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Box Lists for C:1/141/40Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - 054167 [return to top][A21-70] FF - Student Activities, 1975 FF - Sinclair Research Farm, 1969 FF - Press Releases - Sesquicentennial, 1988-1989 FF - Sesquicentennial, 1989 FF - Dan Devine, 1959-2002 FF - Brady Deaton, 1988-2013 FF - African Americans, 1990 FF - Art and Archaeology, 1970-1992 FF - Biological Sciences, 1977 FF - Engineering - Missouri Honor Awards, 1978, 1983-1985 FF - Faculty (includes William Elder, Abe Eisenstark, George Eggers, Francis Edwards (Rolla), Joseph Edmondson, Kitty Dickerson, Robert Eastman, and Richard Finkelstein), 1966 FF - Human Environmental Sciences (including Social Work), 2012-2014 FF - Health Professions, 2013 FF - Nursing, 2011-2014 FF - Faculty, D (includes David Dunn and Botany Greenhouse, Wayne Dumas, Phyllis Drennan, Richard Douty, Carolyn Dorsey, Richard Dohm, Thomas Dougherty, and Ralph Dobbs), 1960-1997 FF - Faculty, E (includes Doug Ensminger, Richard English, Bus Entsminger, Raymond Ethington, and Karl Evans), 1962-1970 FF - John H. Wolpers (printer's embossed proofs for photograph and caption), n.d. FF - Hatch Library (includes negatives and printer's embossed proofs), n.d. FF - Miscellaneous subjects - includes Larry Schroeder, ParentLink, autism, research, Nursing, and Health and Nutrition, 2011-2013 FF - Carolyn Dorsey, 1987 FF - Walter Daniel, n.d. FF - Nelson Cowan, n.d. FF - Buildings (includes Memorial Union, Reynolds Alumni Center, Biological Sciences Building, Veterinary Medicine buildings, Journalism buildings, Natatorium, Mumford Hall, University Hospital including ambulances, ca. 1950s, Black Culture Center, The Shack, and Agricultural Engineering Building), 1959-1997 FF - Buildings (includes Veterinary Medicine, The Shack, old Alumni Center and Reynolds Alumni Center, Hulston Hall, Swallow Hall, Residence Halls, Stone Lions, B&PA Building (Middlebush Hall), Women's Gymnasium (McKee Gymnasium), McHaney Hall, Mathematical Science Center, Livestock Center, Lowry Hall, Industrial Education Building (London Hall), Heinkel Building, Lee Hills Hall, Social Sciences Building, General Classroom Building/GCB/Strickland Hall), 1931-2001 FF - Law School (including Lloyd Gaines), 1992-2006 FF - Roy Fisher, n.d. FF - Hearnes Center, 1969-1980 FF - Jesse Hall and Jesse Auditorium, 1953-1954, 1991-1995 FF - Ellis Library, 1983 FF - Research Park/MU Research Reactor (MURR), ca. 1970 FF - Journalism School Addition (Gannett Hall), 1977-1978 FF - Gentry Hall, n.d. FF - Geology Building, 1964 FF - A.P. Green Chapel, 1959-1963 Box 2 - 054194 [return to top][A21-70] FF - People, A (includes J. Malcolm Asplund, Wayne Anderson, Philip Anderson, Don Anderson, Gary Allee, and Thomas Alexander), 1966-1981 FF - Accessibility, ca. 1968 FF - Autism, 2008 FF - People, B (includes Billings, Brick Lecture, Samuel Brody, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Brooks, Bussabarger, and Gerald Brouder), 1961-1989 FF - Buildings - Columns, n.d. FF - Buildings - Residence on the Quad, n.d. FF - Buildings - Memorial Stadium, ca. 1960, 1989 FF - Buildings - Francis Quadrangle (including Morris Frederick Bell), n.d. FF - Buildings - Miscellaneous (includes Chemistry Building and Linus Pauling, Mathematical Science Building, Ellis Library and Middlebush Hall dedication, Conley House, Brady Commons, Yielding Spire sculpture, Fine Arts Building, Lowry Hall, aerial photo, and Student Health Center), ca. 1947-1986 FF - Buildings - Brady Commons - Food Court, 1996 FF - People, C (includes Robert Callis and Lucinda Callendar), n.d. FF - CASE District