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Call Number:

Box 1-048313
Box 2-Ellis

Record Group: 3 C
Record Sub-Group: 76
Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Department of Food Science and Nutrition; John M. Welch Papers
Dates: 1920-1983, bulk 1962-1972
Volume: 1 and 1/3 cubic feet, 1.67 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains personal papers, correspondence, classroom materials, articles and manuscripts created by Professor John M. Welch. Dr. Welch wrote a regular column for the Missouri Restaurant Association Magazine, in which many of the articles in this Sub-Group appeared. In addition, he wrote articles periodically for other restaurant-related publications.

Biographical Note:

Before coming to the University of Missouri, John M. Welch earned a B.S. in Hotel and Restaurant Management from Cornell in 1926, then went on to earn a M.S. in Hotel and Restaurant Management in 1958, an Ad.M. of Education in 1960 and a Ph.D. in adult Education in 1961, all from Florida State University. Additionally, he attended Culver Military Academy in the 1920's and served in the Army in World War II, where he advanced to the rank of Colonel. Welch was Extension Professor of Agricultural Economics and Professor of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Missouri, receiving emeritus status in 1972.

Series Descriptions:

This Record Sub-Group is divided into two series.

Series One contains personal papers and classroom materials, arranged by subject.

Series Two contains articles, manuscripts, and rough drafts of articles, arranged alphabetically.

Series Outline:

1. Personal Papers and Classroom Materials

2. Articles and Manuscripts


Series One - Personal Papers and Classroom Materials

Box 1

FF 1 - Personal Papers: Education (contains commencement programs and a vitae), 1952-1982

FF 2 - Personal Papers: Education- "Developing and Testing and Extension Short Course in Restaurant Management," 1959

FF 3 - Personal Papers: News Clips, 1948-1968

FF 4 - Personal Papers: Photographs, n.d.

FF 5 - Personal Papers: Parents (contains a magazine article about Welch's mother, father's obituary), 1940-1954

FF 6 - Personal Papers: Military Career (contains a book of comics and poetry titled "Winning the War At Culver," two copies of "History: 573AAABN," which contains stories written by soldiers of their experiences in the military, military records, and a book titled "202nd Coast Artillery Antiaircraft,") 1920-1945

FF 7 - Personal Papers: Correspondence, 1964-1983

FF 8 - Serving Cart Drawing and Correspondence, 1971-1973

FF 9 - Food Service Management Clinic #1: "The Anatomy of Profit- How to Control Costs," n.d.

FF 10 - Food Service Management Clinic #4, n.d.

FF 11 - Restaurant Management Clinic #1, n.d.

FF 12 - Do-it-Yourself Work Sampling Kit for Food Service Establishments, 1966

FF 13 - Work Sampling Kit: Slide Script, n.d.

FF 14 - Basic Course in Commercial Food Preparation: Volume 1- Student Handbook, 1958

FF 15 - Basic Course in Commercial Food Production: Exercise Worksheets to Accompany Students, n.d.

FF 16 - Suggestions for the 1961 County Plan of Work Kit: Restaurant Development Program, 1961

FF 17 - Accelerated Adult Education Training Program for Quality Food Service Industries, 1963

FF 18 - Supermarket Institute Workshop, 1967

FF 19 - Task Unit Concept for On-the-Job Training in Food Service, 1971

FF 20 - The Management of People in Restaurants and Clubs, 1964

FF 20a - Recipes, n.d.

Series Two - Articles and Manuscripts

Box 1 (cont'd)

FF 21 - Partial List of Publications, 1926-1972

FF 22 - Am I my Brother's Keeper?, 1968

FF 23 - Articles: An-B, 1964-1967

FF 24 - Cost of Commercial Food Service in the 1970's, 1969

FF 25 - The Creeping Menace of Bureaucratic Controls, n.d

FF 26 - Critical Appraisal of the Dichotomy in American Education, n.d.

