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Box Lists for C:1/131/7

Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s).

Box 1 - UMLD1 [return to top]


FF - H-Hib
Hagee, George M., 1931
Hager, George C.
Haile, Bill
Hall, Flem Richard, 1935
Halterman, Adrian G., 1934
Halwe, William H., 1934
Hann, George W.
Harkins, Thomas H., 1933
Harris, Gilbert, 1926
Harris, Paul P.
Hazell, James Graham, 1934
Heinkel, Fred V.
Henley, William G., 1936
Heron, Mrs. Lawrence I., 1933
Hibbard, Frederick

FF - Hil-Hy
Hill, Dr William H., 1934
Hogan, Percy
Holt, Dr Ivan Lee, 1933
Hood, Gail B.
Hopkin David W. Sr.
Hotchkins, L. D.
Hubbell, Marvin T., 1935
Hubbell, Mrs Marvin T., 1935
Hudson, Jay William (3 photographs)
Hunn, Arthur T., 1935
Hunter, Elmo B.
Hunter Oak (2 photographs)
Hyde, Judge Lawrence, 1963
Hyde, Son of Judge Lawrence, 1963

FF - J-Joh
Jackson, Mr and Mrs Richard and Family, 1952
Jackson, William F., 1933
Jacobs, Morris E.
Jacobs, Nathan
Jacobs, Nathan
James, Charles and Cox and Kuhlmann
James, Gilbert, 1934
Jeans, W. V.
Jennett, James Harvey, 1935
Jeske, Fred B., 1934
Jesse, W. P., 1939
Johnson, George R., 1934
Johnson, George W.
Johnson, John T., 1933
Johnson, Nelson H., 1936
Johnson, Mrs R. Dean
Johnson, Terryl F. Jr, 1944
Johnson, Waldo P., 1934

FF - Jon-Kea
Jones, T. Melville Jr, 1934
Jones, Walter W. 1935
Jones, Webster N.
Jones, William T., 1932
Just, Arnold, 1929
Kagsdale, Dale R.
Kander, Allen
Karnes, Merle
Karrasch, Richard J., 1940
Kaucher, Dorothy
Kautz, Betty, 1938
Kearney, James R. Jr (2 photographs), 1935
Keath, Howard B. 1929

FF - Kel-Kle
Keller, Grape F., 1954
Kellman, Dr. Sarah
Kelly, Clement T., 1931
Kenton, Gus
Kercheval, Royal D., 1931
Kerckhoff, Richard D.
Kilpatrick, Harold R., 1934
Kincaid, Hiram, 1935
King, Laura Rollins, 1934
Kinney, Harrison
Kinsella, Stephen Raymond, 1934
Kiskaddon, A. H.
Kizer, Raymond A., 1933
Klein, Archie B.
Klein, George

FF - Kli-Ku
Kline, V. C.
Klinkerfuss, George H., 1935
Knight, Dr John Swan, 1935
Knight, Reed
Knopp, Amos A., 1934
Knowles, Dr Lois
Koenig, Walter M., 1935
Kokin, Walter
Kopplin, David G., 1934
Kraft, Kenneth, 1935
Krapfel, Winifred
Krause, Albert, 1931
Krause, David T., 1950
Kuhn, Leland W., 1935
Kunkel, L. O.

FF - L-Len
Lacossitt, Henry D.
Laffoon, Carthrae Merette (2 photographs), ca. 1934
Landau, Argo E., 1934
Lankford, Charles H., 1938
La Pierre, C. W., 1925
Lasar, Edward G., 1931
Lathrop, Gordon
Lathrop, John H. (2 photographs)
Lauderdale, Irwing J., 1934
Lawson, Leonidas Moreau
Leach, Lester L.
Lede, Basil M. Jr, 1934
Le Ment, H. W. (group photograph), 1926
Lentz, Chis D., 1918

FF - Leo-Log
Leonard, Albert H.
Levenson, Adrian M., 1933
Levy, M. D., 1929
Libby, V. F.
Limmerick, Paul, 1927
Lindsay, Miss Malvina
Lipscomb, Ben Deweese, 1934
Lloyd, Clarence M., 1934
Lockwood, Marquis H.
Loeb, Benjamin M.
Loeb, Isidor (2 photographs), 1929, 1935
Loeb, Virgil, 1933
Logan, E. A.