VI Awards, 2000 FF - Cheerleaders and Mascots, 1973-1977 FF - Commencement, n.d. FF - Diversity/Discrimination, n.d. FF - E (includes Enrollment Management, Environmental Health, and Experts Guide), 1965, 1989-1999 FF - Edison Dynamo, n.d. FF - College of Education (including Lab School), n.d. FF - Evans Scholars and Evans House Dedication, 1969 FF - Graduate Symposium on Learning, 7/1970 FF - People, H (includes Timothy Heinsz, Edward Hunvald Jr., Helmick, James Holleran, Thomas Harris, Peter Hasselriis, and Peter Hall), 1957-ca. 1988 FF - Governor Warren Hearnes, n.d. FF - People, I (includes Gail Imig), n.d. FF - India and Indian Students, 1960-1962 FF - Jefferson Day and Jefferson Monument, 1969-1984 FF - Journalism, 1968-1995 FF - Journalism - "Research and Scholarly Achievements", 1988-1991 FF - Journalism - "Annual Report to IBM", 2/1990 FF - Law School, 1980-2004 FF - Lions Eye Bank, n.d. FF - School of Medicine, 1985-1986 FF - Microfiche (includes Medicine, Library Science, Air Force ROTC, Engineering, and Home Economics), 1966-1974 FF - Miss America Debbye Turner, 1990 FF - Mizzou Tigers for Tigers, 1999-2001 FF - Mizzou Magic, 1989-1990, 2002 FF - Missouri State Seal, 1964 FF - Missouri Scholars Academy, 1993 FF - Missouri Students Association - MSA President David Ridley, 1991 FF - Peace Corps, 1961-1966 FF - People - Miscellaneous (includes R.B. Price, Major General Burton Moore, Lloyd Bruce, Father Kemper of the Newman Center, Ben Johnson, and Jay Craven), 1961-1988 FF - Planning (includes Campus Master Plan, 1991, and Pedestrian Campus Plan), n.d. FF - Police/Traffic Safety, n.d. FF - R (includes Barbara Reys and Robert Reys, Research, Donovan Rhynsburger, Erica Rutherford, and Don Ruggles), 1946-2000 FF - University Seals, Symbols and Songs, n.d. FF - Veterinary Medicine, 1994-2001 FF - College of Home Economics - "Presentation Outline for Program Review Committee", 1982 Box 3 - 054195 [return to top][A21-70] FF - ROTC, n.d. FF - "Proposal to Implement Improvements to the University of Missouri Columbia Medical Center Financial and Information Systems", 10/24/1978 FF - NCAA Investigation, 11/1990 FF - Confluence St. Louis/Kansas City Consensus Higher Education Task Force - "Competitive Edge: Investing in Higher Education for Missouri's Future", 4/1990 FF - Missouri Business Alliance for Quality Education - "Preparing for Missouri's Future", 12/1990 FF - Clipping File - Personnel Issues/Embezzlement, 1994-1997 FF - Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution - Activity Report, 1997-1998 FF - African Americans - subjects include Black History Month, Black Studies, and Afro-Hispanic Review, 1986-1988 FF - Steve Weinberg, 1989 FF - Chancellors (includeds Haskell Monroe, Charles Kiesler, Barbara Uehling and John Schwada), n.d. FF - Buildings (includes aerial photos, Sanborn Field, post-World War II temporary buildings, Pershing Group, Jesse Hall, University Hospital, Academic Hall, Tiger Mosaic/Tiger Spot, Hatch Library, and Lowry Hall), ca. 1892-2001 FF - Charles Peterson, 1982-1995 FF - Perry Parrigin, 1962-1974 FF - James Pastoret, 1960 FF - MU Research Reactor, 1961-1966 FF - Walter Daniel, 1987 FF - YWCA International Mart, 1967-1971 FF - Events (includes Parents' Day, YMCA Fulton Project, and unidentified events), 1968-1969 FF - People - Unidentified, n.d. FF - People, A-C (includes John Wayne Anderson, Max Alleger, Julia Bronson, D. Michael Cheers, James Craigmile, and Michael Crawford), 1987-1990 FF - People, D-F (includes Jim Dutton, Wayne Decker, C. LeRoy Day, Thomas Davis, Grant Darkow, James O. Davis, Floyd DeLon, Elmer Ellis, Bernard Ewigman, Donald Fancher, Paul fisher