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Call Number:

Box 1-073819
Box 2-073820
Box 3-073821
Box 4-073822
Box 5-073823
Box 6-073824
Box 7-073825
Box 8-073826
Box 9-073827
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Box 15-118018
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Box 19-118031
Box 20-118032
Box 21-Ellis
Box 22-UMLD1
OSF 1-Ellis
Map Roll 1-Ellis, Tube Unit

Missouri Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Staff, including William Elder, second from left in the back row, 1947
Missouri Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Staff, 1947
William H. Elder is second from the left in the back row.
Click on image for detail.
C:4/15/1, Box 1, FF 19
University Archives
University of Missouri-Columbia

Record Group: 4 C
Record Sub-Group: 7
Records Title: UMC; School of Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife; Wildlife Curriculum; William Elder Papers
Dates: 1933-2007
Volume: 20 and 1/3 cubic feet, 25.42 linear feet; 1 Oversized Folder;
1 Map Tube

Scope and Content Note

(A84-75; A11-55)
This Record Sub-Group contains professional and personal papers and records created, received, and collected by William Hanna Elder during his academic and professional career as a student at the University of Wisconsin and as a faculty member at the University of Missouri. The papers and records in this Sub-Group include correspondence, memoranda, notes, research data, journals, reports, publications, teaching records, student work, photographic prints and negatives, and a few research samples and specimens.

Biographical Note

William Hanna Elder was born in Oak Park, Illinois, on December 24th, 1913. He received a Bachelor's degree in Science Education in 1936, a Master's degree in 1938, and a Ph.D. in Zoology (dissertation on Rabbit Endocrinology) in 1942, all from the University of Wisconsin. Elder married Nina Leopold, daughter of naturalist and conservationist Aldo Leopold, in 1941. His second marriage was to Glennis Fast in 1973.

In 1941 Elder began work as a game technician for the Illinois Natural History Survey. From 1943 to 1945 he held a position in Pharmacology (Chemical Warfare) in the Toxicity Laboratory at the University of Chicago. In 1945 Elder began his teaching career at the University of Missouri as an Assistant Professor of Zoology. He attained the rank of Associate Professor in 1947 and that of Professor in 1951, serving as department chairman from 1950 to 1953. Elder was named the William J. Rucker Professor of Zoology in 1954. He retired in 1984 as Professor of Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife and was distinguished as Professor Emeritus. His teaching interests included wildlife management, range and wildlife habitat management, ornithology, and mammalogy.

In general terms William Elder's research interest was the physiology of wild birds and mammals as related to their productivity, populations, and management. Specific research ranged widely, however, and included ornithology, hunting pressures in waterfowl, fertility in waterfowl, bats in Missouri, endangered species, the Hawaiian Nene goose (funded in 1956 by a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Yale-Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Fellowship), and elephants in Zambia (funded by a 1968 National Science Foundation Grant). He published more than 50 technical papers and many other general articles. In 1964 Elder received patent rights for an oral chemosterilant for nuisance birds. The patent was assigned to the University of Missouri and licensed to G. D. Searle and Company, Chicago, Illinois. Subsequently the patent was assigned to the Avitrol Corporation, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

William Elder served on the Board of Directors of the Missouri Nature Conservancy and was awarded the organization's Oak Leaf Service Award in 1975. He was a member of numerous other nature and conservation organization, including the Wilson Ornithological Society, the Wildlife Society, the Conservation Federation of Missouri, and the L-A-D Foundation.

William Hanna Elder died in Columbia, Missouri on August 14, 2006, at the age of 92.

Series Descriptions:

This Record Sub-Group is divided into five series.

Series One - Personal contains general records and documents of Elder's life, including those pertaining to his education.
Series One is further divided into two Sub-Series:

  • Sub-Series One - Personal Documents contains documents, records, and photographs related to William Elder's childhood, genealogy, and activities, including diplomas, honors and awards, popular press accounts, and publications productivity. It also contains his private journals, which include both personal and wildlife observations and information.
  • Sub-Series Two - Graduate Education contains material Elder saved from his graduate education at the University of Wisconsin, including course work, seminar presentations, and graduate teaching files.
    Research for his PhD dissertation can be found under Series 3, Sub-Series 1 - Rabbit Endocrinology.

Series Two - Professional Experience contains a wide variety of material relating to Elder's professional activities with the Illinois Natural History Survey, the University of Missouri, and various academic publications.
Series Two is further divided into five Sub-Series:

  • Sub-Series One - Illinois Natural History Survey contains reports, data, maps, photographs, and correspondence related to Elder's work with the Illinois Natural History Survey as a Game Biologist from 1941-1943.
    Additional data, research, and correspondence pertaining to the Illinois Natural History Survey can be found in Series Four: Publication and Research. If a clear topical connection was found between later research and work done for the Illinois Natural History Survey, those file folders will be located in that particular Publication and Research Sub-Series.
  • Sub-Series Two - Employment at the University of Missouri contains material from Elder's years of employment with MU between 1945 and 1984. Files include Elder's university appointments and salary, his university research grants, committee participation, administrative records, documents about the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife, and various correspondence with university faculty and administration.
  • Sub-Series Three - University Teaching contains materials related to the courses Elder taught at the University of Missouri, including Wildlife Management, Range and Wildlife Habitat Management, Ornithology, Mammalogy, and Zoology. Records consist of course syllabi, schedules, hand-outs, lectures, seminars, assignments, examinations, field trips, and student evaluations.
  • Sub-Series Four - Student Records contains material concerning Elder's students.
    Sub-Series Four is further subdivided into two Sub-Sub-Series:
    • Sub-Sub-Series One - Student Work contains documents and course work produced by Elder's students, including course assignments, course examinations, course projects, reports on various wildlife, papers, and graduate school examinations.
    • Sub-Sub-Series Two - Student Files and Correspondence contains Elder's files for specific students with whom he corresponded personally and collaborated professionally after graduation. Records consist of advising forms, course work, examinations, research reports, publications and correspondence. Also included in this Sub-Sub-Series are Elder's collection of student publications and letters of recommendation.
  • Sub-Series Five - Peer Review and Editorial Board Service contains reviews and correspondence regarding various papers submitted to the Journal of Wildlife Management, the Journal of Mammology, and the Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Sciences. The Sub-Series also contains wildlife book reviews and documents relating to Elder's service on the editorial board of the Journal of Wildlife Management from 1956 to 1968.

Series Three - Publication and Research contains a broad range of material related to Elder's various research projects.
Series Three is further divided into ten Sub-Series that were designated for topical continuity. Although some overlap may be observed between Sub-Series, the designations were made for identifiably disparate research projects:

  • Sub-Series One - Rabbit Endocrinology contains Elder's doctoral research about the seasonal changes in body weight and the endocrine glands of cottontail rabbits, including notes, data, collected papers, and correspondence.
  • Sub-Series Two - Hunting Pressure and Lead Poisoning Effects on Waterfowl Populations contains material from Elder's studies of the effects of hunting and lead shot on waterfowl populations in North America and Europe. The records consist of grant information, notes, data, collected papers, lectures, photographs, x-rays, fluoroscopy information, correspondence, and publications.
  • Sub-Series Three - Hawaiian Goose (Nene) Research, Conservation and Publication contains material related to the study and conservation of the Hawaiian Goose (Nene), including fellowship and grant information, notes, data, field journals, collected papers, reports, conservation proposals, maps, photos, slides, correspondence, manuscripts, and publications. At the time of Elder's study, the wild population of the Nene had dropped to an estimated count of less than 50 and was highly endangered.
  • Sub-Series Four - Research on Bird Fertility and Patent of Ornitrol contains Elder's pioneering research in bird fertility and patenting of the first oral contraceptive for nuisance bird control called Ornitrol, including licensing and royalty information. The records consist of notes, data, collected papers, field trials in Missouri and New York City, correspondence, manuscripts, publications, and legal documents.
  • Sub-Series Five - Research on Big Game in Africa contains material related to Elder's study of big game populations in Africa in the later half of the 1960's. During this time, he traveled to Zambia, Bechuanaland (Botswana) and Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), pursuing a wide range of research regarding African Antelopes, the Elephant and the Hippopotamus. The records consist of grant information, travel receipts, field journals, notes, data, maps, collected papers, photographs, x-rays, correspondence, travel brochures, seminar and lecture material, manuscripts, and publications.
  • Sub-Series Six - Bat and Cave Research contains grant information, notes, data, collected papers and legal documents, conservation proposals, correspondence, and manuscripts regarding Missouri bat populations and cave ecology.
    Topics in this Sub-Series have a large degree of overlap between each other and have therefore been broadly grouped together.
  • Sub-Series Seven - Ornithological Banding and Research contains diverse material regarding Elder's ornithological interests and research, especially concerning waterfowl. Specifically, this Sub-Series includes Elder's research with Bluebirds, Canadian Geese, Chickadees, game birds, bird migration patterns, the preen gland of birds, the Tufted Titmouse and Woodpeckers, and others. This records consist of bird banding information and permits, notes, data, field journals, maps, collected papers, photographs, correspondence, manuscripts, and publications.
  • Sub-Series Eight - General Wildlife Research contains Elder's interest, research, and correspondence regarding a variety of wildlife topics. Some topics, such as mink ageing, mammal distribution in Missouri and Raccoon populations, contain notes, data, maps, collected papers, correspondence, manuscripts, and publications. Other topics in this Sub-Series may only contain correspondence.
  • Sub-Series Nine - Wildlife Research Stations contains information, research, and correspondence relating to various wildlife research stations. The records consist of notes, data, field journals, seminars, photographs, newsletters, brochures, and correspondence.
  • Sub-Series Ten - Supplementary Research Materials contains documents that Elder collected over the years that do not reflect any original research or correspondence. Many of these file contain only single documents or general collections of wildlife publications.

