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Record Group: 3 C
Record Sub-Group: 48
Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; Alpha Zeta (National Agriculture Honors Fraternity); MU Chapter Records
Dates: 1907-1974
Volume: 1/2 cubic foot, 0.63 linear foot

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources' National Agriculture Honors Fraternity, Alpha Zeta. Included in this Sub-Group are journals, ledgers, minute books, photographs, and other memorabilia.

Historical Note:

Alpha Zeta is an honorary and professional fraternity of men and women whose educational objectives and/or careers fall within the broadly defined field of agriculture. The MU chapter of Alpha Zeta "fosters high standards of scholarship, leadership, character and fellowship in all agricultural professions." Alpha Zeta activities include an initiation banquet, participation in regional and national conclaves and involvement in the Pledge Project.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - C:3/34/1 (A78-28)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources' National Agriculture Honors Fraternity, Alpha Zeta. Included in this Series are 10 ledger books, two of which are journals of membership data, one is a treasurer's ledger, and the remaining seven are meeting minutes books. Also included in this Series are eleven photographs of Alpha Zeta activities (1937-1974), and a chapter history, entitled The Fraternity of Alpha Zeta, Missouri Chapter: Sixty-Seven Years in Review, 1907-1974.
(2 Pkg, Ellis; Env, Ellis)

Series 2. - C:3/34/2 (A02-66)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources' National Agriculture Honors Fraternity, Alpha Zeta. This Series contains one wooden 6"x7" Alpha Zeta ornament/plaque (ca. 1950). This item is black with gold lettering on the front and has 52 signatures on the back, including the donor's.
(Env, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: George W. Jones, 1951 College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources graduate, donated this piece of Alpha Zeta memorabilia.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Carl Lingle, et al.: February 1999
Revised: 16 July 2002

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