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Memorabilia Collected by Alumna Jeannette Alberton Scism
Memorabilia Collected by Alumna Jeannette Alberton Scism
(University Archives, C:22/8/24, Series 18 below)

Record Group: 22 C
Record Sub-Group: 11
Records Title: UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Student Memorabilia
Dates: 1878-2008
Volume: 32 cubic feet, 40 linear feet

Scope and Content Note

This Record Sub-Group contains materials collected by former University of Missouri students and preserved by them as memorabilia of their time at MU. Included are photographs of students, faculty, campus buildings, commencements, and athletic events. Also included are scrapbooks, lecture and class notes, theatre and other special event programs, posters, publications, clippings, honor society pins, a "freshman beanie," booster buttons, and autobiographical sketches and manuscripts.

Series Descriptions:

Series 1. - C:22/8/2 (A76-44)
This Series contains photocopies of a scrapbook compiled by Edward C. Wright, who attended the University of Missouri-Columbia during 1910 and 1911. Included in this Series are MU booster stickers, a student's register, dance cards, newspaper clippings, photographs (of campus scenes, students, faculty, and athletic events), restaurant menus, theatre programs, a freshman discipline notice, and football game programs.
(Env., Small Holdings Box 7)

Former Series #2 C:22/8/3 (A98-83)
UMC; Student Life and Activities; General Memorabilia; Small Collections
Follow this link to summary descriptions of small memorabilia collections assembled and donated by many MU alumni who attended the University from the 1870s through the 1960s.

Series 3. - C:22/8/4 (A82-66)
This Series contains personal memorabilia collected by MU graduate Elmer Peper (BS Electrical Engineering, 1900). Included in this Series are photographs, poems, an address book, tickets to the 1946 World Series, and a 1903 Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company share certificate.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Former Series #4 C:22/8/5
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Student Memorabilia; Edwin Shroeder Memorabilia
This summary description has been enlarged to a full inventory.
Please follow this link to reach the inventory.

Series 5. - C:22/8/6 (A86-29)
This Series contains a scrapbook compiled by J. A. Bray while he was a student at the University of Missouri-Columbia, (ca. 1910-1912). Included in this Series are photographs of the Francis Quadrangle Columns, Academic (Jesse) Hall, and Lathrop Hall, as well as what were then known as the Zoology and Geology building, the Chemistry building, the Law building, the Engineering building, the Agriculture building, the Gymnasium, and the President's residence. Also included in the Series is a 1911 "Annual Football Reception" program.
(Pkg., Ellis)

Series 6. - C:22/8/7 (A89-28; A90-8; A93-112; A97-56; A97-63)
This Series contains an essay entitled "A Co-ed in the Seventies," which describes Eleanor Dimitt's experiences as a student at the University of Missouri during the 1870s. Also included in this Series are items of memorabilia collected by 1937 Journalism School graduate, Leonard N. Goldman, (ca. 1933-1946). Goldman's collection includes MU Department of Music programs, Missouri Workshop play programs, course schedules, student handbooks, Journalism Week programs, a song booklet, textbooks, and enrollment, graduation, and alumni association information. The Series also includes student newspapers, Barnwarmin' invitations and other memorabilia compiled by Harry L. Kluttz, (1920-1927).
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 7. - C:22/8/9 (A93-116)
This Series contains two "Hobo Convention Certificates," (ca. 1911-1912). These relate to a traditional MU spring event, (ca. 1902-1930) during which male students became hoboes for a day, dressing in ragged clothes, riding a freight train into town, and begging food at the back doors of local homes.

Series 8. - C:22/8/10 (A95-83)
This Series contains MU student memorabilia collected by 1939 graduate, Charles H. Brock, (ca. 1935-1939). This Series includes a freshman "beanie," Mortar Board and LSV Honor Society pins, and a booklet entitled "Centennial Missouri 1939."
(Shoebox, Ellis)

Former Series #9 C:22/8/11 (A95-63)
UMC; Student Life and Activities; Memorabilia; Wilder Collection
This summary description has been enlarged to a full inventory.
Please follow this link to reach the inventory.

Series 10. - C:22/8/12 (A96-108)
This Series contains photocopies of University of Missouri-Columbia athletic memorabilia collected by Jim Martin, (ca. 1951). Included in the Series are copies of photographs, newspaper clippings, football game programs, play diagrams, and football game notes.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 11. - C:22/8/50 (A08-80)
This Series contains personal and University of Missouri-related memorabilia, (ca. 1920-1955), collected by MU alumna Ruth Allen (née Taylor). The memorabilia consist of scrapbooks and photograph albums and pertains to Allen's childhood, her years at the University of Missouri, (Bachelor of Arts, 1945; Master of Education, 1948), and her wedding, (1953). Some of the memorabilia relates to the Chi Omega Sorority of which Taylor was president for the 1944-1945 school year and where her wedding and reception were held. The scrapbooks also contain memorabilia from Phi Sigma Iota (the Romance Language Honor Society) as well as memorabilia of the University of Kansas City where Allen was enrolled from 1940 to 1943. After completing her master's degree, Allen worked for the Office of Public Information at the University.
(1 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: The items in this Series were donated by Chi Omega sorority member, Katherine Gerlach.

Series 12. - C:22/8/13
This Series contains material relating to Arthur L. Baermann, a member of the class of 1922, graduating with both BA and BJ degrees. Included in this Series are memorabilia concerning Baermann, his immediate family, his retirement from the Detroit Free Press, documentation concerning his immigration from Germany to the United States and his establishment of U.S. citizenship, as well as correspondence with various politicians.
(OSB, Ellis; OSF, Ellis)

Series 13. - C:22/8/15 (A84-91; A84-97)
This Series contains materials related to author Martha Cheavens (later Mrs. Hugh Schuck), graduate of the School of Journalism in 1922. Included in this Series are career-related and personal correspondence, published stories, manuscripts, a movie script for Penny Serenade, a scrapbook, clippings and photographs.
(2 c.f., 017174, 017175)

Series 14. - C:22/8/17 (A99-30)
This Series contains a scrapbook compiled by 1936 School of Journalism graduate Paul Westpheling during his junior year at MU, (1934-1935). Included in the scrapbook are photos of campus, friends, Wednesday military parades, and sporting events, dance advertisements and programs, dance contracts for Westpheling's orchestra, souvenir menu from Zim's Tavern, original artwork, and news clippings of people and events.
(Pkg., Ellis)

Series 15. - C:22/8/20 (A98-58)
This Series contains one VHS videocassette recording of a biographical film entitled "George C. Scott: Power and Glory," produced by Michi Jones of Van Ness Films, for the Arts and Entertainment Network (A&E). This film uses many still photographs of Scott as an MU student as well as other material pertaining to his years in the MU Theatre Department that are from the collections of the University Archives.
(Env., Small Holdings Box 8)
Note to Researcher: The VHS videocassette in Series 15 has been transferred to Digital Video and DVD.

