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[The information on this page reproduces the essential content of a brochure entitled "Retention of Faculty Promotion and Tenure Records" issued by University of Missouri Records Management.]

Retention of Faculty Promotion and Tenure Records

Promotion and Tenure Records

Promotion and Tenure (P & T) records and files are accumulated on University faculty as part of the process of determining faculty academic promotions and tenure. The records may include: vitae, copies of articles/publications, awards, peer evaluations, performance evaluations and other materials submitted or created as part of the promotion and tenure process.

Filing of Promotion & Tenure Records

Promotion and Tenure files serve two different purposes and should be created and maintained as separate file series instead of being consolidated as one file.

Historical Significance

Not only are these records of great importance during the period that a faculty member is at the University, but the records have historical research value and benefit to the University. As such, it is important that P & T records be retained for future use by the University.

Authorized Retention

Records Retention Authorization number 00-014 states:

"Files are to be retained in the academic office responsible for instituting promotion or tenure actions until termination of employment [defined as retirement, dismissal, permanent employment with another organization or death], then transferred to the respective faculty member's Campus Archives.

NOTE: Any P & T records maintained in an electronic format or any other non-paper media, must be preserved in accordance with the authorized retention period.

Actions Encouraged

To ensure the earliest files on long-term faculty are not accidentally disposed of prior to termination, departments are encouraged to forward to Campus Archives those files dated prior to the date of the last promotion.

Departments are also encouraged to immediately send tenure files to Campus Archives once tenure has been granted or denied.

Access to Promotion and Tenure Records

The confidential and sensitive nature of the information in P & T files makes it of paramount importance that access to these files be strictly limited.

All P & T files transferred to Campus Archives will remain closed to open research for 75 years or verified death of the faculty member, whichever comes first. During the closed period, access to the records will be permitted only to the University President, respective Campus Chancellor, Provost or Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the faculty member's Dean and Department Chair.

No other individuals will be permitted access to the files during the closed period.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled: June 2007
Revised: 29 June 2007

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