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Record Group: 1 C
Record Sub-Group: 34
Records Title: UMC; Administration; Office of Institutional Research and Planning; Administrative Records
Dates: 1967-2015
Volume: 74 and 1/3 cubic feet, 92.92 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of Institutional Research and Planning.

Historical Note:

Though the Office of Institutional Research was transferred under the control of the Director of the UM-System Office of Institutional Research and Planning in 2003, it remains a UMC business unit.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - C:1/65/2 (A87-90)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of Institutional Research and Planning, (1967-1971). Included in this Series are correspondence, enrollment statistics, enrollment projections, budget projections, graphs, tables, charts, computer data print-outs, students to faculty ratios, evaluations of academic workloads, evaluations of faculty workloads, a study justifying low enrollment courses, (1967-1970), a comparison of course offerings and faculty rankings with other Big-8 universities, and a Missouri Commission on Higher Education and United States Office of Education Statistical Report, (1969-1970).
(1 c.f., 033720)
Note to Researcher: Series 1 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 2. - C:1/65/3 (A85-63; A85-126)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of Institutional Research and Planning, (1970-1981). Included in this Series are faculty salary equalization studies and direct instructional salary cost analysis studies. Study titles include, UMC Direct Instructional Salary Cost Analysis, Fall 1970-Fall 1973, Full-Time Faculty Salary Equalization Study and Faculty Activity Survey, Fall 1973, Analysis of Salaries of Full Time Faculty by Department, and 1980-1981 Faculty Salaries. Also included in the Series are individual faculty information files.
(4 c.f., 031798, 031799, 031800, 032817)
Note to Researcher: Series 2 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 3. - C:1/65/4 (A85-9)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of Institutional Research and Planning, (1971-1979). Included in this Series are program appraisal reports and appraisal forms with information concerning degree programs, and departmental and faculty information. Report titles include, Appraisal Team Evaluations and Campus Responses, 1972, UMC Alternative to Tentative Policy Statement on the University of Missouri: Its Future, (1972), and UMC Response to President Ratchford's Role and Scope Statement. Also included in this Series is a proposal to the National Science Foundation for a "Remote Interactive Computer Graphics Program" submitted by UMC's College of Engineering, as well as Student Data Module Reports and Program and Consumption Reports listed by degree programs.
(2 2/3 c.f.: 1 c.f., 045913; 2/3 c.f., Ellis; 1 c.f., 045914)
Note to Researcher: Series 3 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 4. - C:1/65/5 (A88-10)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of Institutional Research and Planning, (1973-1983). Included in this Series are copies of an historical budget profile and an enrollment analysis entitled, Program and Budget Analysis Handbook Part 1, Historical Budget Profile (1973-1980), and Headcount Enrollment by Degree Programs, (1975-1983). Budget profile information is organized by college, school, or administrative unit and provides comparisons for five-year periods. Headcount enrollment information is organized by degree program, ethnic origin, gender and full or part time status.
(1 2/3 c.f.: 1 c.f., 000105; 2/3 c.f., Ellis)

Series 5. - C:1/65/6 (A90-67; A91-87; A93-75)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of Institutional Research and Planning, (1975-1985). Included in this Series are materials relating to resource analysis and allocation, program analysis (particularly in regard to reduction and elimination), and salary increase analysis. Also included in this Series are United States Office of Civil Rights Reports.
(1 1/2 c.f.: 1 c.f., 043726; 1/2 c.f., Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Series 5 contains some records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.

Series 6. - C:1/65/NP (A95-82)
This Series contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of Institutional Research and Planning, (1982-1989). Included in this Series are materials regarding facilities and space utilization, relations with the N.S.B.A., N.E.A., A.F.T., C.A.C., and the Kansas City desegregation committee, on-going projects, and building coordinators meetings.
(8 c.f., 044015, 044023, 044026, 047504, 047505, 047506, 047509, 047510)

Series 7. - C:1/65/1 (A02-119; A05-01)
This Series contains records related to the UMC Office of Institutional Research, Budget, and Planning, (1974-1992). Some of these records are in the form of computer printouts, which contain information concerning the following: comprehensive enrollments, (1982, 1984-1985); budgets, (1979/1980-1986/1987); financial reports, (1985/1986-1988/1989); Missouri budgets, (1975-1979, 1983-1985, 1987); Missouri financial reports, (1982); statistical abstracts for Missouri, (1974, 1978); and Joe Saupe's reports, (1980-1990). Also included in the Series are general operating budget files, (1991-1992) and appropriation request files, (1990-1992).
(11 c.f., 037072, 037089, 037090, 037093, 037094, 044847, 044850, 044855, 047508, 048045, 015817)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers.
Note to Archivist: Box lists for a number of the boxes are available. One box list for this Series is available online and can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 8. - C:1/65/7 (A07-103; A08-52; A10-27; A13-37; A17-33)
This Series contains records created and received by the UMC Office of Institutional Research, Budget, and Planning, (1970, 1979-1999). The records consist of administrative records for the Office of Institutional Research's participation in the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP). The Series also contains four-week and comprehensive semester enrollment data, (1981-1984, 1986-2004), and faculty salary reports, (1996-1998).
(26 c.f.,
follow this link for box locations.)
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by following this link.

Series 9. - C:1/65/8 (A08-88)
This Series contains records created and received by the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Budget, (1985, 1994, 1996). The records consist of a copy of the accreditation self-study submitted to the North Center Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, along with related correspondence and a news release, (1985), and a piece of correspondence regarding the 1995 North Central Association evaluation site visit, (1994). The Series also contains two reports, (1994, 1996), on Resource Requirements and Resource Allocation Models from the Office of Planning and Budget.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 10. - C:1/65/9 (A10-43)
This Series contains records created and received by the University of Missouri Office of Institutional Research, (1980-2006, bulk 1990-2000). The records consist of data reports and surveys, college guide and higher education survey data, correspondence, and university organizational charts. Many of the reports pertain to comprehensive enrollment data (1992, 2002, 2005-2006), student credit hour data, (1990-2003), and post-secondary completion data, (1993-2004). The Series also includes faculty salary data [RESTRICTED].
(9 c.f., 045950, 046019, 046027, 046029, 046030, 046041, 046042, 046043, 046044; Electronic Records)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Series 10 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link. The organization charts in electronic format were downloaded from the Institutional Research web site ( starting in 2014 and do not form part of Accession A10-43.

Series 11. - C:1/65/10 (A13-41)
This Series contains administrative and research records created and received by the University of Missouri Office of Institutional Research, (1979-1999, bulk 1994-1999). The records pertain to the following topics: niche enhancement, fees, MU Hospitals and Clinics, Internal Auditing, financial summaries, a new basketball arena, and the Research Reactor [RESTRICTED].
(9 c.f., 039343, 039630, 039705, 040460, 040461, 040462, 040463, 041142, 041143)
Note to Researcher: This Series is currently unprocessed. Until completely processed and inventoried, portions may not be fully available to researchers. Series 11 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 12. - C:1/65/11 (A25-05)
This Series contains records created and received by the University of Missouri Office of Institutional Research, (1978-2015). The records consist of data reports and surveys, college guide and higher education survey data, including some IPEDS reporting. Series 12 also includes a run of Fall Enrollment Summary reports, (1988-2015, with gaps).
(2 1/3 c.f.: 2 c.f., 000191, 000221; 1/3 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Copyright © Curators of the University of Missouri 1997 - 2002
Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Carl Lingle, et al.: June 1999
Revised: 10 February 2025

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