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Call Number:


Record Group: 1 C
Record Sub-Group: 51
Records Title: UMC; Administration; Office of Public Information; Betty Cook Rottmann Collection
Dates: 1957-1987
Volume: 8 and 1/3 cubic feet, 8.33 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains items created and received by Betty Cook Rottmann while she worked in the Office of Public Information, (1957-1987). The collection is wide ranging containing information about the MU Alumni Association, the College of Home Economics, School of Journalism, Women's Studies, Black Studies, University of Missouri Extension, International Studies, and the School of Business and Public Administration. The collection contains statistical figures of enrollment and employment with profiles of students and faculty. There are also directories for campus clubs, fraternities, sororities, and honor societies. There is information about the university from year to year and there are historical profiles of the University, the Symbol of the University, the Columns, Buildings, Rollins Field, the Rollins Gates, Marching Mizzou, Former Presidents of the University, Former Chancellors, and Francis Quadrangle. A significant proportion of the collection is composed of press releases from the Office of Public Information and visitor information such as Tour/Guide Books and Campus Maps.

Also included are pamphlets and publications issued by University Extension, College of Home Economics Department, Status of Women Committees, and the Women's Studies Program. Further, there are photos and llides of various campus people, buildings, and a series of shots highlighting mock political conventions held at the university in the 1960's. There are several pamphlets and other documentation highlighting conferences and other events hosted by the University, such as Musical performances and guest speakers. This material has been sorted by topic.

This collection reflects the positions that Rottman held over the years. Her interest in the improvement of the status of women both here at the University and throughout the world is also reflected in the collection.

Biographical Note:

Betty Cook Rottmann was employed by the University from 1957-1987. Originally hired as a News Writer, she became the Senior Information Specialist in 1979 and then became the Coordinator of Visitor and Guest Relations in 1980.

Series Descriptions:

This Record Sub-Group is divided into three series. Series One contains arranged original records. The first half of the box is devoted to profiles of the various campus schools and colleges. The second half focuses upon those people involved with the University, such as students and faculty. Each folder contains a detailed materials list of its contents. Series Two is a multi-media collection containing tape recordings and a video of various campus events, such as Speeches and programs sponsored by the University, including Impressions of Missouri, Missouri Forum, and a Board of Curators Meeting. Series Three contains the majority of the collection and is arranged alphabetically.

Series Outline:

1. Series One MU Schools, Colleges, Divisions, Departments and Students

2. Series Two Multi-Media

3. Series Three OPI, Office of Visitor Relations, Committee and Professional materials

Note to Researcher: Although Series One and Series Three contain similar information, Series One contains a detailed inventory list of the contents of each folder.


Series One - MU Schools, Colleges, Divisions, Departments, and Students
Box 1

FF 1 - Agriculture

FF 2 - Arts and Sciences

FF 3 - Business and Public Administration

FF 4 - Education

FF 5 - Engineering

FF 6 - Forestry, Fisheries, Wildlife

FF 7 - Home Economics

FF 8 - Journalism

FF 9 - Law

FF 10 - Library and Informational Science

FF 11 - Medicine

FF 12 - Nursing

FF 13 - Public and Community Service

FF 14 - Veterinary Medicine

FF 15 - Graduate School

FF 16 - Achievements of the College of Agriculture

FF 17 - Achievements of the College of Arts and Sciences

FF 18 - Achievements of the School of Business and Public Administration

FF 19 - Achievements of the College of Education

FF 20 - Achievements of the College of Engineering

FF 21 - Achievements of the School of Forestry

FF 22 - Achievements of the College of Home Economics

FF 23 - Achievements of the School of Library and Informational Science

FF 24 - Achievements of the School of Medicine

FF 25 - Achievements of the School of Nursing

FF 26 - Achievements of the School of Social Work

FF 27 - Achievements of the School of Law

FF 28 - Table of Contents for Series One

FF 29 - General Information

FF 30 - Surveys: Values and Attitudes

FF 31 - Campus Directories

FF 32 - Student Enrollment

FF 33 - Academic Ability and Performance

FF 34 - Student Impact

FF 35 - Student Initiated Programs

FF 36 - Women

FF 37 - Religious Activities/Organizations

FF 38 - Faculty

FF 39 - Academic Opportunities

FF 40 - Research

FF 41 - Extension

FF 42 - Administration

FF 43 - Staff Benefits

FF 44 - Admission and Orientation

FF 45 - Career Planning and Placement

FF 46 - Counseling Services

FF 47 - Financial Aid and Awards

FF 48 - Health Safety and Security

FF 49 - 'Special' Student Services

FF 50 - Intercollegiate Athletics

FF 51 - Military Programs

FF 52 - Facilities

FF 53 - Housing

FF 54 - Fees and Expenses

FF 55 - Boone County

FF 56 - Alumni

FF 57 - History and Traditions of Mizzou

Series Two - Multi-Media
Box 2

Item 1 - Board of Curator's Meeting, 1/4 inch Tape Recording, September 7, 1979

Item 2 - Continuing Education for Libraries, Cassette Tape Recording with Martha Corrigan and Dr. Roy Evans

Item 3 - Dean Elmer Kiehl, Cassette Tape Recording, December 2, 1974

Item 4 - Dr. Judith Wilson CAPA, Cassette Tape Recording

Item 5 - Impressions of Missouri with Ruth George, 2 Cassette Tape Volumes. #1 June 26, 1976 and #2 Unidentified

Item 6 - John Lorenz's Speech, Cassette Tape Recording, May 3, 1975

Item 7 - Library Automation and the Future, Cassette Tape Recording with Dr. Ralph Parker

