Call Number:
Box 1-042959 |
Record Group: 1 C Scope and Content Note (A78-37; A78-49; A18-33) Series Descriptions: This Sub-Group is not divided into separate record series. Arrangement within the Sub-Group is alphabetical by topical. Inventory Box 1 FF 1 - Agricultural Economics 1 FF 2 - Agricultural Economics 50, Assignment Sheets FF 3 - Agricultural Economics 50, Class Notes FF 4 - Agricultural Economics 50. FF 5 - Agricultural Economics 50, Class Outlines by McKinsey FF 6 - Agricultural Economics, Schedule File FF 7 - Agricultural Economics, Syllabus FF 8 - "An Economic Evaluation of the Results of Dairy Rationalization in Denmark" by Virgil Alonzo Metcalf FF 9 - "An Analysis of Pricing in the Pecan Industry" by A. Metcalf, 01/10/1958 FF 10 - "Cotton Classing Then and Now" by A. Metcalf, Spring 1958 FF 10a - Agricultural Experiment Station Annual Report, 1962-1963 FF 10b - "Missouri Junior Colleges: A Statistical Report," 06/01/1949 FF 10c - Annual Report on the Accreditation of Non-Public Secondary Schools, 1954-1955 FF 10d - Annual Report Adult Education and Extension Service, 1948-1949 FF 11 - Campus Planning Committee, 1950-1957 FF 12 - Campus Planning Committee, 1958-1959 FF 13 - Campus Planning Committee, 1960-1961 FF 14 - Campus Planning Committee, 1962-1965 FF 15 - Committee on Campus Planning, 1966 FF 15a - Building Project Committee, Addition to the Chemistry Building FF 15b - Building Project Committee, Classroom Complex FF 16 - Committee on Campus Planning, 1967 FF 17 - Committee on Campus Planning, 1968-1969 FF 18 - Reports of the Committee on Campus Planning, 1956-1967 Box 2 FF 1 - Parking Report, Columbia, Missouri, 1955 FF 2 - University Campus Parking, 01/1956 FF 3 - Research Park, ca. 1962 FF 4 - "Allocating Facilities with CRAFT," 03/1964 FF 5 - "Traffic and Parking Plan for the University of Missouri," 01/20/1966 FF 6 - "Employer Transportation Habits and Commercial Land Use Activity," Volume 1, 04/1966 FF 7 - "Employer Transportation Habits and Commercial Land Use Activity," Volume 2, 04/1966 FF 8 - "Student-Employee Transportation Habits," 03/1967 FF 9 - Parking and Traffic Study, University of Missouri, 05/1967 FF 10 - "Preliminary Study for Renewal of the Central Business District," 06/1967 FF 11 - "Plan for use of the area beneath the Grandstand Memorial Stadium," 08/1967 FF 12 - "Preface to Planning for University of Missouri-Columbia," 09/1967 FF 13 - "Preliminary Drawings for a New University System Building on the Campus," 09/22/1967 FF 14 - "A Decade of Development for University of Missouri-Columbia - Report of the Steering Committee for Long Range Planning," 01/1968 FF 15 - "Joint Committee Report University Development Project," 03/31/1970 FF 16 - "Final Report upon Parking and Traffic," 06/1973 FF 17 - Committee on International Exchange of Persons, 1959-1964 FF 18 - CSI, Board of Directors Meetings, 1962-1965 FF 19 - Schwada, Community Studies, Inc., 1962-1963 FF 20 - Schwada, Community Studies, Inc., 1964-1965 FF 21 - Crippled Children's Service, 1958-1961 FF 22 - Crippled Children's Advisory Committee, 1958-1965 FF 23 - Crippled Children's Service, Miscellaneous, 1958-1964 FF 24 - Crippled Children's Service, Carl Marienfeld, 1962-1966 FF 25 - Dean's Reports, 1965-1966 FF 26 - Director of Admissions Annual Report, 1948-1949 FF 27 - Faculty Handbook Revision Copy, ca. 1960 Box 3 FF 1 - Authur M. Hyde FF 2 - Sam A. Baker FF 3 - Henry S. Caulfied FF 4 - Guy B. Park FF 5 - Lloyd C. Stark FF 6 - Lloyd C. Stark FF 7 - Forrest C. Donnell FF 8 - Phil M. Donnelly FF 9 - Forrest Smith FF 10 - Governor James T. Blair FF 11 - James T. Blair FF 12 - Midwestern Conference on Collegiate Level Student Exchange, 1968 FF 13 - School of Journalism Proposal, Educational FM Station, 04/1966 FF 14 - "A Re-Evaluation of the Educational Mission of Broadcast Facilities," 09/1970 FF 15 - School of Journalism Report to the Chancellor, 1966 FF 16 - University of Missouri Film Catalog, 1959-1961 FF 17 - University of Missouri Land Grant Centennial Fact Book, 1962 FF 18 - Service Department of Academic Personnel, 1965-1966 FF 19 - University of Missouri Business Policy and Procedure Manual, ca. 1966 Box 4 FF 1 - College of Agriculture Annual Report, 1967 FF 2 - College of Agriculture Annual Report, 1970 FF 3 - College of Arts and Science Annual Report, 