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Call Number:


Record Group: 23 C
Record Sub-Group: 16
Records Title: UMC; University Hospital & Clinics; University Physicians Administration Office; Medical Practice Income Plan (MPIP) Records
Dates: 1968-1983
Volume: 11 cubic feet, 13.75 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

(A85-10, A84-29, A86-102)
This Record Sub-Group consists primarily of correspondence and materials created or received by the Administrator of Medical Practice Income Plan (MPIP) Program, Don Towers, from 1977 through 1982. Also included in the Sub-Group are materials on the 1974 conversion of the Medical Services and Research Plan (MSRP) to the Medical Practice Income Plan. Included in this Sub-Group are helicopter service proposals, MPIP Newsletters, fee-structuring sheets, diagnosis lists, committee records, incentive income proposals, clinic encounter forms, patient complaint letters, personnel salary lists, bill-collecting seminar materials, trust fund budget reports, Hospital and Clinics' Marketing Project records, correspondence between Dean Lobeck, Dean of the University of Missouri Medical School, and Robert Smith, Director of the University Hospital & Clinics. Also included is the correspondence of Tom Hannon, Manager of Patient Accounts for the University Hospital and Clinics.

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement within the Sub-Group follows original order.


Box 1

FF 1 - Interim Trust Fund, 1967-1970.

FF 2 - Medical Service and Research Plan (MSRP) Interim Trust Fund, 1967-1970.

FF 3 - MSRP Audit Reports and Correspondence, 1968-1970.

FF 4 - MSRP Work Papers, Spreadsheets and Distribution of Earnings Report, 1969-1970.

FF 5 - MSRP Work Papers, Spreadsheets and Distribution of Earnings Report, 1970-1971.

FF 6 - MSRP Work Papers, Budgets 1972-1973, and Distribution of Earnings Report, 1971-1972.

FF 7 - MSRP Retirement Reports, 1971-1975.

FF 8 - MSRP Correspondence, 1970-1974.

FF 9 - MPIP Incentive Payments Reports, 1975-1978.

Box 2

FF 1 - MSRP Work Papers, Spreadsheets, and Schedule of Distribution of Earnings, 1967.

FF 2 - MSRP Physicians Reports of Earnings, 1958-1969.

FF 3 - MPIP Retirement Data, 1974-1976.

FF 4 - MPIP Budget, 1974.

FF 5 - MSRP Trust Fund Reports and related correspondence, 1972-1974.

FF 6 - MSRP Distribution Reports, 1971-1973.

FF 7 - MSRP Reports on Reserves, 1967-1971 (Includes Trust Allotments).

FF 8 - MSRP Data, 1969-1970.

FF 9 - MSRP Various, 1970-1971.

FF 10 - MPIP Work Papers, 1974.

FF 11 - MPIP Transfers, 1974.

FF 12 - MSRP Finances and Administration Materials, 1972-1973.

FF 13 - MSRP/MPIP Faculty Salary Recap, 1972-1975.

FF 14 - MSRP Revisions, 1972-1974.

FF 15 - MPIP Correspondence and Spreadsheets, 1975-1976.

FF 16 - MPIP Practioners Plan, 1975-1977.

FF 17 - MPIP Practioners Plan, 1978-1979.

Box 3

FF 1 - Don Tower Correspondence, 1975-1976.

FF 2 - Don Tower Correspondence, 1976-1977.

FF 3 - Don Tower Correspondence, 1977.

FF 4 - Don Tower Correspondence, 1977.

FF 5 - Don Tower Correspondence, 1977.

FF 6 - Don Tower Correspondence, 1977.

FF 7 - Administrative Staff Minutes.

FF 8 - Risk Management Committee Meeting Materials.

FF 9 - MSRP Plan-Rewrite, 1975.

FF 10 - Medical Staff Reorganization Committee, 1973-1974.

FF 11 -MSRP Various Records, 1969-1974.

Box 4

FF 1 - Tom Hannon Correspondence, 1979

FF 2 - Tom Hannon Correspondence, 1979

FF 3 - Tom Hannon Correspondence, 1979

FF 4 - Don Tower, Outgoing Correspondence A-D, 1979.