Item 8 - Missouri Forum with James Olson, Tape Recording, August 15, 1976

Item 9 - Women of Sri Lanka Videotape, May 21, 1987

Item 10 - University Close-Up 190th Show, 1/4 inch Tape Recording

Series Three - OPI, Office of Visitor Relations, Committee and Professional materials
Box 3

FF 1 - Academic Fair, 1978

FF 2 - Administrative Data Processing Users Council, 1975

FF 3 - Administrative Data Processing Users Council Correspondence, 1973-1978

FF 4 - Administrative Data Processing Users Council Memoranda, 1973-1976

FF 5 - Alumnae Anniversary Fund for Recognition of Faculty Women, 1971

FF 6 - Alumni Association Pamphlet, 1978

FF 7 - Alumni Center Fact Sheet, 1974

FF 8 - Alumni Pamphlet: Dinner Meeting, 1970

FF 9 - Alumni Scholars Program Pamphlet

FF 10 - Alumni Seminar Weekend, 1987

FF 11 - A.P. Green Chapel Information

FF 12 - Arts and Performances: Concerts, Recitals, and Special Events, 1969-1970

FF 13 - Arts and Performances: Cultural Events, 1969-1970

FF 14 - Arts and Performances: Cultural Events, 1974-1975

FF 15 - Arts and Performances: Department of Music Ballade, February, 1967

FF 16 - Arts and Performances: Production of Dark of the Moon in the new University Theatre with photographs, 1961

FF 17 - Arts and Performances: Summer Repertory Theatre Program, 1974

FF 18 - Arts and Performances: University Concert Series, 1969-1970

FF 19 - Arts and Performances: University Concert Series, 1982-83

FF 20 - Arts and Performances: University Singers and Thomas L. Mills, 1969-1970

FF 21 - Article: Archaeologist Elsebet Rowlett's Discovery of Lost Civilizations, 1970

FF 22 - Article Cheerleader All America Newsletter Featuring Mizzou Squad, 1965

FF 23 - Article: Columbia, Collegetown USA

FF 24 - Article: Columbia, College Teen Town USA, 1960

FF 25 - Article: Emperor the Elephant, 1980

FF 26 - Article from Campus Columns: Students Work to Improve Community, State, 1973

FF 27 - Article from the Columbia Missourian: Collegetown USA, A Survival - Guide to College Life in Columbia, 1984

FF 28 - Article from the Maneater: Capitol Improvements, Ellis Library - Expansion, Improvement Lowry Mall, Medical School Addition, and Faurot Field Press - Box, 1984

FF 29 - Article: Mizzou Women's Basketball Stars Joni Davis and Joann - Rutherford, 1985

FF 30 - Article: Opening of the Atom Reactor, 1965

FF 31 - Articles, 1978

FF 32 - Articles: "Columbia, College Town USA" Bulletins, - 1967

FF 33 - Articles Concerning the University System, 1980

FF 34 - Articles on Outstanding Students, 1977-1978

FF 35 - Articles: University YMCA, 1971

FF 36 - Bicentennial Project: Scruggs-Vandervoort-Barney Art Collection, - 1972

FF 37 - Black Studies

FF 38 - Black Studies, 1969

FF 39 - Black Studies, 1978

FF 40 - Black Studies: Scholarships for Black Journalism Students, 1971

FF 41 - Board of Curators: Action Report, June 22-24, 1983

FF 42 - Budget Cuts, 1970

FF 43 - Budget Report on Reallocations, 1986

FF 44 - Budget Report on the Financial Management, 1986

FF 45 - Budget Report: Statement on Impact of Withholding of State Funds, - 1986

FF 46 - Centennial Convocation Honors Distinguished Women Graduates, - 1968

FF 47 - Centennial Seminars Publications, Volumes 1-6, 1968

FF 48 - Chamber of Commerce Publication Material

FF 49 - Chancellor Barbara Uehling, 1978-1979

FF 50 - Chancellor John W. Schwada, 1965

FF 51 - Chancellor's Third Annual Festival of Music, 1979

FF 52 - College of Agriculture: Agricultural Science Week Program, January - 28, 1974-February 1, 1974

FF 53 - College of Agriculture: Crop Predictions, 1979

FF 54 - College of Agriculture: Fourth International Wheat Genetics - Symposium, 1973

FF 55 - College of Agriculture: Publication: Land and People - What People Want to Know about Food Production and Distribution

FF 56 - College of Agriculture Pamphlet: Centennial Events, 1970

FF 57 - College of Agriculture Pamphlet: Swine Farrowing School for - Women, 1978

FF 58 - College of Agriculture: Rural Development Leaders School, 1979

FF 59 - College of Agriculture: Small-Farm Program, 1979

FF 60 - College of Arts and Science: Peace Studies Program, 1984

FF 61 - College of Arts and Science Profile: Fred Shane, Professor - and Artist

FF 62 - College of Engineering: Speech by Robert H. Charles at the National - Conference on the Management of Aerospace Programs, November 18, 1966.

FF 63 - College of Home Economics, 1974-1976

FF 64 - College of Home Economics Alumni Awards, 1970

FF 65 - College of Home Economics Alumni Faculty Award Winner Betty - Feather photographs included

FF 66 - College of Home Economics Articles: Nutrition Program to Return - to Bangladesh, 1973

FF 67 - College of Home Economics: Art in Environment Conference, 1970

FF 68 - College of Home Economics Awards Program, 1973

FF 69 - College of Home Economics: Child and Family Development

FF 70 - College of Home Economics: Child Nutrition

FF 71 - College of Home Economics: Consumer Affairs Bachelor's Degree - Program, 1976-1977

FF 72 - College of Home Economics: Course for Men's Clothing Selection, - includes photographs, 1968

FF 73 - College of Home Economics: Department of Food Science and Nutrition: - Food Service and Lodging Management

FF 74 - College of Home Economics: Department of Housing and Interior - Design: Design Students Draw by Computers with Computer Designs