Jr., Erik Fritzell, Edmund Ford Jr., John Franz, and William Fratcher), 1959-1988 FF - People, G-H (includes Charles Gehrke, Robert Goodman, Thomas Good, Donald Graham, Barton Griffith, Norman Gysbers, Herbert Goldberg, Robert Hemenway, David Hall, Franklin Harris, Tim Heinsz, and Hitzhusen), 1962-1980 FF - People, J-L (includes Johnson, Silvia Jurisson, Nicholas Johnson, Ronald Kelley, Ronald King, Walter Keller, Gordon Kimber, Robert Kahrs, John Kuhlman, Nikki Krawitz, Koenig, Mary Lago, Ed Lambeth, Peter Loeb, and Eunice Pat Lieurance), 1935-2002 FF - People, M (includes Al McGinnes, John McGowan, Ken McFate, Martha Martin, Robert Manhart, Edith Mitchell, Wilbur Miller, Owen Miller, Wil Miller, David McCullough, Cassy McGinnis, Matt Meyer, Martinez, Robert McNamara, Fred Martz, Ron Mason, and Roland Meinert), 1954-1993 FF - People, N-O (includes Ralph Nelson, Dennis O'Brien, and James Oglesby), 1988-1995 FF - People, P (includes Ronald Phillips, Richard Pettway, William Pfander, Michael Podgursky, Mihai Popovici, Richard Presberry, Richard Potter, M. Gilbert Porter, Alexander Pickard and Anne-Marie Pickard, and Randy Prather), 1963-2001 FF - People, R-S (includes Eric Rutherford, Don Ruggles, Gus Ridgel, Richard Ross, Norman Rabjohn, Adolf Schroeder, Gyna Spender, Janet Smith, and Ernie and Lottie Sears), 1971-2000 FF - People, T-W (includes John Twente, Andrew Twaddle, Pattye Volz, Steve Van Doren, Wynn Volkert, Paul Wallace, Weldon Webb, Bruce Wilson, and Clark Watts), 1967-2003 FF - Events (includes Greek Week, Danforth Plant Science Center, Sheryl Crow at Homecoming, Tiger Spot, Clinton-Gore campaign stops, student activities, Missouri Legislative Black Caucus Foundation Weekend, Faculty-Alumni Awards, Mort Walker and Beetle Bailey sculpture, University of the Western Cape visit, Paine Lectures in Religion, and unidentified events), 1940-2004 FF - Press Releases and Information Brochures (includes College of Engineering, early retirement, Africa, College of Agriculture, KOPN interference, anti-apartheid protesters, "Dry 2000", State of Missouri, M-Book, Phi Beta Kappa, PARTY, and the Buckley Amendment), 1980-2007 Box 4 - UMLD1 [return to top][A21-70] Item - Patch, Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Health - Show Me State Games, 1987 Item - Film, 16mm - Francis Quadrangle, n.d. Item - Photographic Slides, with accompanying documents - Sarah Colby Weaver, 1999-2007 Item - Photographic Slides - Henry Lowe, 1977 Item - Photographic Slides - Jesse Hall, Columns, Francis Quadrangle, and Lowry Street/Memorial Tower, 1977-1985 Item - Audiocassette - "Between the Lines" - Fred vom Saal, 8/22/1994 Item - Audiocassette - KFRU Interview with Chancellor Kiesler, 11/2/1993 Item - Audiocassette - Charles Schroeder, Black Culture Center, 9/28/1995 Item - Audiocassette - KFRU interview with Provost Ed Sheridan, 5/15/1995 Item - CD-R - Center for Agricultural, Resource and Environmental Systems - Web Launch Presentation, 11/29/2000 Item - CD-R - "Christian's MU in the News", 2005 Item - CD-R - "Jennifer's MU in the News", 2005 Item - CD-R - "Jeremy's MU in the News", 2005 Item - CD-R - Tiger Plaza Virtual Tour, n.d. Item - CD-R - "Beth Interviews - Bites/Long Interview", n.d. Item - CD-R - Audio Files - John Standsfield and Don Dey, MU Extension, n.d. Item - DVD-R - MRI Press Conference with the University of Missouri, "Fuel Tank Technology", 2/16/2007 Item - DVD-R - Brain Imaging Center, KOMU, 10/20/2008 Item - DVD-R - Missouri Scholars Academy, 6/9/2009 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: November 2021
Revised: 10 November 2021
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