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Call Number:

Box 1-011419
Box 2-011452
Box 3-011479
Box 4-011528
Box 5-011639
Box 6-Ellis

Record Group: 16 C
Record Sub-Group: 10
Records Title: UMC; College of Public and Community Services; School of Social Work; Arthur W. Nebel Professional and Personal Papers
Dates: 1922-1940
Volume: 5 and 1/3 cubic feet, 6.67 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains professional and personal papers of Arthur W. Nebel from the early period of his association with the University of Missouri (1922-1940). A majority of the records stem from the years Nebel served as Director of the Department of Public Assistance within the Missouri Social Security Commission (1937-1939). A large number of the records consist of informational publications by government agencies or educational institutions about social welfare programs and legislation collected by Nebel in the course of his work. Other records found in this Sub-Group are course notes, student papers, correspondence, case histories, research materials, speeches, bibliographies, and news clippings. Among the topics represented in the records are welfare issues, including child labor and old age assistance, studies like the "Study of Relief and Related Activities in Randolph County, Missouri" by C. T. Pihlblad and the Cooperative Study of Relief in Missouri, and sharecropper evictions in Sikeston, Missouri.

Biographical Note:

Arthur W. Nebel (1908-1993) received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Missouri in 1930. From 1932 until 1934 he studied part-time at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis before returning to the University of Missouri where he received a Master of Arts degree in Public Welfare in 1935. Appointed an instructor in Rural Sociology at MU in 1935, he spent a part of the next two years attending courses at the School of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago. He became an Assistant Professor of Sociology at MU in 1937. From October 1937 until September 1939 Nebel was on leave from his University duties while he served as the Director of the Public Assistance Division of the State Social Security Commission of Missouri. In 1943 Nebel was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor. In 1946 Nebel became the Executive Secretary of Missouri's Children's Code Commission.

He resigned his position in the Department of Sociology in 1947 to become director of the Missouri Crippled Children's Service, a position he held until 1954 when he returned to the University as a Professor of Social Work and the Director of the School of Social Work. He became Dean of the School of Social and Community Services in 1965 and continued in this role until 1974. A year later Nebel retired and accepted emeritus status. He continued to serve the Dean's Office of the College of Public and Community Services as a consultant until 1978.

Nebel served as President of the Missouri Association of Social Welfare in 1940. He was a council member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), serving on the special Committee on Intercollegiate Athletic Costs in the late 1960s and supervising a study of athletic costs made by the University of Missouri for the NCAA at the end of the decade. He received the Distinguished Service Award from the NCAA.

Additional sources: NCAA News, Vol. 7 No. 7, July, 1970
Note to Researcher: For additional information concerning Nebel and the Children's Code Commission as well as the Missouri Crippled Children's Service, see Record Group 1 C, Sub-Group 7.

Series Descriptions: This Record Sub-Group is not divided into separate series.


Box 1

FF 1 - Social Welfare Material from other States, A-G (state informational publications, correspondence), 1937-1940

FF 2 - Social Welfare Material from other States, Idaho (Public Assistance manual), 1937-1938

FF 3 - Social Welfare Material from other States, Illinois (Civil Service exams, bulletins, state informational publications, correspondence), 1936-1939

FF 4 - Social Welfare Material from other States, Indiana (state informational publications, personnel and procedure manual), 1936-1939

FF 5 - Social Welfare Material from other States, Iowa (state informational publications, statistical reports), 1937-1939

FF 6 - Social Welfare Material from other States, Kansas (state informational publications and reports, correspondence), 1938-1939

FF 7 - Social Welfare Material from other States, K-L (state bulletins, university program brochures, Works Progress Administration manual), 1936-1939

FF 8 - Social Welfare Material from other States, M (state informational publications and reports, university program brochures, correspondence, state committee memoranda), 1936-1939

FF 9 - Social Welfare Material from other States, N (state informational publications, survey reports, university program brochures, correspondence), 1936-1939

FF 10 - Social Welfare Material from other States, O (state informational publications, legislative summaries), 1936-1939

FF 11 - Social Welfare Material from other States, Pennsylvania (state informational publications, annual report, Department of Public Assistance Employees' Manual), 1936-1939

FF 12 - Social Welfare Material from other States, R-T (state informational publications, university bulletins), 1937-1939

FF 13 - Social Welfare Material from other States, U-V (state informational publications, university studies), 1937-1938

Box 2

FF 1 - Social Welfare Material from other States, Washington (state informational publications, Works Progress Administration policies and procedures), 1934-1939

FF 2 - Social Welfare Material from other States, West Virginia and Wisconsin (state informational publications and statistics), 1930-1939

FF 3 - Recent Laws by State, 1938

FF 4 - American Association of Social Workers (correspondence, reports, committee memoranda, conference program), 1938-1939

FF 5 - American Public Welfare Association (correspondence, conference programs, informational brochure, committee reports), 1937-1939