FF 75 - College of Home Economics: Dr. Gail Imig Named Associate Dean, - 1979

FF 76 - College of Home Economics: Home Economics - Rehabilitation Degree - Program, 1971

FF 77 - College of Home Economics: Nutrition Programs, 1976

FF 78 - College of Home Economics: Retirement Education Center

FF 79 - College of Home Economics: Scopia Interior Design Sculpture - Seminar, 1967

FF 80 - College of Home Economics, Summer Session, 1970

FF 81 - College of Home Economics: Student Internship Experiences

FF 82 - College of Home Economics: The Elderly

FF 83 - College of Library and Informational Science Alumni Association, - 1977-1978

FF 84 - College of Library and Informational Sciences: Departmental Correspondence

FF 85 - College of Library and Informational Sciences: Federal Grant - and Aid, 1965-1969

FF 86 - College of Library and Informational Sciences: Library Week, - 1968-1970

FF 87 - College of Library and Informational Sciences: Pamphlet: Medical - Library, 1969

FF 88 - College of Library and Informational Sciences: Press Releases, 1967-1971

FF 89 - College of Library and Informational Sciences: Profile of Faculty - Member Dr. Robert Berk

FF 90 - Commencement Clothing Explanation

FF 91 - Commencement, Spring 1979

FF 92 - Commencement, Spring 1980

FF 93 - Commencement, Spring 1986

FF 94 - Commencement, Summer 1979

FF 95 - Commencement, Summer 1980

FF 96 - Commencement, Summer 1984

Series Three - OPI, Office of Visitor Relations, Committee and Professional materials (cont'd)
Box 4

FF 1 - Computer Center: Fact Bank for the Medical School, 1971

FF 2 - Computer Center: Histories of Computers on Campus Since 1957

FF 3 - Computer Pamphlet: Campus Computing Student Guide to Computing - at UMC

FF 4 - Computer Publication: Application Programs Supported by the University - of Missouri Computer Network, 1975

FF 5 - Computer Publication: Computer Research Center Proposal for Expansion - of Computing Equipment, 1965

FF 6 - Computer Roles in Campus Departments

FF 7 - Computer Roles on Campus

FF 8 - Computers in the Library

FF 9 - Computers Used on Campus: Newspaper Articles, 1965

FF 10 - Correspondence: Change of Management of the University Bookstore, - 1984

FF 11 - Correspondence: Missouri House of Representatives, 1971

FF 12 - Correspondence: National History Day, 1986

FF 13 - Correspondence: Research Park Library, 1973

FF 14 - Department of English Pamphlet: Language Arts, 1970

FF 15 - Department of English Policies and Programs, 1977-1979

FF 16 - Department of English Profile Professor George Pace

FF 17 - Department of Geology Faculty, 1966-1967

FF 18 - Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources Pamphlet: Powell - Center

FF 19 - Department of Horticulture: Greenhouse Photographs

FF 20 - Department of Horticulture: Micro-Environmental Education Exhibit - with Slides and Pictures

FF 21 - Department of Music

FF 22 - Department of Recreation and Park Administration Accreditation, - 1977

FF 23 - Department of Recreation and Park Administration Press Release - Creating the Major, 1967

FF 24 - Department of Recreation and Park Administration: College Students - and Strip Mine with pictures and negatives, 1974

FF 25 - Directory: Emeritus Professors, 1976

FF 26 - Directory: Fraternities and Sororities, 1978-1979

FF 27 - Directory: Honor Societies, 1969

FF 28 - Directory: Student Organizations, 1970-1971

FF 29 - Directory: Telephone Numbers for UMKC, UMR, and UMC, 1978-1979

FF 30 - Directory: University System by Department

FF 31 - Disabled: Employ the Handicapped Week

FF 32 - Disabled: Expansion of Facilities for the Disabled

FF 33 - Disabled Pamphlet: Accessibility in Columbia, MO

FF 34 - Disabled Press Releases, 1960-1980

FF 35 - Disabled: The Lipton Conference, 1974

FF 36 - Ellis Library: Dwight Tuckwood named Director of Library, including - photographs, 1973

FF 37 - Ellis Library Grant, 1986

FF 38 - Ellis Library Informational Packet, 1974

FF 39 - Ellis Library Listening Facility

FF 40 - Ellis Library Press Releases, 1973

FF 41 - Ellis Library Publication: A Proposed Plan of Action for the - University of Missouri Library, 1974

FF 42 - Ethnic Heritage Week, 1976

FF 43 - Faculty: "At Your Service, Sources of Information in Specialized - Fields: A Selected Listing of Faculty and Staff Expertise From All Campuses - of the University of Missouri"

FF 44 - Faculty: Fun Frolics, 1978

FF 45 - Faculty: Employees and Staff Advisory Council Discussion of - Concerns, 1979

FF 46 - Faculty Publication: Mizzou Faculty Experts, 1987

FF 47 - Faculty: Policies Regarding Building Keys, Ellis Library, and - Parking

FF 48 - Faculty: Recreational and Leisure Activities for Employees

FF 49 - Faculty: "Short Shots": Brief Captions on University - People, 1984-1985

FF 50 - Faculty: Staff Benefits

FF 51 - Faculty: Staff Benefits Slides

FF 52 - Faculty: Staff Recognition Day, 1980

FF 53 - Faculty: Staff Recognition, 1983, 1984, 1985

FF 54 - Faculty: Staff Recognition Day, 1986

FF 55 - Faculty: Survey, 1975

FF 56 - Faculty: University Club

FF 57 - Family Days, 1977-1979

FF 58 - Federal Communications Commission: "Children's Television - Programming and Advertising Practices", 1978

