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Call Number:

Box 1 - UMLD1

Record Group: 1 C
Record Sub-Group: 32
Records Title: UMC; Administration; University Relations Division; News Bureau; Photographs and Negatives
Dates: 1872, 1890, 1932, 1958-1974, 1980, bulk 1969-1974
Volume: 1 cubic foot, 1.25 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Sub-Group contains records of the University of Missouri-Columbia Office of University Relations (1872-1974). Included in this Sub-Group are photographs, photographic slides, and photographic negatives of University of Missouri-Columbia, University of Missouri-Rolla, University of Missouri-Kansas City, and University of Missouri-St. Louis building dedications, building exteriors, faculty, staff members, administrators, commencements, graduation convocations, musical performances, athletic events, the dedication of Faurot Field, and R.O.T.C. parades. Also included in this Sub-Group are images of antiwar protests (1970), the University of Missouri-Columbia Cast Museum, Tap Day ceremonies, Swallow Hall after tornado damage (1932), lighting of the Francis Quadrangle Columns (1967), and Jesse Hall's dome under repair (1973). Additionally included in this Sub-Group are a small number of architect's drawings of UMC campus buildings.

Note to Archivist: In April 2024 two entries on this finding aid -- for FF 36 and FF 88, each of which was simply noted as having only an out card in place of the folder but with no folder title given -- were removed and the subsequent folders renumbered. This action was taken as there was no indication on the original paper finding aid or in the accession information that these two folders were ever part of the original records transfer.

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement within the Sub-Group is alphabetical.


Box 1

FF 1 - Agriculture Building, n.d.

FF 2 - Animal Science Research Center Dedication, 02/02/1973

FF 3 - Anthropology Exhibits, 1965 and 1970

FF 4 - Art and Archaeology/Cast Museum, 1942-1973

FF 5 - Art Students, n.d

FF 6 - Basketball Team, 1970-1971 & 1971-1972

FF 7 - Blase, Melvin, n.d.

FF 8 - Blood Donor Stamp/Issuing Ceremony, 1971

FF 9 - Blood Drive, 1970

FF 10 - Bond, Governor Christopher/University Club Speaker, 09/05/1973

FF 11 - Brown, Dr. Russell at Sinclair Research Farm, 1973

FF 12 - Caldwell, Marvin Retirement, 1973

FF 13 - CAPA, Alumni Citation of Merit, 1973

FF 14 - Center for the Visually Handicapped, 1973

FF 15 - Chancellor's Residence, 1969

FF 16 - Chemistry Building, 1974

FF 17 - Chemistry Building Dedication, 1972

FF 18 - Chemistry Lab, Student Working, 1969

FF 19 - Child Study Clinic, n.d.

FF 20 - Chisholm, Shirley, 1974

FF 21 - Collegium Musicum, 1961-1964 and 1968

FF 22 - Columns, 1966-1973

FF 23 - Commencement, 05/1973

FF 24 - Commencement, 08/1973

FF 25 - Concert Negatives, n.d.

FF 26 - de Chazal, Marc, 1973

FF 27 - Education Alumni Association Awards, 1974

FF 28 - Ellis Library, ca. 1957-1973

FF 29 - Ellis Library Dedication, 1972

FF 30 - Engineering Week, Jack Danforth and Buzz Aldrin Knighting Ceremony, 1970-1971

FF 31 - Entsminger, n.d.

FF 32 - Esterhazy Quartet, 1973

FF 33 - Faculty Badminton Club, 1974

FF 34 - Faculty Council, 09/1973

FF 35 - Fine Arts Building, 1961

FF 36 - Football, Don Faurot/Faurot Field, 1972

FF 37 - Football, 1969-1973

FF 38 - Football Stadium, aerial view, 1970

FF 39 - Francis Quadrangle, 1969-1973

FF 40 - Geology Building, 1969

FF 41 - Graduate School Convocation, 05/1973

FF 42 - Graduate School Convocation, 12/1973

FF 43 - Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards Reception, 1973

FF 44 - Gwynn Hall, n.d.

FF 45 - Hearnes Multi Purpose Building, 1972

FF 46 - Herpetology Collection in Stewart Hall, 1973

FF 47 - Hoffman, Professor Benjamin Franklin, n.d.

FF 48 - Home Economics Design Class, 1972

FF 49 - Home Economics, International Wives Club, n.d.

