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Call Number:

Box 1-033564
Box 2-043780
Box 3-043781
Box 4-UMLD1
B ox5-UMLD1

Record Group: 3 C
Record Sub-Group: 25
Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Agricultural Editor's Office; Readers Information Service; Administrative Records
Dates: 1976-1987
Volume: 3 and 2/3 cubic feet, 4.6 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

(A86-125; A87-45; A88-18)
This Record Sub-Group contains audiotapes on various topics: careers, blindness, interviews, and volunteer services. The printed material in the Subgroup includes quarterly reports, handbooks, an address book, a federal grant application, program schedules, and listener correspondence. The 1/4" audio tape is contained on 7" reels.

Historical Note:

The Readers Information Service offers programming for persons with limitations in reading print.

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is not divided into record series. Arrangement within the Sub-Group is by program name and there under chronologically.


Box 1

"At Home"

Tape 1 - Fraudulent Practices on Consumers with Dr. Zelenack, Assistant Professor of Family Economics, 03/04/1977

Tape 2 - Cleaning the Refrigerator with Marilyn Caselman, Equipment Specialist, 09/02/1977

Tape 3 - Housekeeping Skills, 09/09/1977

Tape 4 - Housekeeping Skills, 09/16/1977

Tape 5 - Housekeeping Skills, Braille markings in the kitchen, 09/23/1977

Tape 6 - Housekeeping Skills (faulty sound), 09/30/1977

Tape 7 - Housekeeping Skills, 10/07/1977

Tape 8 - Housekeeping Skills, using a broiler and grocery shopping, 10/14/1977

Tape 9 - Housekeeping Skills, electrical appliances, 10/28/1977

Tape 10 - Housekeeping Skills, 11/04/1977

Tape 11 - Housekeeping Skills, 11/11/1977

Tape 12 - Housekeeping Skills, cleaning a work surface, dusting, and cleaning a refrigerator, 11/18/1977

Tape 13 - Housekeeping Skills, stove cleaning and using an iron and ironing board, 12/02/1977

Tape 14 - Housekeeping Skills, interview with Becky Bullington, 12/16/1977

Tape 15 - Housekeeping Skills, using a vacuum and preparing clothes for washing, 01/06/1978; Housekeeping Skills, washer and dryer use and threading a needle, 01/13/1978

Tape 16 - Housekeeping Skills, sewing, 01/20/1978

Tape 17 - Housekeeping Skills, 02/03/1978

Tape 18 - Housekeeping Skills, 02/10/1978

Tape 19 - Housekeeping Skills, aids and appliances for the blind, part I, n.d.

Tape 20 - Housekeeping Skills, aids and appliances for the blind, part II, n.d.

Tape 21 - Vacationing as a blind person, n.d.

"Career Opportunities"

Tape 22 - Al Asenjo, work at the AFB and Radio Reading Services, 04/1977

Tape 23 - Jim Tyler, snack bar manager, 09/26/1977

Tape 24 - George Luffel, blind math professor UMR, 10/03/1977

Tape 25 - Mr. Salter, book designer, 01/23/1978

Tape 26 - Wayne Anderson, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, 02/27/1978

Tape 27 - Twin Vision Books, 03/30/1978

Tape 28 - Tom Stevens, Director of the Bureau for the Blind, 12/1979

Tape 29 - John de Francesca, blind Opera Singer, n.d.

Tape 30 - Gary Wunder, FAA-NFB canes and planes dispute, n.d.


Tape 31 - Tom Stevens - Employment and Intention, 09/1977

Tape 32 - Elsie White, 09/22/1977

Tape 33 - Gary Wunder, 10/1977

Tape 34 - Tom Stevens, 11/10/1977

"Ski For Life"

Tape 35 - Part I, recorded from NPR (National Public Radio), 02/28/1980

Tape 36 - Part II, recorded from NPR, 02/28/1980

Box 2

"Meet The Volunteer - Listener"

Tape 37 Kate Shoemaker, 09/12/1977

Tape 38 Marvin Haw, n.d.

Tape 39 - June Beauchamp, 10/10/1977

Tape 40 - Mary Blackburn, 10/17/1977

Tape 41 - Eugene Coulter, 10/24/1977

Tape 42 - Marie Busch, 11/07/1977

Tape 43 - Jean Bauer, 11/14/1977

Tape 44 - Marvin Haw, 12/05/1977

"Jury Duty"

Tape 45 - Intro to Jury Duty, 05/1978

Tape 46 - Jury Duty for the blind in Missouri, 05/1978

"Leisure and You"

Tape 47 - Norton Sanders - fishing and the handicapped, 01/18/1977

Tape 48 - Eugene Apple - American Foundation for the Blind, 11/22/1977

Tape 49 - Gary Thompson, blind track jock, 11/14/1978

Tape 50 - Becky Bullington - guide dogs, 12/12/1978


Tape 51 - eye enhancement device, 01/16/1978

Tape 52 - Vari-Speech Tape Recorder, Talking Calculator, and Optacon, n.d.

