Holdings: Call Number: |
Record Group: 3 C Scope and Content Note (A96-52) Series Descriptions: This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement within the Sub-Group follows building and facility type. Inventory Box 1 FF 1 - Outlying Farms and Agricultural Extension Research Centers, 1960-1961. [Includes aerials and facilities of Delta Center - Southeast Research Center, Portageville, headquarters site; Barnes Ridge Farm; Sikeston Research Center; Diehlstadt Field; Bragg City and Malden experiment fields (signs); Mt. Vernon - Southwest Research Center (sign); Weldon Spring aerials taken during floods of April 1960 and May 1961; Wurdack Farm - Crawford - Dent County; Northwest Research Center - Thompson Farm, Spickard; and Columbia - South Farm (sign).] FF 2 - University of Missouri-Columbia Campus and Boone County Farms, 1960-1961. (Contains aerial pictures. Also includes printed maps showing farm and research sites, and South Farm research areas.) FF 3 - Research Facilities, Columbia, Boone County, 1962. (Includes printed site plan of proposed Agricultural Experiment Station Research Park on University of Missouri-Columbia campus showing existing buildings, proposed buildings, and buildings to be removed. Also includes brief typewritten histories of facilities - Horse Barn, Dairy Barn, Long Shed, Swine Barn, Sheep Barn, Poultry Farm, Beef Cattle Teaching Herd Farm, Sheep Farm, Ruminant Nutrition Labs, and Central Farm Operations, in addition to photos of the above facilities.) |
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