FF 59 - Fine Arts Building, 1962

FF 60 - Football, 1987

FF 61 - Football: Oklahoma Radio Promo About Mizzou, October 28, 1967

FF 62 - Football Press Releases: MU vs. LSU in the Liberty Bowl and Homecoming, 1979

FF 63 - Football Program Graphics, Colorado, 1976; Oklahoma State, 1977

FF 64 - Francis Quadrangle Historic District (Red Campus) Tour

FF 65 - Francis Quadrangle Named National Historic District, 1974

FF 66 - Francis Quadrangle: Touring Red Campus, Columbia Missourian, January - 30, 1977

FF 67 - Freedom of Information Center, 1980

FF 68 - Freedom of Information Center Pamphlet

FF 69 - Grants from the Federal Government to the University, 1975-1977

FF 70 - Grants Received by Department: A Retrieval System Printout, 1973

FF 71 - History: The University of Missouri Symbol

FF 72 - History: Act to Build a Memorial for Soldiers of the Civil War, - 1905

FF 73 - History: NBC Land Documentary featuring Historical Information - on the University of Missouri-Columbia Campus, 1976

FF 74 - History: Rollins Gates

FF 75 - History: Rollins Field and its Sports Greats

FF 76 - History: Significant Dates in UM-System History

FF 77 - History: University of Missouri

FF 78 - History: UMC Quiz for Famous Firsts, 1978

FF 79 - History: The University of Missouri Past and Present, 1959

FF 80 - Honors: Alumnae Awards, 1970's

FF 81 - Honors: Association of Women Students and the UMC Alumnae Award, - Lecture with Virginia and Helen Allen, includes pictures, 1970

FF 82 - Honors: Campus Columns Service Awards Report, 1975

FF 83 - Honors College Requirements, 1976

FF 84 - Honors: Dean's List, 1968

FF 85 - Honors: Dean's List, 1975

FF 86 - Honors: Establishment of the Mary R. McKee Physical Education - Awards, 1978

FF 87 - Honors: Kathy Carnahan's Winning Sculpture in Creative Arts - Contest, including photographs, 1971

FF 88 - Honors: National Achievement Scholars, 1973-1974

FF 89 - Honors: National Merit Scholarship Program, 1969-1971

FF 90 - Honors: National Merit/Achievement Scholars and Mizzou Pamphlet

FF 91 - Honors: Pictures of the Year Award Winners Named, 1977

FF 92 - Honor: Pictures of the Year, 1987

FF 93 - Honors: School of Social Work Presidential Scholar: Robin Goldman, - 1977

FF 94 - Honor Society: Delta Sigma Rho, Anniversary, 1967

FF 95 - Honor Society Pamphlet: Phi Beta Kappa-Sigma Xi Annual Commencement - Luncheon, 1976

FF 96 - Honor Society Rho Alumnae Chapter of Phi MU Upsilon Omicron - Scholarship for Mature Woman, Winner Shirley McCoy, including photographs, 1973

FF 97 - Honors: Steiner and Hawkins Scholarships, 1979

FF 98 - Honors Students and Societies, 1978

FF 99 - Honors: Truman Scholarship Foundation

FF 100 - Honors: Thomas Jefferson Award Winners 1977

FF 101 - Honors: University Scholars List, 1970

Series Three - OPI, Office of Visitor Relations, Committee and Professional materials (cont'd)
Box 5

FF 1 - Information Science Study: Tel-University and Audio Message Center, - 1980

FF 2 - Instructional Television: Sketch of Dr. Barton L. Griffith, - including pictures, 1963

FF 3 - International Programs and Studies, 1978-1979

FF 4 - International Programs and Studies Pamphlet

FF 5 - International Student Statistics, 1974-1975

FF 6 - International Studies: Dr Murari Lal Nagar Profile, 1978

FF 7 - International Studies: Mid-America China Exchange, 1978

FF 8 - International Studies Publication: Reports on Programs in Bolivia, - Guyana, Nepal, and Tanzania, 1970

FF 9 - International Studies: School of Nutrition Program: Columbia - to Bangladesh

FF 10 - International Studies: The Human Service Professions in International - Development, 1974

FF 11 - International Studies: The India Satellite Project, 1974

FF 12 - International Studies: United Nations Day, 1970

FF 13 - International Studies: Visiting Scholars, 1978-1979

FF 14 - Landscape: Campus Planning and Development: "Flat Branch - Area Development Recommendations", 1979

FF 15 - Landscapes: Exotic Plants on Campus, 1963

FF 16 - Landscape of Campus, 1964

FF 17 - Landscapes: "The Kissing Bridge", 1965

FF 18 - Landscapes with Pictures of Landscaping Office, 1964

FF 19 - Law Enforcement Seminars, 1979

FF 20 - Law Enforcement Training, 1980

FF 21 - Livestock Center Floor Plan

FF 22 - Mock Political Convention, Photograph of Senator Thurston B. Morton, - 1964

FF 23 - Mock Political Convention, Photographs and Negatives of Governor Tom - McCall of Oregon, 1968

FF 24 - Mock Political Convention, Photographs and Negatives of Gerald Ford, - 1968

FF 25 - Mock Political Convention, Slides, Photographs, Negatives, 1968

FF 26 - Mock Political Convention, 1968

FF 27 - Mock Political Election, 1972

FF 28 - Manpower Program, 1970

FF 29 - Marching Mizzou History

FF 30 - Marching Mizzou Profile, 1978

FF 31 - Marching Mizzou at the Gator Bowl, 1968

FF 32 - Medical Center including photographs, 1965

FF 33 - Memorial Union: "The Bengal Lair"

FF 34 - Memorial Union: Pamphlet, 1974

FF 35 - Museum of Art and Archaeology information, 1977

FF 36 - Museum of Art and Archaeology: The Inaugural Exhibition A Photographic - Tour, 1976