"Program Samples"

Tapes 53, 53A, 53B - Radio Information Service samples (2 7" reels and 1 5" reel), n.d.

"Kurzweil Reading Machine"

Tapes 54, 54A - explanation and sample of what it sounds like (2 7" reels), n.d.

"All Things Considered"

Tape 55 - Sonar glasses, n.d.

Tape 56 - Telebook and Visually handicapped photographer, n.d.


Tapes 57, 57A - recording from seminar teaching people to teach blind women to put make-up on (2 7" reels), n.d.

"RIS Slide and Tape Presentation"

Tapes 58, 58A - narration and program examples (2 7" reels), n.d.

"Remembering the 40's"

Tapes 59, 59A, 59B, 59C - 40's music program segments 1-7 (4 7" reels)


Tapes 60, 60A - general information for the handicapped (2 7" reels), 08/07/1981

"Let's Hear It"

Tapes 61, 61A - governmental information for the handicapped (2 7" reels), 08/07/1981

"Social Security Programs"

Tape 62 Social Security Radio Programs, 08/04/1981, 08/11/1981, 08/18/1981, 08/25/1981

"Financial Information"

Tape 63 - general economic information, n.d.

Box 3

"Sgn-On's" and "Sign-Off's

Tape 64 - voice and music, n.d.

"Mainly For Men"

Tape 65 - outdoors men's report, n.d.


Tape 66 - various music, n.d.

"Odds and Ends"

Tape 67 - B. A. Dubansky - White House Conference, n.d.

"Helen Keller Continental Congress"

Tape 68 - chorus music (10 1/2" reel), n.d.


Tape 69 - Knitting and the Blind with Laru Gilliam, 1977

Tape 70 - Todcomp with Gary Wunder, 05/08/1978

Tape 71 - Rose Bowl Parade Broadcast, 01/01/1980

Tape 72 - Report on ATC about handicapped awareness in elementary school, Spring 1977

Tape 73 - Listeners Comments for Slide Tape, n.d.

Tape 74 - Lucille Fierce on Crafts, n.d.

Tape 75 - Bioptic Lenses Interview with Jay McMartin, 06/15/1978

Tape 76 - Psychological Aspects of Blindness with Dr. Woody Carnes, 05/10/1977

Tape 77 - Products for People with Vision Problems (cassette), 06/15/1980

Tape 78 - Winston Churchill Memorial with Jean Markivee (cassette), 09/25/1980

Tape 79 - MFA Garden Tour for the Blind (cassette), 09/26/1980

Tape 80 - Boone County Historical Society Maplewood Home (cassette), 10/22/1980

Box 4

FF 1 - Red address book, 1976 Missouri State map showing state coverage of Radio Information Services, 5 cassette tapes and 94 slides for Slide and Tape Presentation depicting campus, blind people, and the installation of receivers in the radio station

FF 2 - Radio Information Services for the Print Handicapped. Handbook for Local Use - describes the radio station and necessary items for the operation

FF 3 - Information and application for federal grants to finance the radio station for RIS

FF 4 - Information and notes of equipment costs for HEW Grant, 1978

FF 5 - Quarterly Reports. lst, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters 1976- 1977 fiscal year, 1st and 4th quarters 1977-1978 fiscal year, final report for 1977-1978 grant year

FF 6 - SCA Advisory Committee report, proposal for further development of the UM SCA-FM Network, a Primer on SCA

Box 5

FF 1 - Notes and information on expenditures and expected expenditures, 07/22/1976 - 01/06/1978

FF 2 - Daily program schedules, 09/01/1976 - 08/28/1981; weekly program schedule

FF 3 - RIS related correspondence, 07/1981 - 10/27/1987

FF 4 - 1979 Directory of Radio Reading Services Offering Programming for Persons with Limitations in Reading Print, Service for the Print Handicapped "Sound Ideas" (in Braille), and promotional pamphlets, 1977-1981

FF 5 - Press releases and newspaper clippings concerning RIS and the radio station, 1976-1981

FF 6 - Listener correspondence, 1976-1981 and 3 cassettes from Arthur R. Kobelt

FF 7 - Daily routine for RIS radio station, 1976

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