human Resource Committee for Extension, 2004

FF - Human Resources, 2004

FF - Human Rights and Diversity Banquet, 2004

FF - Human Rights Enhancement Program, 2004

FF - HLAFSA, 2000-2001

FF - Provost Staff Assistant Position Description, 2004

FF - Department of Health Physiology, 2004

FF - Job Applicants, 2004-2005 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Institute for Experiential Learning, 2004

FF - International Center, 2003

Box 12 - 008899 [return to top]


Volume - Minority & Women Doctoral Directory Volume 1: Agricultural Economics -- Engineering, 2000

Volume - Minority & Women Doctoral Directory Volume 2: English--Urban Studies/Planning (2 Copies), 2000

Volume - Minority & Women Doctoral Directory Volume 1: Agricultural Economics - Engineering, 2001

Volume - Minority & Women Doctoral Directory Volume 2: English--Urban Studies/Planning, 2001

Brochure - UMC Student Recruitment (2 Copies), 2004

Binder - UMC Disability Services, 1995-1996

Publication - Portals of Entry - University Colleges and Undergraduate Divisions (2 Copies), 1993

Publication - Economic Development Quarterly, 2001

Publication - Learning From Students, 1994

FF - UMC Disability Services Status Report, 2001-2002

FF - UMC Disability Task Force, Law School Student Handbook, Program Guidelines, 1995-1996

FF - Disability Services Budget, 1995-1996

FF - Disability Services - Correspondence, Meeting Agendas, 1996

FF - Disability Services - Job Descriptions and Resumes, 1996 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Disability Services - Access Office Space in Brady Commons, 1996-1997

FF - Campus Overview - Americans with Disabilities Act - Related Activities, 1995

FF - Jim Koller - Assessment and Consultation Clinic, 1994-1996 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Disability Services - UMC Campus Accessibility Map

FF - Disability Services - Assessment of Disability Programs at MU, 1996

FF - Disability Services - Lee Henson Documents, 1995-1996 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Disability Services - Office of Minority Affairs Staff Development, Correspondence, 1996

FF - Committee for Persons with Disabilities - Correspondence, 1996

FF - Disability Services - Student-Athletes with Learning Disabilities - Policies, 1996

FF - Disability Services - Adaptive Computing Technology Center, 1996

Box 13 - 049051 [return to top]


FF - Martin Luther King Celebration, 2001-2002

FF - Martin Luther King - Committee, 2001

FF - Martin Luther King - Committee Meetings, 2001-2002

FF - Martin Luther King - Templates for Letters, 2000-2002

FF - Martin Luther King - Events, 1/26/2002

FF - Martin Luther King - Events, 1/25/2002

FF - Martin Luther King - Events, 1/24/2002

FF - Martin Luther King - Events, 1/23/2002

FF - Martin Luther King - Events, 1/22/2002

FF - Martin Luther King - Events, 1/21/2002

FF - Martin Luther King - PR/Marketing, 2001-2002

FF - Martin Luther King Celebration, 2002

VHS Tape - Martin Luther King - Local Media Coverage, 2002

VHS Tape - Martin Luther King Celebration), 2002

FF - Martin Luther King - News Clippings, 2002

FF - Martin Luther King Day, 1999

FF - Martin Luther King - Media (includes CD), 2002

FF - Martin Luther King - Planning Committee, 2002

FF - Research Based PEAK Project - Parent Handbook, n.d.

FF - "Enriching Your Educational Experiences through Graduate School" - Transparencies, n.d.

FF - Graduate School Application Process (includes McNair Scholars), 1994

FF - Graduate School, 1993-1994

FF - Martin Luther King Day, 1998

FF - Martin Luther King Celebrations, 1995-1996, 1999

Box 14 - 050145 [return to top]


FF - American Association for Affirmative Action - Region VII Conference, 9/2003

FF - Academic Budget Officer, 2003

FF - American Council on Education (ACE), 2003

FF - ACE - Educating All of One Nation, 10/2003

FF - ADA Coordinator, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Adelante, 2003

FF - Administrative Associate I, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Office of Admissions, 2003