Series 16. - C:22/8/16 (A95-158)
This Series contains autobiographical writings and original records relating to the career of 1917 MU Graduate and life-long newspaper reporter and editor, Frank Haviland King. Included in the Series are news clippings, wire service "flimsies," and autobiographical notes and manuscripts.
(3 1/6 c.f.: 3 c.f., 110932, 110933, 110934; 1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 17. - C:22/8/23 (A00-133; A02-93)
This collection was assembled by Harvey D. Harmon and his wife, the former Miss Empo Allen, both alumni of the University of Missouri-Columbia, (1921). The collection consists of a 1920 Dairy Judging Team medal engraved, "H.D. Harmon, Alternate;" an MU souvenir spoon with MU Seal at the top in silver plate; a 1921 B.S. of Agriculture Diploma belonging to Harvey D. Harmon; a copy of The Missouri Alumnus (01/1930); a 1921 leather bound commencement program, a copy of the commencement list of the class of 1921 published by The Columbia Missourian, (4/21/1921), and student grade reports and cards for Mr. and Mrs. Harmon (1917-1920).
Note to Archivist: These materials were donated to the University Archives by Mr. Ralph Harmon of Tulsa, OK in 08/2000 and 6/2002.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1; OSF, MC)

Series 18. - C:22/8/24 (A00-185)
This Series contains a scrapbook and items collected by 1925 Arts and Science Alumna Jeannette Alberton Scism. The bulk of the items relate to the annual Barnwarming celebration and includes programs, newspapers, invitations and dance cards. Scism also collected football ticket stubs and pins, programs from University sponsored events, and memorabilia such as a tin spoon and a student election hang tag.
Note to Archivist: These materials were donated to the University Archives by Virginia Talbert.
(1/3 c.f., Ellis)

Series 19. - C:22/8/25 (A00-78)
This Series contains seventeen black and white photographs of the University of Missouri collected by University of Missouri Alumnus Thomas Kenneth Murphy, (ca 1923). The majority of this collection consists of small, commercially produced exterior images of campus buildings and scenes. Also included in this Series are two images of the Columns from different vantage points.
Note to Archivist: These materials were donated to the University Archives by Thomas Kenneth Murphy's daughter, Jeraldine S. Smith.
(FF [within 1/6 box], UMLD1)
Note to Archivist: C:22/8/25 is stored in the same box as C:31/2/NP (A00-71), C:6/37/5, C:22/8/26, and C:22/8/27

Series 20. - C:22/8/26 (A00-186)
This Series contains one sepia-tone photograph (24 x 18.5 cm) of the Columns located on the campus of the University of Missouri-Columbia looking towards the Commerce Building, (ca. 1915).
Note to Archivist: These materials were donated to the University Archives by Mindy Thomason.
(FF [within 1/6 box], UMLD1)
Note to Archivist: C:22/8/26 is stored in the same box as C:31/2/NP (A00-71), C:6/37/5, C:22/8/25, and C:22/8/27

Series 21. - C:22/8/28 (A00-68)
This Series contains records of the women's athletic program at the University of Missouri-Columbia and the impact of Title IX, (1973-1974). The Series consists of photocopied newspaper articles from a scrapbook found within the records of the Intercollegiate Athletic Department.
Note to Researcher: The creator of the scrapbook is unknown. The bulk of the articles were regionally published and directly relate to Missouri, but articles with a national theme are also included.
(Env., Ellis)

Savitar Frolic ticket
Savitar Frolic ticket
Collected by John F. Eyler, Series 22

Series 22. - C:22/8/29 (A01-69)
This Series contains a scrapbook of the Savitar Frolics compiled by University of Missouri-Columbia Journalism School Alumnus and Savitar Frolic producer John F. Eyler, (1950-1952). The scrapbook consists of correspondence, scripts, programs, (1950, 1958, 1959, and 1961), color copies of program covers, (1950-1952, 1958, 1959, 1961), a floor plan of Stephens Auditorium, (ca. 1950), ticket stubs, copies of newspaper articles, and a brief biographical note on Eyler. The scrapbook also holds a program and a newspaper article from the Carousel Night Club (1951).
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Historical Note: The first annual Savitar Frolic was produced by Donald J. Galamba in 1938 as a way to showcase what he perceived as unrecognized talent within the University of Missouri-Columbia Greek System. The Savitar Frolics was a competition between the houses with short skits written, produced, and performed entirely by their members. Judging was done by representative students and faculty and a traveling trophy was awarded. Funds raised from admissions were initially used to defray production costs of The Savitar, the yearbook. The Savitar Frolics stopped being held by the late 1960s.

Series 23. - C:22/8/30 (A01-104)
This Series contains a scrapbook belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stanton and donated by James Kome, (ca. 1913-1914). There are thirteen black and white photographs and picture postcards of University of Missouri campus scenes including the Columns, football games, a track meet and the 1914 High School Day. Kansas, Oklahoma, and Drake are the football opponents while Iowa State is the track opponent.
(OSB, Ellis)

Series 24. - C:22/8/31 (A01-153; A02-149)
This Series contains Homecoming Blood Drive t-shirts, (2001-2003). Shirts were given out to those who donated blood during the Blood Drive. A number of the shirts were received as donations by an MU student.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Series 25. C:22/8/32 (A01-160)
This Series contains various photographs taken by and including Joe Burns, 1948 UMC graduate, while he was a student, (1946-1948). This collection contains photographs related to MU dances, Army ROTC dances, Wright's Cafe, fraternity houses during Homecoming, marching band performances, Hinkson Creek beer parties, student housing facilities, campus structures including the Columns and Jesse Hall, and general student life and activities.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Joe Burns, while at Columbia, resided at Eula Meals' Rooming Home, located at 715 Hitt Street. Her son, Joe Meals, showed Mr. Burns how to shoot and develop photographs. This occurred at a time when there were few cameras on the campus. His interest developed and he established a photo lab with his friend Zeal Wright (who is pictured in the collection). Wright later became a professional photographer. Mr. Burns, after graduation, went to work for B. F. Goodrich Company.

