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Call Number:

Box 1-015215
Box 2-015216
Box 3-015217
Box 4-015218

Record Group: 1 C
Record Sub-Group: 13
Records Title: UMC; Administration; University Police; Coordinator of Security Records
Dates: 1968-1979
Volume: 4 cubic feet, 6 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains records generated by the University of Missouri-Columbia Police Coordinator of Security, Frank Holloman. Documents included in this Sub-Group pertain to System-Wide as well as UMC concerns and vary from correspondence to crime reports. The records in this Sub-Group address all aspects of daily department activities including reports, meeting minutes, handwritten notes, news clippings, pamphlets, materials handed out on campus by militant organizations, correspondence, speeches and statements (by Frank Holloman and others), and office memoranda.

Topics covered in the Sub-Group include administration of departments, security of the Curators and President of University, and other security procedures, in-service training of officers, student unrest and demonstrations, Delimitation of Jurisdiction Agreement, Plan for Campus Security, proposed legislation, emergency planning, extremist groups, confiscated copies of Symposium News (underground paper published at the University of Missouri-Kansas City), and crime reports concerning thefts, assaults, and rapes (on campuses).

Additionally, this Sub-Group holds copies of New Left Notes (published by Students for a Democratic Society), and other student activist newspapers, such as the Daily Californian. Several controversial incidents involving University of Missouri campus police officers, as well as bomb threats, drug abuse, coed visitation, office relations with the news media, personnel information, officer training, and office relations with Missouri law enforcement associations are subjects referred to in the Sub-Group.

Note to Researcher: See FF 5 for a brief biography of Frank Holloman. For more information on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus police, see Record Group 1 C, Sub-Group 15.

Note to Researcher: Some of the records in this Sub-Group are restricted and cannot be made available to the public (see restrictions note at the end of this page).

Series Descriptions:

This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement within the Sub-Group is by the original, topical order.


Box 1

FF 1 - Board of Curators - general correspondence, copy of History Fortnightly published by the University of Missouri-St Louis (UMSL) History Club (controversial language and issues), Ratchford "Agenda for Action" report, Holloman's first statement to Board, 1970-1971

FF 2 - Security for Board of Curators, No. 1, lists of persons to attend meetings, correspondence regarding group disruption, demonstrations and disorder, security procedures, 1972-1976

FF 3 - Security for Board of Curators, No. 2, lists persons to attend meetings, security procedures, "Current Operating Budget Request at a Glance 1971-1972," general correspondence, 1971

FF 4 - President Ratchford (copy from Organizers Manual on Universities: A Revolutionary's Handbook, blueprint of new President's Residence, correspondence regarding security of residence, and Ratchford's Investiture (personal security of the President), 1971-1972

FF 5 - Frank Holloman (position description; brief biography; "Role of University, Police", "Campus Crises and Challenges", "Our Uncommon Task" - speeches by Holloman; correspondence regarding revision of forms; Protection and Security services at University of Wisconsin; job specifications for officers; legislation; security forces of other universities), 1971

FF 6 - Holloman General Correspondence (outgoing correspondence regarding day to day activities; security; recruit training; drafts of policies; student unrest, 05/1971; incident reports; Plan for Campus Security; budget; "New Left 'Peace Treaty campaign'"), 01/1971 - 06/1971

FF 7 - Holloman General Correspondence (outgoing correspondence regarding day to day activities; Plan for Campus Security; training; budget; visits to other universities; meetings; proposed legislation; new forms; incident reports), 07/1971 - 12/1971

FF 8 - Holloman General Correspondence including outgoing correspondence regarding daily activities; campus lighting; training; security of University funds and personnel; copy draft "Department Policies and Procedures - Radio Dispatchers"; copies of The Daily Californian (University of California-Berkeley student newspaper) for 04/25-26/1972; Survey of Expenditure and Employment for Selected Special Police Forces (for Bureau of Census), 01/1972 - 04/1972

FF 9 - Holloman General Correspondence including outgoing correspondence regarding daily activities; security of Board of Curators; training; incident reports; security of University funds and personnel; his resignation as Coordinator of Security full-time position and continuance as part-time; possible strike of service personnel UMKC and UMC; President Ratchford's Investiture (demonstration planned); efforts to unionize University Police, 05/1972 - 12/1972

FF 10 - Holloman General Correspondence including outgoing correspondence regarding part-time position; commissioning of campus security police (proposed legislation); training; clips from student newspapers from California; Disaster Plans for all campuses; incident reports; arrest of UMR (University of Missouri-Rolla) students charged in felony warrants on campus by UMR Police; police-student relations; budget; physical qualification test for campus police; copy "UM Police Department 1974" (security report); copies of material handed out by demonstrators at UMSL November 1973), 1973-1975

