Call Number:
Box 1-017197
Record Group: 1 C Record Sub-Group: 12 Records Title: UMC; Administration; Chancellors John W. Schwada (1964-1970) and Herbert W. Schooling (1970-1978); Administrative Records Dates: 1964-1978 Volume: 5 cubic feet, 6.25 linear feet Scope and Content Note (A85-91) Records in this Sub-Group pertain to activities of the UMC Department of Athletics, N.C.A.A. (National Collegiate Athletic Association) regulations, the UMC Athletic Department Policy and Procedure Manual. There is additional information on the Big-Eight Conference, bowl games, ticket availability and ticket distribution, and Women's athletics at MU (related materials may be found in folders 2a and 2b which contain a report on nondiscrimination on the basis of sex). Also included in the Sub-Group are records relating to faculty and staff promotion and tenure regulations, administrative control over publications emanating from various University departments, hiring practices, the UMC Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, affirmative action exceptions to a hiring freeze, and the Missouri Commission on Human Rights. Other records in this Sub-Group deal with matters such as campus security, traffic and parking regulations, the Campus Disaster Plan's possible utilization of outside security forces, student demonstrations, University Police files resulting from office searches and surveillance of faculty and students [RESTRICTED], UMC and University-Wide committees, appointments, and reports. Lastly, this Sub-Group contains correspondence between University of Missouri-Columbia Chancellors and members of the Board of Curators (pertaining to University administrative decisions concerning budgets and anti-war demonstrations on campus) and records documenting Board members' interventions on the behalf of individual students. Series Descriptions: This Sub-Group is divided into seven record series. Series One contains records pertaining to intercollegiate athletics at UMC (including women's athletics) and the University's relations with the N.C.A.A. The records in Series Two pertain to University policies on promotion and tenure of Faculty and Staff. Series Three is comprised of records relating to the campus police, security on campus, and disaster planning. Series Four holds documents generated by the UMC Equal Employment Opportunity Committee. Series Five contains reports and records concerning University owned and operated radio and television stations. Series Six holds records generated by a variety of University System-Wide and UMC committees. Series Seven is comprised of correspondence documenting the relationship between the University of Missouri Board of Curators and the UMC Chancellor's Office. Series Outline:
Inventory Box 1 FF la - Intercollegiate Athletics, 1976 FF lb - Intercollegiate Athletics, 1976 FF 2a - Intercollegiate Athletics, 1975 FF 2b - Intercollegiate Athletics, 1975 FF 3a - Intercollegiate Athletics, 1974 FF 3b - Intercollegiate Athletics, 1974 FF 4 - Intercollegiate Athletics, 1973 FF 5 - Athletic Director Search, [RESTRICTED], 1972 FF 6 - Intercollegiate Athletics, 1972 FF 7 - Faurot Field Dedication, 11/25/1972 FF 8a - Women's Athletics, 1973-1975 FF 8b - Women's Athletics, 1973-1975 FF 9 - Rules and Regulations, Athletics, 05/22/1970 FF l0a - Intercollegiate Athletics, 1971 Series One - Athletics (cont'd) Box 2 FF l0b - Intercollegiate Athletics, 1971 FF 11 - Synthetic Turf for Farout Field and Multi-Purpose Building, 1970-1972 FF 12 - Band Day (Board Seminar), 1969-1970 FF 13 - Invitations, Football Game Invitations to and from John Schwada, 1969-1970 FF 14 - 1970-1971 Bowl Committee, Post Season Games FF 15 - Fiesta Bowl, 12/23/1972 FF 16 - Orange Bowl, 1970 FF 17 - Athletics (policy and procedure manuals), Mitchell H. Raiborn's An Analysis of