Box 1-Ellis
Record Group: 6 C Scope and Content Note (A98-128) "Front" and "Back" will refer to the opposite sides of a given disk. Where a side is numbered, or notes from the label or original jacket allow the earliest sides in a set of records to be determined, the earlier side is referred to as "Front" "Record" and "Disk" refer to a given disk, usually by number, i.e. Record 3 (of a set of 7), and will not be abbreviated. Unless otherwise noted on the label or original jacket, the records are numbered in the order of the front sides (earliest in the sets). "Recording" refers to an entire set of "Sides" containing a given speech, performance, etc. "Recording" is abbreviated as "Rec.". Where two recordings overlap on a number of disks, the larger recording lends its name to the set, and records will be numbered according to its sides. Series Descriptions: This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Inventory Box 1 Rec. 1 - Katherine Anne Porter, reading The Downward Path To Wisdom, n.d., 1 12-inch record (commercially produced, Caedmon Records) Rec. 2 - Front: Winston Churchill, November 8, 1941; Back: Bowers, Wanda: Oral International Literature 134s, 1 12-inch record Rec. 3 - Discussion: Old Age Pensions, n.d., 2 12-inch records (label note on record 1: Leader - King) Rec. 4 - Discussion: US and Russia, January 26, 1943, 4 12-inch broadcast master records (label on record 1: James - leader. Records 2, 3, and 4 are labeled: "Panel - US and Russia") Rec. 5 - People's Platform: Should Finland Make Peace with Russia?, Professor Bower Aly, November 22, 1941, 2 12-inch broadcast master records Rec. 6 - Poet's Town, Professor John G. Neihart, May 11, 1951, 2 12-inch broadcast master records Rec. 7 - University of Missouri vs. University of Hawaii: Debate On World Government?, n.d., 8 12-inch and 3 10-inch broadcast master records Rec. 8 - National University Extension Debate: Resolved: That the United States Should Establish an Alliance with Great Britain., November 18, 1938, 4 12-inch broadcast master records Rec. 9 - University of Missouri vs. University of Wisconsin Debate: On Greek Organizations, December 7, 1945, 6 records, 4 of which are 12-inch broadcast master records and 2 of which are 16-inch broadcast master record Due to the difference in size, this recording is divided between Box #1 (The 4 12-inch records) and Box #2 (The 2 16-inch records), and listed as two recordings (labels on record: Rowan, Chancellor, and Taylor) Box 2 Rec. 1 - University of Missouri vs. University of Wisconsin Debate: On Greek Organizations, December 7, 1945, 6 records, 4 of which are 12-inch broadcast master records and 2 of which are 16-inch broadcast master record Due to the difference in size, this recording is divided between Box #1 and Box #2. and listed as two recordings. (labels on record: Rowan, Chancellor, and Taylor) Rec. 2 - Radio Lab, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 3 - Speech 305 and 106: Ad-lib, n.d., 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 4 - Speech 305 and 106: The Ruse Works from A Cask of Amontillado, May 21, 1950, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 5 - Speech 305 and 106: Reading from The Life of Beethoven, January 7, 1952, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 6 - The Champion, Speech 305 and 106 n.d., 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 7 - Speech 105, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 8 - Speech 105, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 9 - Untitled, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 10 - Sound Filter, 2 16-inch broadcast master records Rec. 11 - Debate: Discussion of Socialized Medicine, January 22, 1948, 2 16-inch broadcast master record (labels on record: Waldo, Douglass, Thurman, and Harbaugh) Rec. 12 - Discussion Class "Town Meeting": What Should Be Done About the Negro?, January 15, 1948, 3 16-inch broadcast master record (labels on last two records are labeled: "Discussion Class 'Town Meeting': Negro Education" and names on label: Fraser, Harbaugh, Morris, Nagel, and Thurman.) Rec. 13 - Discussion Class "Town Meeting": Is Radio Operating In