UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Department of Rural Sociology; Migration and Populations Research Records MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site MU Libraries -- links to home page of the University Libraries of the University of Missouri at Columbia University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia University of Missouri -- links to home page of the University of Missouri at Columbia spacerHeader graphic


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Call Number:

Box 1-017309
Box 2-017310

Record Group: 3 C
Record Sub-Group: 8
Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Department of Rural Sociology; Migration and Populations Research Records
Dates: 1923-1977, bulk 1970-1977
Volume: 2 cubic feet, 2.5 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group consists of research files generated by a study of the return migration of Afro-Americans to the Southern United States. This project was conducted by the Faculty and Staff of the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Department of Rural Sociology. Among the materials included are research papers and published articles, monograph outlines, book chapter drafts, data collection folders, data tabulations, interview and questionnaire procedure guidelines, and code books.
Note to Researcher: This Sub-Group also contains a list of MA thesis and Ph.D. dissertation titles for the researchers involved in this project.

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is divided into two record series. Series One contains scholarly works relating to the topic of Afro-American Return Migration to the South. Series Two holds the Migration Project Preliminary Report, as well as research materials used in its production.

Series Outline:

  1. Series One - Scholarly Works

  2. Series Two - Migration Project Report


Series One - Scholarly Works

Box 1

FF 1 - Titles of Sociology and Rural Sociology M. A. thesis and/or dissertation authored by R. Campbell, G. Stangler, D. Johnson, G. Dailey, Jr., and R. McNamara, ca. l928-1970

FF 2 - Titles of Sociology and Rural Sociology M. A. thesis and/or dissertation authored by R. Campbell, G. Stangler, D. Johnson, G. Dailey, Jr., and R. McNamara, ca. l928-1970

FF 3 - Research Proposals, Migration of Negroes to the South; Population Change and Migration in the Five State Ozark Region; Net Migration in Oklahoma, 1950-1975, by the above named researchers, ca. 1970-1977

FF 4 - Population and Higher Education in Missouri, 1960-1975, by R. Campbell, n.d.

FF 5 - Social Participation of Migrants into four Ozark Communities, by R. Campbell. Paper data collected under joint project University of Arkansas, Fayette, the University of Missouri-Columbia and the Economic Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, n.d.

FF 6 - Population Change, Migration, and Displacement Along the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas Navigation-System, by R. Campbell, G. Stangler, G. Dailev, Jr., R. McNamara (submitted to United States Army Engineer Institute for Water Resources), 05/1977

FF 7 - Negro Migration to the South, by R. Campbell and D. Johnson (draft only), 1969

FF 8 - Paradigm of Counter-stream Migration, by R. Campbell and C. Stangler (research supported by grants from the National Institute of Health, Army Corps of Engineers, and the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station), 1977

FF 9 - Effects of Return Migration to the South, by V. Easter; a student paper for Population and Ecology course, n.d.

FF 10 - Black Inter-Regional Migration: The Primary North-to-South Migrant, by N. Chidester (MA thesis, incomplete copy), 08/1974

FF 11 - Community Satisfaction of Black Return Migrants to a Southern Metropolis; Negro Migration to the South; Report on an August 1971 Trip to Selected Southern Cities; Black Migration to America in 1940, by D. Johnson, ca. 1971-1975

FF 12 - Black Return Migration to a Southern Metropolitan Community: Birmingham, Alabama, by D. M. Johnson, (Ph.D. dissertation), 05/1973

FF 13 - Return Migration of Black People to the South, by R. Campbell, D. Johnson, and G. Stangler (data for these papers was drawn from materials gathered for a larger project on the migration of Afro-Americans to the South), 1974

FF 14 - Black Migration to the South: Primary and Return Migrants; Black Peturn Migration to Two Non-Metropolitan Areas of the South; Return Migration of Black People to the South: Data from the 1970 Public Use Sample; Black Return Migration to Two Rural Areas of the South; Propositions on Internal Counter-stream Migration; Propositions on Counter-stream Migration: the State of the Art; Theoretical Propositions on Internal Counter-stream Migration, by R. Campbell, D. Johnson, and G. Stangler (data for these papers was drawn from materials gathered for a larger project on the migration of Afro-Americans the South), 1974-1975

Series Two - Migration Project Report

Box 1 (cont'd)

FF 15 -
Migration Project Preliminary Report, n.d.

FF 16 - Migration Project, outlines, 1975-1977

FF 17 - FF 29 - Migration Project, chapter drafts and research materials, n.d.

FF 30 - Migration Project: Miscellaneous and Maps

FF 31 - Migration Project: Public Use Sample (rural notes)

FF 32 - Migration Project: Census - Public Use Sample (Blacks in the South)

FF 33 - Migration Project: Black Migration Literature

FF 34 - Migration Project: total in and out migrants South, excluding Blacks, 1965-1970

Series Two - Migration Project Report (cont'd)

Box 2

FF 1 -
Migration Project: Migration bibliography

FF 2 - Migration Project: Economic Experience of Return and Non-Return Migration for the Southeast, by Kiker and Traynhamn, n.d.

FF 3 - Migration Project: "Junk put together by L. Kiker for thesis before it died," tables drawn from Public Use Sample," n.d.

FF 4 - Migration Project: primary migrants (tables)

FF 5 - Migration Project: Migration data - to 1960 (numbers, origin, destination)

FF 6 - Migration Project: Motivation

FF 7 - Migration Project: Competitive destination

FF 8 - Migration Project: U.S. Census, South

FF 9 - Migration Project: Questionnaire

FF 10 - Migration Project: Interviewing

FF 11 - Migration Project: Termination dates for interviews

FF 12 - Migration Project: Black data sheets for in and out migration

FF 13 - Migration Project: Data sheets for non-Black in and out migration, South and Northeast

FF 14 - Migration Project: Coding forms (rough)

FF 15 - Migration Project: Code key (rough)

FF 16 - Migration Project: Codebook (migration of Negroes to the South)

FF 17 - Migration Project: Codebook (diffusion studies)

FF 18 - Migration Project: Cities (R.C.D. city)

FF 19 - Migration Project: Atlanta

FF 20 - Migration Project: Atlanta call numbers

FF 21 - Migration Project: Birmingham (rational and criteria used in selection of the research site)

FF 22 - Migration Project: Mid-sized cities, Bloomington (S.M.S.A.)

FF 23 - Migration Project: Mid-sized Cities, Champlain and Urbana

FF 24 - Migration Project: Mid-sized Cities, Decatur (S.M.S.A.)

FF 25 - Migration Project: Greensboro, call numbers

FF 26 - Migration Project: Carolinas

FF 27 - Migration Project: Houston exchanges

FF 28 - Migration Project: Houston, call numbers

FF 29 - Migration Project: Mississippi

FF 30 - Migration Project: Mobile, screen sample

FF 31 - Migration Project: Mobile, call numbers

FF 32 - Migration Project: Mid-sized cities: Peoria (S.M.S.A.)

FF 33 - Migration Project: Springfield

FF 34 - Migration Project: Tampa, screen interview exchanges

FF 35 - Migration Project: Tampa, exchanges

FF 36 - Migration Project: Tampa, used call sheets

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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