Series Four - Organizational and Civic activities contains material relating to Elder's involvement with national and local organizations, as well as activities regarding state and local government. Contains newsletters, reports, meeting programs, proposals, committee documents, lectures and correspondence.

Series Five - Correspondence contains some of Elder's personal and professional correspondence with individuals. The correspondence series is arranged alphabetically according to surname. Some of this correspondence may also contain information on various research projects, depending on the correspondents. The Series also contains Elder's letters to politicians and general inquiries to Elder.
Note to Researcher: It should be noted that while this separate Series has been established for correspondence, additional correspondence can be found in all the other Series as necessitated by both original and logical order.


Series One - Personal
Sub-Series One - Personal Documents
Box 1

FF 1 - "Memories of Early Days, 1915-1941", 2000

FF 2 - Correspondence re: Genealogy, 1977-1994

FF 3 - Honors, 1975

FF 3A - Personal Records (includes copy of marriage certificate, Wisconsin transcripts, Civil Service Commission aid form, Department of Interior Ranger application), ca. 1941

FF 4 - Vitae and Publication Lists, 1982-2006

FF 4A - Position Applications and Suggestions, 1936-1969

FF 5 - W. H. Elder Publications, 1935-1983

FF 6 - W. H. Elder Publications, 1945-1982

FF 7 - W. H. Elder Publications, 1941-1985

FF 8 - Encyclopaedia Britannica - Wildlife Conservation: Game Management, 1963

FF 9 - Popular Press Accounts, 1950-1976

FF 10 - Newspaper Accounts - Pigeons, 1968-1992

FF 11 - Newspaper Accounts - W.H. Elder, 1973-ca. 2006

FF 11A - Nature Conservancy Awards, 1974-1975

FF 12 - Gophmunk Trip, 2002-2003

FF 13 - Missouri Journal, 1945-1946, 1955

FF 14 - Elder Field Journal, 1947-1952

FF 15 - Elder Wildlife Journal, 1962-1987

FF 16 - Canada Trip - Maps and Supplies, 1939-1940

FF 17 - Miscellaneous (includes 1980 edition of School of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife yearbook, Environs, as well as personal and professional correspondence and materials related to research, University Archives records transfer, Africa trip, and insurance policies), 1966-1992

FF 18 - Property Maps and Surveys - Columbia, 1961-1964

FF 19 - Photos (includes photos of wildlife, Africa trip, MU faculty and students, Ernest Thompson Seton, Stephens Hall, and Missouri Conservation Commission agents), 1947-1976

FF 20 - Photos - Elder Retirement Party, 1984

FF 20A - Diplomas and Awards, 1933-1944

Series One - Personal (cont'd)
Sub-Series One - Personal Documents (cont'd)

Certificate - Wisconsin Honors Crest, 1936

Art Print (11x14") - Wildlife by Dave Hamilton (with inscription from Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society at MU), 1984

Art Print - Missouri Waterfowl Print and Stamp, 1984

Series One - Personal (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - Graduate Education
Box 1 (cont'd)

FF 21 - Prelims, 1938

FF 22 - Card Catalog System (University of Wisconsin Wildlife Management Library), n.d.

FF 23 - Comparative Physiology, 1940

FF 24 - Animal Physiology, 1940

FF 25 - Medical Physiology, 1936-1938

FF 26 - Physiology Chemistry, 1937

FF 27 - Comparative Anatomy, 1936

FF 28 - Embryology, n.d.

FF 29 - Animal Parasites, 1937-1939

FF 30 - Neurology, 1938

FF 31 - Histology, n.d.

FF 32 - Heredity and Eugenics, 1938-1939

Series One - Personal (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - Graduate Education (cont'd)
Box 2

FF 1 - Field Zoology, n.d.

FF 2 - Cytology, n.d.

FF 3 - Limnology and Plankton, 1935-1937

FF 4 - Evolution and Ecology, 1937-1938

FF 5 - Anatomy and Embryology of Insects, 1934-1937

FF 6 - Invertebrate Zoology, 1935

FF 7 - Speciation, 1940-1941

FF 8 - Zoological Pro-seminar, 1936-1937

FF 9 - Serology, 1939-1940

FF 10 - Taxonomy Seminar, 1940-1941

FF 11 - Embryology Seminar, 1938-1939

FF 12 - Advanced Embryology, 1938

FF 13 - Pedagogy, 1939

FF 14 - Education Courses, 1935

FF 15 - Philosophy, 1934-1935

FF 16 - Biology Teaching, High School, n.d.

FF 17 - Zoology I, 1932-1933

FF 18 - Zoology II, 1938

FF 19 - Practice Teaching (High School), 1936

FF 20 - Endocrinology Teaching, 1937-1940

FF 21 - Comparative Anatomy Teaching, 1937-1940

FF 22 - Comparative Anatomy - Lab Sheets, n.d.

FF 23 - Embryology Teaching, 1938-1940

FF 24 - Entomology Teaching, 1939

FF 25 - Invertebrate Teaching, 1940-1941

FF 26 - Zoology I Teaching, 1937-1941

FF 27 - Zoology II Teaching, 1938-1939

FF 28 - University of Wisconsin Wildlife Ecology Newsletter, 1983

Series Two - Professional Experience
Sub-Series One - Illinois Natural History Survey
Box 2 (cont'd)

FF 29 - Illinois Natural History Survey, 1942

FF 30 - Implantation Experiments, 1942-1943

FF 31 - Duck and Goose Banding Correspondence (includes correspondence with Aldo Leopold and some personal correspondence), 1941-1945

FF 32 - Illinois Waterfowl Journal (includes photographs), 1942-1943

FF 33 - Maps - Illinois Counties, US National Wildlife Refuges, and Manitoba Public Shooting Grounds, 1940-1942

Series Two - Professional Experience (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - Employment at the University of Missouri
Box 2 (cont'd)

FF 34 - Contracts (includes personnel and payroll forms and correspondence), 1945-1993

FF 34A - William Rucker Professorship, 1979, 1983

FF 35 - University Research Council Grants, 1966-1983

FF 36 - Tucker Prairie Committee, 1978-1983

FF 37 - Tucker Prairie, 1958

FF 38 - Tucker Prairie - Publications and Student Projects, 1956-1966

FF 39 - Research Grants, Miscellaneous, 1954-1976

FF 40 - Research Grants - Peer Reviews, 1958-1972 [RESTRICTED]

Series Two - Professional Experience (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - Employment at the University of Missouri (cont'd)
Box 3

FF 1A - Cumulative Faculty Records, 1945-1983

FF 1B - Tenure Committee, Division Level, 1975-1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF 2 - Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife Tenure Committee, 1975-1980 [RESTRICTED]

FF 3 - Museum Committee, 1971-1977

FF 4 - Curriculum Committee, 1970-1977

FF 5 - Forestry Committees, 1976-1980

FF 6 - M.S. Examination Committee, 1946-1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF 7 - Hold Credit Forms, 1979-1980

FF 8 - University By-Laws - Tenure, Rules and Regulations, 1955-1980

FF 9 - FFW Policy Manual, 1968-1982

FF 10 - Internships (Stephens College students), 1976

FF 11 - Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife (includes candidates for degrees), 1973-1983 [RESTRICTED]

FF 12 - Sabbatical Leaves, 1949-1966

FF 13 - PhD Reading Lists, 1955, 1982

FF 14 - Advising - Graduate, 1965-1982

FF 15 - Curriculum, 1972-1984

FF 16 - Teaching Techniques (includes material on curriculum and student advising), 1975-1980

FF 17 - Agricultural Experiment Station - Grants, 1975

FF 18 - Unit Data, 1938-1948 [RESTRICTED]

FF 19 - Cooperative Wildlife Research Units (at other Institutions), 1946-1960, 1975

FF 20 - Missouri Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit - Monthly Financial Statements, 1948-1963

FF 21 - Missouri Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit - Coordinating Committee, 1973-1980

FF 22 - Missouri Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit - Budget, 1948-1970

FF 23 - Edward K. Love Conservation Foundation (includes material on Rucker Professorship), 1948-1979

FF 24 - FFW Faculty Profile and Research Summary, 4/1977

FF 25 - Fisheries and Wildlife Graduate Education and Research Review, 6/1982

FF 26 - Fisheries and Wildlife Graduate Data, 1979-1981

FF 27 - Schnabel Woods, 1963-1971

FF 28 - Bird Collection Database Grant, 1982-1986

FF 28A - Miscellaneous - Stephens Hall Library, 1979

Series Two - Professional Experience (cont'd)
Sub-Series Three - University Teaching
Box 3 (cont'd)

FF 29 - Readings for Student Analysis (includes reprints of Aldo Leopold journal articles), 1937-1953

FF 30 - University of Chicago - Syllabus for Pharmacology 201 (Toxicology), 9/1942

FF 31 - Population Dynamics, 1939

FF 32 - Population Dynamics, 1937

FF 33 - Population Dynamics, n.d.