FF - African American Leadership Summit, 5/2003

FF - College of Agriculture, 2003

FF - AHANA, 2003

FF - Alumni Relations, 2003

FF - Academic Retention Services, 2003

FF - College of Arts and Science, 2003

FF - Ashford Miller International, 2003

FF - Big 12 Program, 2003

FF - Black Faculty and Staff Organization (BFSO), 2003

FF - BFSO, 2000-2001

FF - Big 12 Faculty Development Awards, 2003

FF - Black Studies, 2003

FF - Missouri Legislative Black Caucus, 2003

FF - Missouri Legislative Black Caucus - Conference, 8/2003

FF - College of Business, 2003

FF - Carnegie Scholars Program, 2003

FF - Chairs Council, 2003

FF - City of Columbia, 2003

FF - Colleague Circle, 2003

FF - Council of Deans, 2003

FF - Council on Research, 2003

FF - MU Comprehensive Planning, 2003

FF - Office of Community Relations, 2003

FF - Office of Corporate Relations, 2003

FF - MU Conference Office, 2003

FF - Black Culture Center - Cultural Discovery Week Program, 2004

FF - University of Connecticut - Boris Bravo-Ureta, 2003

FF - New Department Chairs, Winter 2003

FF - Office of Development, 2003

FF - Disability Services, 2003

FF - Diversity Coordinator Noor Azizan-Gardner, 2003

FF - Edward Jones Investment, 2003

FF - Educational and Counseling Psychology, 2003

FF - Educational Assistance Program, 2003

FF - College of Education, 2003

FF - College of Engineering, 2003

FF - Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, 2003

FF - Enrollment Statistics, Black Studies and Women's and Gender Studies Programs, 2002-2003

FF - Environmental Health Department, 2003

FF - Faculty Development Project Awards, 2003

FF - United Nations - FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), 2003

FF - FAO - Liaison Office for North America (LAWO), 2003

FF - Faculty Development Advisory Committee, 2003

FF - Faculty Medical/Parental Leave Task Force Report, 2003

FF - Faculty Research Council, 2003

Box 15 - 050146 [return to top]


FF - Faculty Development, 2003

FF - Teaching and Learning Council (TLC), 2004

FF - TLC - Resource File, 2003-2004

FF - MU FERPA Policy, 2003

FF - Funding Requests, 2003

FF - Gaines-Oldham Black Culture Center, 2003

FF - Global Health Conference MU/SLU, 5/20/2003

FF - Graduate School, 2003

FF - Grievance, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, 2003

FF - Heartland Alliance for Minority Participation, 2003

FF - School of Health Professions - Department of Health Psychology, 2003

FF - Higher Education Data Center, 2003

FF - Hispanic and Latin American Faculty and Staff Association, 2003

FF - Human Resource Services, 2003

FF - IATS, 2003

FF - Institutional Research, 2003

FF - Environmental Affairs Committee - "The Impacts of Campus Activities on the Environment", 4/2003

FF - International Research and Exchanges Board, 2003

FF - Jazz Series, 2003

FF - LGBT, 2003

FF - LEGO Series, 2003

FF - Legion of Black Collegians, 2003

FF - Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, 2003

FF - MAIPFD Correspondence, 2003

FF - Martin Luther King, 2002

FF - MAIPFD - Staff, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Missouri Association for Blacks in Higher Education, 2003

FF - Mediation Agreement - Created position of Vice Provost, MAFD/MAIPFD, 2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Missouri Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate, 2003

FF - McNair Scholars, 2003

FF - Minority Affairs Committee, 2003

FF - Minority Faculty Profiles, 2003

FF - Minority and Women-Owned Businesses, 2003

FF - Missouri Black Expo, 2003

FF - Missouri Students Association, 2003

FF - MU Mission Enhancement, 2003

FF - MU Equity and Access Council, 2003

FF - Multicultural Teaching Scholars, 2003

FF - MU Molecular Biology Program, 2003

FF - M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2003

FF - Office of Multicultural Affairs, 2003

FF - New Faculty Teaching Scholars, 2003

FF - New Faculty Reception, 2003

FF - Nursing School, 2003

FF - Omicron Delta Kappa, 2003

FF - Program for Excellence in Teachin), 2003

FF - Office of the President, 2003

FF - Provost Staff, 2003

FF - MU Reaccreditation Self-Study, 2003

FF - Research and Development Leaves, 2003 [RESTRICTED]

