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Call Number:

Box 1-017273
Box 2-017274
Box 3-033620

Record Group: 3 C
Record Sub-Group: 9
Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Department of Rural Sociology; Administrative Records
Dates: 1969-1984, bulk 1979-1984
Volume: 2 and 1/3 cubic feet, 2.9 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

(A85-52; A85-123)
This Record Sub-Group is comprised of the working files of Professor Mike Nolan, Chair of the MU Department of Rural Sociology. Included in this Sub-Group are departmental correspondence, program reports, faculty information, evaluations, grievances, committee meeting minutes and reports, budgets, financial reports, policy procedures, departmental planning, general departmental files, teaching needs and concerns, food for the 21'st Century, and assistant professorship applicants control records.
Note to Researcher: Some materials included in this Sub-Group were generated by the Department of Rural Sociology either previous to or following Professor Nolan's tenure as Chairman (1979-1983).

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement of the Sub-Group follows the record creator's original order.


Box 1

FF 1 - College of Agriculture Correspondence (including: seminars; faculty; committees; workshops; guidelines for university procedures; agricultural extension programs; research reports and brochures; budgets; and the Agriculture Student Directory), 06/1979 - 12/1979

FF 2 - Faculty Evaluations [RESTRICTED]

FF 3 - Report of Task Force No. 1, College of Agriculture Study Series [RESTRICTED]

FF 4 - Nontraditional Study Program Annual Report (correspondence and report), 1978-1979

FF 5 - College of Agriculture Executive Committee (including; member lists; minutes of meetings; correspondence; characteristics and concerns of the College of Agriculture teaching program, activity bulletins, reports), 1979

FF 6 - Departmental Chairman Seminar (correspondence and reports), 1979

FF 7 - Course Evaluations for Paul Lasley (summaries), 1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF 8 - NCA-13 Fall Meeting (information packet, members present, agenda, correspondence), 10/29/1979

FF 9 - Extension Programs, Report to the Executive Division (summary UMC), 1978-1979

FF 10 - Financial Exigency Policies, pamphlet, 10/10/1977

FF 11 - S-148 Minutes of the First Meeting of the Technical Committee, Atlanta Georgia, 11/07-09/1979

FF 12 - Rural Development Projects (lists of executive board and advisory council members)

FF 13 - Annual Progress Reports (reports of faculty projects), 1978

FF 14 - Change and Research Priorities College of Agriculture (station projects correspondence)

FF 15 - Project 230 (North Central Center for Rural Development)

FF 16 - Project 234 (Influence of Sociological Factors upon Marketing and Food Consumption Patterns of Agricultural Product)

FF 17 - Project 539 (Current Concerns in Educational Development of College of Agriculture Students)

FF 18 - Knowledge Utilization II Revised (project)

FF 19 - Procedural Series (procedures for station grants)

FF 20 - Articles of Understanding Between Departments of Sociology and Agriculture (correspondence and articles)

FF 21 - NCA 13, Chicago, Illinois (agenda for meeting, correspondence, agricultural census, graduate internships, and Title XII)

FF 22 - Format of Department Reviews (correspondence, calendars, notes, organizational structures in agriculture, chairman's notes)

FF 23 - Graduate Instruction Committee (proposals, committee revisions, lists of sociology students)

FF 24 - Research Work and Unit Project Description Progress Report (community development report, proposals, project reports, correspondence), 01/1977 - 12/1977

FF 25 - Newsletter Materials, 1979

FF 26 - Newsletter (final copy), 1979

FF 27 - Acting Dean, George Smith (correspondence pertaining to position, faculty salaries, and general correspondence), 1979-1980

FF 28 - Workshop on Pastoral Systems and African Livestock Development, 09/24/1979 - 09/26/1979

FF 29 - Faculty Adjustments (salaries, votes, course summaries of faculty), 1977-1978

FF 30 - Executive Committee (correspondence, minutes of meetings, expenditures, proposals, faculty promotion and tenure, faculty curriculum vitae), 1972-1977

FF 31 - Promotion and Tenure (correspondence concerning specific faculty member promotion), 1978-1979 [RESTRICTED]

FF 32 - Salaries and Annual Report (report, salary survey and recommendations), 1977-1978

FF 33 - Salary Recommendations and Annual Report (correspondence, proposed raises), 1978-1979

FF 34 - Promotion and Tenure (correspondence pertaining to a specific faculty member promotion), 1976-1977 [RESTRICTED]

FF 35 - Rural Sociology Department Needs (recruitment of a new faculty member, Hartmen's position, Missouri agriculture poll), 1976-1977

FF 36 - College of Agriculture Budget Material (drafts, budget profiles and analyses), 1978-1979

FF 37 - Additional Faculty Requests (academic recruitment, Judith Per- role, Paul Lasley, curricula-vitae), 04/1978

FF 38 - Department of Rural Sociology Graduate Program (correspondence pertaining to the reinstatement of the Ph.D. program), 1977

FF 39 - Memorial Union and Brady Commons Governing Board (minutes and correspondence), 1979-1980

FF 40 - Peer Review System (correspondence and check list for peer review), n.d.