FF 5 - Don Tower, Outgoing Correspondence E-L, 1979.

FF 6 - Don Tower, Outgoing Correspondence M-N, 1979.

FF 7 - Don Tower, Outgoing Correspondence O-Z, 1979.

FF 8 - Don Tower, Incoming Correspondence A-E, 1979.

FF 9 - Don Tower, Incoming Correspondence F-G, 1979.

FF 10 - Don Tower, Incoming Correspondence H-K, 1979.

FF 11 - Don Tower, Incoming Correspondence L-N, 1979.

FF 12 - Don Tower, Incoming Correspondence O-S, 1979.

FF 13 - Don Tower, Incoming Correspondence T-Z, 1979.

FF 14 - Additional Tom Hannon Correspondence, 1979.

FF 15 - Additional Tom Hannon Correspondence, 1979.

FF 16 - Additional Tom Hannon Correspondence, 1979.

FF 17 - Additional Tom Hannon Correspondence, 1979.

Box 5

FF 1 - MPIP Agreements (Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Pathology), 1974-1975

FF 2 - MPIP Agreements (Anesthesiology, Child Health, Medicine), 1974-1975.

FF 3 - MPIP Agreements (Anesthesiology, Child Health, Medicine), 1974-1975.

FF 4 - MPIP Agreements (Radiology, Family Medicine), 1974-1975.

FF 5 - MPIP Agreements (Surgery), 1974-1975.

FF 6 - Surgery Agreements, 1975-1976.

FF 7 - MPIP Agreements (Ophthalmology, Pathology, Psychiatry, Radiology, Community Health), 1975-1976.

FF 8 - MPIP Agreements (Ophthalmology, Pathology, Psychiatry, Radiology, Community Health), 1975-1976.

FF 9 - MPIP Agreements (Anesthesiology, Child Health, Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynecology), 1975-1976.

FF 10 - Medicine Agreement, 1975-1976.

FF 11 - MPIP Statements of Income and Expenses, July 1976 and January 1977. February 1977
FF 12 - MPIP Statements of Income and Expenses, March 1977 and April 1977.

FF 13 - MPIP Statements of Income and Expenses, June 1977, and November 1977.

FF 14 - MPIP January, 1979.

FF 15 - MPIP, February 1979.

FF 16 - MPIP, March 1979.

FF 17 - MPIP, April 1979.

FF 18 - Patient Billed Charges, 1976-1979.

Box 6

FF l - Excess Earnings Distribution, October 1974 - July 1976.

FF 2 - MPIP Surgery - Medicine, 1970-1980.

FF 3 - Excess Earnings Distribution, 1976-1979.

FF 4 - MPIP Statement of Income and Expenses, January-February 1978.

FF 5 - MPIP Statement of Income and Expenses, March-April 1978.

FF 6 - MPIP Statement of Income and Expenses, May-June 1978.

FF 7 - MPIP Statement of Income and Expenses, July-August 1978.

FF 8 - MPIP Statement of Income and Expenses, September-October 1978.

FF 9 - MPIP Statement of Income and Expenses, November-December 1978.

FF 10 - MPIP Statement of Income and Expenses, January-February 1979.

FF 11 - MPIP Statement of Income and Expenses, March-May 1979.

FF 12 - MPIP Statement of Income and Expenses, June 1979.

FF 13 - Doctors Accounts Receivable by Patient (microfiche), January-December 1970.

FF 14 - Doctors Accounts Receivable by Patient (microfiche), November-December 1975.

FF 15 - Doctors Accounts Receivable by Patient (microfiche), January-June 1970.

FF 16 - Doctors Accounts Receivable by Patient (microfiche), February-October 1975.

Box 7

FF 1 - Medical Group Management Association.

FF 2 - Corporate Identity Correspondence, 1982.

FF 3 - Correspondence Copies.

FF 4 - Sarah E. Ford Correspondence.

FF 5 - MPIP Staff Meeting Minutes, August 1980-August 1982.

FF 6 - Contractual Agreements (various).

FF 7 - Obstetrics and Gynecology Package Correspondence, 1980-1982.

FF 8 - Department of Surgery Correspondence, 1978-1981.

FF 9 - Contracts, Marketing Survey and Correspondence.