Box 16 - 053259 [return to top]


FF - Show-Me State Games, 2001

FF - Missouri Soybean Association, 2001

FF - Jesse Hall - Space Study, 2001

FF - Spousal Accommodations, 2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Staff Advisory Council, 2001

FF - Status of Women Committee, 2001

FF - Strategic Planning Advisory Council, 2001

FF - Research - Grants and Contracts, 2001-2002

FF - Research - Incentives, 2001

FF - Sangram (South Asian Students Association), 2001

FF - St. Louis Public School System, 2001

FF - Senegal Program, 2001

FF - Sexual Orientation Issues, 1996

FF - Student Success Center, 2001

FF - Study Abroad Advisory Committee, 2001

FF - Tickler Information, 2001

FF - Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies, 2001

FF - University Catering Information, 2001

FF - School of Veterinary Medicine, 2001

FF - Meetings and Events, 2001

Box 17 - 053260 [return to top]


FF - MU to the Future, 1996-1999

FF - MU Direct, 1999

FF - Mizzou Annual Fund Campaign, 2001

FF - Black History Month - Delmar K. Mitchell, 2001

FF - Music Department, 2000-2001

FF - Missouri Student Association, 2001

FF - Learning Institute for Missouri Women in Higher Education, 2001

FF - Dell Mitchell, 2001

FF - Martin Luther King Celebration, 2000-2001

FF - Minority Affairs and Faculty Development (MAFD) - Budget Information, 2001

FF - MAFD - Positions and Applications, 1996-1998

FF - MU Faculty - Janice Dawson-Threat, 1998 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Faculty Council, 1997-2001

FF - Funding Request Forms, 2001

FF - Faculty Incentive Grants, 2001

FF - Faculty - Hiring Procedures, 2001

FF - Faculty Recommendations, 2000 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Faculty Termination Form, 2000

FF - New Faculty Tours, 1998, 2000

FF - Fulbright Program, 1999-2001

FF - College of Health Related Professions, 2001

FF - Hispanic Environmental Council, 2000

FF - Hispanic-Latin American Faculty and Staff Association (HLAFSA), 2001

FF - Deans Retreat, 2001

FF - E Miscellaneous - Emergency Procedures, n.d.

FF - Edward Jones Alumni Scholarship Fund, 2001

FF - English Proficiency, 2000-2001

FF - College of Engineering, 2001

FF - Extension, 2001

FF - European Union Center, 11/2001

FF - European Union Student Association, 2001

FF - College of Education, 2000-2001

FF - College of Education - Faculty Retreat, 8/24/2001

FF - European Union Center, 2001-2002

FF - Department Chair Retreat, 2001

FF - Hispanic Scholarship Fund, 2001

FF - College of Human Environmental Sciences, 2000-2001

FF - Human Resources, 2001

FF - Human Rights and Diversity, 2001

FF - INROADS, ca. 1996-1997

FF - Grievance Reports, 2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Graduate School, 1997-2002

FF - "Report of Minority Graduate Student Recruitment, Retention and Degree Production", ca. 1995

FF - International Center, 2001

FF - International Initiative, 2001

FF - Libraries, 2001

FF - Campus Maps, n.d.

FF - Academic Retention Services - MAP Program, 2000-2001

FF - "We Always Swing" Jazz Series, 1998-1999

FF - Jesse Hall - Jesse Auditorium, n.d.

FF - Jewish Student Organization, 2001

FF - School of Journalism, 2001

FF - School of Law, 2001

FF - Learning Center, 2001

Box 18 - 053261 [return to top]


FF - Martin Luther King Celebration - Ozell Sutton, 2003

FF - Karla McLucas, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - School of Medicine, 2002

FF - Minority Affairs Committee, 2002

FF - Mission Enhancement, 2001-2002

FF - Missouri Africa Roundtable, 2001

FF - Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), 2002

FF - Missouri Department of Health, 2002

FF - MU Direct, 2002

FF - Multicultural Affairs Office, 2002

FF - Multicultural Teaching Scholars, 2002

FF - UM System - President's Office, 2002

FF - UM Copyright Policy, 2002

FF - Nutritional Sciences - Capstone Symposium, 2002

FF - Nicodemus Flour Co-op, n.d.