FF 11 - Holloman General Correspondence (outgoing correspondence regarding emergency security procedures; budget and organization; activities as part-time Coordinator of Security; training; security at Board of Curators meetings; centralization of campus security at UMC; possible move of UMKC Police to Troost Ave. building; copies of "State of University Security" 1975 and 1976; copies of articles from Daily Californian, 1976-1978

FF 12 - Originals (typed copies of speeches, remarks, statements by Holloman - "Minority That Cares", "What Do You Want?", "Our Uncommon Task", etc.; Law Enforcement Code of Ethics; materials regarding in-service training and police management; list of militant, leftist, or anti-war groups and organizations; informational papers regarding student militant groups such as "Tri-Continental" (O.S.P.A.A.L.), the "New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam" (NEW MOBE), the "Black Panther Party", and "Students for a Democratic Society," 1970-1972

FF 13 - Originals - (typed copies of statutes, laws, proposed legislation; other states statutes regarding trespass and public conduct; UMC Police organization; reports regarding Office of Coordinator of Security, security of Board of Curators, Computational Services Center; general procedures; Delimitation of Jurisdiction Agreement; Jurisdiction of University Police off University Property; copy of "A Plan for Campus Security University of Missouri")

FF 14 - Annual reports - General, 1973-1978 ("Status of University Security," 1974-1977; UMC Annual Report, 1973-1974; incident comparisons, 1969-1971

FF 15 - Delimitation of Jurisdiction Agreement, 1972 (copies of drafts clarifying delineation of authority and responsibility of Police Directors and Deans and Chancellors)

FF 16 - Plan for Campus Security - Salaries (salary data; comparisons to others), 1970-1972

FF 17 - Plan for Campus Security Section 2 (copy of "Survey UM 07/1968," by J.W. Powell, consultations regarding existing plans and measures designed to control disruptive incidents; copies of "Survey Special Security Forces for Institute of Higher Education," and "Survey Expenditures and Employment for Selected Special Police Forces," completed for the Bureau of Census; "Autonomy and a Campus Security Plan"; correspondence regarding above; strength and weakness in department; forms used; department name change), 1971-1972

FF 18 - Plan for Campus Security - Personnel Strength (correspondence regarding salaries; force strength on all campuses; needs for more personnel), 1970-1971

FF 19 - Plan for Campus Security - Adoption (copies of drafts of plan; correspondence regarding reactions to plan; cost of recommendations; department name change; progress report), 1970-1971

Box 2

FF 1 - Informational Memoranda Nos. 1-35 (Index Nos. 1-100; correspondence and enclosures on a variety of topics including: bomb threats, campus unrest, proposed legislation, emergency planning, training, campus newspapers, distribution of materials on campus, extremist groups, "May Day" anti-war militants; also, copies of the Daily Californian and University of Missouri underground campus newspapers), 1971

FF 2 - Informational Memoranda Nos. 36-60 (same as above), 1971-1972

FF 3 - Informational Memoranda Nos. 61-102 (same as above), 1972-1977

FF 4 - Policy (correspondence regarding general policies; delimitation of jurisdiction; student-athlete and athletic team regulations), 1970-1974

FF 5 - Standard Operating Procedures (copy UMC Police Department Standard Operating Procedures Manual; correspondence), 1972-1973

FF 6 - Proposed Legislation (correspondence regarding legislation concerning commissioning of campus police; trespass on public property and statutes of other states), 1970-1975

FF 7 - Chiefs' Meetings (correspondence regarding meetings; agenda items; arrangements; schedule of campus visits), 1971-1974

FF 8 - UMKC Security Office (police reports regarding drug traffic [RESTRICTED] copy Faculty, Staff, Student Directory; copies of The University News various dates, containing relevant articles; news clips; questionnaire filled out by Chief Harvey Cottle regarding operations of department; correspondence, 1970-1971 [RESTRICTED]

FF 9 - UMKC Security (police reports regarding attempted rape [copy missing]; a copy of The Symposium News, Vol. 1, No. 1, 02/21/1972 - Allen Ginsberg poem "Troost Street Blues" issue; copies of The University News; news clips from various sources; 5 photos of officers involved at "crime scenes"; lists of personnel; copies of forms used; correspondence regarding above; budget; Hospital Hill security; purchase of polygraph), 1972-1979

FF 10 - UMKC Surveys (copies of "Traffic Ticket Procedural Analysis - Kansas City Traffic Safety Department," 07/05/1972; "Security Survey of Administration Building and Computer Data Processing Center UMKC"), 1972