FF 10 - Patient Accounting Files.

FF 11 - Management Analysis of Patient Accounts.

FF 12 - Third Party Claims Follow-up Report and Patient Accounting Records.

FF 13 - Marketing and Patient Origin Study, 1980-1982.

FF 14 - Marketing.

FF 15 - Veterans Administration Sharing.

FF 16 - Space Allocation.

FF 17 - Advance Work Records.

FF 18 - Incentive Payments, 1980-1981.

FF 19 - Ophthalmology, 1978-1981.

FF 20 - Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1978-1980.

FF 21 - Refund Desk Procedures and Reclassification of Senior Secretary Position.

FF 22 - Contracts
FF 23 - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1978-1980.

FF 24 - Executive Consulting Group.

Box 8

FF 1 - Dean's Medical School Finance Committee, 1981-1982.

FF 2 - Radiology Department, 1978-1980.

FF 3 - Radiology Contracts for C.T. Scanner.

FF 4 - Radiation Therapy.

FF 5 - Pathology Task Force.

FF 6 - Pathology Task Force.

FF 7 - Pathology, 1980-1981.

FF 8 - Psychiatry Contracts.

FF 9 - Psychiatry, 1978-1981.

FF 10 - PSRO.

FF 11 - Medical Staff Policy.

FF 12 - Medicare Professional Liability.

FF 13 - Medicare.

FF 14 - MPIP Retreat, December 1980.

FF 15 - McAuto.

FF 16 - MPIP Finance Committee, July 1982.

FF 17 - MPIP Finance Committee, June 1982.

FF 18 - MPIP Finance Committee, June, 1982.

FF 19 - MPIP Finance Committee, March 1982.

FF 20 - MPIP Finance Committee, February 1982.

FF 21 - NO FOLDER 21.

FF 22 - Health Service Management Graduate Programs.

FF 23 - Helicopter Transports.

FF 24 - Helicopter Transports.

FF 25 - Ellis Fischel Cancer Hospital.

FF 26 - Employment Contract.

FF 27 - Health Maintenance Organization (HMO).

FF 28 - Hospital Cost Study, 1982-1983.

FF 29 - Hospital MPIP Cost Allocation, 1981-1982.

FF 30 - Health Services Management.

FF 31 - Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center.

FF 32 - Contracts - Kirksville Osteopathic Hospital.

FF 33 - Contracts - Juvenile Division Boone and Callaway Counties.

FF 34 - Contracts - Eye Consultants, Inc.

FF 35 - Contracts - Ellis Fischel Cancer Hospital.

FF 36 - Contracts - Electrocardiogram Interpretations.

FF 37 - Contracts - Cosmopolitan International Diabetes Center.

FF 38 - Contracts - Columbia College.

FF 39 - Contracts - Chaffee General Hospital.

FF 40 - Audiology.

FF 41 - Contracts - Woodhaven Agreement.

FF 42 - Contracts - Planned Parenthood Agreement.

FF 43 - Contracts - Missouri State Chest Hospital.

FF 44 - Contracts - Mid-Missouri Regional Arthritis Center Corporation.

FF 45 - MID-MO Contracts.

FF 46 - Federal Prisoners Agreement.

FF 47 - Answering Service.

FF 48 - Budget Information, 1981-1982.

FF 49 - Computer Priorities.

FF 50 - Hemophilia Therapy Program.

FF 51 - Contracts-Hemophilia.

FF 52 - Contracts-Hemophilia.

FF 53 - Hemophilia Grant.

Box 9

FF 1 - Clinic Management Committee, May 24, 1982.

FF 2 - Clinic Management Committee, May 3, 1982.

FF 3 - Clinic Management Committee, April 26, 1982.

FF 4 - Clinic Management Committee, April 14, 1982.

FF 5 - Clinic Management Committee, April 8, 1982.

FF 6 - Minutes-Clinic Management Committee.

FF 7 - Outpatient Clinics.

FF 8 - Annual Meeting, May 1981.

FF 9 - Dinner Meeting, December 1, 1981.

FF 10 - MPIP Retreat.

FF 11 - Clinic Management Committee, August 23, 1982.