FF 34 - Upland Habitats Section, 1975-1982

FF 35 - Forest Section, 1974-1983

FF 36 - Aquatic Section, 1974-1982

FF 37 - Wildlife Management - Assignment Schedules, 1946-1967

FF 38 - Range and Wildlife Habitat Management (FFW 322) - Course Schedules, 1974-1983

Series Two - Professional Experience (cont'd)
Sub-Series Three - University Teaching (cont'd)
Box 4

FF 1 - Wildlife Management - Examinations, 1947-1967 [RESTRICTED]

FF 2 - Wildlife Management - Field Notes Outline, n.d.

FF 3 - Wildlife Seminar, 1952-1955

FF 4 - Wildlife Seminar, 1950-1951

FF 5 - Wildlife Seminar, 1949-1950 [RESTRICTED]

FF 6 - Wildlife Seminar, 1948-1949 [RESTRICTED]

FF 7 - Wildlife Seminar, 1947-1948 [RESTRICTED]

FF 8 - Wildlife Seminar, 1946-1947 [RESTRICTED]

FF 9 - Wildlife Seminar, 1945-1946

FF 10 - Mammalogy Teaching, 1946-1983

FF 11 - Mammalogy Materials, 1946-1975

FF 12 - Mammalogy Class Materials, ca. 1957-1982

FF 13 - Mammalogy Lab Handouts, 1977-1978

FF 14 - Mammalogy - First Exams, 1947-1983

FF 15 - Mammalogy - Second Exams, 1946-1983

FF 16 - Mammalogy - Final Exams, 1947-1983

FF 17 - Ornithology - Handouts, 1959-1984

FF 18 - Ornithology - Lecture Materials, n.d.

FF 19 - Ornithology - Lecture Materials, 1967-1977

FF 20 - Ornithology - First Exams, 1948-1983

FF 21 - Ornithology - Second Exams, 1948-1984

FF 22 - Ornithology - Final Exams, 1971-1984

FF 23 - Experimental Zoology, 1958-1959

FF 24 - Bird Migration - Lecture I, n.d.

FF 25 - Bird Migration - Lecture II, n.d.

FF 26 - Bird Song, n.d.

FF 27 - Zoology 415, Wildlife Management after Aldo Leopold - History of a Prairie Coulee, n.d.

FF 28 - Wildlife Management - Literature List C - Deer, 1954

FF 29 - Wildlife Management - Deer Irruptions, 1962

FF 30 - Browse Plant Indicators and Questions, n.d.

FF 31 - Wildlife Management - History of Deer in German Forests, n.d.

FF 32 - Wildlife Management - Reindeer, 1951, 1978

FF 33 - Reindeer, 1951, 1958

FF 34 - Wildlife Management - History of Northern Wisconsin, n.d.

FF 35 - Wildlife Management - Ecology of the Southeast Coastal Plain, n.d.

FF 36 - Wildlife Management - Mechanics of Turnover in a Missouri Bobwhite Population, 1969

FF 37 - Wildlife Management - Bobwhite - Fall Shuffle, 1968

FF 38 - Wildlife Management - Blue Goose Bibliography, 1947

FF 39 - Wildlife Management - Coyote Bibliography, 1947-1953

FF 40 - Wildlife Management - Duck Open Seasons, Bag Limits, ca. 1955

FF 41 - English Rabbit Bibliography, n.d.

FF 42 - Wildlife Management - Grouse Bibliography (includes photograph), 1945

FF 43 - Hawk and Vulture Description Cards (includes negatives), n.d.

FF 44 - Wildlife Management - P.L. Errington - Inversity Diagram, 1945

FF 45 - Pheasants - Inversity Diagram, n.d.

FF 46 - Pheasant Hen Densities, 1961

FF 47 - Pheasant Inversity Table, 1947

FF 48 - Wildlife Management - Pheasant Bibliography (Introductory), n.d.

FF 49 - Wisconsin Quail Inversity, 1963

FF 50 - Waterfowl, 1976-1977

FF 51 - Waterfowl - Tribes, n.d.

FF 52 - Fur, 1961-1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF 53 - Wetlands, 1975-1983

FF 54 - Wilderness and Bears, 1974-1981

FF 55 - Exotic Plants, 1951-1956

FF 56 - Wildlife Management - Literature List B, Cover Mapping References, 1952

FF 57 - Wildlife Management - Cover Mapping Suggestions (University of Michigan), n.d.

FF 58 - Cover Mapping, 1947-1954

FF 59 - Wildlife Management - Evolution of the Fence Row, n.d.

FF 60 - Multiflora Rose, 1947 [includes photo]

FF 61 - Wetland Drainage vs. Restoration, 1967

FF 62 - Wildlife Management - Nebraska Trip, 1950

FF 63 - Ozark Trip, 1958

FF 64 - Nilo Farms Field Trip, 1957-1960

FF 65 - Field Trips - Classes, 1948-1950, 1978

FF 66 - Bibliography of Sexing and Aging Techniques, 4/1952

FF 67 - Food Habits Lab, 1950

FF 68 - The Evolution of Game Management, n.d.

FF 69 - Wildlife Management - Lectures - Waterfowl and Fur & Predators, ca. 1946-1975

Series Two - Professional Experience (cont'd)
Sub-Series Three - University Teaching (cont'd)
Box 5

FF 1 - Wildlife Management - Lectures - Big Game and Upland Game, ca. 1947-1968

FF 2 - Notes for Talks, 1948-1983

FF 3 - Pest Control Lecture, 1976

FF 4 - Mexico Lecture, n.d.

FF 5 - Early Naturalists, n.d.

FF 6 - Fire (includes photographs), 1967

FF 7 - Student Suggestions - Management Course, n.d.

FF 8 - Course Evaluations, 1978

FF 9 - Seminars, 1936-1944

FF 10 - Seminar Plans - Current (includes biographical information of John G. Neihardt), 1947

FF 11 - Journal Club, 1948-1949

FF 12 - Rudolf Bennitt - Extension (Correspondence) Course - Principles of Wildlife Conservation, 1941

FF 13 - Rudolf Bennitt - Principles of Wildlife Conservation - Course Syllabus, 1941

FF 14 - Thomas Park - Biology of Populations (Zoology 417) - Course Syllabus, 1944

FF 15 - Estella Leopold - Peat Stratigraphy - Course Syllabus, 1954

Series Two - Professional Experience (cont'd)
Sub-Series Four - Student Records
Sub-Sub-Series One - Student Work
Box 5 (cont'd)

FF 16 - Student Projects, 1949-1953 [RESTRICTED]

FF 17 - Student Projects, 1947-1959 [RESTRICTED]

FF 18 - Graduate Exam Questions, 1949-1971 [RESTRICTED]

FF 19 - Final Exam Questions (includes correspondence of Aldo Starker Leopold), 1945-1965

FF 20 - Range and Wildlife Management - Exams, 1974-1983

FF 21 - Remarkable Answers from Student Exams, 1975-1979

FF 22 - Bats in Missouri - Student Reports, 1946-1963 [RESTRICTED]

FF 23 - Waterfowl in Missouri - Student Projects, 1941-1955

FF 24 - Willis D. Hanson - "A Study of Mammalian Tooth Caries", n.d.

