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Box 1-031404
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Box 4-031406
Box 5-000585

C. Melvin Bradley with a copy of his 1981 textbook
C. Melvin Bradley with a copy of his 1981 textbook
Horses: A Practical and Scientific Approach

Record Group: 3 C
Record Sub-Group: 71
Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Animal Science; Melvin Bradley papers
Dates: 1948-1993, bulk 1967-1981
Volume: 4 and 1/3 cubic feet, 5.42 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

(A85-104; A94-3; A95-2)
This Record Sub-Group contains professional publications and papers created and collected by Melvin Bradley during his tenure as Professor and Livestock Extension Specialist in the Department of Animal Science and as Professor Emeritus of Animal Science at the University of Missouri. The publication materials in this Sub-Group include research materials, drafts, galley proofs, and administrative records for Bradley's textbook Horses: A Practical and Scientific Approach as well as final copies of two other publications. The remainder of the Sub-Group holds professional papers and recollections brought together by Bradley himself in the form of a series of notebooks. Among the topics addressed in the notebooks are courses taught by Bradley, Missouri 4-H, and research interests such as pari-mutuel wagering on horses in Missouri. The types of records contained in the Sub-Group range widely and include correspondence, photographs and slides, transparencies, brochures, pamphlets, guides, media clippings, notes, and grade books.

Biographical Note:

Clarence Melvin Bradley (1920-2003) received a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (1948) and a Master of Science degree in Sheep Production (1952) from the University of Missouri. He obtained a Doctorate of Philosophy in Animal Husbandry (1963) from Oklahoma State University, writing a dissertation on swine feeding. Bradley served as an instructor in the Department of Animal Husbandry at the University of Missouri in the early 1950s, becoming Assistant Professor in 1956 and Extension Associate Professor in 1961. In 1968 he became a full Professor in Animal Husbandry. He served as Program Director of the Cooperative Extension Service in 1974. Bradley was awarded Emeritus status as Professor of Animal Science in 1985 and won the Chancellor's Faculty Retiree Award for 1995.

Bradley became a well-known expert on the mule, advocating the animal's utility and character in his two-volume book The Missouri Mule: His Origin and Times (1993, revised edition: 1998) as well as in numerous interviews. His dedication to the mule and its Missouri traditions was already evident in the large-scale interview and documentation project, the Missouri Mule History Project, Bradley began in 1981 and in his founding of the Missouri Mule Skinners Society a year later.

Note to Researcher: Archival material on the Missouri Mule History Project is available in the State Historical Society of Missouri.

Series Descriptions:

This Record Sub-Group is divided into two series.

Series One contains records related to a few of Bradley's publications. Each publication is given a separate Sub-Series, with the Sub-Series for Bradley's textbook, Horses: A Practical and Scientific Approach, further subdivided into two Sub-Sub-Series, one for research and draft material, the other for administrative records about the textbook's publication. The various draft sequences have been grouped together in an effort to preserve as much as possible a chronological arrangement for the entire writing process. The working title for each chapter is supplied, where possible, in parentheses in the finding aid.

Series Two contains material from Bradley's autobiographical notebooks. The records are arranged according to the original order provided by Bradley in an outline for the notebooks (c.f. Series Two, Box 4, FF 29 below). Original filing order was maintained for those folders not part of Bradley's original outline.

Note to Researcher: As Dr. Bradley retained some of the notebooks listed in his outline, all the notebooks are not held by University Archives.

Series Outline:

  1. Series One - Publications
    1. Sub-Series One - Horses: A Practical and Scientific Approach
      1. Sub-Sub-Series One - Research and Drafts
      2. Sub-Sub-Series Two - Administrative Records
    2. Sub-Series Two - Functional Horsemanship
    3. Sub-Series Three - The Missouri Mule: His Origin and Times
  2. Series Two - Autobiographical Notebooks

Note to Researcher: Some of the records in this Sub-Group are restricted and cannot be made available to the public (see restrictions note at the end of this page).


Series One - Publications
Sub-Series One - Horses: A Practical and Scientific Approach
Sub-Sub-Series One - Research and Drafts
Box 1

FF 1 - Book Outline, ca. 1979

FF 2 - Chapter I (The Comeback of the Horse) - Draft, n.d.

FF 3 - Chapter I - Research Materials, n.d.

FF 4 - Chapter I - Research Materials: Statistics - Hubbard, 1968-1970

FF 5 - Chapter I - Research Materials: Number of 4-H Horses, n.d.

FF 6 - Chapter I - Research Materials: Horse Speech by Dixon Hubbard, 1970

FF 7 - Chapter II (A Horse in Your Life) - Draft, n.d.

