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Box Lists for C:1/141/39

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - 058771 [return to top]


FF - President Manuel Pacheco, 1997-1998

FF - President's Office - Administration, 1987-1988, 1995

FF - Chancellor Uehling Press Briefings, 11/1985

FF - Chancellor Briefing, 11/1985

FF - Chancellor Press Conference, 12/1985

FF - Chancellor Press Conference, 12/1985 (cont'd)

FF - Chancellor Press Conference, 4/1986

FF - Chancellor's Update, 4-5/1987

FF - Interim President Mel George, 7-12/1984

FF - President C. Peter Magrath, 1985

FF - Athletics - includes Memorial Stadium Expansion and NCAA infractions, 1983, 1990

FF - President Elson Floyd, 2002

FF - President George Russell - Speech to Board of Curators, 12/5/1991

FF - President Russell - Editorials, 1992

FF - President Russell - Student Fee Task Force Report, 1991

FF - President Russell - Clippings file, 1991-1996

FF - Chancellor John Schwada (includes speeches, statements regarding student protests, press releases, and text of Walter Cronkite commencement speech entitled "The Case for Dissent" [A copy of the speech is available here]), 1970

FF - President James C. Olson, 1983 (includes C.V. and photographs)

FF - President Olson - Press Releases, 1976-1984

FF - President Olson - Clippings file, 1976-1984

FF - President Olson - Speeches, 1976-1984

FF - President C. Brice Ratchford, 1971-1972

FF - President Ratchford - Biographic Sketch and Investiture Program, 1972

FF - President Ratchford - Press Releases, 1972-1976

FF - President Ratchford - Statements, 1970-1974

FF - President Ratchford - Statements, 1975-1976

FF - President Ratchford - Biographical Information (includes photograph and information on Ratchford's wife, Betty Brown Ratchford), 1971, 1997

FF - President Elmer Ellis - Press Releases and Clippings, 1955-1966, 1989

FF - President Ellis - Speeches, 1964-1966

FF - Ruth Clapper Ellis (Mrs. Elmer Ellis), 1955-1966 (includes photographic negatives and prints)

FF - President Ellis - Biographical Materials, 1955-1966, 1971-1983

FF - President C. Peter Magrath - Clippings file, 1985-1991 (includes photographic prints and negatives)

Box 2 - 058805 [return to top]


FF - President C. Peter Magrath - Option 3 Committee, 1989

FF - Diane Skomars Magrath (Mrs. C. Peter Magrath), 1985 (includes photographs of President Magrath, Mrs. Magrath, and Melvin George)

FF - Clippings file - President Search, 1983-1985

FF - Missouri Higher Education Show Me the Future: The Case for Increased Support of Missouri Higher Education, 10/1989

FF - Report of the Committee to Improve the University of Missouri, 3/14/1986

FF - Chancellor John Schwada - Press Releases, 1964-1970

FF - Chancellor Schwada - Biographical Sketches, 1964-1970

FF - Chancellor Schwada - Chancellor's Receptions, 1964-1970 (includes photographic prints and negatives)

FF - Chancellor Barbara Uehling - Press Releases, 1986

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Press Releases, 1985

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Press Releases, 1984

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Press Releases, 1983

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Press Releases, 1982

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Press Releases, 1981

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Press Releases, 1980

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Press Releases, 1979

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Press Releases, 1978

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Articles and Speeches, 1978-1985 (also includes remarks by Chancellor Haskell Monroe to Faculty Council, 3/13/1990)

FF - Press Releases and Clippings - Uehling Resignation and Chancellor Search, 1986-1987

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings file, 1986-1987

FF - Chancellor Herbert Schooling - Press Releases, 1970-1978

FF - Chancellor Schooling - Correspondence, 1970-1978

FF - Chancellor Schooling - Press Releases and Clippings file, 1980-1987

FF - Chancellor Schooling - Speeches and Statements, 1971-1978

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Long Range Planning (includes Academic Future Committee), 1978-1985

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Chancellor's Leadership Class, 1986

FF - Chancellor Uehling, 1978-1986, 2003

FF - President Elson Floyd - Clippings file, 2002-2003

FF - President C. Peter Magrath - Clippings file, 1984-1985, 1988

FF - "From the Office of the President" (bound volume), 1967

FF - Ruberta Harwell Weaver (Mrs. John C. Weaver), 1968 (includes photographs and CV)

FF - President John C. Weaver - Speeches, 1966-1967

Box 3 - 058834 [return to top]


FF - President Weaver - Speeches, 1968-1970

FF - President Weaver - Press Releases, 1966

FF - President Weaver - Press Releases, 1967-1970

FF - President Weaver - Inauguration, 4/14/1967

FF - President Weaver - Biographical Sketches and Photographs, 1966-1970

FF - Chancellor Barbara Uehling - Editorial, Missourians for Higher Education, 1986

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Chancellor's Briefings, 1986

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Issues, 1978-1986

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Budget, 1981-1986

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Achievements, 1978-1986

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Biography/Resume, 1977-1986

FF - Chancellor Uehling, 1986

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings file, 1984-1987, ca. 1994

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings file, 1987

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings file, 1986

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings file, 1983

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings and Statements, 1986-1987

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings file, 1985

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings file, 1982

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings file, 1981

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings file, 1980

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings file, 1979

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Clippings file, 1978

FF - Dr. Boyd Carter - Photographs (includes prints and negatives) and Clippings file, 1968

FF - Office of the President - Photographs and Press Releases - subjects include C. Peter Magrath inauguration and President's Residence (Providence Point), 1985-1986

Box 4 - UMLD1 [return to top]


FF - Photographs - Past Presidents (includes prints, slides and negatives of Presidents Ellis and Weaver; Chancellors Schwada, Baker, Bugg, Whaley, Uehling; Vernon Wilson, and others), 1965-1981

FF - Photographs - Past Presidents (includes list of past presidents and chancellors, and photographs of the following individuals: Leslie Cowan, Elmer Ellis, Stratton D. Brooks, Frederick Middlebush, Samuel Spahr Laws, Daniel Read, Isidor Loeb, William Wilson Hudson, James Shannon, John Hiram Lathrop, John Carleton Jones, Richard Henry Jesse, Albert Ross Hill, James Shannon Blackwell, Frederick Putnam Spalding, Benjamin B. Minor, George H. Matthews, and Michael Montgomery Fisher), 1841-1985

FF - President Ratchford - Photographs, 1971-1976

FF - President Elmer Ellis - Photographs (includes prints and negatives of Ellis with Ruth Ellis, Presidents Middlebush and Weaver, Chancellor Schwada, Sargent Shriver, and others), 1944-1964

FF - Chancellor Schwada - Photographs (includes prints and negatives), 1964-1970

FF - Chancellor Schooling - Photographs (includes prints, negatives, and slides), 1970-1978

FF - Chancellor Uehling - Photographs (includes prints, negatives and slides), 1978-1986

Return to C:1/141/39 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled: August 2017
Revised: 23 April 2024