FF 37 - Museum of Art and Archaeology: Rare Sculpture Collection, 1970

FF 38 - Office of Computing Activities: Publications: "OCR Implementation - Project," "Management Systems Rates and Procedures, 1975-1976"

FF 39 - Office of Public Information: Development of a Student Profile - Database, 1973

FF 40 - Office of Public Information: Monthly Reports, 1975-1977

FF 41 - Office of Public Information: Office Memos, 1959-1963

FF 42 - Office of Public Information: Press Release Background on Missouri - Student Grant Program, 1975-1976

FF 43 - Office of Public Information: Press Release, Money Management - for Students, 1976

FF 44 - Office of Public Information: Press Release Mrs. John C. Weaver - Speaks to University of Missouri Extension Club Presidents, includes photographs, - 1968

FF 45 - Office of Public Information: Press Release Summer School at - MU is Family Affair, 1968

FF 46 - Office of Public Information: Press Releases Animal and Plant - Research, 1967-1969

FF 47 - Office of Public Information: Press Releases Environmental Projects, - 1972

FF 48 - Office of Public Information: Press Releases for Television, 1963-1968

FF 49 - Office of Public Information: Press Releases Missouri Forum

FF 50 - Office of Public Information: Press Releases Missouri Forum

FF 51 - Office of Public Information: Press Releases New Courses for - Economics

FF 52 - Office of Public Information: Press Releases, 1958

FF 53 - Office of Public Information: Press Releases, 1959

FF 54 - Office of Public Information: Press Releases, 1959

FF 55 - Office of Public Information: Press Releases, 1960

FF 56 - Office of Public Information: Press Releases, 1960

Series Three - OPI, Office of Visitor Relations, Committee and Professional materials (cont'd)
Box 6

FF 1 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1961

FF 2 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1961

FF 3 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1962

FF 4 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1963

FF 5 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1964

FF 6 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1965

FF 7 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1966

FF 8 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1966

FF 9 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1967

FF 10 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1967

FF 11 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1968

FF 12 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1969

FF 13 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1970

FF 14 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1971

FF 15 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1972

FF 16 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1973

FF 17 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1974

FF 18 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1975

FF 19 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1976

FF 20 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1977

FF 21 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1978

FF 22 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1978

FF 23 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1979

FF 24 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1979

FF 25 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1979

FF 26 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1980

FF 27 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1981

FF 28 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1982

FF 29 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1983

FF 30 - Office of Public Information Press Releases, 1984

FF 31 - Office of Public Information Profile: Betty Rottmann with Photographs

Series Three - OPI, Office of Visitor Relations, Committee and Professional materials (cont'd)
Box 7

FF 1 - Office of Public Information: Report of each College's Publications

FF 2 - Office of Public Information: Report of Publications, 1971-1972

FF 3 - Office of Public Information Report: Radio-Television Resource - Survey, 1967

FF 4 - Office of Public Information: Sharon Yoder named Director, 1979

FF 5 - Office of Public Relations Re-Organizatio 1975

FF 6 - Office of Student Research Publication: Abstracts of Information - and Profile Series Reports, December 1975-May 1978

FF 7 - Office of Student Research Publication: A Consumer's Institutional - Information System. Project Description and Plan of Administration, 1977

FF 8 - Office of Student Research: Publication: "Telling It Like - It Is. Rights, Responsibilities, and Information for College and Prospective - Students", 1977

FF 9 - Office of Student Research Study: Information and Profile Series - Reports, 1975-1978

FF 10 - Office of the President: Executive Order No. 20 Dealing with - Sexual Harassment, 1981

FF 11 - Office of the President: Monthly Status Reports, 1976

FF 12 - Office of the President Pamphlet Sexual Harassment

FF 13 - Office of Visitor and Guest Relations Correspondence, 1980-1985

FF 14 - Pamphlet: Air Pollution Conference, 1970

FF 15 - Pamphlet: Center for Independent Study Through Correspondence - 101 Topics Women's Experiences in Modern Fiction

FF 16 - Pamphlet: College Days for Homemakers, June 10-12, - 1979

FF 17 - Pamphlet: College of General Studies

FF 18 - Pamphlet: Course Offerings with Substantial Energy Content, - 1980

FF 19 - Pamphlet: Credit by Exam

FF 20 - Pamphlet: Dedication of the Paul Christman Room, 1986

FF 21 - Pamphlet: Discover Missouri through Independent Study, 1985

FF 22 - Pamphlet: Environmental Sanitation A Summer Field Training Course, - 1970

FF 23 - Pamphlet: Exchange Student Programs with Kansas and Nebraska

FF 24 - Pamphlet: Festival of Japanese Films, 1976

FF 25 - Pamphlet: Graduate Study in Family and Consumer Economics

FF 26 - Pamphlet: Gymnastics Purina Cat Classic, 1987

FF 27 - Pamphlet: In-Service Education, 1978

FF 28 - Pamphlet: KBIA Radio Station, 1987

FF 29 - Pamphlet: Materials for Positioning and Splinting, 1970

FF 30 - Pamphlet: Media Center, 1975

FF 31 - Pamphlet: Mid-Missouri Associate Colleges and Universities

FF 32 - Pamphlet: Missouri Consumer Conference with Virginia Knauer - including tape recording, 1970

FF 33 - Pamphlet: Missouri Cultural Heritage Center (Conley House), 1986

FF 34 - Pamphlet: Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs Art Tour, - 1978

FF 35 - Pamphlet: Nurserymen and Garden Center Operator's Shortcourses, - 1970

FF 36 - Pamphlet: Project Ask

FF 37 - Pamphlet: Second Annual Irrigation Conference, 1970

FF 38 - Pamphlet: Second Conference on Faculty-Government Agency Interactions - on Environmental Problems, April 3, 1973

FF 39 - Pamphlet: Sports Club Council

FF 40 - Pamphlet: Spring Clinical Conference, 1970

FF 41 - Pamphlet: Student Learning Center

FF 42 - Pamphlet: The Third Annual Accelerated Summer Graduate Courses - and Workshop, 1970

FF 43 - Pamphlet: University of Mid-America/University of Missouri Columbia

FF 44 - Pamphlet: What's so great about individualization?, 1970

FF 45 - Patent Regulations, 1966

FF 46 - Photos: Artwork and Sculptures

FF 47 - Photos: Downtown Columbia

FF 48 - Photos: Graphite Prints of Scenes around Campus

FF 49 - Photos: Information Station (includes a 5x7-inch b/w photographic print of a Richard Helmick sculpture on display in the Stanley Hall gallery.)