FF 25 - Wildlife Management - Course Materials, 1950-1965

FF 26 - Wildlife Management - Assignments, 1968-1969

FF 27 - Wildlife Management (Zoology 415) - Student Papers, 1969

FF 27A - Wildlife Management - Smith and Van Dyke Farm - Information and Papers, 1923-1964

FF 28 - Zoology/Mammalogy Student Reports (includes photographs), 1961-1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF 29 - Experimental Zoology - Bat Reports, 1958 [RESTRICTED]

FF 30 - Wildlife Management Papers, 1968 [RESTRICTED]

FF 31 - Class Collected Data, 1959-1960, 1968

FF 32 - Land Use History Papers - Missouri, 1950-1956 [RESTRICTED]

FF 33 - Cover Maps, 1946-1963

FF 34 - Mingo Swamp, 1951-1952

FF 35 - Vandiver Lake/Wolcott Lake, 1948-1949

FF 36 - Land Use Papers - Other States (includes photographs), 1950-1952 [RESTRICTED]

FF 37 - Papers on Cover Mapping and Land Use in Missouri (includes photographs), 1952, 1962 [RESTRICTED]

Series Two - Professional Experience (cont'd)
Sub-Series Four - Student Records (cont'd)
Sub-Sub-Series One - Student Work (cont'd)
Box 6

FF 1 - Species Maps, 1949-1978 [RESTRICTED]

FF 2 - Ornithology Student Reports, 1969-1984 [RESTRICTED]

FF 3 - Ornithology Student Reports, 1969-1984 (cont'd) [RESTRICTED]

FF 4 - Antelope, 1960-1966

FF 5 - American Elk, 1946, 1967-1968

FF 6 - Bears, 1947-1948, 1969

FF 7 - Beaver on the Missouri River (includes photographs), n.d. [RESTRICTED]

FF 8 - Bison, 1947, 1960

FF 9 - Boar, 1967

FF 10 - Canada Goose Flock Counts, 1948-1949

FF 11 - Caribou, 1946, 1955

FF 12 - Columbian Black-Tailed Deer, n.d.

FF 13 - George C. Arthur - Duck Nesting Survey, 1941-1942

FF 14 - Mink and Other Bibliographies, 1947-1948

FF 15 - Mole Runs, 1946-1970

FF 16 - Moose, 1946, 1955

FF 17 - Mountain Goat (includes photograph), 1945-1946, 1956

FF 18 - Mountain Sheep, 1946, ca. 1961

FF 19 - Musk Ox, 1946-1975

FF 20 - Peccary, 1955-1960 [RESTRICTED]

FF 21 - Red Deer, 1962

Series Two - Professional Experience (cont'd)
Sub-Series Four - Student Records (cont'd)
Sub-Sub-Series Two - Student Files and Correspondence
Box 6 (cont'd)

FF 22 - Student Publications (includes curriculum vitae of Elder), 1958-1984

FF 23 - Student Publications, 1958-1984 (cont'd)

FF 24 - Job (Student) Recommendations (includes Wildlife Society curriculum study from 1969), 1948-1983 [RESTRICTED]

FF 25 - George C. Arthur, 1946-1959 [RESTRICTED]

FF 26 - Ronald Balham, 1951-1967 [RESTRICTED]

FF 27 - Arlene Boyle, 1948-1949 [RESTRICTED]

FF 28 - George Brakhage (includes negatives), 1950-1952 [RESTRICTED]

FF 29 - Jeff Brawn, 1975-1983 [RESTRICTED]

FF 30 - Allen Brohn, 1946-1947 [RESTRICTED]

FF 30A - Stephen Chomko - Dissertation Outline, 1984 [RESTRICTED]

FF 31 - Wayne F. Colin, 1947-1950 [RESTRICTED]

FF 32 - William W. Dierker, 1950-1954 [RESTRICTED]

FF 33 - Kay Drobney, 1971-1973 [RESTRICTED]

FF 34 - Bill Eddleman, 1976-1978 [RESTRICTED]

FF 35 - Norbert Giessman, 1974-1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF 36 - David A. Graber, 1973-1976 [RESTRICTED]

FF 37 - Wilbur Gunier, 1976 [RESTRICTED]

Series Two - Professional Experience (cont'd)
Sub-Series Four - Student Records (cont'd)
Sub-Sub-Series Two - Student Files and Correspondence (cont'd)
Box 7

FF 1 - Lewis Helm, 1950-1951, 1977-1979

FF 2 - Gregory Iffrig, 1975-1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF 3 - Gregory Iffrig, 1979-1985 [RESTRICTED]

FF 4 - John Karel, 1974-1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF 5 - James Keefe, 1950-1973 [RESTRICTED]

FF 6 - Alan Kridelbaugh, 1980-1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF 7 - Cathy Lefever, 1976-1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF 8 - David McGlauchlin, 1950-1951 [RESTRICTED]

FF 9 - Darrell S. Meyer, 1946-1951 [RESTRICTED]

FF 10 - David W. Murphy, 1977-1983 [RESTRICTED]

FF 11 - Richard F. Myers, 1954-1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF 12 - Doug Norris, 1978-1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF 13 - DeeDee Pendleton - Readings 350, 1974

FF 14 - Don Rodgers, 1974-1975

FF 15 - John Rogers, 1956-1965 [RESTRICTED]

FF 15A - Joe Roller - Short-billed Marsh Wren - Tucker Prairie

FF 16 - B.J. Rose, 1956-1972

FF 17 - Glen C. Sanderson, 1947-1950 [RESTRICTED]

FF 18 - Rick Sinnott, 1977-1982 [RESTRICTED]

FF 19 - Bob Skinner, 1972-1973 [RESTRICTED]

FF 20 - Dan Thompson, 1949-1955 [RESTRICTED]

FF 21 - Brian Toland - Correspondence, 1981-1996

FF 22 - Brian Toland - Post-Graduate Publication, 1984-1997

FF 23 - Russ Titus, 1974-1976 [RESTRICTED]

FF 24 - Larry Vangilder, 1975-1980 [RESTRICTED]

FF 25 - Milton Weller, 1952-1997 [RESTRICTED]

FF 26 - Milton Weller - Egg Record (includes material from Weller's research on mallard duck fertility), 1948-1950

FF 27 - Bill West, 1976-1982 [RESTRICTED]

Series Two - Professional Experience (cont'd)
Sub-Series Five - Peer Review and Editorial Board Service
Box 7 (cont'd)

FF 28 - Wildlife Book Reviews, 1961-2002

FF 29 - Journal of Wildlife Management - Editing - Joe Hickey, 1955

FF 30 - Journal of Wildlife Management - Editing - Thomas Baskett, 1965-1968

FF 31 - Journal of Wildlife Management - Editing - Thomas Scott, 1964-1965

FF 32 - Journal of Wildlife Management - Editing - Peterle, Sanderson, Thompson, Bookhout, McGinnis, and Braun, 1968-1982

FF 33 - Editing - Various Publications, 1970-1972, 1981 [includes materials related to Science magazine, American Midland Naturalist, and Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science]

FF 34 - Journal of Mammalogy - Editing, 1966-1983 [also includes materials for American Midland Naturalist]

FF 35 - Journal Editing - Kirk, n.d.

FF 36 - Elephant Life Manuscript Review, 1987

FF 37 - Journal of Wildlife Management - Instructions for Authors, 1939-1980

Series Three - Publication and Research
Sub-Series One - Rabbit Endocrinology
Box 7 (cont'd)

FF 38 - Rabbits (includes correspondence of Aldo Leopold), 1938-1949

FF 39 - Cottontail - Data Sheets, 1937-1940

FF 40 - Cottontail - Assay File, 1937-1940

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series One - Rabbit Endocrinology (cont'd)
Box 8

FF 1 - Cottontail - Weights and Correspondence, 1941

FF 2 - Cottontail - Statistics and Data Summaries, 1938-1942

FF 3 - Cottontail - Blood Counts, n.d.

FF 4 - Cottontail - Current Assays (blank forms), n.d.

FF 5 - Cottontail - Papers, Abstracts, and Mailing List, n.d.

FF 6 - Endocrinology Abstracts, 1937-1941

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - Hunting Pressure and Lead Poisoning Effects on Waterfowl Populations
Box 8 (cont'd)

FF 7 - Fulbright Request (also includes Fulbright application materials from students of Elder's, 1983), 1951-1953

FF 8 - Guggenheim, etc., 1953-1965

FF 9 - Fluoroscope Measures of Hunting Pressure in Geese, 1950-1955

FF 10 - Fountain Grove and Shanks' Reports, 1948-1956

FF 11 - Waterfowl Reproduction and Hunting Pressure - Ducks - Gadwall, Souris, 1942-1946

FF 12 - Waterfowl, 1946-1947

FF 13 - Mechanism of Lead Poisoning in Waterfowl (includes photograph), 1948

FF 14 - Duck Lead Poisoning Study - Photographs, 1947-1948

FF 15 - X-ray Plates of Waterfowl with Lead Shot (also includes photographic prints and negatives), n.d.

