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Call Number:

Box 1-118630
Box 2-118631

Record Group: 5 C
Record Sub-Group: 15
Records Title: UMC; College of Human Environmental Sciences; Dean's Office; Program, Project, and Activity Records
Dates: 1975-1999, bulk 1993-1999
Volume: 2 cubic feet, 2.5 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains records of the UMC College of Human Environmental Sciences Dean's Office, (1975 and 1993-1999). Included in this Sub-Group are policies, correspondence, reports, forms, applications, guidelines, flyers, meeting minutes, program documentation and information, manuals, bulletins, research documentation, newspaper clippings, directories, reviews, activity inventories, newsletters, handbooks, updates, plans, charts, and initiative documentation relating to various programs, projects, and activities of the department.

Historical Note:

The College of Home Economics became an independent unit in 1973, with its own Dean. In September 1988 the School of Social Work was placed under the College of Home Economics, and the College was renamed the College of Human Environmental Sciences.

Series Descriptions:

This Record Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement follows the creating office's original order.


Box 1

FF 1 - Information Technology (IT) Instructional Computing Fees Set Aside, 1997

FF 2 - Information Technology (IT) Section Technology Specialist, 1996

FF 3 - HES Alumni Organization General Documentation, Bylaws, and Minutes, 1995-1997

FF 4 - Gold Medal 50 Year Reunion, 1995

FF 5 - Miscellaneous Alumni Correspondence, 1995

FF 6 - Faculty Alumni Awards, 1996-1998

FF 7 - Recommendations and References, 1995-1997

FF 8 - Search Committee: Processes and Guidelines, 1995-1997

FF 9 - Annual Report of Faculty Consultation for Compensation, 1996-1997

FF 10 - Faculty/Student Accomplishments, 1995-1997

FF 11 - New Faculty Orientation, 1995-1997

FF 12 - Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, 1996

FF 13 - Enrollment Management - Student Services, 1996

FF 14 - Program for Excellence in Teaching (PET), 1997

FF 15 - Promotion and Tenure, 1996 [Restricted]

FF 16 - Wakonse, 1995

FF 17 - Non Academic Employees, 1995-1996

FF 18 - Graduate Students, 1996

FF 19 - Commencement, 1995-1996

FF 20 - Student Council, 1995-1996

FF 21 - Scholarships and Financial Aid, 1994-1996

FF 22 - Consumer and Family Economics Advisory Board, 1994-1997

FF 23 - Consumer and Family Economics Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1995-1998

FF 24 - Environmental Design Advisory Board, 1996

FF 25 - Environmental Design Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1995-1997

FF 26 - Family and Consumer Sciences Education Advisory Board, 1993-1994

FF 27 - Human Development and Family Studies Advisory Board, 1995-1997

FF 28 - Human Development and Family Studies: Center for Adolescent Sexuality, Pregnancy and Parenting, 1997

FF 29 - Human Development and Family Studies: Center for Family Policy and Research with Gary Stangler, 1997-1999

FF 30 - Human Development and Family Studies: Child Development Laboratory, 1995-1997

FF 31 - Human Environmental Sciences Advisory Boards, 1996-1997

FF 32 - Nutritional Sciences, 1995-1996

FF 33 - Nutritional Sciences Graduate Program, 1996-1997

FF 34 - Social Work Advisory Board, 1995-1997

FF 35 - Social Work Assessment of Statewide Needs, 1995-1997

FF 36 - Social Work: Roland Meinert, n.d.

FF 37 - Summer School, 1995-1997

FF 38 - Textile and Apparel Management (TAM), 1995-1996

FF 39 - American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI), 1995-1996

FF 40 - Margaret Mangel Lectureship Miscellaneous, 1991-1995

FF 41 - Instructional Technology Task Force: HES Computer Committee, 1995-1997

FF 42 - Name Change Human Sciences, 1996

FF 43 - Faculty Council on College Policy, 1997

FF 44 - Government Internships, 1997

FF 45 - Policies and Preferences, 1995-1996

FF 46 - Tigers Score, 1996

FF 47 - Campus Forms Approval Committee, 1996

FF 48 - President, 1996-1997

FF 49 - Vice Chancellor for Alumni Relations/Development, 1993-1995

FF 50 - Chief Information Officer, 1992-1996

FF 51 - Provost: Niche, 1994-1996

FF 52 - Publications and Alumni Communications, 1995

FF 53 - Vice Provost for Extension (MU), 1995

FF 54 - CAFNR, 1995-1996

FF 55 - Campus Facilities, 1993-1995

FF 56 - College of Engineering, 1994

FF 57 - Ellis Library, 1994-1995

FF 58 - Environmental Health and Safety: Gwynn-Stanley Fire and Safety Audit, 1996

FF 59 - General Education Architecture, 1995-1997

FF 60 - Affirmative Action, 1995

FF 61 - College of Education, 1996

Box 2

FF 1 - Center for Independent Study, 1997

FF 2 - International Center, Council on International Initiatives, 1995-1997

FF 3 - Graduate School, 1996

FF 4 - Honors College, 1995

FF 5 - Human Resources, 1993-1996

FF 6 - Governmental Affairs, 1995-1997

FF 7 - News Bureau/News Services, 1994-1996

FF 8 - Public Policy, 1995

FF 9 - Publications and Alumni Communications (PAC), 1996

FF 10 - AAFCS (American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences) Higher Education Unit, 1995

FF 11 - Association of Administrators of Home Economics, 1995

FF 12 - AHEA: American Home Economics Association Accreditation, 1994

FF 13 - Council of Administrators of Family and Consumer Sciences, 1994-1996

FF 14 - AAHS/BOHS, 1995-1997

FF 15 - Coordinating Board of Higher Education (CBHE) Program Review, 1995-1997

FF 16 - Gamma Sigma Delta, 1993-1995

FF 17 - Kappa Omicron Nu, 1997

FF 18 - MAEHE/NAEHE: Missouri Association of Extension Home Economists National Association of Extension Home Economists, 1995

FF 19 - MAFCS (formerly MHEA Missouri Home Economics Association) Bylaws and Handbook, (1975) General (1993), 1975 and 1993

FF 20 - MAFCE: Missouri Association of Family & Community Education, 1996

FF 21 - North Central Association HES Evaluation report, 1995

FF 22 - Phi Upsilon Omicron, 1994-1997

FF 23 - St. Louis District Dairy Council, 1997

FF 24 - CSREES Cooperative State Research, 1995-1996

FF 25 - National Association of State Universities and Land-grant Colleges, 1995-1997

FF 26 - USDA, 1996

FF 27 - FHA/HER, 1995-1996

FF 28 - Interchange, 1982-1998

FF 29 - Savitar, 1995-1996

FF 30 - Girls State American Legion Auxiliary, 1993-1996

FF 31 - Correspondence, 01/1996

FF 32 - Correspondence, 02/1996

FF 33 - Correspondence, 03/1996

FF 34 - Correspondence, 04/1996

FF 35 - Correspondence, 05/1996

FF 36 - Correspondence, 06/1996

FF 37 - Correspondence, 07/1996

FF 38 - Correspondence, 08/1996

FF 39 - Correspondence, 09/1996

FF 40 - Correspondence, 10/1996

FF 41 - Correspondence, 11/1996

FF 42 - Correspondence, 12/1996

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Originally Prepared: June 2001
Revised: 16 December 2002

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