1964-1965 FF 4 - School of Business and Public Administration Annual Report, 1964-1965 FF 5 - School of Business and Public Administration Annual Report, 1965-1966 FF 6 - Business and Public Administration Research Center Annual Report, 1967-1968 FF 7 - Committee on Accredited Schools and Colleges Annual Report, 1967-1968 FF 8 - College of Education Annual Report, 1965-1966 FF 9 - College of Engineering Annual Report, 1971-1972 FF 10 - College of Engineering Annual Report, 1972-1973 FF 11 - University Extension Annual Report, 1964-1965 FF 12 - University Extension Annual Report, 1965-1966 FF 13 - University Extension Annual Report, 1972-1973 FF 14 - Office of Extra-Divisional Administration Annual Report, 1964-1965 FF 15 - Graduate Nutrition Area Annual Report, 1972-1973 FF 16 - Graduate School Annual Report, 1965 FF 17 - Home Economics Annual Report, Part I, 1966-1967 FF 18 - Home Economics Annual Report, Part II, 1966-1967 FF 19 - School of Journalism Annual Report, 1964-1965 FF 20 - Laboratory School Annual Report, 1965 FF 21 - Medical Center Annual Report, Part I, 1964-1965 FF 22 - Medical Center Annual Report, Part II, 1964-1965 FF 23 - Publications Annual Report, 1973-1974 FF 24 - Research Administration Annual Report, 1964-1965 FF 25 - School of Social and Community Services Annual Report, 1964-1965 FF 26 - School of Social and Community Services Annual Report, 1967 FF 27 - School of Social and Community Services Annual Report, 1969-1970 FF 28 - Space Sciences Research Center Annual Report, 1965-1966 FF 29 - Student Health Service Annual Report, 1964-1965 FF 30 - Summer Institute for High School Teachers of Chemistry and Physics Annual Report, 1961 FF 31 - Summer Language Institute for High School Teachers of French and Spanish Annual Report, 1959 FF 32 - School of Veterinary Medicine Administrative Organization Annual Report FF 33 - School of Veterinary Medicine Annual Report, 1964-1965 FF 34 - Preliminary Long Range Planning FF 35 - Long Range Planning Reports (A-D) FF 36 - Long Range Planning Reports (F-S)
FF 37 - Long Range Planning Department Committees and Sub-Committees (A-C) FF 38 - Long Range Planning Department Committees and Sub-Committees (E-F) FF 39 - Long Range Planning Department Committees and Sub-Committees (G) FF 40 - Long Range Planning Department Committees and Sub-Committees (H-L) FF 41 - Long Range Planning Department Committees and Sub-Committees (M-U) Box 5 FF 1 - Department Inventory for Long Range Planning (A) FF 2 - Department Inventory for Long Range Planning (B-D) FF 3 - Department Inventory for Long Range Planning (E-G) FF 4 - Department Inventory for Long Range Planning (H-J) FF 5 - Department Inventory for Long Range Planning (L-N) FF 6 - Department Inventory for Long Range Planning (O-P) FF 7 - Department Inventory for Long Range Planning (R-Z) FF 8 - Department Reports (A-Bi) FF 9 - Department Reports (Bu-C) FF 10 - Department Reports (E-Eng) FF 11 - Department Reports (Env-F) FF 12 - Department Reports (H-L) FF 13 - Department Reports (Ma) FF 14 - Department Reports (Ma) [cont'd] FF 15 - Department Reports (Me) FF 16 - Department Reports (P-V) FF 17 - Evaluation Report (Summer Session), 1974 FF 18 - Report to Faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine, 1977 [A18-33] OSF 1 This folder contains maps of the UMC campus as well as of various other University properties. OSB 1 Item 1 - Oversized (13"x18") Atlas de Colombia, 1967, inscribed to the University Item 2 - Oversized scrapbook regarding Peace Corps Training Program "India 37", 1966 Restrictions Note: The Archives of the University of Missouri-Columbia is required by law and Board of Curator's policy to restrict access to some files and information. Student records are held as confidential under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and by University policy. Faculty promotion and tenure records and Academic Personnel files are restricted for 75 years, or the lifetime of the individual. All grievance, disciplinary, and medical records are treated as confidential files. Consultations with legal counsel, both in-house and external, are protected by the attorney/client privilege and will not be released. |
Published by: University Archives
Originally Prepared: August 1999
Revised: 16 August 2018
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