FF 16 - Pink-footed Goose X-rays, 1953

FF 17 - Lead Poisoning - Fertility Experiments, 1948

FF 18 - Lead Poisoning - Spectrographic Analyses, 1948

FF 19 - Summary of Lead Seminars, 1940-1941, 1947-1948

FF 20 - Lead Poisoning - Bottom Sampling and Duck Die-Offs (includes birdshot sample), 1948-1949

FF 21 - Lead Poisoning - Blood Studies, 1949

FF 22 - Lead Poisoning Studies, 1936, 1948-1950

FF 23 - Lead Poisoning in Ducks, 1951

FF 24 - Lead Shot in Ducks, Delta Manitoba, 1948

FF 25 - Duck Fluoroscopy Notebook, 1949

FF 26 - Duck Fluoroscopy Notebook, 1950-1951

FF 27 - Summary of Waterfowl Fluoroscopy, 1947-1954

FF 28 - Lead Poisoning - Domestic Mallard Laying Records, 1948-1950

FF 29 - Fluoroscopy of Delta Ducks, 1952, and Wisconsin Coots, 1953

FF 30 - Fluoroscopy Paper Data, Figures, and Tables, 1955

FF 31 - Ted Shanks Canada Goose Fluoroscopy, 1949-1954

FF 32 - Numbers of Body Shot, 1948-1953

FF 33 - Pheasant Fluoroscopy, 1953

FF 34 - Fluoroscopy, 1955

FF 35 - Severn Wildlife Trust, 1953

FF 36 - Holland Trip (includes photograph), 1953

FF 37 - Fluoroscopy - Notes, Reports and Summaries, 1952-1953

FF 38 - Lead Poisoning - Correspondence, 1947-1952

FF 39 - Fluoroscope - Correspondence (includes photograph of bird banding trap at Maiden Creek Dam, Berks County, Pennsylvania), 1950-1959

FF 40 - Fluoroscope Plan - Photos and Publications (includes prints and negatives of fluoroscope unit and x-rays of birds), 1950-1955

FF 41 - X-Ray Equipment, 1947-1950, 1961

FF 42 - Portable X-Ray Units and Thulium Sources, 1955

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Three - Hawaiian Goose (Nene) Research, Conservation and Publication
Box 8 (cont'd)

FF 43 - Nene Research - Correspondence, 1955-1962

FF 44 - Nene Research - Correspondence, 1973, 1984-1991

FF 45 - Nene Restoration Project, 1958-1965

FF 46 - Nene in England, 1951-1958

FF 47 - Nene Photographs, Negatives and Illustrations, 1836-1966

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Three - Hawaiian Goose (Nene) Research, Conservation and Publication (cont'd)
Box 9

FF 1 - Slides, Nene and Other Birds, 1956-1981

FF 2 - Elder's Hawaii Field Journal, 1956-1957

FF 3 - Nene Notes and Data, 1951-1957

FF 4 - Notebook, Nene Molt Data, 1957

FF 5 - Nene Specimen Records and Sightings, n.d.

FF 6 - Nene Specimen Records and Sightings, n.d. (cont'd)

FF 7 - Nene Population Study, 1989

FF 8 - Nene Population Study, 1989 (cont'd)

FF 9 - Nene Population Study, 1990

FF 10 - Manuscript, Nene Conservation Effort, 1989

FF 11A - Manuscript, "A Report on the Nene", 7/1958

FF 11b - Manuscript, "A Report on the Nene", 7/1958 (cont'd)

FF 12 - Nene Refuge Proposal, 1952-1958

FF 13 - Nene Publications (by Elder and others), 1932-1968

FF 14 - Paradise of the Pacific magazine, (includes article by Elder on the Nene), 6/1957

FF 15 - Newspaper Articles on the Nene, 1932-1982

FF 16 - Nene Motion Picture Proposal, ca. 1965

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Three - Hawaiian Goose (Nene) Research, Conservation and Publication (cont'd)
Box 22

Index Cards - Collected Nene and Hawaii Bibliographical Information, n.d.

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Three - Hawaiian Goose (Nene) Research, Conservation and Publication (cont'd)
Map Roll 1

Map - Hawaii - Baldwin Literature and Interview Citations, n.d.

Map - Hawaii - Sight Records of Nene, 1945-1956

Map - Hawaii - Nene Nesting Records, n.d.

Map - Hawaii - Nene Point Locations (double-sided)

Map - Hawaii - Elder Interview Locations, n.d.

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Three - Hawaiian Goose (Nene) Research, Conservation and Publication (cont'd)
Box 10

FF 1 - William S. Devick Papers and Critique, 1983-1987

FF 2 - Hawaii Maps, 1949, 1955-1956

FF 3 - Hawaii Address Book, 1956-1957

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Four - Research on Bird Fertility and Patent of Ornitrol
Box 10 (cont'd)

FF 4 - Journal of Wildlife Management - "Chemical Inhibitors of Ovulation of the Pigeon" (Elder article), 1963-1964

FF 5 - Pigeon Reproduction Manuscript - Acceptance, 1963

FF 6 - Searle - "A New Hypocholesterolemic Agent, 1961-1962

FF 7 - Ovary Studies, 1953-1955

FF 8 - Ovary Sectioning, 1959

FF 9 - Sparrows, 1970-1972

FF 10 - Pigeon Laying Record, 5/1959-7/1960

FF 11 - Pigeon Fertility Record, 5/1959-Spring 1963

FF 12 - Pigeon Fertility Record, 5/1959-Spring 1963 (cont'd)

FF 13 - Fertility Research Log, 1962-1964

FF 14 - Pigeon Laying Record, Flight Pens 1-4, n.d.

FF 15 - Pigeon Laying Record, 10/1964-Spring 1965

FF 16 - Pigeon Laying Record, 2/1962-10/1964

FF 17 - Pigeon Laying Record, 7/1960-2/1961

FF 18 - Pigeon Records, 1969-1971

FF 19 - Pigeon Data, 1962-1965

FF 20 - Upjohn - Pigeon Reproduction and Azo-steroids (also includes other research on cowbirds and pigeons), 1966

FF 21 - Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service Report - "Some Recent Findings in the Inhibition of Avian Reproduction", 9/1962

FF 22 - Correspondence with American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (re: New York City trials of Ornitrol), 1965-1966

FF 23 - Pigeon Birth Control - ASPCA New York City Data and Report (includes photos), 1965

FF 24 - Wheat Samples for Pigeon Counting, 1964

FF 25 - Pigeon and Starling Notes, 1963-1965

FF 26 - Pigeons - Correspondence, 1967-1980

FF 27 - Field Trials in Ashland, Moberly, and High Hill, 1963-1966

FF 28 - Patent Pending, 1963-1970

FF 29 - Ornitrol Patent and Royalties, 1980-1984

FF 30 - Searle and Co. - Correspondence, 1960-1977

FF 31 - Searle and Co. - M.R. Woulfe - Correspondence, 1971

FF 32 - Pigeons - Clippings (including Elder and Ornitrol), 1963-1969, 1982-1983

FF 33 - Pigeon Fertility (includes photographs), 1966-1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF 34 - Pigeon Fertility - Ornitrol Reports, 1967-1968

FF 34A - Experimental Pigeon Colony - Necropsy Reports, 1961-1972

FF 34B - Induced Myotonia in the Pigeon, 1967

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Five - Research on Big Game in Africa
Box 10 (cont'd)

FF 35 - National Science Foundation Grant, 1966-1972

FF 36 - Fulbright Grant, 1965

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Five - Research on Big Game in Africa (cont'd)
Box 11

FF 1 - Fulbright Award, 1965-1966

FF 2 - Africa Travel Receipts, 1965-1966

FF 3 - Africa Field Journals, 1965-1968

FF 4 - Elephant Tranquilization Documentation, 1967-1968

FF 5 - Elephant Anthropometric Data, 1967-1968

FF 6 - Botswana Elephant Chart, 1965

FF 7 - Luangwa Valley Elephants, 1968-1971

FF 8 - Elephant Jaw X-Rays, n.d.

FF 9 - Elephant Tusk Data, 1966-1969

FF 10 - Waterbuck Specimen Register, 1951-1967

FF 11 - Luangwa Valley Game Population Study, 1967-1969

FF 12 - Luangwa Valley Game Immobilization Sheets, 1967-1968

FF 13 - Bushbuck - Notes and Observations, 1960-1967

FF 14 - Maps, Rhodesia and Chobe River Game Reserve, 1970

FF 15 - African Wildlife Research, 1962-1971

FF 16 - African Wildlife Research, 1962-1971 (cont'd)

FF 17 - East African Wildlife Society Quarterly Bulletin, 1967-1969

FF 18 - Zambia - Game and Fisheries Annual Report, 1967-1969

FF 19 - Africa - Publications, 1967

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Five - Research on Big Game in Africa (cont'd)
Box 12

FF 1 - Elephants - Journal, Magazine and Newspaper Articles, 1932-1980

FF 2 - Elephants - Journal, Magazine and Newspaper Articles, 1932-1980 (cont'd)

FF 3 - Elephant Forage, 1966-1979

FF 4 - Elephants, 1970-1992

FF 5 - Elephant Facts, n.d.

FF 6 - Elephant Interest Group, 1978-1985

FF 7 - African Ungulates - Kafue National Park, Zambia, n.d.