FF 6 - American Public Welfare Association - Publications (association publications, list of publications), 1935-1939

FF 7 - American Public Welfare Association - Publications, 1935-1939 (cont'd)

FF 8 - American Public Welfare Association - Publications, 1935-1939 (cont'd)

FF 9 - Family Welfare Association of America (association newsletters and publications, correspondence), 1937-1939

FF 10 - Missouri Association for Social Welfare (correspondence, press releases, news clippings, copies of legislative bills, Schools of Social Work report), 1936-1939

FF 11 - Missouri Association for Social Welfare - Conferences and Institutes (correspondence, brochures, conference papers), 1937-1939

FF 12 - Missouri Association for Social Welfare - Department of Registration and Certification (correspondence), 1938-1939

FF 13 - Missouri Association for Social Welfare - Nebel, President (meeting agendas and member lists, statistical statements, budget reports, correspondence, memoranda), 1940

FF 14 - Missouri Association for Social Welfare - Board of Directors (memoranda, treasurer's reports, meeting minutes), 1937-1938

FF 15 - Missouri Association for Social Welfare - Board of Directors (cont'd), 1938

FF 16 - Missouri Association for Social Welfare - Board of Directors (cont'd), 1939-1940

FF 17 - Missouri Association for Social Welfare - Building a Better State (official MASW publication, news bulletins, article drafts), 1937-1939

FF 18 - Missouri Association for Social Welfare - Official Welfare Services in Missouri 1821-1936, 1936

FF 19 - National Conference of Social Work (correspondence, memoranda, state conference handbook draft), 1938-1939

Box 3

FF 1 - Missouri Tuberculosis Association (annual report, correspondence), 1937

FF 2 - Social Security Commission (correspondence, committee reports, meeting minutes), 1936-1937

FF 3 - Social Security Commission (correspondence, personnel records, meeting agendas, district maps), 1937-1939

FF 4 - Social Security Legislation (bills, resolutions, bulletins, news clippings), 1939

FF 5 - Speech, Elsah, Illinois - "Social Security as it relates to the Citizen," n.d.

FF 6 - Publications (informational publications and reports from a variety of sources), 1935-1938

FF 7 - Social Security Board - Press Releases, 1936

FF 8 - Social Security Board - Press Releases, 1940

FF 9 - The Missouri Social Engineer, 1938-1939

FF 10 - Old Age Assistance (court cases, state lien and recovery laws, position papers), 1938

FF 11 - Unemployment and Workmen's Compensation (informational brochures, reports), 1926-1938

FF 12 - Monthly Administrative Analysis of Public Assistance (reports, correspondence), 1939

FF 13 - General Relief (direct relief funding statistics), 1937-1939

FF 14 - Public Assistance (correspondence, presentation papers, case studies, Social Security Commission reports), 1939

FF 15 - Budget Requests (budget requests, public assistance requests, case reports), 1935-1940

FF 16 - Nebel (biographical outline, list of courses taken at the University of Missouri, news clippings, correspondence, two 5x7 black-and-white photographs of Nebel), 1937-1939

FF 17 - Meeting Transcripts (Social Security Service Standards and Procedures, District Supervisors meeting), 1939

FF 18 - Public Assistance Bulletins (includes index), 10/1937-4/1938

FF 19 - Public Assistance Bulletins (includes index), 5/1938-12/1938

FF 20 - Public Assistance Bulletins (includes index), 1/1939-8/1939

FF 21 - Public Health (informational publications, annual report for the Missouri Society for Crippled Children), 1928-1937

FF 22 - Missouri Public Health (informational publications), 1928-1937

FF 23 - Missouri Eleemosynary Institutions (correspondence, informational publications, reports), 1929-1938

FF 24 - Missouri Council of Public Welfare Agencies (correspondence, by-laws), 1939

Box 4

FF 1 - Juvenile Delinquency (papers, address, casework evaluations, notes, conference program), 1927-1939

FF 2 - Administrative Management (President's Committee report), 1937

FF 3 - Aid to the Blind (federal publications on characteristics of state plans for aid to the blind), 1937-1938

FF 4 - Old Age Assistance (governmental publications), 1936-1939

FF 5 - Social Security (Social Security Board publications, reports and newsletters), 1935-1938

FF 6 - Aid to Dependent Children (Social Security Board publications, Report to the Missouri State Committee on Social Security), 1932-1939

FF 7 - Child Welfare (informational brochures, governmental reports, compilation of Missouri legislation), 1936-1939

FF 8 - County Almshouses (annotated bibliography, statistic forms, papers), 1922-1934

FF 9 - Public Assistance and Relief (Social Security Act provisions, statistical reports), 1937-1938

FF 10 - Cooperative Study of Relief in Missouri - Pihlblad, Director (correspondence, blank WPA interview forms and schedules), 1940