the Public Interest?, December 12, 1946, 2 16-inch broadcast master records (title, etc. taken from jacket notes, names on jacket: Wakeman, Kay, Durr, and Woods) Rec. 14 - Dr. Bower Aly's Speech on Freedom, December 1946, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Box 3 Rec. 1 - Dr. Dale: Pioneer Speech, 1954, 2 16-inch broadcast master records Rec. 2 - University of Iowa vs. University of Missouri Debate: Negro Education, November 28, 1944, 5 16-inch broadcast master record (names on record: Mott, Christensen, Arnold, E. L. Reed, Westfall, Professor John Rufi, and Loren D. Reid) Rec. 3 - University of Michigan vs. University of Missouri Debate: Resolved: That the United States Should Adopt Universal Military Training, December 13, 1941, 2 16-inch broadcast master record (sides 1-4 of 8, the remainder are missing) Rec. 4 - University of Kansas vs. University of Missouri Debate: Resolved: That This House Deplores War Marriages, 1942-1943, 4 16-inch broadcast master record (an original debate ballot is enclosed inside the jacket of record 1 of this recording; names from record labels and ballot: Eleanor Heins, Robert Smith (Missouri), Lois Wilson, Edith Fleming (Kansas), Wendell Richmond, Robert L. Davidson, and Harry A. Bowman (panel)) Rec. 5 - Front: Little Talks On Panty Raid, ca. 1952 [RESTRICTED] [there are 9 or 10 tracks on this side, two of which contain no audible recording; digital transfer available]; Rec. 6 - Front: Radio Lab Programs; Back: Sports Show Over KDKA, Switzler, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 7 - Front: University of Chicago Round Table: Is the Freedom of Press In Danger?, April 5, 1946; Back: Speech and Voice Standards for Radio Complaints About Programming , March 16, 1947, 1 16-inch broadcast master record (note on front of record: "last part", and names on record label: Lyman, Bryson, Schuster, and Forrest) Rec. 8 - Commencement Address, Harry S Truman, June 9, 1950, 2 16-inch broadcast master records Rec. 9 - 305 Lab - Satire, October 1951, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 10 - President Harry S. Truman's Talk at the Student Union Recognition Dinner, April 13, 1954, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Box 4 Rec. 1 - Radio Lab Programs, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 2 - Radio Lab Interviews, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 3 - Program In Protest Against Congressional Un-American Investigations, October 2, 1947, 1 16-inch broadcast master record (refers to the U. S. House of Representatives Un-American Activities Committee) Rec. 4 - Speech 371 Discussion: Should Negroes be Admitted to MU?, August 20, 1947, 2 16-inch broadcast master record (names on record labels: Hudson, Thurston, McKean, Low, Kohlmeir, and Steele) Rec. 5 - Front: Round Table Discussion: Relations Between Students and Townspeople, May 1, 1950, Back: America Against Russian Aggression, May 2, 1950, 1 16-inch broadcast master record (names from front of record: Metzger, Watcher, Dyke, and Kaiser and from the back label: Stiles, Hern, McRoberts, and Nigel[?]) Rec. 6 - Discussion: Should the U.S. Re-Arm to Emergency Strength - Now? n.d., 1 16-inch broadcast master record (names on record label: "Ben Shaw"[?], Merle Schulman, Lowell Noblet, Joe Williams, and Steve Troesch) Rec. 7 - Speech 305: Decisive Years, April 7, 1952, 2 16-inch broadcast master records Rec. 8 - Speech 105 Discussion: Should the Voting Age be Lowered to 18?, December 18, 1950; Speech 105: The Happy Prince, n.d.; The Unfurnished Room n.d.; Lefty n.d., 3 16-inch broadcast master record (names on record labels: Edelson, and two others illegible) Rec. 9 - The Death of Crazy Horse, Professor Neihart, n.d., 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 10 - Transatlantic Call, March 13, 1946, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 11 - The Speaker's Voice, Dr. Charlotte Wells, n.d., 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 12 - Showcase, Dr. Aly and Congressmen, September 13, 1954, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 13 - Debate Conference, Dr. Aly and others, n.d., 