FF 8 - Large Animal Tranquilization (includes photographs), 1967-1968

FF 9 - Reckitt and Sons, Ltd. - Animal Tranquilization, 1965-1968

FF 10 - Hair Study (includes photographs, hair samples, correspondence with Horace N. Marvin) 1940, 1977-1978, 1988-1991

FF 11 - Hippopotamus Study - Photographs and Correspondence (includes photographs and negatives), 1958-1968

FF 12 - Hippopotamus Jaws - Photos, n.d.

FF 13 - Africa Correspondence, 1964-1974

FF 14 - Correspondence - Zambia - Bill Bainbridge, 1968-1972

FF 15 - Correspondence - Zambia - John Hanks, 1968-1970

FF 16 - Correspondence - Don Rodgers - Elephants, 1967-1969

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Five - Research on Big Game in Africa (cont'd)
Box 13

FF 1 - Correspondence - John Rodgers - Elephant Body Temperatures, 1970

FF 2 - Science Magazine - Elephant Body Temperatures (includes negatives), 1971

FF 3 - Correspondence re: Elephant Posters, 1969

FF 4 - Photographs and Negatives - African Villagers and Wildlife, 1967

FF 5 - National Geographic - Elephant Article, 1968-1969

FF 6 - Fishermen of Luangwa Wafa, n.d.

FF 7 - Seminars and Speeches on Africa, 1967-1968

FF 8 - Foreign Study, 1962-1983

FF 9 - "Southern Rhodesia - Proud Record", 1964

FF 10 - Rhodesia - Pamphlets, Magazines and Newspaper Articles, 1965-1970

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Six - Bat and Cave Research
Box 13 (cont'd)

FF 11 - National Science Foundation Grant #4386, Bats, 1957-1963

FF 12 - Bats - Research Grants, 1957-1959

FF 13 - Carbon-14 Dating of Guano Deposits, 1958-1963

FF 14 - Boone County Caves, ca. 1975

FF 15 - Caves (includes lists of Missouri caves and student work), 1951-1981 [RESTRICTED]

FF 16 - Bats, 1940-1969

FF 17 - Bat Banding Tools Published Manuscript - Photos and Correspondence (includes photographic prints and negatives), 1970-1971

FF 18 - Pulaski County Caves - Reid Goforth, 1976

FF 19 - Cave Law and Bat Protection, 1973-1974

FF 20 - Bat Research - Wisconsin, 1940-1952

FF 21 - Missouri Department of Conservation - Boone Cave (Rocheport Cave) Project, 1978

FF 22 - Missouri Department of Conservation - Natural History Section - John E. Wylie, 1977-1978

FF 23 - Red and Noary Bats - Photos (includes photographic prints and negatives), 1958

FF 24 - Red Bats, 1951-1982

FF 24A - Gray Bats, ca. 1977

FF 25 - Bats - Bibliography (includes off-prints, copies, and postcards of Marvel Cave), ca 1954-1973

FF 26 - Bats - Lasiurus borealis - Specimen Loan - Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, 1967

FF 27 - Bats - Lasiurus cinereus - Distribution Maps, ca. 1970

FF 28 - Bats - Lasiurus borealis - Distribution Maps, ca. 1967

FF 29 - Bats - Lasionycteris noctivagans - Distribution Maps, n.d.

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Six - Bat and Cave Research (cont'd)
Box 21

Index Cards - Area File - Missouri Cave Information by County, n.d.

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Seven - Ornithological Banding and Research
Box 13

FF 30 - Bird Banding, 1963-1977

FF 31 - Bird Banding Memos, 1981-2005

FF 32 - Bird Banding Permits and Records, 1958-1978

FF 33 - Bird Banding Permits and Records, 1979-2007

FF 34 - Permits (Banding, Trapping, and Collection), 1933-1975

FF 35 - Starling Banding, 1953-1978

FF 36 - Colored Bands, 1942-1947

FF 37 - Bird Banding Traps, 1957-1966

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Seven - Ornithological Banding and Research (cont'd)
Box 14

FF 1 - Avinet Bird Banding, 1995-2003

FF 2 - Handbook of Birds - Ralph Palmer, 1957-1959

FF 3 - Handbook - Canada Goose (includes photographs), 1955-1960

FF 4 - Canada Goose - Long Abstracts, n.d.

FF 5 - Goose - Migrations, 1943, 1953

FF 6 - Canada Goose in New Zealand (manuscript), n.d.

FF 7 - Goose Weights - Europe, ca. 1950-1952

FF 8 - Geese - Turnover, 1944-1946

FF 9 - Geese - Population, 1945-1947

FF 10 - Geese - Population, 1943-1949

FF 11 - Geese - Turnover and Flock Counts, 1947

FF 12 - Geese - Gonad, Bursa, Lead, Measurements, 1942-1947

FF 13 - Geese - Weight Statistics, 1941-1943

FF 14 - Goose Banding Records - Horseshoe Lake (Alexander County, IL), 1942

FF 15 - Geese - Correspondence, 1942-1947

FF 16 - Family Flocks, ca. 1942

FF 17 - Letters to Observers, 1947-1951

FF 18 - Forms - Goose Flocks Observed, Fall 1946

FF 19 - Canada Geese - Field Notes by W.K. Clark, 1938

FF 20 - Missouri Goose Movements, 1949-1951

FF 21 - Canada Goose Studies, 1946-1964

FF 22 - Goose Banding - Photographs and Negatives, 1941, 1953

FF 23 - Canada Goose Feathers, 1942

FF 24 - Glen Smart - "Leadership among Canada Geese Wintering at Horseshoe Lake Wildlife Refuge in Illinois", 2/1959

FF 25 - Preen Gland Experiments, 1951-1952

FF 26 - Preen Gland Data and Photos (includes photographic prints), 1952-1955

FF 27 - Preen Gland Report - "The Oil Gland of Birds", 4/1952

FF 28 - Preen Gland Research, Correspondence and Data (includes photographs), 1951-1952

FF 29 - Bird Research, 1938

FF 30 - Birds of Columbia, Boone County, Missouri and Vicinity, n.d.

FF 31 - Field Key to Birds, 1936

FF 32 - Birds of the Hannibal, Missouri Area, 1979-1981

FF 33 - Bird Banding Recoveries, 1950-1981

FF 34 - Joseph Hickey - Seminar - "Band Recoveries as a Tool in Waterfowl Management", 4/8/1953

FF 35 - Bluebirds, 1980-2004

FF 36 - Chickadees, 1965-1993

FF 37 - Chickadee Study, 1972-1981

FF 38 - Chickadee Study - Data, Publications and Student Reports, 1931-1981 [RESTRICTED]

FF 39 - Survivorship in the Tufted Titmouse, 1983-1985

FF 40 - TV Tower Birds Killed, 10/5/1954

FF 41 - Missouri Waterfowl Projects, 1955

FF 42 - Duck Distribution Map, 1949

FF 43 - Duck Stamp (includes photographs) - Design, 1943

FF 44 - Duck Hunting and Waterfowl Research Article, 1998

FF 45 - Mercury in Ducks, 1970

FF 46 - Photographs - Owls, n.d.

FF 47 - Pheasant Ageing - Wings, 1952-1953

FF 48 - Pheasant Ageing - Chicks, 1953

FF 49 - Grant Proposal - Pigeon Migration and Homing, 1980

FF 50 - Quail Ageing - Wings, 1949, 1967

FF 51 - Woodpeckers - Research and Publications, 1957-1984

FF 52 - Downy Woodpeckers, 1970

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Seven - Ornithological Banding and Research (cont'd)

FF - Coot Autopsy Data, 1945

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Seven - Ornithological Banding and Research (cont'd)
Box 15

FF 1 - Cuckoo Nesting Study (contains data about several species of birds and maps of areas of Wisconsin and Michigan), 1931-1936

FF 2 - Bird Publications, 1952-1956

FF 3 - Bird Publications (cont'd), 1937-1962

FF 4 - Newspaper Articles, Photographs and Drawings - Miscellaneous Waterfowl (and other wildlife), 1936-1949

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Eight - General Wildlife Research
Box 15 (cont'd)

FF 5 - National Science Foundation - Tracer Lab Request, 1959

FF 5A - Latin Names of Species in Sand County Almanac, 1989

FF 6 - Manuscript, "The Os Baculum as an Age Criterion in Mink", ca. 1951

FF 7 - Os Baculum Bibliography, n.d.

FF 8 - Mink, 1948-1961

FF 9 - Caries Survey, ca. 1954

FF 10 - Ungulate Tooth Eruption, n.d.

FF 11 - Big Game Trapping Techniques, n.d.

FF 12 - Phenology Notebook, 1946-1998

FF 13 - Ethology Notebook, n.d.

FF 14 - Iron Spring Cave (Stone County, MO), 1978

FF 15 - Checklist of Missouri Mammals, 1946-1975

FF 16 - Specimen Records, 1948-1976

FF 17 - Gene Kelly - Maps of Distribution of Mammals in Missouri, 1981

FF 18 - Missouri Mammal Distribution Records, 1956-1980

FF 19 - Mammal Collection Field Sheets, 1940-1944

FF 20 - Field Labs (includes photographs), n.d.