FF 50 - Home Economics Weekend, 03/1974

FF 51 - Homecoming Committee, 1973

FF 52 - Homecoming Queen Finalist, 1971

FF 53 - Industrial Education Building/London Hall, 1969

FF 54 - Jesse Hall, 1932 and 1969-1973

FF 55 - Journalism School, 1973

FF 56 - Keeley, Mary Paxton at Nifong Home, 1973

FF 57 - KOMU-TV, News Staff, 1971

FF 58 - Law School, 1973

FF 59 - Levitt, Jacob, 1973

FF 60 - Livestock Center, n.d.

FF 61 - Logan, Anderson, 1973

FF 62 - Manning, Dr. Patrick, 1973

FF 63 - Marching Mizzou, 1971-1972

FF 64 - Math Science Center, UMC Architects Drawing, n.d.

FF 65 - McAlester Hall, n.d.

FF 66 - Medical Center, 1966

FF 67 - Medical Technology, Cardio-pulmonary Massage, 1973

FF 68 - Memorial Union, n.d.

FF 69 - Middlebush Dedication, 1972

FF 70 - Missouri Conservation-Fish and Game Research Building, 1973

FF 71 - Mumford Hall, n.d.

FF 72 - National Merit Scholars, Semi-finalists Team, n.d.

FF 73 - Natatorium, 1964

FF 74 - Noyes Hall/Student Health Center, n.d.

FF 75 - Oversize Copy Prints, 1872-1900

FF 76 - Parker Hall, n.d.

FF 77 - Physical Plant Retirement, n.d.

FF 78 - Physics/Astronomy Buildings, 1965

FF 79 - Records Management Exhibit, 1973

FF 80 - Registration, Fall 1972

FF 81 - Registration, Winter 1973

FF 82 - Research Reactor, 1966

FF 83 - Research Reactor Personnel, n.d.

FF 84 - Reynolds, Donald W., n.d.

FF 85 - Rhynsburger, Donovan - St. Nicholas Professor Emeritus Speech and Drama, n.d.

FF 86 - ROTC Awards Ceremony, 1973

FF 87 - ROTC Parade - Anti-war Demonstrations, 1970

FF 88 - ROTC Female Cadets, 1970

FF 89 - Schlundt Hall, n.d.

FF 90 - School of Education, Columbia, n.d.

FF 91 - Slides, Color, 1974

FF 92 - Snow Scenes, 1958

FF 93 - Social Science Class, 1973

FF 94 - Social Work Career Orientation, n.d.

FF 95 - Space Sciences Research Center - Dalton Research Center, 1967-1973

FF 96 - Speech and Dramatic Arts-Purple Mask Ceremonies, (Dr. Elmer Ellis, Professor and Mrs. Rhynsburger), 05/1973

FF 97 - Stewart, Eleanor, 11/04/1973

FF 98 - Stewart Hall, 1973

FF 99 - Students in the Classroom, 1950-1960

FF 100 - Student Life Office in Read Hall, 1973

FF 101 - Student Residence Halls (Dormitories), n.d.

FF 102 - Summer Welcome, 1973

FF 103 - Swallow Hall, Tornado Damage, ca. 1931 and 1969

FF 104 - Switzler Hall, 1973

FF 105 - Tap Day, 05/1973

FF 106 - Tap Day, 1972

FF 107 - Technical Education Services, 1971

FF 108 - Tucker Hall - Botany, Architects Drawing, n.d.

FF 109 - University Dairy Farm, 1973

FF 110 - University Hall, Architects Drawing, ca. 1964

FF 111 - UMC Campus, General, 1973

FF 112 - UMC Campus, Miscellaneous, n.d.

FF 113 - UMC, General, 1969-1971

FF 114 - UMC, General, 1973

FF 115 - UMC Police Department, 1973

FF 116 - UMKC, 1969-1974

FF 117 - UMR, 1954

FF 118 - UMSL, 1969-1973

FF 119 - Veterinary Hospital and Clinic, n.d.

FF 120 - Walton, Dr. Luverne, 05/1973

FF 121 - Waters Hall, n.d.

FF 122 - Wine, Clarence with Minority High School Students, n.d.

FF 123 - Woodwind Trio, 1974

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared by Blain Cerney, et al.: September 2001
Revised: 18 April 2024

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