FF 41 - Past Extension Correspondence (correspondence, newsletters, project funding, recruitment), n.d.

Box 2

FF 1 - Agriculture Dean Search Committee (correspondence, tallies, curricula vitae), n.d. [RESTRICTED]

FF 2 - College of Agriculture Executive Committee (members, minutes of meetings, reports), 1980

FF 3 - Agriculture Policy Committee (minutes of meetings, correspondence), n.d.

FF 4 - Task Force: Technology for International Agricultural Livestock Management (proposed projects, minutes of meetings, correspondence), 1979-1980

FF 5 - Agricultural Experiment Station Project (correspondence, research projects, agendas, grant proposals), 1979-1980

FF 6 - Executive Committee (costs for programs, report), 1979-1980

FF 7 - Departments of Sociology and Rural Sociology Evaluation of Expenditures, 1979-1980

FF 8 - Agriculture Experiment Station Projects (outline for discussion, project comments, correspondence), n.d.

FF 9 - Fiscal Operations (correspondence, grants summary expenditures, computer dollar expenditures, vouchers), 1979-1980

FF 10 - Extension Correspondence (proposed program for Rural Sociology, minutes of meetings, general correspondence), n.d.

FF 11 - Graduate Faculty Senate (minutes of meetings), n.d.

FF 12 - 5th World Congress for Rural Sociology, Mexico City (collaborative research, speeches, correspondence, program), 08/07-12/1980

FF 13 - Ed Hassinger Sabbatical, Paul Lasley Appointment (correspondence pertaining to the appointment of Paul Lasley), 1979-1980 [RESTRICTED]

FF 14 - Personnel Materials [RESTRICTED]

FF 15 - Zambia Proposal (plan for development in Zambia), n.d.

FF 16 - Kusum Nair (correspondence pertaining to the position of Nair as a Research Assistant), n.d. [RESTRICTED]

FF 17 - Second Meeting of S-148 Committee (minutes of meeting), 11/12-13/1980

FF 18 - NCA-13 Rural Sociology Meeting (correspondence, notes, committee recommendations), 1980

FF 19 - Faculty Rewards, a paper by Rex Campbell, n.d.

FF 20 - Societal Impact of the Elderly by Paul Lasley (also, correspondence, grant data form, employment forms, and a cooperative agreement between Board of Curators and Soil Conservation Service), n.d.

FF 21 - Department Chairmen Staff Conference (minutes to meetings and Nolan's notes), n.d.

FF 22 - College of Agriculture Correspondence (research funding, policies, reports from the Executive Committee), 06/1979 - 12/1979

FF 23 - Agriculture Experiment Station Progress Reports (instructions and reports), 1979-1980

FF 24 - Annual Report (Rural Sociology) Faculty Salary Recommendations (annual reports, salary increases, recommendations, correspondence), 1974-1979

FF 25 - Institute for Departmental Leadership (correspondence, speech by Buchholz, list of participants), n.d.

FF 26 - North Central Experiment Station (correspondence, notes, agendas for meetings, individual pay scales, background information), n.d.

FF 27 - Rural Sociological Society Council Meeting, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada (correspondence, agenda, financial statement, minutes of meeting, reports), n.d.

FF 28 - Workshop for Recently Appointed Administrators (correspondence, tentative schedule), 1981

FF 29 - Dean A. Max Lennon (schedule, correspondence pertaining to the reduction of state allotments, Title XII grant, extension education, capital items, program improvements), 1981

FF 30 - Associate Dean, Kenneth L. Larson (correspondence concerning, administrative equipment, sample program for Rural Sociology, student grade information, salary information), n.d.

FF 31 - W. H. Pfander (correspondence pertaining the operation of the Agriculture Department in the areas of research, development, salaries, and budget), 1981

Box 3

FF 1 - Xerox 860 Information (serial numbers, maintenance schedule, inventory, review of proposed equipment), n.d.

FF 2 - Dean's, Directors', Departmental Chairmen's Correspondence (pertaining to faculty leave, meetings, awards, expenses, purchasing, and hiring), n.d.

FF 3 - Policy Series (policies for committees, pesticide use, experiment station, promotion and tenure, peer review, and expense allowances), n.d.

FF 4 - Extension Committee Appointment (correspondence, committee members and purposes), n.d.

FF 5 - Short Course and Conference Series (committee members and purposes), n.d.