FF 8 - Chapter II - Research Materials, 1973

FF 9 - Chapter III (Breeds of Horses) - Research Materials: Breeds and Their Use, 1969-1973

FF 10 - Chapter III - Research Materials: "Breeds of Ponies 2798" (includes draft of the part of Chapter III regarding ponies as well as text by Bradley, presumably for the Extension Sheet Guide on pony breeds), 1969-1979

FF 11 - Chapter III - Research Materials: Easier Rider Gaited Horse, 1972-1978

FF 12 - Chapter III - Research Materials: Pictures for Breed Guides, 1966-1976

FF 13 - Chapter III - Research Materials: The Morgan Horse Handbook, 1971-1977

FF 14 - Chapter III - Research Materials: Breeds of Horses (includes copy of a handbook written by Bradley entitled Breeds of Horses), ca. 1969

FF 15 - Chapter III - Research Materials: "Breeds of Colored Horses 2795," 1967-1970

FF 16 - Chapter III - Research Materials: "Breeds of Working Stock Horses 2800," 1969

FF 17 - Chapter III - Research Materials: "Breeds of Gaited Horses 2796," 1969

FF 18 - Chapter III - Research Materials: "Breeds of Horses Used for Sport 2799," 1971-1973

FF 19 - Chapter V (Buying a Horse) - Research Materials (includes photographic negatives), 1974-1976

FF 20 - Chapter VI - Research Materials: Horse Psychology (includes Extension Guide Sheet written by Bradley entitled Practical Horse Psychology), ca. 1976

FF 21 - Chapter VII - Research Materials: Safety, 1973-1977

FF 22 - Chapter VIII (Horsemanship) - Research Materials (includes draft of Chapter VIII), ca. 1977

FF 23 - Chapter VIII - Research Materials (includes draft of image captions for Chapter VIII ), 1972-1977

FF 24 - Chapter IX (Managing and Using Adult Horses) - Research Materials (includes draft outline and hand-written draft of Chapter IX), n.d.

FF 25 - Chapter X (Managing, Care, and Training Young Horses) - Outline, n.d.

FF 26 - Chapter XI (Managing the Horse Breeding Herd) - Research Materials (includes hand-written outline for Chapter XI), 1969-1976

FF 27 - Chapter XI - Research Materials: Genetics, 1970-1977

FF 28 - Chapter XI - Research Materials: Advertising and Showing, 1974-1978

FF 29 - Chapter XI - Research Materials: Horse Breeding, ca. 1970

FF 30 - Chapter XI - Research Materials: Principles of Reproduction in Horses, 1966-1978

FF 31 - Chapter XI - Materials used in chapter, 1971-1977

FF 32 - Chapter XII (The Basics of Horse Nutrition) - Research Materials: Digestion (includes chapter draft), n.d.

FF 33 - Chapter XIII (Ration Evaluation and Formulation) - Draft, n.d.

FF 34 - Miscellaneous Research Materials - Uses of Horses (contains beginning of a chapter entitled "Using Adult Horses for Pleasure and Trail Riding"), 1974-1978

FF 35 - Miscellaneous Research Materials - Pleasure, 1973-1976

FF 36 - Miscellaneous Research Materials - Careers, 1977-1978

FF 37 - Miscellaneous Research Materials - Health, n.d.

FF 38 - Preface and Chapter I (The Comeback of the Horse) - Draft, n.d.

FF 39 - Chapter II (A Horse in Your Life) - Draft, n.d.

FF 40 - Chapter III (Breeds of Horses) - Draft, n.d.

FF 41 - Chapter IV (Some Considerations for the Prospective Horseowner) - Draft, n.d.

FF 42 - Chapter V (Buying a Horse) - Draft, n.d.

FF 43 - Chapter VI (Horse Psychology) - Draft, n.d.

FF 44 - Chapter VII (Safety) - Draft, n.d.

FF 45 - Chapter VIII (Horsemanship) - Draft (includes notes on Chapter VIII illustrations), n.d.

FF 46 - Chapter IX (Managing and Using Adult Horses) - Draft, n.d.

Series One - Publications (cont'd)
Sub-Series One - Horses: A Practical and Scientific Approach (cont'd)
Sub-Sub-Series One - Research and Drafts (cont'd)
Box 2

FF 1 - Chapter X (Managing, Care, and Training Young Horses) - Draft, n.d.

FF 2 - Chapter XI (Managing the Horse Breeding Herd) - Draft, n.d.

FF 3 - Chapter XII (The Basics of Horse Nutrition) - Draft, n.d.