FF 50 - Photos: Jesse Hall and Memorial Union

FF 51 - Photos: Miscellaneous People in Ellis Library

FF 52 - Photos: Miscellaneous People

FF 53 - Photos: Students with Technology

FF 54 - Photos: UMC Quiz Station

FF 55 - Photos: Women with Chancellor Uehling

FF 56 - Plan for Statewide Trail System, 1974

FF 57 - President: Inaugural Luncheon for John Weaver, 1967

FF 58 - President: Inauguration of A. Ross Hill, 1908

FF 59 - President: Inauguration of Stratton Brooks, 1923

FF 60 - President: Inaugurations since the founding until 1966

FF 61 - Presidents: John Weaver announced as new University President, - 1966

FF 62 - President's Publication: Abridged Report of the President's - Committee on Communication, 1968

FF 63 - President's Publication: Report to President C. Peter Magrath - on Plan for the Administrative Structure of the University of Missouri, 1987

FF 64 - Profile: Counseling Services Associate Director Dr. Robert McGrath, - 1983

FF 65 - Profile: Erica Rutherford, 1971-74

FF 66 - Profile: George Caleb Bingham Articles

FF 67 - Profile: John Galbraith

FF 68 - Profile: John Neihardt Portrait, 1970

FF 69 - Profile: Kenneth Lay

FF 70 - Profile: Norman Polansky, 1978

FF 71 - Profile: Photographer Elio Lee Battaglia

FF 72 - Profile: Thomas Hart Benton including photographs of his murals

FF 73 - Publication: Office of Instructional Television

FF 74 - Publication: Office of Instructional Television: Televised Instruction - in University Residence Halls with Trained Undergraduates as Discussion Leaders, - 1964

FF 75 - Publication: Poetry of James Kilgore

FF 76 - Publication: Report of the Task Force for developing UMC for - the Minority Student, 1979

FF 77 - Publication: The Badge of Poverty

FF 78 - Publication: University of Missouri Urban Seminar, 1971

FF 79 - Publications: The University's Services to the State and - Budget Requirements, 1976

FF 80 - Publication: Research Park

FF 81 - Schedule: Annual Calendar of Events, 1970-1971

FF 82 - Schedule: Calendar of Events, 1977-1979

FF 83 - Schedule: Final Exams, 1978

FF 84 - Schedule: KBIA Program Guide, July 1974

FF 85 - Schedule: Mizzou Weekly Summer Calendar, June 1, 1984

FF 86 - Schedule: Missouri Student Association Activities Calendar, March - 1976

FF 87 - Schedule: Missouri Student Association Summer Calendar, 1974

FF 88 - Schedule of Courses, Winter Semester, 1980

FF 89 - Schedule: School Calendar, 1967-1968

FF 90 - Schedules: Spring Semester Calendar, 1974

FF 91 - Schedule: Student Activities Calendar, 1967

FF 92 - Schedule: Summer Courses, 1985

FF 93 - Schedule: University Printing Services Calendar, 1984

FF 94 - Schedule: System Wide Calendar, 1979-1980

FF 95 - School of Business and Public Administration: Management 467

FF 96 - School of Business and Public Administration Publication: The - Public Opinion Survey Unit

FF 97 - School of Business and Public Administration: Reorganization, - 1972

FF 98 - School of Business and Public Administration Week, 1970

FF 99 - School of Journalism: 56th Journalism Week, 1965

FF 100 - School of Journalism: Journalism Week, Missouri Press Women, - 1967

FF 101 - School of Journalism: 59th Annual Journalism Week, 1968

FF 102 - School of Journalism: 60th Annual Journalism Week, 1969

FF 103 - School of Journalism: Journalism Week Missouri Press Women - Awards with Pictures, 1969

FF 104 - School of Journalism: Journalism Week, 1971

FF 105 - School of Journalism: 66th Journalism Week Banquet, 1975

FF 106 - School of Journalism: Journalism Week, 1969-1972

FF 107 - School of Journalism: Business Journalism Awards, 1970-1971

FF 108 - School of Journalism: Capsule Course including Pictures and - Negatives, 1962

FF 109 - School of Journalism: Conference on Censorship, 1969

FF 110 - School of Journalism: Dean Roy Fisher

FF 111 - School of Journalism: Dean's List Winter Semester, 1976

FF 112 - School of Journalism Exchange Programs, 1979

FF 113 - School of Journalism Pamphlet: Journalism Education in Missouri

FF 114 - School of Journalism: Journalism Credit at KOMU-TV, 1959

FF 115 - School of Journalism Profile: KOMU-TV 8, 1985

FF 116 - School of Journalism: Public Affairs Reporting for Graduate - Students

FF 117 - School of Journalism Publication: New Directions for the News, - 1987

FF 118 - School of Journalism Selects Honor Medalists, 1985

FF 119 - School of Medicine: Autotutorial Instruction in Medicine, 1973-1974

FF 120 - School of Medicine: Department of Radiology Publication: Computer - Analysis in Diagnostic Radiology