FF 21 - Photographs - Grassland and Buckbrush, n.d.

FF 21A - Project List and Ideas, 1961-1983

FF 21B - Miscellaneous (includes "Overview of Management Objectives for the Ashland Wildlife Research Area," Hannibal, Missouri Migration Table, etc.),

FF 22 - Armadillos, 1950-1980

FF 23 - Badgers, 1957-1978

FF 24 - Bears (includes photographs and negatives), 1954-1972

FF 25 - Beavers (includes photograph), 1942-1983

FF 26 - Bison, 1955-1976

FF 27 - Bobcats (includes photographs), 1945-1979

FF 28 - Butterflies (includes photographs and records related to the donation of Elder's butterfly collection to the Milwaukee Public Museum), 1973-2005

FF 29 - Correspondence regarding Butterflies, 1960-1967

FF 30 - Butterflies - Mounting Labels and Notes, ca. 1998

FF 31 - Capybara, 1956

FF 32 - Cattle, 1948-1959

FF 33 - Chipmunks (includes tail specimen), 1942-1952

FF 34 - Deer, 1969-1970

FF 35 - Deer Ageing, 1950-1965

FF 36 - Dire Wolf, 1959-1964

FF 36A - Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, 1961-1977

FF 37 - Foxes, 1978

FF 38 - Gophers (includes photographs), 1947-1977

FF 39 - Wild Hogs, 1950

FF 40 - Horses, 1951-1957

FF 40A - Kestrels - Recoveries data, 1981

FF 41 - Mice, 1943-1952

FF 42 - Moose, Deer and Elk, 1945-1982

FF 43 - Mountain Lions and Cougars, 1949-1983

FF 44 - Muskrat, Lemmings and Prairie Dogs, 1946

FF 45 - Wild Nutria, 1961-1963

FF 46 - Otters, 1956-1981

FF 46A - Polydactyly (Photographic negatives and bibliography), ca. 1960

FF 47 - Porcupines, 1944-1967

FF 48 - Pronghorns, 1949, 1961

FF 49 - Rabbits (includes negatives), 1948-1979

FF 50 - Raccoons, 1950-1951

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Eight - General Wildlife Research (cont'd)
Box 16

FF 1 - Raccoons, 1950-1960

FF 2 - Raccoon Population Report, 1948-1955

FF 3 - Raccoon Tagging Records, 1948-1954

FF 4 - Raccoon Bones, 1950-1953

FF 5 - Raccoon Population Report Outline and Correspondence, 1951-1953

FF 6 - Raccoon Survey Outgoing Letters, 1950-1951

FF 7 - Raccoon Population Questionnaires, 1950-1951

FF 8 - Raccoon Population Questionnaires, 1950-1951 (cont'd)

FF 9 - Photographs and Newspaper Article - Wildlife Management Raccoon Trapping - Swan Lake Wildlife Refuge, 1948

FF 10 - Rats, 1947-1970

FF 10A - Road Runner, 1961-1982

FF 11 - Ring-Tailed Cat, 1967-1972

FF 12 - Shrews (includes photographs), 1953, 1975-1977

FF 13 - Skunks, 1969

FF 14 - Squirrels, 1939-1965

FF 15 - White Squirrels (includes photographs), 1963-1989

FF 16 - Turkey Management, 1961-1968

FF 17 - Weasels, 1947-1952

FF 18 - Weasels (includes photograph), 1976-1977

FF 19 - Wolves and Coyotes (includes negatives), 1956-1978

FF 20 - Woodchucks (includes photographs), 1938, 1950

FF 20A - Carolina Wrens, ca. 1984

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Nine - Wildlife Research Stations
Box 16 (cont'd)

FF 21 - Delta Waterfowl Research Station, 1951-1976

FF 22 - Delta Waterfowl Research Station (includes photographs), 1947-1968

FF 23 - Delta, Manitoba - Delta Ridge - Pyramid of Numbers, n.d.

FF 24 - Mammals of Delta, Manitoba, 1948

FF 25 - Field Notes - Delta Mammal Notes, 1941

FF 26 - Delta, Manitoba - Muskrat Seminar, 8/1947

FF 27 - Photographs - Riding Mountains, Manitoba, 1954

FF 28 - Furbearer Stream Survey, 1960-1963

FF 29 - Tyson Research Center, 1979

FF 30 - Washington University - Tyson Research Center, 1971

FF 31 - Round Lake Station, Minnesota, 1961-1964

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Ten - Supplementary Research Materials
Box 16 (cont'd)

FF 32 - Harry Anderson - Illinois Germination Studies, 1948

FF 33 - Lewis Helm - "History of the Northwest Missouri River Hills", n.d.

FF 34 - Maps - Wildlife Areas, 1945-1976

FF 35 - Antler and Tooth Formation, n.d.

FF 36 - Oxford Biology Readers - Primates and Teeth, 1972-1977

FF 37 - Burros and Horses, 1979-1980

FF 38 - Deer Publications, 1953-1956

FF 39 - Frederick J. Ruff - Pisgah Deer, 1938

FF 40 - Fish Publications, 1954-1955

FF 41 - Peccary, 1969

FF 42 - Rabbit Publications, 1954-1955

FF 43 - Ken Rowe - Cottontail Data, 1952

FF 44 - Opossum Tagging and Photographs, 1948

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Ten - Supplementary Research Materials (cont'd)
Box 21

Index Cards - General Bibliography, n.d.

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Ten - Supplementary Research Materials (cont'd)
Box 17

FF 1 - Rodent Publications, 1941-1956

FF 2 - Map, "Waterfowl Breeding Grounds Aerial Transects", 1956

FF 3 - Robert L. Dunkenson - Inventory Methods for Big Game, 1966

FF 4 - Decoy Trap, n.d.

FF 5 - Mammal Traps, 1946-1982

FF 6 - Animal Tags, 1946-1981

FF 7 - Massachusetts Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit - Quarterly Report (Vol. 18 No. 1), 1965

FF 8 - Caponizing, 1917-1953

FF 9 - US Department of Interior - Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife - Committee on Rare and Endangered Wildlife Species - "Rare and Endangered Wildlife in the United States" (Draft), 1964

FF 10 - Endangered Species, n.d.

FF 11 - American Museum of Natural History - "Triumph of the Mammals", ca. 1942

FF 12 - Robert L. Dunkeson - Report on White-tailed Deer on Skaggs Game Ranch (includes negative), 1950

FF 13 - Environmental Pollutants, 1956-1970

FF 14 - Pesticide Use, 1969-1970

FF 15 - Missouri Maps, 1965, 1989

FF 16 - MU School of Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife - Choromanski-Norris and Fritzell - "Status and Distribution of Ten Missouri Mammals", 11/15/1983

FF 17 - National Wildlife Refuges, 1952-1955

FF 18 - Wildlife Research and Conservation Reports, 1951-1969

FF 19 - Holly Ridge Management Plan, 5/1975

FF 20 - Fur Trading - Columbia Missourian Newspaper Article, 2/19/1975

FF 21 - Petroglyphs, n.d.

FF 22 - Phillips Petroleum - "Native Grasses, Legumes and Forbs", 1955

FF 23 - Aldo Leopold Publications, 1935-1948

FF 24 - Samuel Brody - "Facts, Fables, and Fallacies on Feeding the World Population", 9/1952

FF 25 - Beryl L. Crowe - "The Tragedy of the Commons Revisited" (Science Magazine), 11/28/1969

FF 26 - Daniel McKinley - Publications, 1960-1971

FF 27 - Daniel McKinley - Publications (cont'd), 1960-1985

FF 28 - Scientific American - Reprints, 1951-1969

FF 29 - Articles and Studies - Various Animals, 1939-1997

FF 30 - Publications - Various Wildlife, 1949-1956

FF 31 - Publications - Various Wildlife, 1946-1956 (cont'd)

Series Three - Publication and Research (cont'd)
Sub-Series Ten - Supplementary Research Materials (cont'd)
Box 18

FF 1 - Publications - Various Wildlife Topics, 1949-1956

FF 2 - Publications - Various Wildlife Topics, 1949-1956 (cont'd)

FF 3 - Publications - Various Wildlife Topics, 1949-1956, 1977

FF 4 - "Partial List of Dealers Handling Rare Books, Bulletins and Reports on Conservation and Natural History", 1960

Series Four - Organizational and Civic Activities
Box 18 (cont'd)

FF 5 - Ecology Group (Chicago) - Seminars, 1946

FF 6 - Waterfowl Workers (includes Mississippi Flyway Waterfowl Committee and research on lead poisoning), 1947-1966

