Call Number: Box 1 - Ellis |
Record Group: 1 C Scope and Content Note (A02-176) Historical Note: Public relations and information dissemination for the University of Missouri System and MU were handled by the MU Office of Public Relations until 1968. During the 5 year period between the creation of the UM-System and 1968, the MU Office of Public Relations handled the communications needs of both the MU campus and the UM system. In 1968, the Office of University Information Services was created as an UM-System office to serve the public relations, information and publicity needs of the UM-System's central administration and the four campuses. The campus-specific information dissemination needs of MU were handled through the Office of Public Information and its successor office, University Affairs. In 1980, the name of University Information Services was changed to University Relations and it was charged with the responsibility of planning and conducting internal and external communications programs at the system level. This included acting as the information source for the Board of Curators. The Office of University Relations was also responsible for coordinating information and publicity efforts with counterpart offices at the four campuses and with University Outreach and Extension. The Office of University Relations consisted of three departments: the Information, Public Relations and Publicity unit; the Radio and Television unit; and the Extension Information unit. In 1985 Extension Information split from its parent office and formed the Office of Extension Communications. Series Descriptions: This Record Sub-Group is not divided into series. The materials contained within this collection are microfiche that are numbered individually. There are four envelopes containing twenty-five, twenty-nine, fourteen, and seven microfiche respectively. It should be noted that Envelope 1 and Envelope 1a are a continuation of the same sequence. Titles noted with quotations are exactly as they appear on the individual fiche while the other titles have been changed to more accurately represent the subject matter.Inventory Envelope 1 MF 1 - "University Day", 1965-1967 MF 2 - All four campuses, 1968 MF 3 - All four campuses, 1968-1971 MF 4 - "Rolla", 1968-1971 MF 5 - "UMKC", 1970-1971 MF 6 - "UMSL", 1970-1971 MF 7 - "University Press", 1970-1971 MF 8 - "Veterinary Medicine", 1970-1971 MF 9 - "Urban Problems", 1968-1969 MF 10 - Mid-America Assembly, 1961-1966 MF 11 - "Air Force ROTC", 1969-1971 MF 12 - "Navy RoTC", 1970-1971 MF 13 - "Arnold Air Society Angel Flight", 1964-1970 MF 14 - "Savitar Frolics", 1960-1967 MF 15 - "Department of Speech and Dramatic Arts", 1969-1971 MF 16 - Readers Theater, Readers Hour, and Parnassus, 1969-1971 MF 17 - "Nuclear Reactor", 1958-1971 MF 18 - "School of Nursing", 1966, 1970-1971 MF 19 - "College of Public and Community Services", 1970-1971 MF 20 - "Rifle Team", 1970 MF 21 - "Army ROTC", 1970-1971 MF 22 - "Law Day", 1969-1971 MF 23 - Visiting Lecturers, 1969-1971 MF 24 - Ellis Library, 1968-1971 MF 25 - "School of Library Sciences", 1950, 1966-1971 Envelope 1a MF 26 - "Library Week", 1971 MF 27 - "Medical Center", 1969-1971 MF 28 - "School of Medicine", 1968-1971 MF 29 - MSA, SDS, and other student organizations, 1968-1970 MF 30 - "Concert Series", 1971 MF 31 - "Marching Mizzou", 1970-1971 MF 32 - Musical Recitals performed by Faculty members, 1970-1971 MF 33 - "News Briefs", 1971 MF 34 - "News Fillers", 1971 MF 35 - "College of Agriculture", 1955-1971 MF 36 - "Alumni" news release, June 1971 MF 37 - Anthropology and Archaeology, 1966-1971 MF 38 - Archaeology, 1966, 1971 MF 39 - Arts and Science Week, 1970-1971 MF 40 - "Awards", 1970-1971 MF 41 - Board of Curators, 1970-1971 MF 42 - "Board of Curators Series", May 1967-May 1968 MF 43 - "Campus Talent", 1966-1967 MF 44 - Research Park, 1963-1970 MF 45 - "Enrollment", 1945-1967 MF 46 - "Enrollment", 1967-1970 MF 47 - Enrollment by County, 1960-1963 MF 48 - Enrollment by Foreign Students, 1960-1968 MF 49 - "Exhibits", 1970-1971 MF 50 - "Lion's Eye Bank", January 1968 MF 51 - "Extension Division", 1970-1971 MF 52 - "Fees", 1965-1969 MF 53 - Financial Reports, 1961-1969 MF 54 - "School of Law", 1969-1971 Envelope 2 MF 1 - "Education Day", 1970-1971 MF 2 - "College of Education", 2 Fiche, 1973-1974 MF 3 - "College of Engineering", 1970-1973 MF 4 - "College of Engineering", 1974 MF 5 - "Homecoming", 1971-1972 MF 6 - "Home Economics" 1970-1971 MF 7 - "Journalism School", 2 Fiche, 1972-1973 MF 8 - "Journalism Week", 1972 MF 9 - "Journalism Week", 2 Fiche, 1973 MF 10 - "Journalism Week", 2 Fiche, 1974 Envelope 3 MF 1 - "Back to School", 1969-1970; Business and Government Review, 1969-1970; "Business and Public Administration" 1970-1971 MF 2 - "Business and Public Administration Week", 1972-1973 MF 3 - "Business and Public Administration Week", 1973; "Commencement", June and Summer, 1971-1972 MF 4 - "Commencement", Summer 1972, Fall 1972, June 1972-1973; MU Budget, 1964, 1966-1967 MF 5 - MU Budget 1967-1969 MF 6 - MU Budget 1969-1970; "College of Education", 1970-1972; "Engineers Week", 1970 MF 7 - "Engineers Week", 1970-1971; "National Library Week", 1968-1970 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.
Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Blain Cerney: December 2002
Revised: 10 March 2010
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