Series 26. - C:22/8/34 (A02-139)
This Series contains memorabilia associated with a former University of Missouri student, Carmelita Anderson, and donated by her daughter Carolyon D. Beuhler. In the Series are two playbills from the Quadrangle Club, an amateur theatrical group, for the following productions: Hundred Dollar Bill (1911) in the Columbia Theatre and The Land of the Toreador (1912) in Kansas City. Carmelita Anderson participated in both productions. The 1912 playbill includes a brief history of the Quadrangle Club that was reprinted in the Savitar of that year. Also in this Series is a newspaper clipping (ca. 1951) about the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri that mentions former Board President, Roscoe Anderson, the older brother of Carmelita Anderson. Carmelita Anderson studied at the University of Missouri for two years and was a member of Alpha Phi sorority.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 1)

Series 27. - C:22/8/35 (A02-124)
This Series contains 49 color photographic slides (ca. 1962-1967) donated by University of Missouri alumna Alice Padova Anderson who received a degree in 1963 in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. The slides in the Series are of a Department of Extension Education graduation (1965), a University of Missouri football game (1962), an International Student Christmas Dinner (1965), International Night festivities, a Community Development event, and an International Student event attended by University of Missouri President Elmer Ellis.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)

Former Series #28 C:22/8/36
UMC; Student Life; Student Memorabilia; Robert Tonn Collection
This summary description has been enlarged to a full inventory.
Please follow this link to reach the inventory. This collection consists of 62 black-and-white photographs taken by Robert W. Tonn, 1949 alumnus of the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism, (1946-1949).

Series 29. - C:22/8/38 (A97-5)
This series includes 84 scrapbook pages of photographs taken ca. 1916. The first half of the album features casual photographs of female residents of Sampson Hall on the interior and exterior of the residence hall, on white campus, and outdoors. A few Sampson Hall staff photos are included, as well as post cards from May Day, 1916. The second half of the album features casual family and travel photographs. Family and friends are seen at the beach, a canyon, a farm, a camp, and at various other locations and homes apparently across the United States.
Some names mentioned on photograph labeling include: Sybil Burton, Bess Calbert, Claire Cowperthwaite, Bertha Daniel, Ellen Dietrich, Nell Fitzgerald, Ethel Fricke, Sara Godschalk, Louise Harris, Esther Heinicke, Willie "Billie" Boardman Huse, Mary Lay, Edith Lowe, Hazel Ludwig, Esther Heumke, Katherine Martini, Myrtle Moore, Hildah Neibert, Minerva Nott, Grace Richmond, Mildred Schwieder, Laura Smith, Olive Stough, Grace Taylor, Tete Todd, Ellen Louise "Luelle" Vosholl, Marian Warner, and Bob Washington.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Biographical Note: This scrapbook appears to have been owned by Katherine B. Stauffer of Saint Louis, who attended the University of Missouri-Columbia from 1915 to 1916.
Note to Archivist: These materials were donated to the University by Janice Meyer Voit. The collection was originally located at C:0/47/2 as FF 25.

Series 30. - C:22/8/39 (A03-2)
This Series consists of 27 - 3.5"x4.5" black and white photographs of the University of Missouri-Columbia campus during an ice storm in Columbia, Missouri, (1949). These photographs were taken and donated to the University by Earl Edward Brown, of Brentwood, Missouri. He graduated from UMC in 1953 with a B.S. in Education.
(Env., Ellis)

Series 31. - C:22/8/40 (A03-67)
This Series contains one reproduction of a photograph of College of Agriculture alumnus Lee Williams (Bachelor of Science, 1930) in track uniform, (ca. 1930). The item was donated by Tom Soetaert.
(FF [within shared OSB], Ellis)
Note to Archivist: This reproduction was part of a donation by Tom Soetaert that included four Savitars from Lee Williams (1927, 1928, 1929, 1930) and two from Clarence 'Fuzzy' Williams (1918, 1920) which have been added to
C:22/1/1 located in Series 4 in Record Group 22 C, Sub-Group 7.

Series 32. - C:22/8/41 (A03-101)
This Series contains student memorabilia, (1917-1947, bulk 1919-1923). The Series consists of a scrapbook of University of Missouri Alumnus Harold Tydings Boyd (AB, 1923) entitled "College Days at Old Mizzou." The scrapbook includes signatures and comments of friends, tickets to sporting events, dance cards, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity materials, a Memorial Union Building Fund receipt, and 36 black-and-white photographs of sporting events, the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity House, and unidentified exterior scenes. The scrapbook was donated by Clark and Ann Havenor.
(OSB, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: One of the photographs in the scrapbook is of "Jack's Shack." However, it is not certain that this building is the Davis Tea Room (later known as "the Shack") that once stood at 704 Conley Avenue.

Series 33. - C:22/8/43 (A05-06)
This Series contains student memorabilia, (1953-1958), donated by University of Missouri alumnus Edward C. Wicklein (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, 1956). The Series consists of items from portions of a scrapbook kept by Wicklein documenting his years at the University of Missouri, including: dinner and event programs, tickets, and invitations for such occasions as the Agriculture Club Banquet and Savitar Frolics; Student-Government-related flyers and news clippings; "Knight Owl" and "Jack of Hearts" campaign material; and photographs. Items found in the Series that did not form part of the scrapbook include: a wooden 'Ruf Nex' paddle, Farmer's Fair jackets, Barnwarming memorabilia, and photographic slides depicting Homecoming, Farmer's Fair, and an University of Missouri-University of Kansas track meet.
(1 1/2 c.f.: 1/6 c.f., Ellis; 3 OSB, Ellis; Env, Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 34. - C:22/8/44 (A05-58)
This Series contains student memorabilia, (1927), from Kenton C. Winston, MU freshman in the fall of 1927. The memorabilia consist of a freshman 'beanie', an usher's badge for the West Virginia vs. Missouri football game, and one University of Missouri booster pin.
(Shoebox, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: The items were donated by Charlie E. Winston.

