Record Group: 14 C Scope and Content Note (A98-109) Historical Note "No Medical School of today can be considered well equipped without a good library." These words, found in the 1907 Medical School Annual Report, are still applicable today. The 1873 establishment of the Medical School in Columbia gave rise to the first Medical School Library on the Columbia campus. The Library began in a small room in the Medical Building and portions of the collection were housed in the University Library. In 1903 The Medical Library was consolidated, still one room, in McAlester Hall and shifted in 1923 to a room in the new extension of McAlester Hall. In 1956, the Library was given a large room on the second floor of the University Medical Center. There it remained until high enrollment in the School of Medicine, the School of Nursing and Allied Health students combined with construction of adjacent medical facilities placed an overwhelming demand on the Library facilities, both in storage and access. In 1980 plans were made to combine the Health Sciences Library with a library storage unit which resulted in the 1985 dedication of the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library. Series Descriptions: This Sub-Group consists of three series. Within the series, the records are arranged topically and chronologically. Series One contains annual reports of the J. Otto Lottes Health Science Library, the Medical Library, and the Veterinary Medical Library, with gaps. Also included are other administrative reports of the Health Sciences Library. Series Two contains records collected by Mr. Beatty on the history of medicine. Included are biographical sketches of some of the early graduates of the Medical School 1874-1878, records detailing the struggle over attaining a four-year medical school on the Columbia campus and historic treatments compiled by Mr. Beatty. Series Three contains records of the Medical History Group, a monthly, informal organization devoted to history of medicine. Speakers were drawn from both within and outside of the organization; in addition to monthly lectures, the Group co-sponsored the Arthur Rochford McComas Medical Memorial Medical History Essay Contest for medical students. Series Outline
Series One - Administrative Reports
Box 1 FF 1 - Annual Reports of the Medical Library, 1945-1961; with gaps in 1945, 1947, 1952 FF 2 - Annual Reports of the Medical Library, 1962-1971; with a gap in 1969 FF 3 - Annual Reports of the Medical Library, 1972-1978; with a gap in 1973; Annual Report of the Veterinary Medical Library, 1970, 1971 and 1978 FF 4 - Annual Reports of the Medical Library, 1979-1984; with a gap in 1981; Annual Reports of the Veterinary Medical Library, 1979-1987, with gaps in 1981 and 1984; Annual Reports of the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, 1985-1987 FF 5 - Faculty Advisory Committee, 1968-1969 FF 6 - Faculty Advisory Committee, 1970 FF 7 - Faculty Advisory Committee, 1971 FF 8 - Long Range Planning Faculty Retreat, School of Medicine, 1972 FF 9 - Association of Academic Health Science Directors, Annual Reports, 1978-1982 FF 10 - Health Sciences Library Brochures, ca. 1983; Health Sciences Center Library, Brochure from Donor Recognition & Celebration, ca. 1983; J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library Brochures, ca. 1985 FF 11 - Black and white photographs of the Medical Library, interior and exterior, ca. 1956; Negative of Medical Center, exterior, back side, ca. 1956 Series Two - Histories and Biographies FF 12 - Book authentication and solicitation; De humani corporis Fabrica, Clay County Medical Association, Osler, Ravenel, Byrne, 1878-1960 FF 13 - History of Bacteriology at the University of Missouri-Columbia, Biography of M. Pinson Neal, M.D., 1886-1958 FF 14 - History of the Medical Library at the University of Missouri-Columbia Address entitled, The School of Medicine and Its Development at the University of Missouri, delivered in June, 1949; Chronological Record of the Development of Department of Pathology and Heads of the Department, n.d.; "The Green of Medicine," n.d.; Copies of newspaper clippings detailing the struggle over placing the Medical School in Columbia, 1874-1958
FF 15 - Dr. Otto W. Koch, biographical material, 1932-1958 FF 16 - School of Medicine, Class of 1874, biographical material includes: Drs. John Harris Duncan, Willis Violet Smith, Wilson Lafayette Ragan, 1920-1958 FF 17 - School of Medicine, Class of 1875, biographical material includes: Drs. Harold Jerard, William Ashington Ashley, Malcolm Duane Lewis, 1914-1958 FF 18 - School of Medicine, Class of 1876, biographical material includes: Drs. Harvey Nally and Joseph William Pryor, 1888-1956 FF 19 - School of Medicine, Classes 1877 and 1878, biographical material includes: Dr. Franklin Cauthorn, 1895-1958 FF 20 - Committee on a Program for the Development of a Four Year Medical School, reports and minutes, 1945-1960 FF 21 - History of Medicine, 1936-1959 FF 22 - Biographical Information on Dr. Justus Ohage, 1880-1957 FF 23 - Physician Pioneers in Missouri, 1936-1939 FF 24 - Medical Ephemera, 1865-1926 FF 25 - Pharmaceutical Advertisements, 1958 Series Three - Medical History Group FF 26 - History of the Medical History Group, 1957-1958 FF 27 - Medical History Group, 1958-1959 FF 28 - Dr. A. R. McComas Fund and Biographical Information, 1898-1963 FF 29 - Medical History Group and A. R. McComas Essay Contest, 1959-1960 FF 30 - Medical History Group and A. R. McComas Essay Contest, 1960-1961 FF 31 - Medical History Group and A. R. McComas Essay Contest, 1961-1962 FF 32 - Medical History Group and A. R. McComas Essay Contest, 1962-1963 FF 33 - Medical History Group and A. R. McComas Essay Contest, 1963-1964 |
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