FF 4 - Chapter XIII (Ration Evaluation and Formulation) - Draft, n.d.

FF 5 - Chapter XIV (Special Feeding Considerations) - Draft, n.d.

FF 6 - Chapter XV (Health) - Draft, n.d.

FF 7 - Chapter XVI (Care of Your Horses Feet) - Draft, n.d.

FF 8 - Chapter XVII (Building and Equipment) - Draft, n.d.

FF 9 - Chapter III (Breeds of Horses) - Draft, n.d.

FF 10 - Chapter IV (Considerations for Horse Owners) - Draft, n.d.

FF 11 - Chapter V (Buying a Horse) - Draft, n.d.

FF 12 - Chapter VI (Horse Psychology) - Draft, n.d

FF 13 - Chapter VII (Safety) - Draft, n.d.

FF 14 - Chapter XV (Health) - Draft, n.d.

FF 15 - Chapter I (The Comeback of the Horse) - Draft, n.d.

FF 16 - Chapter II (A Brief History and Romance of the Horse) - Draft, n.d.

FF 17 - Chapter III (Breeds of Horses) - Draft, n.d.

FF 18 - Chapter III (Breeds of Horses) - Draft, n.d.

FF 19 - Chapter IV (Form Follows Function) - Draft, n.d.

FF 20 - Chapter V (Behavioral Psychology of the Horse in Nature and in Training) - Draft, n.d.

FF 21 - Chapter VI (Safe Basic Horse Handling) - Draft, n.d.

FF 22 - Chapter VII (Managing Adult Horses) - Draft, n.d.

FF 23 - Chapter VIII (Managing Young Horses) - Draft, n.d.

FF 24 - Chapter IX (Managing the Horse Breeding Herd) - Draft, n.d.

FF 25 - Chapter X (The Basics of Horse Nutrition) - Draft, n.d.

FF 26 - Chapter XI (Ration Evaluation and Formulation) - Draft, n.d.

FF 27 - Chapter XII (Special Feeding Considerations) - Draft, n.d.

FF 28 - Chapter XIII (Basic Health Care of the Horse) - Draft, n.d.

FF 29 - Chapter XIV (Care of the Horse's Feet) - Draft, n.d.

FF 30 - Chapter XV (Buildings, Facilities, and Budgets) - Draft, n.d.

Series One - Publications (cont'd)
Sub-Series One - Horses: A Practical and Scientific Approach (cont'd)
Sub-Sub-Series One - Research and Drafts (cont'd)
Box 3

FF 1 - Chapter I (The Comeback of the Horse) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979

FF 2 - Chapter II - Correspondence, 1979

FF 3 - Chapter III (Breeds of Horses) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979

FF 4 - Chapter IV (Form Follows Function) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979

FF 5 - Chapter V (Behavioral Psychology of the Horse in Nature and Training) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979

FF 6 - Chapter VI (Safe Basic Horse Handling) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979-1980

FF 7 - Chapter VII (Horsemanship) - Draft revisions (includes correspondence regarding revisions), 1979-1980

FF 8 - Chapter VIII (Managing Adult Horses) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979

FF 9 - Chapter IX (Managing Young Horses) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979-1980

FF 10 - Chapter X (Managing the Horse-Breeding Herd) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979

FF 11- Chapter XI (The Basics of Horse Nutrition) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979-1980

FF 12 - Chapter XII (Ration Evaluation and Formulation) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979

FF 13- Chapter XIII (Special Feeding Considerations) - Galley revisions, 1979

FF 14 - Chapter XIV (Basic Health Care of the Horse) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979

FF 15 - Chapter XV (Care of the Horse's Feet) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979

FF 16 - Chapter XVI (Buildings, Facilities, and Budgets) - Galley revisions (includes correspondence regarding galley proofs), 1979-1980

Series One - Publications (cont'd)
Sub-Series One - Horses: A Practical and Scientific Approach (cont'd)
Sub-Sub-Series One - Research and Drafts (cont'd)
Box 4

FF 1 - Preface, 1979-1980

FF 2 - Table of Contents (includes galley revisions and correspondence), 1980

FF 3 - Index (includes galley revisions and correspondence), 1980

Series One - Publications (cont'd)
Sub-Series One - Horses: A Practical and Scientific Approach (cont'd)
Sub-Sub-Series Two - Administrative Records
Box 4 (cont'd)

FF 4 - Artwork - Art log, 1980

FF 5 - Artwork - Picture Requests, 1977-1979

FF 6 - Artwork - Picture Approvals, 1977-1979

FF 7 - Artwork - Rejected cover mock-up, n.d.