FF 27 - Articles and Manuscripts: Cr-Des, 1964

FF 28 - Developing True Food Costs, 1961

FF 29 - Do-it-yourself Market Analysis, 1969

FF 30 - Do You Hear What You Want to Hear?, 1968

FF 31 - Do You Plan Your Training?, 1968

FF 32 - Drive-in Grows Up, 1968

FF 33 - Drive-ins of Northern Europe, 1968

FF 34 - The Economic Aspects of Dishwashing, n.d.

FF 35 - Economics of the Food Service Industry, 1962

FF 36 - Economics of the Food Service Industry, 1962

FF 37 - Education and Training by Objectives, 1970

FF 38- Education for Commercial Food Services-- On Wheels, 1969

FF 39 - Education or Training for Food Service, 1968

FF 40 - Education vs. Training, 1973

FF 41 - Educational Need to Develop Food Services Executive Competencies, 1970

FF 42 - Ego Builders, Inc., 1966

FF 43 - Ethics in the Restaurant Industry, 1970

FF 44 - Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Work Sampling, 1975

FF 45 - Experience: Asset or Liability, 1966

FF 46 - Food Marketing, 1963

FF 47 - Food Service Career Guidance Councils, n.d

FF 48 - Food Service in the 1970's, 1969

FF 49 - Food Service Marketing: A Summary, 1969

FF 50 - Food Service Marketing: The Marketing Concept, 1969

FF 51 - Food Service Marketing: No. V- Using the Six Faithful Serving Men, 1968

FF 52 - Food Service vs. Costs in the 70's, 1970

FF 53 - Fortified by Knowledge or Crucified by Ignorance, 1966

FF 54 - The Future is Now, 1961

FF 55 - Greetings From Scotland, 1967

FF 56 - Have you Considered the Advantages of Mobility?, 1969

FF 57 - The Help You Get These Days, n.d.

FF 58 - Hospital Food Service Department: Occupational Analysis, 1971

FF 59 - Hospital Progress, 1963

FF 60 - Kitchen Fuels, 1926

FF 61 - How an Award-Winning Restaurant was Planned, 1968

FF 62 - How Much is the Job Worth, 1967

FF 63 - How to Keep the Local Sanitarian off Your Neck, 1968

FF 64 - How You can Increase Shelf Storage 50% in the Same Space, 1968

FF 65 - Incentive Compensation that Incites, 1966

FF 66 - Inspiration-Motivation-Application, 1970

FF 67 - Integrating the Task-Unit Concept of Training and the Concept of Management by Objectives, 1972

FF 68 - Is Food Service Education Relevant?, 1970

FF 69 - It Might Pay You Well to L-I-S-T-E-N, 1971

FF 70 - Junior College Programs for the Hospitality Field, 1962

FF 71 - Kitchen Planning is a Science, 1967

FF 72 - Kudos to Kentucky, 1968

FF 73 - Labor Shortage and Turnover: What Can We Do About It?, 1968

FF 74 - Make Your Own Marketing Survey!, 1969

FF 75 - Making Marketing Decisions, 1968

FF 76 - Making the Most of Frozen Food, 1961

FF 77 - Manager's Job is to Manage, 1969

FF 78 - Marketing Facts for Food Buyers, n.d.

FF 79 - Marketing for Drive-In Restaurants, 1968

FF 80 - Marketing for Drive-In Restaurants: The Six Little Serving Men, 1968

FF 81 - Marketing Your Food Service No. 1: Characteristics of People, 1968

FF 82 - Marketing Your Food Service No. IV: How No Supply, Demand, and Price Affect the Number of People You Can Expect to Serve, 1968

FF 83 - Maximizing Drive-In Labor for Profit, 1966

FF 84 - Articles: M-Me, 1963-1966

FF 85 - Mind Your Change!, 1967

FF 86 - Mizzou Restaurant Ramblin's, 1961

FF 87 - Negro in Food Service, 1969

FF 88 - Net- And the Knife, 1970

FF 89 - Nobody's Hungry!, 1967

FF 90 - Planning Food Service Facilities for Volunteer Organizations, n.d.