Series 35. - C:22/8/45 (A06-30)
This Series contains a scrapbook compiled by Lela Robbins while she was a student at the University of Missouri-Columbia, (ca. 1919-1921). The Series includes photographs, postcards, news clippings, a Homecoming badge and program, a Farmer's Homecoming Fair program, a Barnwarming dance card, a Y.W.C.A. membership badge and invitation, student government campaign buttons, football and track meet programs and schedules, programs from plays, concerts, and luncheons, a pep book and a Sophomore Yells & Songs booklet.
(OSB, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: The scrapbook was donated by Lela Robbins' daughter Joanne White, who also attended the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Series 36. - C:22/8/46 (A07-33; A14-11; A23-67; A23-88)
This Series contains student memorabilia collected by University of Missouri alumnus Bennett Tarleton, (1954-2007). The memorabilia document many aspects of Tarleton's years at MU, including enrollment, registration, course work, student activities, student organizations, and graduation. Some of the material included in this Series are issues of the Department of English publication Midlands, The Williams House Word, the History of the Independents: 1868-1964, Mystical Seven, University of Missouri publications, the Student Union Board, the Missouri Workshop Theatre, and the Alliance Party.
Note to Researcher: Bennett Tarleton graduated from the University of Missouri's College of Arts and Science in 1965 with a Bachelor of Arts with Honors in English. Tarleton was student editor of Midlands in 1965. A number of his short stories appeared in the publication, winning a Mahan Short Story Prize in both 1963 and 1964. He also served as editor of the 1964-1965 Student Activities Handbook And Other Things. Tarleton served as Student Union Council Films Chairman in 1964 and as Vice President of Promotion for the Student Union in 1965. In addition, he was a member of the Missouri Students Association Concerts Committee and the Reorganization Board. Tarleton returned to the University to work as an administrative assistant in Student Activities for the school year 1969-1970.
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.
(1 1/3 c.f.: 1/3 c.f., UMLD1; 1 c.f., 131556; OSF, Ellis)

Series 37. - C:22/8/47 (A07-122)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by alumna (Bachelor of Arts) Alice May Hougen (née Reynolds), (ca. 1931). The memorabilia consist of a 1931 edition of the Savitar; the 89th Annual Commencement Calendar of the Week - Order of the Academic Procession; 1931 Program for Baccalaureate Exercises; 1931 Program for Commencement; two instructional memoranda from the Committee on Public Exercises regarding commencement exercises; a letter of welcome to the 1931 graduating class from the Director of Alumni Activities, Bob Hill; the Women's Self-Government Association's booklet entitled Around the Columns; a program for the Missouri Workshop's Annual Banquet; and an initiation certificate from the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority.
(1/6 c.f., Ellis)
Note to Researcher: The material in this Series was donated by Jane H. Fast, the daughter of Alice Hougen.

Series 38. - C:22/8/48 (A08-13)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected into a scrapbook by alumnus (Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws, 1923) Fred A. Eldean, (ca. 1919-1925). Much of the scrapbook pertains to Eldean's successful campaign for and term as Student Body President, (1920-1921), and consists of newspaper clippings, flyers, cards, advertisement, buttons, and other campaign emphemera. The scrapbook also documents other campus events and activities of interest to Eldean, including the debate team, Rhodes scholarships, athletics, Student Council mass meeting programs, pep books, homecoming, Farmers' Fair, and a student handbook. The scrapbook also contains a photograph of Eldean, (n.d.), and a Gold Reunion clipping from the Missouri Alumnus, (1971).
(1 c.f., 074454; OSF, MC)
Note to Researcher: The scrapbook was received from the Alumni Association in 2007.
Note to Archivist: In an attempt to better preserve the scrapbook, oversized items have been removed to a separate folder and preservation copies of the newspaper clippings substituted for originals where possible.

Series 39. - C:22/8/49 (A08-41)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by alumnus (Civil Engineering, 1913) Harry Tidd, (1906-1913). The memorabilia consist of three photographs and a program for the 1913 Commencement Exercises. The photographs are of the 1906 football team, the 1907 track team, and the 1910 or 1911 track team. Tidd appears in all three photographs.
(FF [within shared OSB], Ellis)
Note to Researcher: The items in this Series were donated by Harry Tidd's daughter, alumna (Bachelor of Arts, 1947) Ruth Tidd Rothwell.

Series 40. - C:22/8/51 (A10-18)
This Series contains the sheet music for two songs from Hundred Dollar Bill (1911), a three act play written and produced by three University of Missouri students. The play was written and directed by Vaughn Bryant and the music was composed by Girard Blair, with lyrics written by Edwin Patterson.
(OSF, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: The items in this Series were donated to the University Archives by Mary Barile. For playbills of the Hundred Dollar Bill production see
Series 26 of this Record Sub-Group.

Series 41. - C:22/8/52 (A10-32)
This Series contains fifteen black and white photographs of the University of Missouri collected by alumna (Bachelor of Journalism, 1953) Mary Vasilades. The photographs are of the residents of Temporary Dormitory #1 during the 1950-1951 school year. The photographs include interior and exterior views of that building.
(Env., Small Holdings Box 7)

Series 42. - C:22/8/53 (A11-21)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri, (1904-1907). The memorabilia consist of a journal-scrapbook kept by Jewette Emeline LeCompte (Bachelor of Arts, 1907) filled with writing about and memorabilia of the University. The journal-scrapbook was a pre-printed, bound volume entitled The College Girls' Record published by Paul Elder and Company in San Francisco, California. LeCompte annotated the volume with everything from lists of buildings on campus to favorite faculty, campus events and dances to descriptions of her vacations, lists of college publications to recipes, autographs and addresses of friends to descriptions of her lodgings in Read Hall, etc. LeCompte inserted many items into the journal-scrapbook, including dance cards, calling cards, invitations, programs, valentines, German Club meeting announcements, Housemeeting announcements, songs and cheers, club member lists, graduation events, trimmings from graduation gowns, photographs of friends, etc. Items and topics of interest include a ticket to the 1904 Y.W.C.A. "recreation" of the Pike from the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, items related to the short-lived Academics' annual Hegira and Carnival, establishment of Easter Holidays, a receipt for room and board in Read Hall, the first Farmers' County Fair, and a blueprint invitation from Senior and Junior Engineers to the fourth annual "Reception to the University Girls."
(Volume, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: The journal-scrapbook was donated by Denise Fry, the great granddaughter of Jewette LeCompte Ray.