FF 11 - UMKC Emergency Plan (copies of "University Police Response to Snipers and Armed Barricaded Persons" 03/1973 and 04/29/1971; "Standard Operating Procedure for Confrontation Management" 02/1973 and 09/1970; "Emergency Procedures - General"), 1970-1973

FF 12 - UMKC Crime reports (copies of reports by type), 1971-1972

FF 13 - UMSL Security Office (copies of handbills and literature handed out on campus by various groups; reports of demonstration March 18, 1971 against Navy recruiters; reports regarding stolen money bag; questionnaire answered by Chief James Nelson regarding department; correspondence regarding above; campus visits by Holloman; registration of Students for Democratic Society for recognition on campus), 1970-1971

FF 14 - UMSL Security Office (copies of handbills and literature handed out on campus; copies of Current campus newspaper; copies of S.D.S.' New Left Notes; reports regarding demonstrations against military recruiting and new admissions policy correspondence), 1972-1973

FF 15 - UMSL Security (copies of SDS' New Left Notes, UMSL's underground newspaper Current, literature handed out on campus, and correspondence pertaining to training), 1974

FF 16 - UMSL Security (copies of police reports regarding thefts, assault with intent to kill, auto and bicycle accident and death; annual report of department 1975 and 1976; news clips; literature passed out on campus; correspondence), 1975-1976

FF 17 - UMSL (copies of UMSL's Current; police reports security and lighting recommendations; literature passed out on campus; "Crime Prevention Proposal"; correspondence; annual report of department 1977), 1977-1978

FF 18 - UMR (copies of UMR's Missouri Miner; student, faculty and office directories; reports regarding department support of home basketball games, Commencement, registration; questionnaire answered by Director Kelly Gibbons regarding department; correspondence regarding above; budget; training and recruitment), 1970-1972

FF 19 - UMR Security (copy annual department report; police reports; copies of Missouri Miner; Conference remarks, 09/18-19/1973; news clips and reports, regarding arrest of three students on felony warrants on campus by UMR police; reports regarding department support of registration and Commencement activities; review of department; correspondence regarding above), 1973

FF 20 - UMR (copies of Missouri Miner; annual department reports 1977 and 1978; correspondence), 1974-1978

Box 3

FF 1 - UMR Training (copies "study notes"; In-Service Training Program manual; correspondence), 1971-1974

FF 2 - UMR Emergency Plan (copies of plan and update material), 1970-1978

FF 3 - UMR Felony reports (police reports), 1970-1971

FF 4 - UMR Crime reports (statistics and correspondence), 1971-1972

FF 5 - UMC Baker - Personal (incoming and outgoing correspondence of Director Sterling Baker regarding daily administrative details; equipment; public relations; pay scale), 1970-1971

FF 6 - UMC Staff Meetings (meeting minutes), 1970-1971

FF 7 - UMC Klinkerman, Emmett A. (correspondence from Business Officer regarding purchase of equipment; security; possible demonstrations), 1970-1971

FF 8 - UMC Interdepartmental - Miscellaneous (correspondence regarding training; traffic regulations), 1970-1971

FF 9 - UMC Orders (general orders regarding procedures; clothing regulations), 1970-1971

FF 10 - UMC Security Office (blueprints of General Services Building and proposed remodeling; employee histories [RESTRICTED]; copies of statements, correspondence by Weaver and chancellors regarding campus unrest, right of free speech, etc.; campus enrollment figures; fires in Lefevre Hall; key security and loss of equipment; organization chart; salary scales; news clips), 1970-1971

FF 11 - UMC Security Office (police reports, witness statements, news clips, correspondence, regarding two incidents which involved unlawful search of student dorm room and entry into home to remove juveniles; resignation of Chief Baker and appointment Ron Mason [RESTRICTED]; correspondence regarding discharging of weapon policy; possible protest at President Ratchford's Investiture; training; Mason to attend FBI National Academy; policy on reports of emergency room cases; security surveys; materials regarding boycott of Hostess and Wonder Bread; security of University Press, Swallow Hall), 1972

FF 12 - UMC Security (Annual reports 1973 and 1974; personnel and salary rosters; news clips; increases in number of rapes; a "newsletter" Silver Badge UPA Vol. 1, No. 1, 05/06/1974 regarding discontent with administration of department; 4 crime prevention pamphlets), 1973-1974

FF 13 - UMC Security (crime prevention pamphlets; news clips; radio procedures; Statement and correspondence regarding Senator Warren Welliver's opinion that department should be eliminated; policy regarding employee misconduct [RESTRICTED]; correspondence), 1975-1978