FF 121 - School of Medicine: Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, 1971

FF 122 - School of Medicine: Health Careers Program, 1970

FF 123 - School of Medicine: Missouri Medical Center, 1967-1968

FF 124 - School of Nursing: Building Dedication, 1980

FF 125 - School of Nursing: Family Dynamics Class, 1979

FF 126 - School of Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner Program, 1978

FF 127 -School of Social Work: Child Welfare, 1979

FF 128 - School of Social Work: Interview with Dean George Frederickson, - 1974

FF 129 - School of Social Work Projects, 1970-1971

FF 130 - School of Social Work Publication: Continuing Education Project - for Mental Health and Other Community Agency Professionals (1970-1973) Abstract, - February 1975

FF 131 - School of Social Work Publication: Continuing Education Program - for Selected Mental Health Professionals and Board Members, July 1, 1975

FF 132 - School of Social Work Publication: Mental Health Consultation - Community Organization and Coordination Skills and Services

FF 133 - School of Social Work Publication: Strengthening Staff-Board - Collaboration in Community Mental Health Programs, 1976

Series Three - OPI, Office of Visitor Relations, Committee and Professional materials (cont'd)
Box 8

FF 1 - Slides: Campus Buildings

FF 2 - Slides: Information Station, 1978

FF 3 - Status of Women: Affirmative Action Program, 1975

FF 4 - Status of Women: Chancellor's Committee Members, 1973-1982

FF 5 - Status of Women: Publication Chancellor's Committee Report, 1974

FF 6 - Status of Women: Publication: Chancellor's Committee Report, 1974-1975

FF 7 - Status of Women: Committee Correspondence, 1974-1975

FF 8 - Status of Women: Committee Report September, 1975-August 1976

FF 9 - Status of Women: Missouri Commission's First Conference, December - 2, 1964

FF 10 - Status of Women: Missouri Commission's Second Anniversary Luncheon, - December 2, 1969

FF 11 - Status of Women: Missouri Commission Fourth Annual Report, December - 1971

FF 12 - Status of Women: Week, April 20-26, 1974

FF 13 - Students: Application Statistics to the University, 1980

FF 14 - Students: Attendance Statistics, 1977-1978

FF 15 - Students: Campus Talent, 1967

FF 16 - Students: Education and Family Characteristics for Counties, - 1970

FF 17 - Students: Graduation Class Totals, 1974

FF 18 - Students: New Freshman Survey, 1968

FF 19 - Students: New Student Orientation, 1966

FF 20 - Students: Profiles, 1973

FF 21 - Students: Student Activities Guide, 1968-1969

FF 22 - Students: Student Families, Child Care Needs and Services, 1973

FF 23 - Students: Student Families request Day Care Center, 1973

FF 24 - Students: Student Fee Increase, 1978

FF 25 - Students: University Lifestyles concern Parents

FF 26 - University: Back to School, 1967

FF 27 - University: Back to School, 1970

FF 28 - University: Back to School, 1970-1971

FF 29 - University: Benefits of Attending Mizzou

FF 30 - University: Campus Referral Index

FF 31 - University: Classes begin, 1975

FF 32 - University: Columns Commemoration, 1966

FF 33 - University: Degree Program Information by School, 1970's

FF 34 - University: Facts, 1968

FF 35 - University: Facts, 1969

FF 36 - University: Facts, 1970's

FF 37 - University: Facts, 1972

FF 38 - University: Facts, 1974

FF 39 - University: Facts, 1980

FF 40 - University: Facts, 1981

FF 41 - University: Facts, 1982

FF 42 - University: Facts, 1983

FF 43 - University: Facts, 1984

FF 44 - University: Financial Aid Requirements, 1979

FF 45 - University: Frequently Asked Questions about Financial Aid, 1979

FF 46 - University: Fun Facts about the Campus, 1981

FF 47 - University: Inscription on Quadrangle Concerning Columns

FF 48 - University: Inscription on the Sundial at Journalism School

FF 49 - University: Meet Mizzou, 1987

FF 50 - University: Mizzou, 1987

FF 51 - University: Mizzou Review Slide Show with brief summaries of - various Campus locations

FF 52 - University: Names of Public Facilities Memo, 1984

FF 53 - University: Naming Ceremony of Rollins Group, Hudson, and Gillette - Halls, 1967

FF 54 - University: "139th Year to Begin", 1978

FF 55 - University: Opening of Hatch, Bingham, Wolpers, Geology Buildings - and Veterinary Clinic

FF 56 - University: Pre-Mizzou

FF 57 - University: Residence Hall Brochure Improvement Suggestions

FF 58 - University: Residence Halls Handbook, 1978-1979

FF 59 - University: Special Collections located throughout the Campus

FF 60 - University: Statistical Report of Students, Faculty, and Staff - from other Countries, Fall Semester 1983

FF 61 - University: Statistics of International Students and Staff, 1977

FF 62 - University: Summary descriptions of Various Campus Centers, 1965-1968

FF 63 - University: Summer Welcome, 1974

FF 64 - University: Summer Welcome, 1979

FF 65 - University: Traffic and Parking Regulations, 1978

FF 66 - University: Voluntary Leadership Conferences 1972

FF 67 - University: Why Attend MU?