Series 43. - C:22/8/54 (A11-59)
This Series contains memorabilia relating to Malcolm McCullough 'Mack' Keeble who attended the University of Missouri from 1922 until 1925. The memorabilia, (ca. 1916-1981), consists mainly of scrapbooks, photographs, news clippings, award medals, certificates, and correspondence pertaining to Keeble's athletic accomplishments in track and field, particularly as a hurdler. Some of the memorabilia dates from Keeble's professional career with the Magnolia Petroleum Company. While the larger of the two scrapbooks in this Series does include photographs, clippings, and other memorabilia from Keeble's time in Columbia, including the Sigma Chi fraternity, it focuses heavily on Keeble's track achievements, including the 1924 United States Olympic team for which he qualified in the triple jump, placing second at the try-outs in Boston in June of 1924. Some of the photographs in the scrapbook depict members of the 1924 US Olympic team with whom Keeble traveled to France aboard the SS America, including Missouri alumnus and sprinter Jackson Scholz and discus/shot-put champion Bud Houser. In addition, the scrapbook has photographs of the track team's accommodations during the Olympic Games and of races Keeble ran in Holland following the Games. The scrapbook also contains a photograph of University of Missouri track coach Bob Simpson running the hurdles as well as Simpson's first recruiting letter to Keeble.
(2 OSB, Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in this Series were donated by Deanne Sims in the name of her mother, Eloise Pauli, who befriended the Keebles in Snyder, Texas, in the 1950s.
The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 44. - C:22/8/55 (A12-22)
This Series contains student memorabilia collected by alumni Ellen Brewer and Burns Winfred Brewer, Jr., (1927-1947). The memorabilia consist of: Alpha Chi Omega directory, (1927), Alpha Chi Omega pledge handbook, (1928), commencement programs, (1935-1937), official notices of Gregory Fellowships, (1936, 1937), offprints of B. W. Brewer's articles "A Criterion for Solvability by Radicals," (1941), and "Smallest Fields over which Every Polynomial is Solvable by Radicals," (1947), photographs of B. W. Brewer, and a newsprint image of Ellen Brewer.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 1)
Note to Researcher: Ellen Brewer attended the University of Missouri in 1929 as a member of the class of 1932. Her brother (?) Burns W. Brewer, Jr. received three degrees in Mathematics from the University of Missouri: Bachelor of Arts (1935), Master of Arts (1936), and Doctor of Philosophy (1938). B. W. Brewer began teaching at Oregon State University in 1947.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in this Series were donated by Laura Ballou who received the material from Roland T. Minter in Wisconsin. The Brewers were residents of Janesville, Wisconsin.

Series 45. - C:22/8/56 (A12-38)
This Series contains memorabilia, (ca. 1937-1995), of the University of Missouri collected by MU alumni George H. Miller (Bachelor of Journalism, 1940). The memorabilia consist of a receipt for student semester fees, (1938-1939), fraternity and honorary society pins and keys, (ca.1937-1958), undated pins and tie tacks from the MU Alumni Association, and a medallion from the University of Missouri Gold Medal Society (1995). The memorabilia were donated by George Miller's wife June (née Reynolds).
(Env., Small Holdings Box 8)

Series 46. - C:22/8/57 (A12-39)
This Series contains two reels of 8mm film shot by William Noel Koch (Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts, 1969) while attending the University of Missouri. One reel contains footage of football games against Colorado and Kansas and footage of students from Cramer Hall playing football on campus, (1964). The other reel contains footage of football games against UCLA, Nebraska, and Oklahoma State, and footage of pre-med students staging a fake attempted murder and rescue, (1965).
(Env., Small Holdings Box 8)

Series 47. - C:22/8/58 (A12-50)
This Series contains student memorabilia collected by Ruby Wilma Ray, (1941, 1944). The memorabilia consist of a commencement program, (1944), and an issue of Alpha Gamma Delta Guide for the University of Missouri's Epsilon Alpha Chapter, (1941).
(FF, Small Holdings Box 1)
Note to Researcher: Ruby Ray attended the University of Missouri from 1940 through 1943.
Note to Archivist: The items in this Series were donated by Ruby Ray's daughter, Mary Sue McMurtry Fennewald in May, 2012.

Series 48. - C:22/8/60 (A12-82)
This Series contains student memorabilia, (ca. 1924-1931), collected by Edgar Everett Coy (Bachelor of Journalism, 1931). The memorabilia consist of various certificates related to Coy's participation in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps at the University of Missouri, including appointments to Infantry Corporal and Cadet Captain. Other certificates are for memberships in Alpha Delta Sigma and Scabbard and Blade. Also included in the Series is Coy's "Unofficial Credit Book" at MU, (1927). The Series also contains photographs depicting Coy during officers' training and marksmen competitions, including some taken at Camp Perry in Ohio, (1930), and a panoramic photograph of the ROTC Companies A, B, C, and D at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, (1930). Other photographs depict the MU campus and include the "M" in the north end of Memorial Stadium and a group of Coy's friends at 705 Hitt Street, (1930).
(1/3 c.f., Ellis; OSF, Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The items in this Series were donated in July, 2012, by Edgar Coy's son, Charles Garton Coy (Bachelor of Journalism, 1957) with assistance from Edgar Coy's daughter Marilyn Coy Dean.

Series 49. - C:22/8/61 (A12-90)
This Series contains student memorabilia, (1966-1967, 1976), created and collected by David L. Kirk (Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Dramatic Art, 1968). The memorabilia consist of scrapbooks, scripts, photographs, and recordings pertaining to the 1966 and 1967 Savitar Frolics and to the 1967 musical "Castle High or, The Monster Eve" written by Kirk and produced at the Hall Theatre in Columbia, Missouri. The scripts are for the joint Men's and Women's Residence Hall Associations' entries into the Frolics, both of which were written by Kirk. The recordings (1/4" audio tape) of the Savitar Frolics include the entire shows for 1966 and 1967. The Series also includes a DVD-R of footage of the Residence Hall Associations' skits for both years.
(1 1/3 c.f.: 2/3 c.f., UMLD1; OSB, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Additional historical information is available in some of the donor correspondence filed with the paper finding aid(s).
Note to Archivist: The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.
The material in this Series was donated by David L. Kirk in 2012, and he provided the digital video from his original 8mm footage.

Series 50. - C:22/8/59 (A12-57)
This Series contains memorabilia collected by Joseph Douglas Stone (Bachelor of Science, 1937, and Master of Arts, 1939) and Mable Louise (née Hawkins) Stone. Contains two Barnwarmin' programs/dance cards (1934 and 1935), an invitation for dance lessons (1936), an undated menu from G&S Sandwich Shop and an undated poster for the senior play "Easy Money."
(FF, Small Holdings Box 1)
Note to Archivist: The items in this Series were donated by Pamela S. Stroup, daughter of Joseph and Mable Stone.

Series 51. - C:22/8/62 (A13-39)
This Series contains memorabilia collected by Emma Brady (attended MU 1915-1956). The memorabilia consist of six photographic prints depicting the Zoology and Geology Building (Swallow Hall), the Columns, the Quadrangle, the YMCA building, and a canoeing excursion on a local lake.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 2)
Note to Archivist: The items in this Series were donated by Louise Malenofski who is the granddaughter of Emma Brady.