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 14 - Speech 305: The Beauty of the Jacobin, May 23, 1951, 1 16-inch broadcast master record (names on record label: Booth and Larkington) Rec. 15 - Front: Speech 105 Discussions: Which is the Better Paper? Columbia Missourian or Columbia Tribune?, December 19, 1950; Back: Should Sex Education be Limited to the Home?, 1 16-inch broadcast master record (names from front of record label: Cody, Cohen, Stavely [?], and two others illegible, and from the back of the record: Flaherty, Downe, Wallace, Ward, and Guin [?]) Rec. 16 - Front: Speech 105 Discussion: Will Radio Push TV in (to the) Background?, December 18, 1950; Back: Should Veterans Be Drafted Before Non-Veterans?, 1 16-inch broadcast master record (names on front of record: Caine, Seymour, Walsh, and Mitchell, and from the back of the record: Dickthorne, Mayer, Neishoff, and two others illegible) Box 5 Rec. 1 - Front: Speech 105: Should Gambling Be Legalized?, December 19, 1950; Back: Should MU Adopt Plan of Deferred Rushing?, December 19, 1950, 1 16-inch broadcast master record (names on front of record: Biggerstuff, Surek, Posen, Rosenfeld, and Kanz, and from the back of the record: Kelly, Brod, Hungate, Ramsay, and Seidner) Rec. 2 - Continuous Broadcast by Radio Lab, n.d., 4 16-inch broadcast master records Rec. 3 - Resolved: That the Federal Government Should Own and Operate the Railroads., April 1, 1941, 2 16-inch broadcast master records Rec. 4 - University of Missouri vs. University of Texas Debate: Should the U.S. Have Conscription of Capital in the Event of War?, April 1, 1941, 3 16-inch broadcast master records Rec. 5 - Front: Reforms In Education: College Exams, May 1950; Back: Negro Hours, 1 16-inch broadcast master record (names on front of record: Arlene Stein, Mr. Armstrong, and one illegible, and from the back label of the record: Helzberg, Kaufman, Ponder, Howard, and Ivory. Rec. 6 - Speech 305 and 106: The Diamond Necklace, May 16, 1951, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 7 - Radio Lab Programs, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 8 - Radio Lab 105: Presidential Candidates, April 22, 1948, 1 16-inch broadcast master record (names on record label: Stewart, Pattison, Meyer) Rec. 9 - Radio Lab 105: Specialized Education, May 4, 1950, 1 16-inch broadcast master record (names on record label: Mr. Baine [?], Miles, Walden, and Gargiulo) Rec. 10 - Discussion Class: Should Missouri Have a Unicameral Legislature?, July 26, 1942, 1 16-inch record (back of record is labeled: side 3) Rec. 11 - Crises in Christendom, Professor Aly, October 23, 1951, 2 16-inch broadcast master records (note indicates this speech was given for a building dedication at Ohio State University) Rec. 12 - Front: Talks Program: Galen Drake; Back: Poetry: Ted Malone, October 16, 1947, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 13 Harry S Truman, December 15, 1950, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Box 6 Rec. 1 - Discussion: Should Hawaii Be Granted Statehood?, University of Missouri and University of Hawaii, n.d., 4 16-inch broadcast master records Rec. 2 - The Speaker's Language, Hollis White, n.d., 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 3 - Front: Football: University of Missouri vs. Ohio State University; Back: Army vs. Villanova, September 27, 1947, 1 16-inch broadcast master record (name on front of record label: Walt Lochman, and from the back label: Ted Husing) [A compact disc transfer of Army vs. Villanova with announcer Ted Husing added to Box 6 in 2/2003, a compact disc transfer of Missouri vs. Ohio State University with announcer Walt Lochman added to Box 6 in 3/2006] Rec. 4 - Front: Three News Announcers, September 27, 1947; Back: Football, Bill Stern (Minnesota vs. Washington), September 27, 1947, 1 16-inch broadcast master record [A compact disc transfer of Minnesota vs. Washington with announcer Bill Stern added to Box 6 in 2/2003] Rec. 5 - 305 - Sound Effects Show, April 9, 1952, 1 16-inch broadcast master record Rec. 6 - Harry S. Truman, "Truman Explains Why Korea and McArthur Dismissed," n.d. |
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