FF - MAIPFD - Programs and Services, 2002

FF - Office of Sponsored Program Administration, 2002

FF - Office of Research, 2002

FF - Outreach and Extension, 2002

FF - Pan-Asian Faculty and Staff Association, 2002

FF - Pan-Hellenic Council, 2002

FF - Post-Secondary Education FIPSE Comprehensive Program Proposals, 2002

FF - UM System - Office of the President, 2002

FF - NASULGC, 2002

FF - Nutritional Sciences, 2002

FF - Minority Affairs - News/Web Articles, 2000-2002

FF - MAIPFD - Financial Reports, 2002

FF - MAIPFD - Recommendation Letters, 2002

FF - Martin Luther King Celebration, 2003

FF - MAIPFD - Articles/Clippings, 2001-2003

FF - MU Strategic Planning, 2002-2003

FF - National Science Foundation (NSF) - Funding Opportunity, 2002

FF - National Institutes of Health, 2002

FF - National Black Graduate Student Association (NBGSA), 2002

FF - New Faculty Teaching Scholars, 2002

FF - School of Nursing, 2002

FF - School of Music, 2002

FF - Mizzou Weekly, 2002

FF - Minority Hiring, 2002

FF - State of Missouri - Department of Natural Resources - "Celebrating African-American History", n.d.

FF - MU Alumni Association - Mizzou magazine, Winter 2003

FF - MU Organization Chart, 2002

FF - Minority Affairs and Faculty Development (MAFD) - Annual Report, 1996-1997

FF - McNair Scholars Program, 2002

FF - Missouri Association for Blacks in Higher Education (MABHE), 2001-2002

FF - MAIPFD - Correspondence, 2002

FF - Job Opening - Administrative Associate I, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

Box 19 - 053262 [return to top]


FF - Faculty Development Project Awards, 2001-2002

FF - Educational Assistance Program Form, 2002

FF - European Union Academic Cabinet, 2002

FF - Enrollment Management, 2002

FF - European Union Student Association, 2002

FF - Extension, 2002

FF - Excellence in Learning, 2002

FF - New Faculty Reception, 2002

FF - MU Faculty Awards, 2003

FF - Educational Technology, 2002

FF - Faculty-Alumni Awards, 2002

FF - Faculty Council, 2002

FF - Faculty Development Advisory Committee, 1997-2002

FF - Faculty Development Workshop/Retreat, 2002

FF - Four Directions (Native American Student Organization), 2002

FF - Fulbright Scholars, 2002

FF - Financial Aid, 2002

FF - Faculty Development Advisory Committee, 2001-2002

FF - New Faculty Orientation, 2002

FF - Funding Requests, 2002

FF - Fundraisers, 2002

FF - Diversity and Outreach Initiatives for Engineering - Alisa J. Warren, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Diversity and Outreach Initiatives for Engineering - Donna L. Ferris, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Diverse Faculty Meeting Materials, 2001-2002

FF - US Department of Education, 2002

FF - College of Education, 2002

FF - Edward Jones, 2002

FF - English Department, 2002

FF - College of Engineering, 2002

FF - Dean's Engineering Advisory Council - Diversity in Engineering, 2002

FF - Deans Retreat, 2002

FF - Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, 2002

FF - Disability Mentoring Day, 2002

FF - Brady Deaton Bio, 2002

FF - Disability Services, 2002

FF - Development and Fundraising Campaign, 2002

FF - Department Chair Retreat, 2002

FF - MU Diversity Council, 1998-2002

FF - Colleague Circle, 2002

FF - MU Chairs Council, 2002

FF - MU Community Relations, 2002

FF - Council for Opportunity in Education, 11/2002

FF - Council of Deans, 2002

FF - Council of Research Administrators, 2002

FF - Corporate Council on Africa, 2002

FF - Council on International Initiatives, 2002

Box 20 - 053263 [return to top]


