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![]() Memorial Union Tower as seen from East (University Archives, C:1/40/1)
Scope and Content Note (A98-14) Series Descriptions: This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement within the Sub-Group follows the creating office's original order.Inventory Box 1
FF 1 - Big 8 Conference Item 1 - List of Big 8 Directors, n.d. Item 2 - Notes of meeting, n.d. Item 3 - Oklahoma State University Student Union marketing and materials concerning public relations activities, n.d. Item 4 - Big 8 Directors Conference - includes list of universities and people present, n.d. Item 5 - Big 8 Union Directors Meeting - guest registration for conference, 1992 Item 6 - Letter - plans for 1992 conference: registration fees, hotels, and shuttle, 09/03/1992 Item 7 - Letter containing personal issues and personnel information, 06/01/1994 Item 8 - Letter regarding upcoming meeting, 1994, Big 8 (12), Big 10 (11), and PAC 10 - Union Directors Conference, 08/04/1994 Item 9 - Letter Big 8 (12), Big 10 (11), and PAC 10 - Union Directors Conference, 08/16/1994 Item 10 - Letter Big 8 (12), Big 10 (11), and PAC 10 - Union Directors Conference, final registration information, 09/02/1994 Item 11 - Meeting of Big 8 (12), Big 10 (11), and PAC 10 - Union Directors Conference agenda, 10/02/1994 Item 12 - Bundle of Big 8 (12), Big 10 (11), and PAC 10 - Union Directors Conference 1994; list of names and universities; financial survey; and conference handouts, 10/02/1994 Item 13 - Agenda Big 8 (12), Big 10 (11), PAC 10 - Union Directors Conference, 10/02/1994 FF 2 - Assessments Item 1 - Survey: "Missouri Union Service Assessment" blank form, n.d. Item 2 - Communications Study Missouri Unions Survey and notes, n.d. Item 3 - Letters student life studies; assessment activities, n.d. Item 4 - Telephone survey script of 28 questions, n.d. Item 5 - Student parent day survey analysis, n.d. Item 6 - Notes about comment sheet; MU catering comment forms (8 filled out), n.d. Item 7 - Student Legal Services assessment initiative, n.d. Item 8 - Campus Catering focus group, 06/1991 Item 9 - Memorial Union and Brady Common master-plan newsletter, 10/02/1991 Item 10 - Questionnaire section III responses, Spring 1993 Item 11 - Usage survey and needs assessment winter 1993, ca. 1993 Item 12 - Missouri Union usage survey and needs assessment, Winter 1993 Item 13 - ACPA pre conference workshop agenda; Senior retention survey; senior retention study results; "Assessing the Residential Experience," 15 page paper, 03/05/1994 Item 14 - Memo and plan department introduction questions and issues, Office for Student Development, Winter 1994, 03/11/1994 Item 15 - Summary of MU student responses to ACT Student Opinions Survey, 05/24/1994 Item 16 - Admitted student questionnaire and notes, 06/15/1994 Item 17 - List of names with organizations and/or room numbers; MU Union Committee; letter marketing plan 9/6/1994; marketing plan worksheet (1 blank, 7 filled out), 09/1994 Item 18 - Notes of discussion with Cindy Findly, 10/28/1994 Item 19 - Letter concerning attached suggested survey questions; survey and issues; Fax of old survey, 11/02/1994 Item 20 - Letter and assessment plan with notes, 11/21/1994 Item 21 - Letter survey of current students and responses, 12/20/1994 Item 22 - Client evaluation of service - Student Legal Service FY, 1993-1994 Item 23 - Student parent center evaluation results, 1993-1994 Item 24 - Survey of admitted students, copyrighted, 1994 Item 25 - 1994 Fall Enrollment Summary, statistical overview with historical perspectives, ca. 1994 Item 26 - Hierarchical scheme for information and feedback student survey, 01/1995 Item 27 - Fax profit of student service assessment plan, 01/06/1995 Item 28 - Preliminary assessment plan for student services, 01/06/1995 Item 29 - Assessment resource center brochure and letter, 01/17/1995 Item 30 - Assessment plan, 01/13/1995 Item 31 - Assessment resource center brochure and letter, 01/17/1995 Item 32 - Note concerning attached; assessment plan for 1995-1996; Missouri Union information survey, 04/26/1995; Copy of survey and responses, 03/07/1995 Item 33 - Letter review of plan and suggestions, 02/24/1995; fax response to previous letter updated plan, 03/20/1995 with fax date, 03/14/1995 Item 34 - Assessment plan revised, 03/20/1995 Item 35 - Procurement and Material Management survey, 04/20/1995 FF 3 - Surveys of Brady Commons and Memorial Union Item 1 - Survey and responses, service offered by Memorial Union, n.d. Item 2 - Statistics Brady Commons games 10/18 - 12/12, n.d. Item 3 - Statistics for reservations in MU Unions, 01/01/1992 - 12/31/1992 Item 4 - Statistics Brady Commons game area head count of rooms, 10/18/1993 - 12/12/1993 Item 5 - Monthly and yearly statistics for Brady Commons 1993; Reservation statistics and game area head count, 1993 Item 6 - Letter and Statistics for game room, 01/18/1994-04/01/1994 Item 7 - Statistics labeled Memorial Union - Brady Commons, 03/30/1994, 03/31/1994 04/02/1994, 04/11/1994, 04/12/1994, 04/17/1994 Item 8 - Letter and statistics projected revenues for Hawthorn Room. List of dates, ID numbers, and hours room used, 08/25/1993 - 05/13/1994 Item 9 - Hawthorn Room, date, id numbers, number of hours room used, 08/25/1993 - 05/13/1994 Item 10 - Hawthorn Room projected revenues, 08/25/1993 - 05/13/1994 Item 11 - Intersession - summer log sheet, 07/10/1994 Item 12 - 1994 winter head count for Brady Lanes (27 pages), 1994 FF 4 - Budgets Item 1 - Letter with Budget FY97; Comparison Budget 1995,1996,1997; and notes, 11/15/1995 Item 2 - Letter to accompany Missouri Unions Budget and Planned Budgets 1997-2000, 01/03/1996 Item 3 - Missouri Unions, 1996-1997 Budget, 06/1996 FF 5 - Memorial Union Plaque Commemorating Student Deaths Item 1 - Letter from Appalachia State University concerning their plaque commemorating student deaths, 10/07/1993 Item 2 - Letter about plaque, 12/22/1993 Item 3 - Letter and order form for plaque and UPS receipt, 04/20/1994 Item 4 - Replica of plaque in Memorial Union: "Students Who Have Passed Away" with notes, 04/29/1994 Item 5 - Letter notification of student death; NASPA opinion questionnaire; attached postcard about NASPA questions, 07/29/1994 Item 6 - Office of Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs - Notification of student death, 1993-1997 Item 7 - Letters of condolence, 1994-1997 Item 8 - Faxes to engravers, 1995-1997
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