FF - Lon-Ly
Long, Charles D.
Long, Charles L.
Long, Ernestine Martha Joulliah,1935
Long, Janet
Long, Wilfred F.
Loomis Family
Lovejoy, Arthur, 1939
Lowery, Dr. Lawson G.
Lowry, Thomas
Lucas, William C., 1934
Lunt, Joseph Bernard, 1934
Lyman, Forest S.
Lynes, Marion Russell, 1935

FF - M-Mars
Mack, Dr. Pauline Berry
Maddux, Dr. Paul, 1933
Maestre, Sidney, 1924
Mahan, George A., 1934
Mahan, Lynn C., 1938
Mahoney, Tom
Manly, William G.
Mann, Frank C., 1940
Marbut, C. T. (2 photographs), 1960
Marks, Morris F., 1936
Marsh, Edward G. Jr (2 copies), 1937
Marshall, Elton L. (3 photographs), 1935, 1940<\p>

FF - Mart-McCo
Martin, Mrs. Doris (includes descriptive memorandum from the Armed Service Forces)
Matheson, Richard
Maull, Louis Charles Jr, 1935
May, Judge Allen
Mayo, Charles H.
Mayo, William J.
Mayo, William Worrall, ca. 1886
McBride, Ben B., 1934
McBride, Walter E., 1935
McBurney, Adeline, 1933
McCary, Thomas E.
McCaslin, Stravsie
McCleary, Dean, 1944
McCollum, James Albert Jr, 1935
McCormick, Paul, 1934

FF - McCr-McI
McCray, Harry C., 1935
McCutcheon, Ernest
McDaniel, Frank M.
McDaniel, Guy
McDaniel, Lawrence
McDonald, R. H., 1935
McElwee, Claud
McEnnis, L. J.
McFadden, Volney
McFadden, Volney and Family (Robert, Barbara, Lucille, Marilyn, John), 1934
McGee, Irwin Calvin, 1935
McGough, Dr. E. T.
McGuine, Bill
McIlroy, Wilmer L., 1936
McIntyre, Mary

FF - McK-Me
McKim, Horace, 1934
McKinney, Leo E., 1935
McMaster, Clifford M., 1929
McMath, Allan, 1935
McMillan, Harry, 1923
McMillen, James A., 1930
McNaire, Marion J., 1928
McPheeters, Harold M., 1931
McQuitty, Roy M., 1935
Mellow, Captain Ernest E.
Mendleton, Dorothy E., 1949
Mertz, Edwin Theodore
Messmer, Edgar L., 1935
Meyer, Gustov Henry, 1935
Meyer, Serkes, 1936
Meyerhardt, Dr. Milton H., 1936

FF - Mi-Mon
Miller, Alan B.
Miller, Edward H.
Miller, Judge Franklin, 1931
Miller, J. Ben, 1935
Miller, Paul Wright
Miller, Dr. Robert B.,1942
Mills, A. K.
Mills, Thelma (Dean of Women)
Milster, Ben C., 1934
Miner, Mrs William R., 1933
Mitchell, Homer R., 1935
Mize, Joe
Mollenkamp, Max, 1939
Montgomery, Charles Francis

FF - Moo-Mot
Moore, Burnes V., 1934
Moore, Harold J.
Moore, William D., 1935
Morehead, George L., 1935
Moretta, Walter J., 1935
Morneck, Dr. Andrew
Morrier, Ray H.
Morris, Joe Alex, 1939
Morris, John R., 1949
Morse, Henry S., 1935
Mortland, Robert and Mrs Marguerite L. Stephens Mortland (3 photographs), 1927
Morton, Robert Lee, 1934
Moser, Charles (Football Player)
Mott, Frank L (Dean of Journalism), 1944