FF - Guidelines for Non-Regular Faculty, 2002

FF - Graduate School, 2002

FF - Grant Data, 2002

FF - Greater Missouri Leadership Challenge, 2002

FF - Tim Gallimore, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Grievances, 2002

FF - Heartland's Alliance for Minority Participation (HAMP), 2002

FF - Harvard Institute for Higher Education, 2002

FF - School of Health-Related Professions, 2002

FF - Hispanic Heritage Month, 2002

FF - Hispanic and Latin American Faculty and Staff Association (HLAFSA), 2002

FF - Human Rights and Diversity Enhancement Awards Banquet (includes photo negatives), 2002

FF - College of Human Environmental Sciences, 2002

FF - History Department, 2002

FF - Human Resources - Policies and Updates, 2002

FF - Hues Publication, n.d.

FF - International Center, 2002

FF - International Center - Director/Interim Associate Vice Provost for International Programs, 2002

FF - International Initiatives, 2002

FF - Office of Institutional Research, 2002

FF - The Indus Foundation, 2002

FF - Ivory Coast, 2002

FF - Jewish Student Organization, 2002

FF - Jazz Series/Concert Series, 2002

FF - KBIA-FM, 2002

FF - School of Law, 2002

FF - MU Leadership Program, 2002

FF - MU Learning Center, 2002

FF - Legion of Black Collegians, 2002

FF - Life Sciences Undergraduate Program, 2002

FF - Lumina Foundation for Education, 2002

FF - Lumina Foundation - College Goal Sunday Workshop, 9/19/2002

FF - Martin Luther King, 2002

FF - MAIPFD - Faculty Development, 2002

FF - Missouri Students Association (MSA), 2002

FF - MAIPFD - Directors Meetings, 2002

FF - MAIPFD - Noor Azizan-Gardner, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - MAIPFD - Office Support Staff III Position, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - MAIPFD - Executive Staff Assistant I Position, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - MAIPFD - Staff Meetings, 2002

Box 21 - 053264 [return to top]


FF - Black Culture Center, 2002

FF - Black Faculty and Staff Organization (BFSO), 2002

FF - Black Studies, 2002

FF - Black Expo, 2002

FF - Big Twelve Universities Presence in the European Union, 2001-2002

FF - MU Campus Climate Study, 2002

FF - Black History Month, 2002

FF - Chronicle for Higher Education, 2002

FF - Office of Chancellor, 2002

FF - Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE), 2002

FF - Committee on Opportunities and Status of Black Agricultural Economists (COSBAE), 2002

FF - Campus Facilities - Strategic Plan, 2002

FF - Candidate CVs, 2002

FF - City of Columbia, 2002

FF - Conference Office, 2002

FF - Black Caucus, 2002

FF - Big 12 Faculty Fellowships - Mark D. Kirk, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Big 12 Faculty Fellowships - Keith Eggener, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Big 12 Faculty Fellowships - Instructions, 1999-2003

FF - Big 12 Faculty Fellowships, 2002

FF - Big 12 Faculty Fellowships - Peter Wilden, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Big 12 Faculty Fellowships - Martin Camargo, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Dallas Browne, PhD, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - College of Business, 2002

FF - Budget, 2002

FF - America's Promise, 2002

FF - Asian Affairs, 2002

FF - ADA Coordinator, 2002

FF - Affirmative Action Guidelines - Dismissal of Appointment, 2002

FF - Affirmative Action - Correspondence, 2002

FF - College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR), 2002

FF - College of Arts and Science, 2002

FF - Black History Month - Cecil Abraham, 2002

FF - Black Faculty and Staff Organization (BFSO) - News Articles, 2002

FF - American Council on Education (ACE), 2002

FF - Academic Planning Committee, 2002

FF - Nicole Abbott, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - Academic Affairs, 2002