Series 52. - C:22/8/63 (A13-78; A13-95)
This Series contains student memorabilia collected by George Gordon Robertson (Bachelor of Arts, 1899). The memorabilia, (1898-1899), consists of eighty-one mounted photographic prints that depict Robertson's time in Company I of the Fifth Missouri Volunteer Infantry, the Columbia campus of the University of Missouri, and the area in and around Columbia, Missouri. More than half the photographs pertain to the Fifth Missouri Volunteer Infantry and include views of Lytle, Lookout Mountain, and Camp Thomas in Chickamauga Park, Georgia. The photographs depict the Company's camp, target practice, monuments, the cemetery, mule teams, the kitchen, a guard mount, a craps game, tug-of-war, a field day, the hospital, and individual members of Company I. The headquarters of the Fifth Missouri Volunteer Infantry in Lexington, Kentucky, is also depicted. The photographs of the University of Missouri Columbia campus are of various academic buildings, including some snow scenes, and the Columns, including a class of 1899 prank. The Series also includes interior shots of unidentified buildings showing some of Robertson's classmates. The photographs taken in and around Columbia include street scenes, Hinkson Creek, and Balance Rock as well as the Kappa Sigma house and the residence of Professor Raymond Weeks, where Robertson roomed. Series 52 also contains four volumes of the Savitar, (1896-1899).
(2/3 c.f.: 1/3 c.f., UMLD1; 1/3 c.f., Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The items in this Series were donated by Nancy L. Robertson, the wife of George Gordon Robertson's grandson, George G. Robertson.

Series 53. - C:22/8/64 (A13-85)
This Series contains student memorabilia collected by Robert Skole (Bachelor of Journalism, 1952). The memorabilia consist of a drawing (ink and watercolor on paper) by alumnus Don Albert Pengelly of a Showme staff meeting in the Shack, (ca. 1951). The drawing may depict, among others, Pengelly, Skole, Herb Green, Terry Rees, Don Dunn, Pat Kilpatrick, Herb Knapp, Joel Gold, and Glenn Troelstrup.
(OSF, Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The item of memorabilia in this Series were given to University Archives by Carole Sue DeLaite from the Office of Development to whom Robert Skole had sent the drawing in 1992.

Series 54. - C:22/8/65 (A13-87)
This Series contains memorabilia of Carl Ristine (Bachelor of Law, 1910). The memorabilia consist of two mounted photographs (ca. 1910, 1932) and a commission from the State of Missouri for Captain of Company A, Sixth Missouri Infantry, National Guard of Missouri, (1917). Ristine was an active athlete during his time at the University of Missouri, serving as captain of the 1909 football team. Ristine served in World War I and again in World War II. In 1942, while serving in the Office of the Inspector General Office of the United States Army, Ristine was appointed defense attorney for Nazi saboteur George John Dasch.
(2/3 c.f.: OSB, Ellis; OSF, Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in this Series were given to University Archives by Carole Sue DeLaite from the Office of Development in the name of Patricia P. Clay.

Series 55. - C:22/8/66 (A13-90)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Donna Kay Cowan, (Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, 1962). The memorabilia consist of a variety of printed and duplicated material including event programs, departmental brochures, Greek week and other fraternity/sorority events, athletic event tickets, the 1960 mock convention, and the Association of Women Students.
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.
The items in this Series were donated by Donna Kay Atkinson (née Cowan).

Series 56. - C:22/8/67 (A14-01)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri, (1902). The memorabilia consist of a postcard sent from Bishop Hathaway (Bachelor of Arts, 1902) to the University Proctor Jeremiah Glenn Babb asking about the availability of rooms in the University Boarding Club.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 2)

Series 57. - C:22/8/68 (A14-12)
This Series contains student and other memorabilia of Robert William Southerland, (1924-1926, 1932, 1940). The memorabilia consist of three volumes of bound notes, drawings, examinations, abstracts, and papers from some of his coursework at the University of Missouri. The material encompasses the following courses: Physiology of Central Nervous System and Sense Organs 105f, (1924), General Pathology, Special Pathology, Medical Bacteriology, (1925), Preventive Medicine (Extension Division), Alimentary Mechanisms 103f, (1925), and Circulation and Respiration 101f, (1926). Also included some material from Physiology 102a as well as two reprints of publications by Southerland, "Three Cases of Tumors in the Posterior Cranial Fossa with Mental Symptoms," (1932), and "Relative Effects of Phenobarbital and Sodium Bromide as Anticonvulsants in Epileptic Psychoses," (1940).
(1 c.f., 058087)
Note to Researcher: Robert W. Southerland received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Missouri in 1926. He went on to obtain a Doctor of Medicine degree from the Medical College of Virginia in 1928.
Note to Archivist: This material was received from Robert Southerland's son, Douglas E. Southerland, in 2014.

Series 58. - C:22/8/69 (A14-13)
This Series contains student memorabilia collected by Roy H. Hall, (ca. 1920-1921). The memorabilia consist of photographic prints of MU students. According to the annotations on the backs of the images, the students depicted are: Bernice Childs, Dorothy Craig, Elizabeth Estes, Mary Hamil, Lois Harris, Bertha Johnstone, Martha Martin, Margaret McCausland, Henry S. McQueen, and Dorothy Stephenson.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 2)
Note to Researcher: Roy H. Hall received a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture (1917) and a Master of Arts degree in Geology (1921) from the University of Missouri.
Note to Archivist: The photographs were received from Hall's daughter-in-law, Mary Nell Hall in 2014.

Series 59. - C:22/8/70 (A14-14)
This Series contains student memorabilia collected by Patricia Jean Price, (1954-1955). The memorabilia consist of a commencement program, (1955), an Association of Women Students' House Council manual, (1954), a University press release about the graduation of Price and her twin sister Sarah Margaret Price, (1955), and a photograph of the sisters in graduation regalia in front of the Columns, (1955).
(FF, Small Holdings Box 2)
Note to Researcher: Patricia Jean Price received a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from the University of Missouri in 1955.
Note to Archivist: The material in this Series was received from Alumni Relations in 2014.

Series 60. - C:22/8/71 (A14-26)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri created by Ross Jacob Silkett, (1925-1926). The memorabilia consist of three bound volumes of lecture notes and related article abstracts for a course in Advanced Plant Physiology taught by William Jacob Robbins during the fall of 1925 and the spring of 1926. The three volumes contain typed lecture notes, examination questions, bibliographies, and article abstracts by Silkett. Some of the pages have annotations by Robbins about the quality of Silkett's work.
(3 Volumes, 013545)
Note to Researcher: Ross J. Silkett received a Master of Arts degree in Agricultural Economics (1938) from the University of Missouri. William J. Robbins served as Professor of Botany at the University of Missouri from 1919 until 1938 when he became Director-in-Chief of the New York Botanical Garden. Robbins was Acting President of the University for Walter Williams during 1933-1934.
Note to Archivist: The three volumes were received from the Division of Biological Sciences in 2014.