FF - Mou-Nef
Mountjoy, Grace Scholz (2 photographs), 1937
Mountjoy, Joseph L.
Mueller, Anita
Mueller, Ben H., 1934
Murto, Samuel L., 1934
Myer, Dr. Max W.
Nash, Wesley King, 1935
Naylor, John C., 1934
Naylor, John C.
Neale, Dean M. G.
Neff, Ward A. (4 photographs), ca. 1956

FF - Nel-Nie
Nelson, D. M.
Nelson, Earl F., 1931
Nelson, Q. U.
Nelson, Stanley, 1935
Nesbitt, Pleasant Pomeray, 1936
Newell, David (2 photographs)
Nibeck, Donald G., 1936
Nichols, G. S.
Nichols, Robert S., 1944
Nickell, L. A.
Niederbremer, Clifford C.
Niedner, Bob; Mr. and Mrs. Bob with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Estes
Niedorp, Harold
Niedorp, Harold with H. Banks and H. Bunker
Nielsen, Waldeman A., 1951

Box 2 - UMLD1 [return to top]


FF - Nig-Park
Norman, Hugh R.
North, David
North, Ed
Norton, Mr. and Mrs. John
Nour, Mohsen and Lebib Hitti
Nugent, James E., 1935
Nulf, Jacob Hamilton, 1935
Nussbaum, Dr. Paul B., 1930
Page, Major Earl M., 1934
Painter, Curtis N.
Park, David B., 1935
Park, Governor Guy B.
Parker, Rev Franklin F., 1933
Parker, Mrs Franklin F., 1933
Parker, William B., 1933
Parks, Robert

FF - Parr-Pin
Parry, Thomas W.
Pearcy, Elmer E., 1934
Peper, Elmer Carl (2 photographs), 1932, 1935
Peret, Harold Edmond, 1935
Perkins, R. Marlin, 1936
Perry, T. B.
Peterson, Katherine (Homecoming Queen), 1945
Pfeffer, Harold C., 1936
Pflueger, Wallace V., 1935
Phillips, Edward David, 1935
Philpott, Charles H., 1935
Pickard, Dr. John (2 photographs)
Pickett, A. W.
Pinkney, David H.

FF - Pip-Pu
Pipkin, John S., 1934
Pippin, Dru L.
Pittinger, G. C.
Polittle, Elvins, 1933
Pope, Horace
Porter, Dr. James Louis, 1936
Portner, Louis J., 1935
Potter, James A (Member of Board of Curators)
Potter, Dr. Peter
Potter, William I., 1935
Preston, Mr. and Mrs. William C., 1928
Prewitt, Dr. Provison
Price, R. Beverly (2 photographs)
Pryor, J. W., 1951
Pugsley, Edwin H., 1935
Purdy, William G., 1944

FF - Q-Re
Querbach, Earl, 1935
Quinn, Abram T., 1935
Rabenau, Philip Q., 1933
Ragland, William A.
Rahm, Adolph J. Jr, 1938
Ramsey, Robert L.
Randolph, Nancy
Rankin, Hiram Abiffe, 1936
Ravenal, Dr. M. P.
Ray, George J., 1938
Ready, John T., 1937
Reed, O. R.
Reese, Madge
Reeser, Jack A.
Rehagen, Elmer S., 1934

FF - Rh-Rob
Rhodes, Beulah, 1935
Richards, D. P. Jr, 1935
Richards, Owen M., 1937
Richards, Ralph, 1935
Richey, Frederick D.
Ridge, Frank I.
Rippey, John D., 1936
Rippin, Richard Charles, 1935
Rittman, C. R., 1937
Roache, Cornelus
Roberts, Walter R.
Robertson, Ben, 1939
Robertson, R. I., 1937
Robinson, J. Wilse Jr, 1937
Robinson, Paul E., 1936