FF - Academic Retention Services - Annual Report, 1999-2000

FF - Admissions/Registrar, 2002

FF - ACE - Fellow Conference, 2/2002

FF - Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), 2002

FF - AACU - Diversity and Learning Conference, 10/2002

FF - MU Alumni Association - Faculty Incentive Grant Program, 2002

FF - American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA), 2002


FF - ACE Trip, 2/18/2002

FF - Women's and Gender Studies, 2003

Box 22 - 053265 [return to top]


FF - Minority- and Women-Owned Businesses, 2002

FF - Clippings File, 2000

FF - Coca-Cola Ambassadors Scholarship Program, 2000-2001

FF - Committees, 1997-2000

FF - Concert Series, 2001-2002

FF - Council of Deans, 2001

FF - Council of Research, 2001

FF - Council on International Initiatives, 2001

FF - Chancellor's Report, "Landscape for Learning", 1999-2000

FF - Lampo Leong, 2001 [RESTRICTED]

FF - American Council on Education (ACE), 1999-2001

FF - College of Arts and Science, 2000-2001

FF - American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA), 2001

FF - Admissions/Registrar, 2000-2001

FF - College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR), 2001

FF - African American, Hispanic, Asian and Native American (AHANA) Journalism Workshop, 1997-1998, 2001

FF - Affirmative Action Report, 2001

FF - Diversity Strategic Plan, 2001

FF - Provost Staff Correspondence, 2002

FF - Ben Phelps, 2002 [RESTRICTED]

FF - President's Academic Cabinet, 2002

FF - Program for Excellence in Teaching (PET), 2002

FF - Provost Correspondence, 2002

FF - Child Care Center Task Force, 2001

FF - Department Chair Retreat, 1996-2001

FF - Disability Services, 2001

Box 23 - 053266 [return to top]


FF - Multicultural Affairs, 2000-2001

FF - Multicultural Resource Center, 1999-2001

FF - Minority Affairs Committee, 2000-2001

FF - MAIPFD - Correspondence, 1998, 2001

FF - MAIPFD - Publications, 1996, 1998

FF - MAIPFD - Salaries and Wages, 2001

FF - MAIPFD - Vice Provost Search Committee, 2001

FF - MAIPFD - Vice Provost Dr. Handy Williamson, 2001

FF - Mission Enhancement, 2000-2001

FF - Mission Enhancement Faculty, 2001

FF - MAIPFD - Staff Meeting Minutes, 2000-2001

FF - MAIPFD - Staff Meeting Minutes, 2001-2002

FF - MAIPFD - Directors Meeting Minutes, 2001

FF - McNair Scholars Program, 2000-2001

FF - Minority Awareness Program (MAP), 1997

FF - Minority Affairs Task Force, 2000-2001

FF - School of Medicine, 2001

FF - Minority Recruitment and Retention Task Force, 2000-2001

FF - Life Sciences, 2000-2001

FF - National Student Exchange, 2000

FF - NAACP, 2001

FF - NASULGC, 2001

FF - NASULGC Conference, 11/2001

FF - New Faculty Orientation and Banquet, 2001

FF - New Faculty Teaching Scholars Program, 2001

FF - School of Nursing, 2001

FF - School of Nursing, 2000

FF - Online Department Directory (ODD), n.d.

FF - Organizational Charts, 1997-1998

FF - Photographs (includes photographic prints, negatives and slides), n.d.

FF - Post-Doctoral Hiring Plans, 2000-2001

FF - President's Academic Leadership Institute - Correspondence, 2001-2002

FF - Program for Excellence in Teaching, 2001

FF - Project Request Forms, 1993

FF - Provost Correspondence, 2001

FF - Provost Staff - General Information, 2001

FF - Provost Staff Meetings, 2000-2001

FF - Provost Staff Correspondence, 2001

FF - Provost Staff Retreat, 2001

FF - MU Publications, 2001

FF - Recruitment/Retention Program, 2001

FF - Office of Research, 1998-2001

Box 24 - 124577 [return to top]


Binder - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan, 1992

Binder - UMC ADA Transition Plan Overview, 1992

Binder - UMC ADA Transition Plan, A-H, 1992

Binder - UMC ADA Transition Plan, L-U, 1992

Return to C:1/34/10 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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