Holdings: Call Number: |
Record Group: 30 C Scope and Content Note Mascots, as symbols of good luck, often become readily identifiable with the schools or teams they represent. Truman, the mascot of the University of Missouri, is no exception. The tiger mascot was officially adopted by the 1892 football team in honor of the "Columbia Tigers," the nickname given a community group of Civil War era Union Militia. The tiger was dubbed Truman in a 1984 contest and he became stylized in 1986. Truman appears in many forms and formats and is often represented on a variety of promotional materials. This Sub-Record Group is comprised of graphic representations of Truman and other University mascot representations. This collection is not inclusive and is intended to hold records that are not affiliated or associated with other record groups. Series Descriptions: This Record Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. The Sub-Group follows receipt date order. Inventory Item 1 - Free-standing Truman, clasping two books; two-sided, 11.75", color, poster-stock; general University promotional. Item 2 - Bandana featuring Truman waving a bandana, the caption "TIGER-AID", and a bandage with the Missouri M at the center; gold-colored material with black print, 21.62" square, designed by DSport of Columbia, Missouri, dated 1987-1988; promotional for unknown event. Item 3 - Decal of realistic walking tiger; paper, gold and black, 3.75" x 11.25", copyrighted 1928 by Mid-Continent Sales Co., Columbia, MO; unknown origin. Item 4 - (A01-10) University of Missouri-Columbia collegiate license plate, donated by State Representative Ted Farnen, featuring Truman the tiger, ca 1997. Item 5 - Free-standing letter "M" with snarling tiger representation at the center; black and gold, paper-stock; Alumni Association promotional, ca 2001. Item 6 - Popcorn box used by the University of Missouri-Columbia Concessions, phased out in February 2001. The box is printed with a yellow and black tiger-striped pattern. Item 7 - Popcorn box used by the University of Missouri-Columbia Concessions beginning in February 2001. The box is black-and-gold and features the snarling tiger representation. Item 8 - Show Me Mule decal; paper, gold and black, 12 x 14 cm, copyright 1929 by Sam R. Dalton, Columbia Mo, unknown origin. Item 9 - Free-standing Truman, seated looking upwards and smiling; two-sided, 12", color, poster-stock; general University promotional. Item 10 - Dust Jacket; paper, gold and black, 6"x8", showing a crouching tiger on the front with an M and the University seal on the reverse; sold by the University Book Store in Jesse Hall, n.d. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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