FF - Rod-Sanf
Rodhouse, Thomas Iverson
Rollins, Frank
Rollins, James Sidney
Roos, Walter L., 1935
Roosevelt, Eleanor and Peggy Phillips
Royse, Iram O., 1935
Rubenstein, William E., 1935
Ruby, J. Craig
Rucker, Mary Celeste (includes newsclipping), 1937
Ruler, Truman A., 1936
Rusk, Howard A., 1930
Rutledge, Harry B.
Sacks, Ward Henson, 1934
Sale, Irwin, 1926
Sanford, Orin G., 1935

FF - Sant-Sco
Santiago, J. M.
Schattyn, John M. Jr, 1938
Scherer, Miss Lorena, 1935
Schlundt, Herman (Dept of Chemistry Chair)
Schowengerdt, E. E.,, 1931
Schreiner, Joseph G. Jr, 1935
Schuepbach, Caroll
Schumacher, Clark P., 1935
Schuster, Fred L.
Schuster, George
Schweitzer, Albert L., 1935
Schweitzer, Albert, 1958
Scism, Samuel F., 1935
Scott, George P., 1935
Scott, Wallace P.
Scott, Dr. William Wallace, 1946

FF - Scr-She
Scruton, George Hy Jr and Family
See, Samuel C., 1935
Seigall, Louis V.
Sellman, William N., 1938
Shannon, Edwin B., 1936
Shannon, Marion L., 1934
Shapiro, Julius A., 1935
Shapley, Harlow (2 photographs)
Sharp, Marion B., 1935
Shartel, Stratton and Dr. Glenn Hendron, 1949
Shartel, Stratton
Shaw, W. H.
Shearer, Merle H., 1935
Shelledy, Fredrick H., 1938

FF - Shi-St
Shieber, Jacob H., 1936
Shields, Theodore Roosevelt
Shockley, Marian (3 photographs)
Shoop, Duke
Sievers, John F.
Simon, Frank M., 1931
Simon, Royal L., 1934
Simpich, Joe
Simpson, W. L. Jr, 1933
Sims, Russell
Sinclair, John F.
Stephens, Sydney

FF - Missouri Wrestling Photographs (11x6, 4x5) and Negatives (20)

FF - Law Day and Houston Alumni Trip Negatives (38), 1957

FF - Savitar Queens Negatives (3- 5x7), 1926

FF - Alumni Thanksgiving Banquet Negatives (8- 4x5)

FF - Alumni Rooms and Dormitory Rooms Negatives (2- 5x7), 1906

FF - Latshaw Scott Citation of Merit Negatives (7)

FF - Oklahoma City Alumni Trip Negatives (30), 1956

FF - Football Practice Negatives (10)

FF - Alumni Reunion and Awards Banquet Negatives (40), 1957

FF - Medical Meeting Negatives (9), 1957

FF - Arts & Science Banquet Negatives (12)

FF - Faurot Banquet Negatives (15)

FF - Alumni Scholarship Holders Photographs (4- 4x5) and Negatives (4- 4x5), 1963

FF - Dallas Monitor and Dr Stephenson Negatives (5)

FF - Alumni Riding Train to Lincoln Negatives (36), 1956

FF - Medical Alumni Citation of Merit Negatives (15)

FF - Kansas City Area Alumni Banquet Negatives (7), 1957

FF - Miscellaneous Banquet Negatives (108)

FF - Miscellaneous Office Negatives (28)

FF - Miscellaneous Swimming Pool and Construction Negatives (21)

FF - Graduation Ceremony and Airport Negatives (28)

FF - Bob McLaren Negatives (6)

FF - Miscellaneous Negatives (45) - Hospital, Sports Cast, Neighborhood, Campus, Home, and Jesse Hall

Return to C:1/131/7 summary

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Revised: 28 May 2021

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