Revenues, Expenses and Management Accounting Practices of Intercollegiate Athletic Programs, National College Athletic Association, 1970 FF 18 - Big-8, 1976 FF 19 - Big-8, 1975 FF 20 - Big-8 Athletic Department Policy and Procedure Manual, (additionally containing: A scholarship summary of Big-8 schools; "An Analysis of Revenues and Expenses of Intercollegiate Athletic Programs and a Plan for Financial Control"; Big-8 Conference expenses; Excerpts from minutes of Board of Curators' meetings on 04/13/1935, 10/08/1954 and 05/13/1960; "Organization, Powers and Duties" of the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics; UMC's athletic budget, income, gifts, debts; comments, 1969 on the manual; report to the Board of Curators; University of Missouri Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Policy and Procedure Manual FF 20b - Big-8 Athletic Department Policy and Procedure Manual, containing sections of the Policy and Procedure Manual FF 21 - Big-8, 1973-1974 Series Two - Promotion and Tenure Box 2 (cont'd) FF 22 - Promotion and Tenure, 1968-1970 FF 23 - Recommendations for Tenure (College of Engineering), [RESTRICTED], 1969 FF 24a - Promotion and Tenure (containing: Lists of faculty recommended for promotions and tenure; tenure regulations; evaluation process; Dabney Park, Jr.'s article "Down With Tenure"), [RESTRICTED], 1968-1972 FF 24b - Promotion and Tenure, 1968-1972 [RESTRICTED] FF 25 - Promotion and Tenure Regulations, 1966-1969 Series Three - Campus Police and Security Box 2 (cont'd) FF 26 - Correspondence, 1973-1976 [RESTRICTED] FF 27 - Security Budget FF 28 - Campus Disruptions and outside assistance (including: materials from 1970 detailing procedure for utilizing off-campus security forces)
Series Three - Campus Police and Security FF 29 - Traffic Regulations and Parking, 1968-1973 FF 30 - Traffic Survey (including: Correspondence, 1964-1968; Faculty and Staff Transportation Questionnaire; "Traffic and Parking Plan for the University of Missouri," Senior Design Project, Class of 1966, Department of Civil Engineering) FF 31 - Traffic Safety and Security (also contains the Campus Disaster Plans from 1962 and 1970) FF 32 - Publications (control and supervision of), 1969-1974 Series Four - Equal Employment Opportunity Committee Box 3 (cont'd) FF 33 - E.E.O.C., 1976 FF 34 - Affirmative Action, 1972-1975 FF 35 - Exceptions to the hiring "freeze," 07/10/1975 FF 36 - Exceptions to the hiring "freeze," 04/10/1975 FF 37 - "Freeze" on Open Positions (correspondence), 1975 FF 38 - Exceptions to the hiring "freeze" report due, 03/10/1975 FF 39 - Exceptions to the hiring "freeze," 05/10/1975 FF 40a - Exceptions to the hiring "freeze," 06/10/1975 FF 40b - Exceptions to the hiring "freeze," 06/10/1975 FF 41 - Exceptions to the hiring "freeze," 08/10/1975 FF 42 - Salary Data FF 43 - Salary Reduction Plan (Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan), 1966 FF 44 - Contracts and Late Notices (Salaries) Series Five - University Radio and Television Box 3 (cont'd) FF 45a - KOMU, TV Series Five - University Radio and Television (cont'd) Box 4 FF 45b - KOMU, TV FF 45c - KOMU, TV FF 46 - Proposal for an educational FM station for the University of Missouri - Columbia, 04/28/1966 FF 47 - Proposal for KOMU, TV, submitted to the Chancellor, The University of Missouri-Columbia, 08/12/1966 FF 48 - A Report to the Chancellor, University of Missouri-Columbia (regarding the School of Journalism), 08/05/1966 FF 49 - A re-evaluation of the educational mission of broadcast facilities for the University of Missouri-Columbia, 09/30/1970 FF 50 - A Proposal for the Organization and Operation of Radio and Television Facilities at UMC, 03/13/1969 FF 51 - A Proposal for the Organization and Operation of Radio and Television Facilities at UMC, 06/13/1969 FF 52 - A re-evaluation