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Box Lists for C:1/121/7Note to Researcher: These records have not been processed to the level of an inventory and may therefore contain RESTRICTED material not specifically annotated as such and access may be limited in that regard. Please see the RESTRICTIONS NOTE at the end of the box list(s). Box 1 - UMLD1 [return to top][A23-19] FF 1 - Miscellaneous research material (includes correspondence between Don Holst and Dale Smith about the former's 1986 interview with Jackson Scholz, photocopies of photographs of Scholz owned by Holst, a printout of a photograph of Holst with two dogs, Holst's resume, photocopies of pages from Holst's book American Men Of Olympic Track And Field), ca. 2008 FF 2 - American Men Of Olympic Track And Field - Interviews With Athletes And Coaches by Don Holst and Marcia S. Popp, McFarland and Company, 2005 FF 3 - "An Academic Health Science Center’s Journey Toward Teaching and Delivering Patient-Centered Care" - Interview Transcriptions (Weldon Webb, Ted Groshong, Betsy Garret, Caroline Kerber, Bret Barrier, Tom Selva, Les Hall, Kirt Nichols, Karen Harris, Jack Gay, Sue Kopfle, Dennis Stambaugh, Kim Hoffman, Mark Wakefield, Jim Poehling), 2011 FF 4 - "An Academic Health Science Center's Journey Toward Teaching and Delivering Patient-Centered Care" - Research notes, 2011 Oversized Box 1 - Ellis [return to top][A23-19] Item - The Asahi Sports Magazine, Volume 2, Number 22, ca. 1924 Item - Book Jacket - Halfback On His Own by Jackson Scholz, William Morrow and Company, n.d. Item - Book Jacket - Fielder From Nowhere by Jackson Scholz, Reinforced Trade Edition, William Morrow and Company, n.d. Item - Book Jacket - Rookie Quarterback by Jackson Scholz, William Morrow and Company, n.d. Item - Stopwatch (owned by Scholz, according to Don Holst), n.d. Electronic Records [return to top][A23-19] Item - Chapter 9 ("An Academic Health Science Center's Journey Toward Teaching and Delivering Patient-Centered Care") from Educators' Stories of Creating Enduring Change: Enhancing the Professional Culture of Academic Health Science Centers (Edited by Linda Headrick and Debra Litzelman, Radcliffe Publishing, 2013), 2013 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Compiled: February 2023
Revised: 15 February 2023
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