Series 61. - C:22/8/72 (A14-29)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri created by Warren W. Pearce, (ca. 1965). The memorabilia consist of photographic negatives (35mm) depicting the studio of radio station KCCS, the ham radio room of WØZLN, a concert, and unidentified campus scenes. Pearce was one of the electrical engineering students involved with the MU campus student radio station (580 AM).
(FF, Small Holdings Box 2)
Note to Researcher: Warren Pearce received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (1968) from the University of Missouri.
Note to Archivist: The negatives in Series 61 were sent by Warren W. Pearce to Mizzou Magazine in 2011. They were transferred to University Archives in 2014.

Series 62. - C:22/8/73 (A14-69)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Oscar Daniel Wetherell, Jr., (ca. 1910-1912). The memorabilia consist of a scrapbook of photographic prints and postcards, many of which come from Wetherell's time as a student in the School of Journalism. Items in the scrapbook depict the following: the MU football team, including games with Rolla, Kansas, and Iowa; football players and coaches, including Theodore Hackney, Chester Brewer, and Bill Hollenbach; the basketball team and its players, including Joe Parker; the baseball team; track, including high jump, pole vault, Roy Johnson in the mile, and H. K. Thatcher throwing the discus; a copy of the "Beat Kansas" poem; Hobo Day; Farmers Fair; Toreador Nursery; May Day Pole; campus scenes in snow; the Mechanic Arts Building after a fire; friends and family of O. D. Wetherell, Jr., including George Albert Smith; Wetherell's boarding house; the Columbia courthouse columns; Albert Ross Hill; and Rollins Field.
(OSB, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: O. D. Wetherell studied Journalism at MU for two years (as a freshman and sophomore) from 1910 through 1912. The Series also includes photocopies of photographs retained by the donors depicting aviator Charles F. Willard at an aviation meet held in Columbia, Missouri, in May 1911. A number of the postcards in the scrapbook were produced by Volney McFadden.
Note to Archivist: The scrapbook was donated to University Archives by Wetherell's daughter-in-law Sally P. Wetherwell and his granddaughter Sandy Faust in 2014.

Series 63. - C:22/8/74 (A14-81)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Vinnie Adams, (1894). The memorabilia consist of a photograph (mounted) depicting the female graduating class of the University of Missouri of 1894: Vinnie Adams, Jennie Ottellie Kahn, Inez L. Riggs, Jean Augusta Schaefer, and Ida Gerig.
(Photograph, Small Holdings Box 2)
Note to Researcher: The photograph was produced at Douglass Studio in Columbia, Missouri.
Note to Archivist: The photograph was donated by Vinnie Adams' granddaughter, Mary Margaret Ratz in 2010.

Series 64. - C:22/8/75 (A14-90)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Jack Kimball Palmer, (ca. 1939). The memorabilia consist of a freshman beanie and a large felt "Missouri" pennant. The Series also includes a photographic print of Palmer taken during the 1970s.
(OSB, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Jack K. Palmer was a student in the College of Agriculture at the University of Missouri from 1939 through 1941 after which he entered military service.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were sent to the Mizzou Alumni Association in 2014 by Palmer's daughter, Patsy Palmer, and subsequently transferred to University Archives.

Series 65. - C:22/8/76 (A15-66)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Norman Garber, (1976, 1998). The memorabilia consist of two color photographs of the MU vs Ohio State football game that took place in Columbus, Ohio, on September 25, 1976. The photographs show the "Ohio" script formed by the marching band and the end of the game. Also included for the same game are a program and a ticket stub. In addition, there is a 1998 clipping from Mizzou alumni magazine featuring a letter-to-the-editor about the origin of the "M-I-Z Z-O-U" cheer or chant and an explanatory letter from Garber about the cheer.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 1)
Note to Researcher: Norman Garber received a doctorate degree in Communications from the University of Missouri in 1971.

Series 66. - C:22/8/77 (A16-13)
This Series contains student memorabilia of University of Missouri alumnus Morris Hanna Glazer, (ca. 1913-1918, 1954). The memorabilia consist of coursework, including papers, short stories, poems, lecture notes, and a few pieces of correspondence. The Series also contains miscellaneous items such as a postcard sent by Glazer, a club membership card, and meal cards.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Morris H. Glazer attended the University of Missouri from 1914 until 1918, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1918.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated by C. Trenton Boyd, Distinguished Librarian Curator of Medical & Veterinary Historical Collections at the University of Missouri. He acquired the material at auction.
The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 67. - C:22/8/78 (A16-15)
This Series contains student memorabilia of University of Missouri alumna Teri Noonan, (ca. 1987). The memorabilia consist of four Polaroid snapshots of the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, Missouri. The photographs depict: the plaza looking north past Brady Commons; the Avenue of the Columns (8th Street) from just inside the North Gateway looking south; the southern end of Hulston Hall along Missouri Avenue; and Hatch Hall from the west.
(Env., Small Holdings Box 7)
Note to Researcher: Teri A. Noonan received a Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of Missouri in 1988.
Note to Archivist: These photographs were received from the Alumni Communications in 2009.

Series 68. - C:22/8/79 (A17-18)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by MU Journalism student Charles Franklin Goldberg, (ca. 1915-1917). The memorabilia include two campus postcards, four photographic prints (unidentified except for one depicting Main Street in Rocheport, Missouri), a single-page scrapbook with news clippings and a 1916 Commencement Program of the Week, a student publication entitled "Spasm", a partial outline for a play, a theatre program for the University Dramatic Club, (1917), a program for the University Cadet Band, an advertisement for the Portmanteau Theater in University Auditorium, an "I Live Here - At Your Service" flyer, (1916), a copy of the 1915 Farmers' Fair Guide Book, a New Library Building pamphlet, (1915), two programs (written in Hebrew with a location of 125 Aisquith Street), and a copy of the Missouri Outlook, (November 1915).
(Env., Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated by Charles D. Sherman, grandson of Charles F. Goldberg and a former member of the faculty of the MU School of Journalism.

Series 69. - C:22/8/80 (A18-15)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by MU student Mildred Solomon, (1924-1926). The memorabilia consist of a photograph album kept by Solomon as a student; the album includes 71 photographs and a number of newspaper clippings on a variety of subjects, including Hendrix Hall, ROTC cadets, Read Hall, Schweitzer Hall, Lefevre Hall, the women's rifle team, the University Menorah Society, the Young Men's Hebrew Association (YMHA), the Women's Athletic Association (WAA), football games and parades, songs and yells, and the dedication of the Missouri State Capitol building in Jefferson City. A number of photographs show residents and rooms in Hendrix Hall, and an information sheet for residents of Hendrix Hall is also included.
(OSB, Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated by Charles L. Edson, son of Mildred Solomon.