of the educational mission of broadcast facilities for the University of Missouri-Columbia, 09/30/1970 Series Six - University-Wide and UMC Committees Box 4 (cont'd) FF 53 - Committee Appointments, 1973 FF 54 - Committees, 1974-1975 FF 55 - Committee reports (originals), 1973 FF 56 - Standing Committee Reports FF 57 - Committee on Committees (Dallas K. Meyer, Chairman), 1966-1974 FF 58 - Committee on Committees (H.D. Naumann, Chairman), 1973-1974 FF 59 - Special Advisory Group, Special Committee on University Affairs (Herbert W. Schooling, Chairman) (folder contains students, faculty and administration views on the role of a university as well as a survey of student attitudes on campus issues), 1970-1971 FF 60 - Committee Reports, 1973 FF 61 - Committee Reports, 1973 FF 62 - Student Committees, 1975-1976 FF 63 - Committee on the Status of Women, 1974 FF 64 - Arts and Science Committee on the Status of Women, Third Annual Report, 08/13/1974 FF 65 - Committee on the Status of Women, 1975 FF 66 - Non-Academic Sub-committee on the Status of Women (Veta Adams, Chairman) FF 67 - Academic Sub-committee on the Status of Women (Helen L. Anderson, Chairman) FF 68 - Committee on the Status of Women, 1972-1973 FF 69 - Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women, Preliminary Report, 03/01/1974 FF 70. - Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women Report for 1974-1975, 06/30/1975 Series Six - University-Wide and UMC Committees (cont'd) Box 5 FF 71 - Report on the Committee on the Status of Women, 09/1975-08/1976 FF 72 - University-Wide Committees, 1972-1976 FF 73 - Research Policy Committee FF 74 - Computer Problems, 1970 FF 75a - Long Range Planning FF 75b - Long Range Planning FF 76 - St. Louis Finance Committee. Containing two reports: Recommendations and Background, Citizens Committee on School Tax Reform, 12/1965, and Report to Citizens Committee on School Tax Reform, 10/01/1965, as well as accompanying materials from the St. Louis Board of Education FF 77 - Curriculum Committee for University-Wide Agriculture Publications (Dean Homer Folks, Chairman), 1967-1968 FF 78 - Committee Assignments, 1968-1974 FF 79 - Missouri Commission on Human Rights [RESTRICTED] FF 80 - Resource Management Council (former budget committee), 1972-1976 Series Seven - Board of Curators Correspondence Box 5 (cont'd) FF 81 - Board of Curators, Henry Andrae, 1964-1969 FF 82 - Board of Curators, Judge William H. Billings, 1968-1977 FF 83 - Board of Curators, Robert G. Brady (containing: Rules and Regulations Committee Meeting minutes, 1971; a 1970 Letter to C.R. Johnston from R. G. Brady concerning student disturbances), 1967-1975 FF 84 - Board of Curators, John H. Caruthers, 1965-1966 FF 85 - John Hall Dalton, Curator, 1973-1977 FF 86 - Board of Curators, Irvin Fane, 1971-1977 FF 87 - Board of Curators, O.B. Ferguson, 1964-1971 FF 88 - Board of Curators, James A. Finch, Jr., 1963-1964 FF 89 - Rev. Richard L. Fischer, Board of Curators, 1976 FF 90 - Board of Curators, G. Fred Kling, Jr., 1968-1971 FF 91 - Board of Curators, Theodore D. McNeal, 1971-1972 FF 92 - Board of Curators, Orestes Mitchell, Jr., 1964-1966 FF 93 - Board of Curators, William C. Myers, Jr., 1966-1975 FF 94 - Board of Curators, Robert Neill, 1965-1969 FF 95 - Board of Curators, Ben A Parnell, Jr., 1964-1966 FF 96 - Board of Curators, Doyle Patterson, 1965-1970 FF 97 - Board of Curators, Ike Skelton, Sr., 1963-1965 FF 98 - Board of Curators, Pleasant R. Smith, 1965-1977 (includes photographs of Millstone Farm in Audrain County, Missouri) FF 99 - Thompson, William S. Jr., Board of Curators, 1973-1975 FF 100 - Board of Curators, Avis Tucker (includes correspondence with William C. Tucker), 1966-1978 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released.
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