FF 14 - UMC Emergency Plan (copy of plan and comments), 1976

FF 15 - UMC Incident reports (correspondence and reports regarding theft of property; racial tension at Cramer Dorm; copies of SDS materials), 1970-1971

FF 16 - UMC Crime reports (copies of crime statistics reports), 03/1971-06/1972

FF 17 - UMC Disciplinary action against students, 1971 [RESTRICTED]

FF 18 - UMC ROTC Demonstrations (correspondence, reports, regarding demonstration at annual ROTC Review on 04/26/1972), 1972

FF 19 - UMC Budget (budget preparation and expenditure projected), 1970-1971

FF 20 - Bombs, containing news clips, correspondence, lists of threats, E.A.C. policy, and pamphlets, 1969-1971

FF 21 - Drug Abuse (Holloman's assessment of problem at UM; news clips; pamphlets), 1971-1973

FF 22 - Militant Organizations (copy of portion of Organizers Manual; list of organizations; news clips; "Black Panther Party" and "Students for a Democratic Society" summaries; UM National Socialist Movement handout; copies of Citizen-Journal and Praxis of Student Power Strategy and Tactics), 1970-1971

FF 23 - Peace Demonstrations (copies of handouts and news clips; correspondence and notes regarding various demonstrations; copy of UMSL's History Fortnightly Vol. 3, No. 7, 05/04/1971, 04/1971 - 05/1971

FF 24 - Student Conduct, 1971 [RESTRICTED]

FF 25 - Visitation (correspondence, handbooks, and notes regarding dorm visitation at other institutions; "A Plan for Campus Security: UM Final Draft 04/12/1971"; news clips), 1971

FF 26 - News Media (news clips regarding Holloman's salary and duties, campus security, alleged election irregularities by UMKC student body president, use of undercover police; clips from Daily Californian; rising crime rate, interim President Ratchford), 1971-1974

Box 4

FF 1 - General (University-Wide Administrative memos; policies; general information), 1970-1972

FF 2 - Forms - General (forms used by all 4 campus police departments), 1971

FF 3 - UM Personnel and Equipment (personnel and salary rosters; equipment lists; records required by University; duties of personnel; correspondence), 1970-1972

FF 4 - Inventory (inventory cards for equipment, cars, weapons, etc.; correspondence), 1971

FF 5 - Personnel, 1974-1978 [RESTRICTED]

FF 6 - Personnel Evaluation reports, 1968-1972 [RESTRICTED]

FF 7 - Job Specifications (specifications various department positions), 1971-1972

FF 8 - Daily Activities Log (logs for M.L. Enfield, B. Huse and F. Hickam), 1979

FF 9 - Liability Insurance (correspondence regarding deductible and required insurance), 1972-1973

FF 10 - Strikes (correspondence - 2 pieces - regarding strike at UMKC by service personnel), 1972

FF 11 - OPS 3 - 5 - 8 Verhoff (statements, notes, correspondence regarding selling of University property by University employees from Medical Center Prosthetics and Orthopedics Departments), 1972

FF 12 - Training In-Service (pamphlets; correspondence regarding budget, evaluation, courses taught and needed), 1971-1972

FF 13 - Campus Police Training (same type as above), 1973-1974

FF 14 - Police Tests (printed tests to evaluate suitability for police job), n.d.

FF 15 - Police Academy, No. 1 (evaluation of officers in class [RESTRICTED]; correspondence regarding courses; training; 4 black and white photos of class and graduation ceremony), 1971

FF 16 - Police Academy, No. 2, officer evaluations, 1972-1975 [RESTRICTED]

FF 17 - Police Academy- Statewide L.E.A.A. (application for sub-grant - statewide training; related correspondence), 1971-1972

FF 18 - Veterans Education (application for approval and training agreement; training outline; correspondence), 1971-1972

FF 19 - Training - General (Proposal to Form a Police Science Institute; UMR "Security of University Funds and Personnel"; proposed training programs; correspondence), 1970-1977

FF 20 - Training - other universities (manuals, course schedules), 1970

FF 21 - Police Unions (news clip; correspondence regarding efforts of Teamsters Union to represent UMC Police Department), 1972-1974

FF 22 - Missouri Association of College and University Security Departments (correspondence regarding activities), 1970-1971

FF 23 - Missouri Law Enforcement Assistance Council (copy "Law and Disorder: One State Answers"; correspondence regarding meetings; program priorities), 1970-1972

FF 24 - Missouri Peace Officers Association (Meeting programs; transcript of Executive Committee meeting; seminar discussions; proposed legislation; correspondence), 1971-1972

FF 25 - Missouri Police Chiefs Association (meeting minutes; pamphlets; correspondence regarding activities), 1972-1973

Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.

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