FF 7 - Endocrinology Journaling Club, 1937-1951

FF 8 - American Society of Mammalogists (ASM), 1947-1982

FF 9 - ASM - Committee on Conservation of Land Mammals - Kaibab Squirrel Controversy, 1964

FF 10 - Wilson Ornithological Club, 1947-1951

FF 11 - Wildlife Society (includes Missouri Chapter), 1968-1982

FF 12 - Wildlife Society - Committees, 1950-1976

FF 13 - Wildlife Management Institute, 1953

FF 14 - National Wildlife Federation, 1954-1956, 1975

FF 15 - International Biological Program (IBP), 1969

FF 16 - Missouri Attorney General's Environmental Advisory Committee, 1970

FF 17 - Missouri Garden Clubs - Lecture, 1955

FF 18 - Ducks Unlimited, 1947-1950

FF 19 - Missouri Academy of Science, 1953-1954, 1980

FF 20 - Missouri Wildlife Club, 1960-1963, 1980

FF 21 - Missouri Bat Stewards - Articles of Incorporation, 1997

FF 22 - The Nature Conservancy (includes history of Missouri Chapter), 1957-2000

FF 23 - North American Wildlife Conference, 1946-1972

FF 24 - Prairie Grouse Technical Council, 1963

FF 25 - Midwest Wildlife Conference, 1946, 1980-1981

FF 26 - Wisconsin State Board for Preservation of Scientific Areas, 1957

FF 27 - State Inter-Agency Council for Outdoor Recreation (SIACOR) - Missouri Natural Areas Subcommittee, 1975

FF 28 - Missouri Natural Areas Committee, 1981

FF 29 - L-A-D Foundation, 1971-1976

FF 30 - Leo Drey - L-A-D Foundation - Correspondence, 1971

FF 31 - Missouri Natural Area Survey, 1971-1974

FF 32 - Missouri Department of Natural Resources, 1974-1979

FF 33 - Conservation Federation of Missouri, 1970-1978

FF 34 - Grindstone Steering Committee, 1975-1976

FF 35 - Ecology Restoration Pilot Project, 1995

FF 36 - Hinkson Valley Nature Preserve, 1990

Series Four - Organizational and Civic Activities (cont'd)
Box 22

Index Cards (5x8") - Natural Areas of Missouri listed by County, n.d.

Series Five - Correspondence
Box 18 (cont'd)

FF 37 - Members of Congress, 1959-1983

FF 38 - Inquiries (includes photographs as well as inquiries on job opportunities, academic programs, and wildlife identification), 1956-1984

FF 39 - Argonne, Wisconsin, 1977-1989

FF 40 - University Archives/University Libraries, 1983-1984

FF 41 - Correspondence - A, 1949-1985

FF 42 - Aldrich, John W., 1948-1968

FF 43 - Anderson, John M., 1949-1951

FF 44 - Austin, Oliver L., Jr., 1952

Series Five - Correspondence (cont'd)
Box 19

FF 1 - Correspondence - B, 1949-2000

FF 2 - Baskett, Thomas S., 1948-1953

FF 3 - Beilmann, August P., 1951-1954

FF 4 - Bellrose, Frank, 1942-1971

FF 5 - Borell, Adrey E. (incomplete), 1946

FF 6 - Boyd, Hugh, 1954-1958

FF 7 - Brohn, Allen, 1951, 1975

FF 8 - Burt, William H., 1945-1956

FF 9 - Buss, Irven O., 1946-1984

FF 10 - Correspondence - C, 1947-2000

FF 11 - Campbell, Robert, 1945-1978

FF 12 - Cooch, Graham, 1952-1953

FF 13 - Cottam, Clarence, 1945-1956

FF 14 - Cowan, Ian McT., 1950-1952

FF 15 - Correspondence - D, 1947-1988

FF 16 - Delta Waterfowl Foundation/North American Wildlife Foundation, 1984-2001

FF 17 - Darling, Frank, 1950-1952

FF 18 - Davis, David E., 1946-1958

FF 19 - Dunkeson, Robert L., 1948-1964

FF 20 - Correspondence - E, 1949-1994

FF 21 - Emlen, John T., 1942-1949

FF 22 - Eygenraam, Jan, 1954-1957

FF 23 - Correspondence - F, 1946-1989

FF 24 - Farner, Donald S., 1946-1968

FF 25 - Fisher, Herbert J., 1988-1998

FF 26 - Correspondence - G, 1947-1993

FF 27 - Greenwell, Guy, 1947-1983

FF 28 - Gophmunks - YMCA Boys Group (includes photographs), 1939-1998

FF 29 - Ginsburg, Benson E., 1945-1954

FF 30 - Greeley, Frederick, 1942-1963

FF 31 - Gunier, Wilbur J., 1967-1983

FF 32 - Correspondence - H (includes photographs), 1949-1999

FF 33 - Hall, E. Raymond, 1946-1960

FF 34 - Hall, Leonard, 1946-1960

FF 35 - Hammerstrom, Fred and Fran, 1946-1956

FF 36 - Hawkins, Arthur S., 1942-1955

FF 37 - Heye, Paul, 1960-1981

FF 38 - Hickey, Joseph J., 1945-1991

FF 39 - Hochbaum, H. Albert (includes other material on Delta Waterfowl Research Station as well), 1941-1983

FF 40 - Hoffmeister, Donald F., 1946-1977

FF 41 - Hornkohl, Leon W., 1946-1960

FF 42 - Correspondence - I, 1953

FF 43 - Correspondence - J, 1949-1989

FF 44 - Jackson, Arnold S., Jr., 1942-1946

Series Five - Correspondence (cont'd)
Box 20

FF 1 - Correspondence - K, 1947-2000

FF 2 - Kirkpatrick, Charles, 1943-1990

FF 3 - Kendeigh, S. Charles, 1942-1950

FF 4 - Correspondence - L (includes photographs), 1947-1981

FF 5 - Leedy, Daniel, 1948-1958

FF 6 - Leopold, A.C. (Carl) - Leopold, Stella - Leopold, Luna, 1949-1979

FF 7 - Leopold, A. Starker (includes correspondence with Leopold and others about candidates for leadership of Missouri Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit), 1942-1968

FF 8 - Low, Jessop B., 1942-1958

FF 9 - Correspondence - M, 1946-2002

FF 10 - Marvin, Horace N., 1946-1987

FF 11 - Marshall, William H., 1946-1971

FF 12 - Maxwell, Erik A., 1954

FF 13 - Correspondence - Mc, 1950-1983

FF 14 - McCabe, Robert A., 1945-1995

FF 15 - McKinley, Dan (includes photographs), 1951-2000

FF 16 - Meyer, Alberta (St. Louis Board of Education), 1954

FF 17 - Miner, Jack, and Miner, Manly, 1941-1944

FF 18 - Mohler, Levi L., 1948-1953

FF 19 - Mossman, Harland W., 1950-1953

FF 20 - Correspondence - N, 1946-1983

FF 21 - Nice, Margaret M., 1945-1965

FF 22 - Correspondence - O, 1950-1959, 1981-1982

FF 23 - Odum, Eugene P., 1945-1954

FF 24 - Correspondence - P, 1947-1993

FF 25 - Pough, Richard H. (includes photograph), 1951-1960

FF 26 - Correspondence - Q, 1950-1954

FF 27 - Quay, Wilbur Brooks (W.B.), 1986-1991

FF 28 - Correspondence - R (includes letters to Elder on his retirement), 1946-1993

FF 29 - Raush, Robert, 1950-1955

FF 30 - Reynolds, Harold C., 1948

FF 31 - Aldo Leopold Shack Foundation, 1993-1994

FF 32 - Correspondence - S (includes correspondence with members of Congress and Missouri Governor's office), 1947-1993

FF 33 - Sanderson, Glen C., 1950-1990

FF 34 - Schwartz, Charles W., 1945-1958

FF 35 - Scott, Peter - Severn Wildfowl Trust, 1949-1958

FF 36 - Scott, Thomas G., 1955-1963

FF 37 - Simpson, C. David, 1966-1974

FF 38 - Sinnott, Rick, 1985

FF 39 - Smart, Glen, 1957-1982

FF 40 - Sowls, Lyle, 1945-1980

FF 41 - Stevenson, Robert, 1945-1969

FF 42 - Correspondence - T, 1947-1956, 1984-1986

FF 43 - Thompson, Daniel Q., 1949-1997

FF 44 - Correspondence - U-V, 1949-1997

FF 45 - Vaughn, Charles, 1957

FF 46 - Correspondence - W, 1943-1998

FF 47 - Williams, Cecil S., 1942-1949

FF 48 - Wright, Phillip L., 1942-1980

FF 49 - Correspondence - X-Y, 1949-1955, 1978

FF 50 - Yeager, Lee E., 1943-1948

FF 51 - Yeatter, Ralph E., 1943-1945

FF 52 - Correspondence - Z, 1947-1952, 1979-1980

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Compiled: Brian Cain, July 2011
Revised: 07 November 2011

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