FF 68 - University: Winter Orientation and Registration, 1977

FF 69 - University: Year ender Recap of Year's Events, 1976

FF 70 - University: You and Mizzou Questions and Answers, 1985-1986

FF 71 - University: You Can Do a lot of Things at Mizzou

FF 72 - University: Youths on Campus Statistics, 1983-1984

FF 73 - University Hospital: Staff for Life Pamphlets

FF 74 - University Information Services Press Release: "Olson urges - greater Financial Support for the Arts", 1979

FF 75 - University of Missouri Extension: Bicentennial Paintings Project, - 1976

FF 76 - University of Missouri Extension: Delphi Project, 1979

FF 77 - University of Missouri Extension: Flag

FF 78 - University of Missouri Extension: Homemakers Association Annual - Meeting, July 8-10, 1970

FF 79 - University of Missouri Extension: Homemaker's Association Conference, - 1974

FF 80 - University of Missouri Extension: Life Insurance

FF 81 - University of Missouri Extension: Neosho Project

FF 82 - University of Missouri Extension: Profile of Director Marian - Ohman

FF 83 - University of Missouri Extension: Proposal Request for funding - from the Alumni Association, 1978

FF 84 - University of Missouri Extension Publication: Conference Bulletin, - 1986

FF 85 - University of Missouri Extension Publication: Conference Bulletin, - 1987

FF 86 - University of Missouri Extension Publication: Emergency Preparedness...Flood

FF 87 - University of Missouri Extension Publication: Estate Planning - for Missouri Farmers, 1976

FF 88 - University of Missouri Extension Publication: Impressions - of Missouri

FF 89 - University of Missouri Extension Publication: National - Trends and Conditions Affecting Education of Part-Time Adult Students, - 1977

FF 90 - University of Missouri Extension Publication: Show-Me Regional

FF 91 - University of Missouri Extension: Small Farm Family Program, - 1978

FF 92 - University of Missouri Extension: Staff Information and Photographs

Series Three - OPI, Office of Visitor Relations, Committee and Professional materials (cont'd)
Box 9

FF 1 - University Publication: Degree Granting Schools and Colleges

FF 2 - University Publication: Statistics for School Year, 1967-1968

FF 3 - University System's Relationship with Jefferson City

FF 4 - Visitor: Campus Guide, 1970's

FF 5 - Visitor: Campus Tours: Black and Gold-lined Sidewalks, 1980

FF 6 - Visitor: Columbia Visitor Guides

FF 7 - Visitor: Do-it-Yourself Campus Tour

FF 8 - Visitor: Do-It-Yourself/Conversation Tours taken by AAEA of Campus - and City, 1970

FF 9 - Visitor: Guide to Campus Museums, 1985

FF 10 - Visitor: Parking Map

FF 11 - Visitor: Tours of the Chancellor's Residence and Memorial Union

FF 12 - Visitor: Maps and Guides, 1985

FF 13 - Visitor: Visitor Map/Tour Guide

FF 14 - Visitor: Visitor, 1974

FF 15 - Visitor: Visitor, 1975

FF 16 - Visitor: Visitor, 1978

FF 17 - Visitor: UMC Walking Tour

FF 18 - Visitor: White Campus Tour

FF 19 - Visitor and Guest Relations

FF 20 - Visitor and Guest Relations: Campus Consumer Analysis Project, - 1980

FF 21 - Visitor and Guest Relations Summary, 1984

FF 22 - Visitor and Guest Relations ca. 1980s

FF 23 - Visitor's Guide, 1967

FF 24 - Women's Center, 1979

FF 25 - Women's Center Calendar Winter, 1980

FF 26 - Women's Center, 1985

FF 27 - Women's Center Pamphlets, 1976

FF 28 - Women's Center Programs, 1980

FF 29 - Women's Center Project Self

FF 30 - Women in Administration, 1976-1979

FF 31 - Women's Studies: Women in Development Activities at the University

FF 32 - Women's Studies, 1978

FF 33 - Women's Studies, 1979

FF 34 - Women's Studies, 1980

FF 35 - Women's Studies, 1981

FF 36 - Women's Studies, 1982

FF 37 - Women's Studies, 1983

FF 38 - Women's Studies, 1984

FF 39 - Women's Studies, 1986

FF 40 - Women's Studies: American Association of University Women, 1973-1980

FF 41 - Women's Studies: American Association of University Women: Women's - Week with photographs and slide of Speaker Shirley Chisholm, 1973

FF 42 - Women's Studies: American Association of University Women: Women's - Week Speaker Shirley Chisholm and slides

FF 43 - Women's Studies: Art Tour, March 29, 1978

FF 44 - Women's Studies: Book Acquisitions, 1978-1982

FF 45 - Women's Studies: Continuing Education for Women Seminars, 1968-1969

FF 46 - Women's Studies: Continuing Education for Women: Margaret Mead - Telelecture, 1969

FF 47 - Women's Studies: International Issues

FF 48 - Women's Studies: International Year of the Women, 1977

FF 49 - Women's Studies: Literature, 1982-1983

FF 50 - Women's Studies: Management Training

FF 51 - Women's Studies: Missouri Extension Homemakers Association Members - Photos

FF 52 - Women's Studies: Missouri Press Women Photos

FF 53 - Women's Studies: "Missouri Women in Public Life", 1975

FF 54 - Women's Studies: National Association

FF 55 - Women's Studies: National Conference, 1979

FF 56 - Women's Studies Publication: Women's Role in Missouri History

FF 57 - Women's Studies: Seminars at University of Missouri Kansas City

FF 58 - Women's Studies: Symposium for Women Entering the Business Community, - 1971

FF 59 - Women's Studies: The Year of the Tigress, 1967

FF 60 - Women's Studies: The Year of the Tigress (Women's Centennial - Committee) Photos, 1967

FF 61 - Women's Studies: The Year of the Tigress Ceremony and Gown Slides, - 1967

FF 62 - Women's Studies: Treatment of Women in the Media

FF 63 - Women's Studies University of Missouri Extension Publication: - Challenge for Today's Women

FF 64 - Women's Studies: Women in Communications Photographs

FF 65 - Women's Studies: Women in Communications Student Chapter

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Originally Prepared by Blain Cerney: June 2002
Revised: 26 July 2002

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