FF 91 - Planning to Remodel Your Kitchen, 1965

FF 92 - Popularity Index and Other Factors in Menu Analysis, 1967

FF 93 - Practical View on Food Service and Sanitation, 1967

FF 94 - Prior Planning Pays, 1962

FF 95 - Productivity: Key to Profit, 1969

FF 96 - Proof of the Pudding, 1961

FF 97 - Protest, Dissension, Violence, and your Business, 1970

FF 98 - Putting Profit in Your Menu, 1967

FF 99 - The Quantity Food Service Industries, n.d.

FF 100 - Quiet Please, Genius at Work, 1968

Series Two - Articles and Manuscripts (cont'd)

Box 2

FF 1 - Ramblin's Round Europe, 1967-1968

FF 2 - Ramblin' Through the U.K., 1968

FF 3 - Ramblin' Round Florida, n.d.

FF 4 - Ramblin's Round Mizzou, n.d.

FF 5 - Rational Approach to Food Service Sanitation, 1966

FF 6 - Researching Restaurants, June 1960

FF 7 - Restaurant Marketing Services: Article #2- What do You Mean by "Marketing?", 1968

FF 8 - Restaurant Training, 1962

FF 9 - Restaurant: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, n.d.

FF 10 - Salud Driveineros, 1965

FF 11 - Sanitation as a Way of Life, 1966

FF 12 - Semper Virtutis, 1967

FF 13 - Should We Consider a Super Future, 1970

FF 14 - Show Your Employees How Cost-Control Helps Them, 1964

FF 15 - Simple Steps for Food Cost Control, 1960

FF 16 - Six Important Little Words, 1966

FF 17 - Slashing the Net, 1970

FF 18 - So, You Missed the Drive-in Meeting, 1968

FF 19 - So, You Missed the Kentucky Restaurant Association Convention, 1969

FF 20 - Some Problems and Pitfalls in Self-Appraisal, 1974

FF 21 - Some Questions Which I cannot Answer, 1970

FF 22 - Some Thoughts on Hotel and Restaurant Education After Forty Years of Observation, 1966

FF 23 - Sparkle in the Glasses, 1949

FF 24 - Standardizing Recipes, 1961

FF 25 - Standardized Records Are the Cook's Task Breakdown, 1966

FF 26 - Stephenson's "Total Design Award:" An All-Missouri Achievement, 1968

FF 27 - Stop Feeding the Animals, n.d.

FF 28 - A Study of the Relative Effectiveness of Two Methods for The Diffusion of Knowledge, 1962

FF 29 - Study of the Two Methods for Diffusion of Knowledge, 1962

FF 30 - Summary of Food Service: Part 1- Marketing, 1969

FF 31 - Supermarket Syndrome IV: Alternatives Possible, 1971

FF 32 - Task Unit Approach: On the Job Training, 1966-1968

FF 33 - Temperature and Sanitation, 1967

FF 34 - There is No Such Thing as a Problem Customer, 1966

FF 35 - Times and Sanitation, 1967

FF 36 - Tipping: Curse or Blessing?, 1966

FF 37 - Travel Trailers, Campers, Motor Homes... and Restaurants, 1969

FF 38 - Wanted: Training Programs with a Future, 1970

FF 39 - What Bacteria Tell Us About Overpopulation and Pollution, n.d.

FF 40 - What Do-it-yourself Work Sampling is Showing, 1966

FF 41 - What is a Restaurant Manager's Job?, 1962

FF 42 - What is Food Sanitation? 1967

FF 43 - What Makes a Good Food Service Employee?, 1962

FF 44 - What's your Part in Training?, 1970

FF 45 - When China Drops Upon the Floor...., 1950

FF 46 - When do You Need a Food Service Consultant?, 1964

FF 47 - Where do I Go From Here?, 1969

FF 48 - Whose Job is it to Train Hospital Food Employees?, 1967

FF 49 - Write Your Own Ticket, 1970

FF 50 - You are Right, Mr. President!, 1969

FF 51 - You Can't do Dishes Without Geometry!, 1954

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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