FF 12 - Clinic Management Committee, August 16, 1982.

FF 13 - Clinic Management Committee, July 26, 1982.

FF 14 - Clinic Management Committee, July 19, 1982.

FF 15 - Clinic Management Committee, July 12, 1982.

FF 16 - Clinic Management Committee, June 28, 1982.

FF 17 - Clinic Management Committee, June 21, 1982.

FF 18 - Clinic Management Committee, June 7, 1982.

FF 19 - Employee Record Form.

FF 20 - Ellis-Fischell Cancer Hospital.

FF 21 - MPIP Overhead Distribution.

FF 22 - Practice Plan Incentive Agreement.

FF 23 - MPIP Collections Not Eligible for Incentive.

FF 24 - Patient Care System - Security Coding.

FF 25 - Cost Accounting - Original.

FF 26 - IRS Letter.

FF 27 - Personnel.

FF 28 - Medical Group Management Association.

FF 29 - Data Processing Meetings.

FF 30 - MPIP Newsletter and Brochure.

FF 31 - Collection Consulting Report.

FF 32 - Applicants for R.A. Positions.

FF 33 - University Inpatient Services.

FF 34 - Drug Sample Surveys.

FF 35 - Keller Memorial Agreement.

FF 36 - Donald Allcorn Sedalia Agreement.

FF 37 - Don Johnson Correspondence, 1982.

FF 38 - Don Johnson Correspondence, 1982.

FF 39 - Incoming Correspondence.

FF 40 - Irvin Agreement.

FF 41 - Department of Medicine, 1980-1981.

FF 42 - Department of Medicine - Roller Agreement.

FF 43 - Medicine - Irvin Agreement.

FF 44 - Van Stone Agreement.

FF 45 - Deloitte, Haskins & Sells Report, 1981.

FF 46 - Medicaid.

FF 47 - Collection Agencies.

FF 48 - MPIP Patient Accounts Department Reorganization, 1980.

Box 10

FF 1 - MPIP Cost Studies, 1973-1975.

FF 2 - MSRP Work Papers, Earnings and Distribution, 1974-1975, Budgets, 1975-1976.

FF 3 - MSRP Work Papers, Earnings & Distribution, 1972-1973, Budgets, 1973-1974.

FF 4 - MSRP Work Papers, Earnings & Distribution, 1973-1974, Budgets, 1974-1975.

FF 5 - UMPA Meeting, March 1982.

FF 6 - Medical Group Medical Association, 1981.

FF 7 - Medical Group Management Association, 1980.

FF 7a - MPIP Budget, 1978-1979.

FF 8 - MPIP Budget Plan, 1977-1978.

FF 9 - MPIP Budget, 1976-1977.

FF 10 - MPIP Budget, 1975-1976.

FF 11 - American College of Medical Group Administrators.

FF 12 - Outpatient Clinic Transition.

FF 13 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, August 1977-May 1978.

FF 14 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, June 1978.

FF 15 - NO FOLDER 15.

FF 16 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, July 1978.

FF 17 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, August 1978.

FF 18 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, August 1978.

FF 19 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, September 1978.

FF 20 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, September 1978.

FF 2l - Tom Hannan Correspondence, October 1978.

FF 22 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, October 1978.

FF 23 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, October 1978.

FF 24 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, November 1978.

FF 25 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, November 1978.

Box 11

FF 26 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, November 1978.

FF 27 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, December 1978.

FF 28 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, December 1978.

FF 29 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, January 1979.

FF 30 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, January 1979.

FF 31 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, February 1979.

FF 32 - Tom Hannan Correspondence, March 1979.

FF 33 - Don Tower Correspondence, August 1977-June 1978.

FF 34 - Don Tower Correspondence, August 1978.

FF 35 - Don Tower Correspondence, July 1978.

FF 36 - Don Tower Correspondence, September 1978.

FF 37 - Don Tower Correspondence, October 1978.

FF 38 - Don Tower Correspondence, November 1978.

FF 39 - Don Tower Correspondence, December 1978.

FF 40 - Don Tower Correspondence, January 1979.

FF 41 - Don Tower Correspondence, February 1979.

FF 42 - Don Tower Correspondence, March 1979.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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