FF 6. FF 7 - Annual Report (Rural Sociology) Annual Report and Faculty Salary Recommendations (correspondence, charts, budget guidelines), 1980-1981

FF 8 - Faculty Evaluations [RESTRICTED]

FF 9 - Dean Max Lennon Correspondence (summary of research activities, alumni information, general correspondence pertaining to salaries, tenure, positions, international programs, and committees), 1982 [PARTIALLY RESTRICTED]

FF 10 - Kenneth Larson Correspondence (Youth Leadership Conference, course offerings, committee assignments), 1982

FF 11 - Assistant Dean Wendell McKinsey Correspondence (promotion of faculty, Lionberger's retirement), 1982 [PARTIALLY RESTRICTED]

FF 12 - W. H. Phander Correspondence (pertaining to research, grants, staff, awards, gifts, computer inventory, graduate assistantships), 1982

FF 13 - Miscellaneous College of Agriculture Correspondence (research, computers, achievement reports, conservation seminar, information management committee, budgets, evaluation process, scholarship proposal, United Way, personnel procedures, College of Agriculture Handbook, funds, alumni awards, careers in Sociology, pamphlets), n.d.

FF 14 - Barbara J. Bank, Sociology Chairperson, Correspondence (specialization and interest areas of sociology and rural sociology professors, graduate program)

FF 15 - Mike Nolan, Rural Sociology Correspondence (meetings, awards, calendars, planning enrollment figures, funding allotments), 1982

FF 16 - Miscellaneous Reports, College of Agriculture (including: Sixth Annual Report Nontraditional Study Program In Agriculture, Civil Rights Compliance Review Report of Research Institutions and Organizations for fiscal year), n.d.

FF 17 - Budget, Nolan (itemized budget, project allocations, supplies' costs itemized)

FF 18 - Fiscal Operations (operating budgets, position reductions, research funding, Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) appointments), 1981

FF 19 - Reallocation (plan for reallocation), 1980-1981

FF 20 - Travel, General and Cars (expense allowances, vehicle registration data, faculty approval for transportation)

FF 21 - Agricultural Experiment Station Correspondence (regarding project planning and allocations and the "C.S.R.S. Research Apprenticeship for High School Students," workshop), 1981

FF 22 - Doctoral Faculty Information (application process, list of faculty), n.d.

FF 23 - Ozark County Typology (agreement, community services project), n.d.

FF 24 - Project No. 232 (Professor Lionberger): Knowledge Utilization III (project progress report), n.d.

FF 25 - Project No. 162 (Heffernan): Socioeconomic Factors Affecting the Adoption of Soil Conservation Practices (review sheet), n.d.

FF 26 - Extension Correspondence (program activities, administrative update, diagnostic services for agricultural extension specialists, planning, recruitment, reports, articles), 1981

FF 27 - Agriculture Faculty Meetings (agendas, minutes to meetings), 1980

FF 28 - College of Agriculture Executive Committee (correspondence, minutes to meetings), n.d.

FF 29 - Rural Sociology Department Curriculum Committee (proposals, Observations About A Rural Development Advanced Degree In Rural Sociology), n.d.

FF 30 - College of Agriculture Policy Committee (minutes to meetings), 1981

FF 31 - Building Naming Committee (committee member list, recommendations, ballots), n.d.

FF 32 - Departmental Advisory Committee (member's lists, proposed structure and function of Experiment Station advisory committees, n.d.

FF 33 - Departmental Chairman Meetings (minutes to meetings), 1981

FF 34 - Departmental Retreat (minutes of retreat, curricula discussion), 1981

FF 35 - Douglas Ensminger (press clipping, award nomination, Extension's Mission: Contributions of Rural Sociology in the Development and Functioning of Institutions in the Developing Countries, Accelerating the Adoption of Improved Technology in the Less Developed Countries), n.d.

FF 36 - Assistant Dean, J. Wendell McKinsey, Correspondence (faculty listings, tenure, proposals), n.d.

FF 37 - Mike Nolan, General Correspondence (includes personnel materials), [RESTRICTED]

FF 38 - Mike Nolan, Rural Sociology Correspondence (previous employees, faculty applicants, miscellaneous), n.d. [RESTRICTED]

FF 39 - College of Agriculture Correspondence (includes student grade materials), [RESTRICTED]

FF 40 - Agriculture College General Research and Teaching Information (summary of grants, contracts, aids and awards, gifts received, student faculty ratios, ranked faculty listing, annual activities report, salary survey, comparison of appropriations, departmental reviews outline), n.d.

FF 41 - College of Agriculture Foundation (correspondence, annual meeting, membership records, minutes to meetings), n.d.

FF 42 - Cooperatives Scholar, von Patera (correspondence, curriculum vitae), n.d.

FF 43 - Executive Committee Meeting and Correspondence, n.d.

FF 44 - Faculty Council Report on Workload Policies (report with a table of contents), 1983

FF 45 - Food for the 21st Century (staff projection, proposal for research, Role of Plant Pathology in Food for the 21st Century), n.d.

FF 46 - Institutional Review Board (reports, research project proposals, Information for Review of a Project Involving Human Subjects), n.d.

FF 47 - Program Facilities Assessment (Phase I report on assessment), n.d.

FF 48 - Regional Research Information (committees list), n.d.

FF 49 - Applicants Control Log (list of applicants for assistant professor), n.d.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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