FF 11 - "Study of Relief and Related Activities in Randolph County, Missouri" (published study by C. Terence Pihlblad, Clifton Coble and Malcom Carr), 9/1940

FF 12 - "Relief in Kansas City, Missouri," 5/1938

FF 13 - Social and Health Work - Randolph County, Missouri (summary report of community survey), 6/1939

FF 14 - Social Welfare - St. Joseph and Buchanan County, Missouri (correspondence, student paper), 1940

FF 15 - Relief - Wayne County, Missouri (dissertation by Malcom B. Stinson, University of Chicago), 6/1936

FF 16 - Miscellaneous Publications (Informational publications and reports regarding Missouri social welfare, including a paper by C. T. Pihlblad entitled "Trends in Social Welfare"), 1934-1939

FF 17 - Bibliographies (publications, typed booklists), 1937-1939

FF 18 - Speech Material (drafts and typed speeches), 1936-1939

FF 19 - News Clippings, 1938-1939

FF 20 - University of Chicago (course announcements for the School of Social Service Administration, student directory, time schedules), 1936-1939

FF 21 - Washington University - St. Louis, Missouri (university bulletins, social statistics report), 1935-1939

FF 22 - Infantry Reserve - Nebel (memoranda, appointment certificate, KWOS radio speech transcript, course announcements, correspondence, notes), 1938-1939

Box 5

FF 1 - General Correspondence, 1938-1939

FF 2 - General Correspondence, 1938-1939 (cont'd)

FF 3 - Personal Correspondence, 1933-1939

FF 4 - Personal Papers - Miscellaneous (insurance documents, mortgage notes, bank books, course notebook, poetry, event programs, publicity photograph of John Parrish), 1928-1938

FF 5 - Master's Degree Research - Nebel, 1935

FF 6 - University of Missouri Students with Social Work training (lists of students, list of theses), ca. 1930

FF 7 - Medical Aspects of Social Work - Lectures (course description, lectures and supplementary materials for course taught by Nebel at the University of Missouri), 1934-1935

FF 8 - Medical Aspects - Cases and Articles (article summaries, news clipping, reports, bibliographies, notes), ca. 1921-1934

FF 9 - Medical Aspects - Cases and Articles, ca. 1921-1934 (cont'd)

FF 10 - Medical Aspects - Miscellaneous (article summaries, interview reports, Missouri State Board of Health Biennial Report, bibliographies), 1906-1934

FF 11 - Lecture Notes (lecture notes, case interview and visit lists, 1931-1935

FF 12 - Exams and Reading Lists, 1933-1934

FF 13 - Public Welfare Administration - SSA 350 (notes and other materials regarding course taken by Nebel at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration), 1935-1936

FF 14 - Case Work (reading lists, case work manuals, course notes, exams, supplementary course materials, some course material is from SAA 307 - Social Case Work, a course at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration), 1933-1939

FF 15 - Case Work - Criticisms of Field Work (student suggestions and criticism), n.d.

FF 16 - Case Work - Student Papers, 1937

FF 17 - Journal Abstracts (article abstracts and summaries), ca. 1933

FF 18 - Child Welfare and Child Labor (informational publications, memoranda, press releases, course materials, some from SAA 385 - Child Welfare Case Work taken by Nebel at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration), 1930-1936

FF 19 - Juvenile Delinquency - SSA 317 (notes, exams, and other materials regarding the course "The Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency" taken by Nebel at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration), 1937

FF 20 - Housing Problems - SSA 375 (housing brochure, legislation brochure, paper for the course taken by Nebel at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration), 1934-1937

FF 21 - Problems of Social Insurance - SSA 363 (paper, exams, and other materials regarding the course taken by Nebel at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration), 1936

Box 6

FF 1 - Public Assistance - SSA 395 (paper, notes, and other materials regarding the course taken by Nebel at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration), 1937

FF 2 - Psychiatry for Social Workers - SSA 341 (notes and supplementary materials regarding course taken by Nebel at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration), 1936

FF 3 - Missouri Public Welfare History (course papers and projects, article summaries, Missouri Legislature bills), 1935-1936

FF 4 - Social Work History (bibliography and other course materials), 1935

FF 5 - The Courts and Social Work - SSA 351 (notes, term paper and supplementary materials regarding course taken by Nebel at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration), 1937

FF 6 - The Law and Social Work - SSA 352 (notes from course taken by Nebel at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration), 1936

FF 7 - Social Legislation Bibliographies, ca. 1936

FF 8 - Local Rural Government (notes, exams, and other materials regarding the course taken by Nebel at the University of Missouri from Professor of Political Science and Public Law, William L. Bradshaw), 1934

FF 9 - Social Study of Family (typed outline for psychiatric social study of the family by Beatrice Z. Levey of the United Charities of Chicago), 1934

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Originally Prepared by A Huelsbergen: February 2003
Revised: 10 March 2003

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