FF 8 - Book Requests, 1981

FF 9 - Contract with McGraw-Hill (includes correspondence), 1976

FF 10 - Correspondence - James Bradley, Editor, 1979-1980

FF 11 - Correspondence - Joseph Cerato, Promotions, 1979

FF 12 - Correspondence - Patricia Coppinger, 1978-1979

FF 13 - Correspondence - John Corrigan, Editor, 1981

FF 14 - Correspondence - Michael Gardner, Editor, 1978

FF 15 - Correspondence - Annette Hall, Managing Editor, 1980

FF 16 - Correspondence - Carol Napier, Editor, 1979-1980

FF 17 - Correspondence - Laura Warner, Senior Editing Supervisor, 1979

FF 18 - Correspondence - Robert Zappa, Editor, 1976-1979

FF 19 - Correspondence - Miscellaneous, 1976

FF 20 - Editing (includes correspondence, notes, and a copy of The McGraw-Hill Author's Book), 1979-1980

FF 21 - Marketing, 1979-1981

FF 22 - News releases (includes 5x7 press-release photograph of Bradley holding a copy of his book), 1981

FF 23 - Reviews, 1981

FF 24 - Royalties, 1977-1985

FF 25 - Teaching Outline Proposal, 1979

Series One - Publications (cont'd)
Sub-Series Two - Functional Horsemanship
Box 4 (cont'd)

FF 26 - Functional Horsemanship (Instructional packet for University Extension Independent Study course), 1981

Series One - Publications (cont'd)
Sub-Series Three - The Missouri Mule: His Origin and Times
Box 4 (cont'd)

FF 27 - The Missouri Mule: His Origin and Times (contains Volume One of the book), 1993

FF 28 - The Missouri Mule: His Origin and Times (contains Volume Two of the book), 1993

Series Two - Autobiographical Notebooks
Box 4 (cont'd)

FF 29 - Recollections and Records of 39 Years at the University of Missouri: 1946-1985 (contains an annotated outline of a series of notebooks put together by Bradley that chronicle his association with the University of Missouri), 1985

FF 30 - R-1 Recollections (includes biographical outline, photographs of awards received), 1948-1990

FF 31 - R-1 Recollections, 1948-1990 (cont'd)

FF 32 - AH-1 Resident Teaching - Animal Husbandry I (includes grade sheets), 1949-1958 [RESTRICTED]

FF 33 - J-1 Resident Teaching - Livestock Judging 101 (includes grade sheets), 1949-1956 [RESTRICTED]

FF 34 - J-1 Resident Teaching - Livestock Judging 101 (includes grade sheets), 1957-1958 [RESTRICTED]

FF 35 - F-1 Resident Teaching - Sheep Production 331 (includes grade sheets), 1955-1956 [RESTRICTED]

FF 36 - F-1 Resident Teaching - Judging County Fairs, 1957

FF 37 - H-1 Resident Teaching - Horse Production (includes grade sheets, photographs of horses, including hitched teams), ca. 1959-1989 [RESTRICTED]

FF 38 - H-1 Resident Teaching - Horse Production, ca. 1959-1989 (cont'd)

FF 39 - A-1 Administration - Extension - Resident, 1957-1990

FF 40 - A-1 Administration - Extension - Resident, 1957-1990 (cont'd)

Series Two - Autobiographical Notebooks (cont'd)
Box 5

FF 1 - DH-1 Missouri Draft Horse Association (includes photographs, slides and negatives, some of which depict draft teams from the Mermac Valley Draft Horse, Mule, and Craft Festival), 1982-1987

FF 2 - Missouri Horse and Mule Council, 1974-1986

FF 3 - Draft Horse and Mule Association of America, 1982-1987

FF 4 - R-1 Missouri Horse Racing, 1982-1984

FF 5 - R-1 Missouri Horse Racing, 1984-1987

FF 6 - Y-1 Missouri 4-H, 1970-1978

FF 7 - E-2 Extension Education, 1972-1990

FF 8 - E-2 Extension Education, 1972-1990 (cont'd)

FF 9 - M-1 Media, 1967-1982

FF 10 - T-1 Extension Teaching, 1967-1971

FF 11 - T-2 Teaching Horse Nutrition (contains course-related transparencies and photographic slides), 1966-1983

FF 12 - Winrock International Stockmen's School, 1981-1986

FF 13 - Winrock International Stockmen's School, 1981-1986 (cont'd)

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Originally Prepared by A Huelsbergen: June 2003
Revised: 19 January 2007

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