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A History of the University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology

Note to Researcher: The College of Human Environmental Sciences was disbanded in 2021.

According to the HES web page ( from the summer of 2021:

"On February 8, 2021, the University of Missouri announced the restructuring of the College of Human Environmental Sciences. On March 3, 2021, the University announced the new college homes of the five academic units in the College of Human Environmental Sciences. The transition of departmental faculty, staff, and students to new academic homes occurred on July 1, 2021.


  • The Department of Architectural Studies is now administered by the College of Arts and Science. The department office is still physically located at 137 Stanley Hall.
  • The Department of Textile and Apparel Management is now administered by the College of Arts and Science. The department office is still physically located in 137 Stanley Hall.
  • The Department of Human Development and Family Science joined the College of Education & Human Development. The department office is physically located in 102 Gwynn Hall.
  • The Department of Personal Financial Planning (PFP) joined the Division of Applied Social Sciences within the College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (CAFNR). The department is currently located in 239 Stanley Hall but will move to Mumford Hall in August.
  • Faculty in the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology currently housed in HES moved into CAFNR in the newly formed Division of Food, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences. The department is still physically located in 204 Gwynn Hall.
  • Extension faculty currently in PFP, along with the Center for Financial and Economic Education, joined the Marketing Department in the Trulaske College of Business, while Extension faculty in the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology joined various academic units within the School of Health Professions.
  • Extension faculty and staff in HES Youth and Family Extension will be moving to Gentry Hall in August."

The information about the College of Human Environmental Sciences found on the remainder of this page was originally compiled in 1999.


Food science and nutrition courses have been a part of University's curricula since 1902, when courses in food and dietetics were offered for the first time. Food and dietetics courses were offered regularly thereafter, and by 1940 a four-year option in foods, nutrition, and dietetics was established in the Home Economics bachelor of science program. In 1947, members of the College of Agriculture's departments of Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture, and Home Economics organized into a group to develop undergraduate food technology curriculum. By 1950, Home Economics had established a major in food and nutrition, with specializations in food merchandising, industries and home service; foods research; hospital dietetics; and institutional foods. In the mid-1950s, the Home Economics Food and Nutrition section established a collaboration with the Medical Center in research and teaching of dietetics curricula.

The Department of Food Science and Nutrition was established in the College of Agriculture in 1967, awarding its first bachelors and masters degrees in 1969 and its first PhD in 1970. At that time, the Home Economics Food and Nutrition section was offering specializations in food and nutrition, nutrition research, food research, dietetics, and restaurant management. The department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Food Systems Management was established in the newly created College of Home Economics in 1973 and retained the same emphases. In 1989, the department was renamed Human Nutrition and Foods. Also in 1989, the College of Agriculture's Department of Food Science and Nutrition was grouped with the Department of Agricultural Engineering to form the Food Science and Engineering Unit. Food Science was established as a program within the unit. The Food Science program offerred emphases in food science and nutrition which are geared towards the product development and managerial aspects of the foods industry, as well as in hotel and restaurant management. In 1991, Human Nutrition and Foods merged with Food Science and Nutrition to become Food Science and Human Nutrition, administrated jointly by the College of Human Environmental Services (HES) and the College of Agriculture Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR). In 1999, the merger ended and the HES program was renamed Nutritional Sciences. In 2008, the department was renamed Nutrition & Exercise Physiology, and by that time, had been placed under joint administration of HES, CAFNR and the School of Medicine.

Leadership from HES

Note to Researcher: Information on current administrators in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition can be found at the following URL:

  • 1948-1955 Margaret Mangel, Head
  • 1955-1966 Elizabeth Hensley, Head
  • 1966-1973 John Typpo, Head
  • 1973-1976 Helen Anderson and Elizabeth Hensley, Co-Chairs
  • 1976- 1991 Richard P. Dowdy, Chair
  • 1992- 1994 Bill Stringer, Chair (both HES and CAFNR)
  • 1994- 1997 Dennis Heldman, Chair (both HES and CAFNR)
  • 1997- 2004 Roger A. Sunde, Co-Chair (1998) and then Chair of HES Nutritional Sciences
  • 2004- 2007 Laura Hillman, Interim Chair
  • 2007- Christopher D. Hardin, Chair

Leadership from CAFNR

  • 1967 Damon Catron, Chair
  • 1967-1969 Joe Edmonson, Chair
  • 1969-1975 Dee Graham, Chair
  • 1975-1981 H. Donald Naumann, Chair
  • 1981-1994 William C. Stringer, Chair
  • 1997-1999 Hildegarde Heyman, Co-Chair

Sources: University General Catalogs (C:0/51/1/); School of Home Economics Catalogs and Bulletins (C:5/12/1); HES Dean's Office - (C:5/1/17) and M. Mangel HE History Records (C:5/1/NP)

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Mary French: November 1999
Revised: 17 November 2008

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