UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Agricultural Editor's Office; Administrative Records MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site MU Libraries -- links to home page of the University Libraries of the University of Missouri at Columbia University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia MU stacked logo in yellow and black -- links to main university of missouri at columbia web site University Archives -- links to home page of the University Archives of the University of Missouri at Columbia University of Missouri -- links to home page of the University of Missouri at Columbia spacerHeader graphic


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Call Number:

Box 1-UMLD1
Box 2-UMLD1

MU Dairy Farm
MU Dairy Farm
(University Archives, C:1/40/1, Box 1)

Record Group: 3 C
Record Sub-Group: 2
Records Title: UMC; College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Agricultural Editor's Office; Administrative Records
Dates: 1915-1996
Volume: 1/2 cubic foot, 0.6 linear foot

Scope and Content Note

(A94-43; A96-87)
This Record Sub-Group contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Extension Services' Agricultural Editor's Office. In large part, these records were created or received during Richard L. Lee's tenure as Agricultural Editor, though some do represent work of earlier Editors. Included in this Sub-Group are lists detailing the bulletins, reports, leaflets, circulars, and research publications generated by this office from 1915 until the early 1970's. Titles of publications, dates of publications, volume printed, and printing costs are all itemized. Separate lists of reprints and mailings are provided.

There is one bound volume of annual progress reports (1928-1944) for what was variously referred to as the "Publicity Project," and, simply, "Extension Information." Also included in this Sub-Group are files, correspondence, membership lists, and copies of legal briefs pertaining to the Committee on Pension Equity (COPE), a group with which Lee was closely associated.

Series Descriptions:

This record Sub-Group is divided into two seperate record series. Series One contains documents relating to Agricultural Extension Service publications. Series Two contains the working files of the "Committee on Pension Equity."

Series Outline:

  1. Series One - Publication Data

  2. Series Two - C.O.P.E. Files


Series One - Publication Data

Box 1

FF 1 -
Publication data for Extension Service Circulars printed from 1915-1936.

FF 2 - Extension leaflets, circulars, and unnumbered publications (partial) from 1919-1972. Lists include title, date issued, number of pages, and department of subject, 1919-1972.

FF 3 - Extension Research Bulletins (partial). Lists include serial numbers, titles, and publication dates.

FF 4 - Extension reprints from 1955-1963. Lists include reprint numbers, titles, and number of copies reprinted, 1955-1963.

FF 5 - Extension publication records (partial) from 1921-1964. Lists include titles, serial numbers, authors, number of copies printed, and cost of publications, 1921-1964.

FF 6 - Agriculture Department and Extension Service printing jobs from 1925-06/1942. List includes dates, titles, departments of origin, numbers of copies, and cost of printings, 1925-1942.

FF 7 - Extension Service printing jobs from 06/1942-1967. List includes dates, titles, serial numbers, numbers of copies, and cost of printings, 1942-1967.

FF 8 - Extension - Agricultural Information Project Progress Reports from 1951-1961. These reports include the names and titles of persons working on the projects, the sources of funding, and brief abstracts detailing progress achieved, 1951-1961

Item 9 - One bound collection of Annual Reports of the Office of Extension Information (also referred to as "The Information Project"). These reports detail Extension news reporting on radio, in the press, and through Extension publications, ca. 1928-1944.

Series Two - C.O.P.E. Files

Box 2

FF 1 - Correspondence files of the Committee On Pension Equity (COPE). Also included are copies of legal briefs and appeal briefs relating to COPE's lawsuit against the University of Missouri Board of Curators, ca. 1989-1996.

FF 2 - COPE's membership files, including lists of names and addresses of current and retired University of Missouri Extension Service employees, as well as any contribution they may have given to COPE. Also in this folder are a number of organizational charts and policy memos detailing the job titles, responsibilities, and other aspects of Extension employee positions.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared: July 1999
Revised: 29 September 2009

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