Series 70. - C:22/8/81 (A18-41)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri related to MU student William T. Myers, (1907-1908). The memorabilia consist of a black and white photograph of military cadets on Francis Quadrangle, (1907); a Military Department certificate stating that Myers had completed the Two Years' Course in Military Science and Tactics, (1908); and a newspaper article regarding a trip to be taken by Myers and other cadets to the Jamestown Exposition, (1907).
(OSF, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: William T. Myers received the degree of Bachelor of Legal Letters from the University in 1909.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated to the Mizzou Military Veterans Alumni Association by Joyce Myers Sweeney (BS Ed 1954), daughter of William T. Myers. It was transferred to the University Archives by the Mizzou Alumni Association in November 2018.

Series 71. - C:22/8/82 (A19-12)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by MU alumnus Jerry R. Wright, (ca. 1943-2004). The memorabilia consist of material regarding MU football coach Albert Joseph "Al" Onofrio and given to Wright by one of Onofrio's sons and includes 16mm film reels of University of Missouri football games as well as material pertaining to Onofrio's military service during World War II. The Series also contains memorabilia of Wright's studies at the University of Missouri and his professional career, including a video project entitled "Brady Commons Mall", material related to the Arts & Science Mall, and photographs and other items pertaining to the development of the South Quadrangle.
(2 1/3 c.f.: 2 c.f., UMLD1; 1/3 c.f., Ellis; 1 Roll, CB120)
Note to Archivist: The material in Series 71 was donated by Jerry Wright who received a Bachelor of Science degree in Horticulture, (1980), from the University of Missouri.
The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 72. - C:22/8/83 (A19-13)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by MU alumnus George Zillgitt, (1937). The memorabilia consist of necropsy reports [RESTRICTED] completed by Zillgitt in his studies in the Department of Pathology in the University of Missouri's School of Medicine. The reports were completed in Necropsy Records booklets created by Dr. M. Pinson Neal.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Archivist: George Zillgitt received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Missouri in 1936 and a Bachelor of Science (Medicine) degree from the University of Missouri in 1937.
The material in Series 72 was received from the State Historical Society of Missouri in January of 2019.

Series 73. - C:22/8/84 (A19-21)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri created and received by MU alumna Patricia Ann Sukow, (1964). The memorabilia consist of lecture notes taken by Sukow and lecture outlines for the winter semester of Geography 6 (Regions and Nations of the World), a course taught by Jesse Harrison Wheeler, Jr.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 3)
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated by Patricia Ann (nee Sukow) Sublett, who received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Missouri's College of Education in 1966.

Series 74. - C:22/8/85 (A19-22)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by MU alumnus Michael Dean Sublett, (1962-1967). The memorabilia consist of extensive course-related material created or received by Sublett including lecture notes, outlines, handouts, assignments, examinations, and papers. The majority of course material pertains to Sublett's major field of study, Geography. Also included in Series 74 are notes for the laboratory section of Geography 6 for which Sublett was an assistant from 1965-1967 and information on tutoring services provided by the freshman honorary society Phi Eta Sigma for which Sublett served as Geography tutor.
(1 c.f., 018231)
Note to Researcher: Series 74 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated by Michael Dean Sublett, who received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography from the University of Missouri in 1966 and a Master of Arts degree in Geography from the University of Missouri in 1967.
The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 75. - C:22/8/86 (A19-41)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by alumna Cathy Monholland, (1969-1973). The memorabilia consist of Monholland's MU student identification card.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 2)

Series 76. - C:22/8/87 (A20-81)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Marguerite Krumbach and Samuel Frazier Russell, (1911-1915, 1919). The memorabilia consist of a scrapbook maintained by Marguerite Krumbach during her and her future husband's time at the University of Missouri between 1911 and his graduation from the College of Agriculture in May of 1915. The scrapbook also includes a few items from after the couple's time at the University. The items found in the scrapbook include many dance cards, photographs, postcards, and event programs. Among other things, the photographs and postcards depict campus events, Krumbach's sorority (Delta Gamma), Russell's fraternity (Farm House), Farmers' Fair, Farmers' Week, the Hobo Convention, and May Day.
(OSB, Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated by the grandson of Marguerite and Samuel Russell, Scott Russell in 2020.
The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 77. - C:22/8/88 (A20-84)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Edgar William Bergmann, (1913). The memorabilia consist of a pack of 25 small photographs (1.75 x 2.75 inches) of the University of Missouri campus produced by Grogan Photo System in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Depicted on the photographs are Lathrop Hall, the Agriculture Building (Waters Hall), the Law Building (Sociology Building), the Chemistry Building (Pickard Hall), the cattle barns, the Columns, Rollins Field and Rothwell Gymnasium, the Horticulture Building (Whitten Hall), Jesse Hall, the Poultry Building, the University Creamery, the Dairy Building (Eckles Hall), University barns and stables, the Agriculture Dean's Residence, the Engineering Building, Switzler Hall, Neff Hall, Schweitzer Hall, the Biological Building (Lefevre Hall), the Veterinary Building (Connaway Hall), the Library Building, and the Main Gates (North Entrance). The Series also contains a tinted postcard of Eighth Street in Columbia (addressed to Bergmann), Bergmann's student card in the College of Agriculture, and an invitation and program for commencement activities of the University High School.
(FF, Small Holdings Box Photographs 1)
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in Series 77 came to University Archives from the Alumni Association in 2020. The material was originally given to the Association by Beverly Bergman, the daughter-in-law of Edgar W. Bergmann.

Series 78. - C:22/8/89 (A20-85)
This Series contains student memorablia of the University of Missouri collected by Earle Graves Tyler, (1906). The memorabilia consist of a letter invitation to graduation for the Teachers College, a 1906 commencement program, and program for a production of the "Incog" presented by the 1906 Senior Class.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 3)
Note to Researcher: Earle Graves Tyler graduated from the University of Missouri Teachers College in 1906.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated to the Archives in 2020 by Michael Jacquin.

Series 79. - C:22/8/90 (A20-87)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Dean D. Richards, Jr., (1945, 1949). The memorabilia consist of Richards' notebook for an American Literature course and a 17th Century Literature course, (1949). Series 79 also includes a notebook from Humberto Silva, a friend of Richards. Silva's notebook, (1945), covers a variety of journalism courses, including Advertising Copy, Retail, Linotype, and History and Practice of Journalism.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 3)
Note to Researcher: Dean Richards, Jr. graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor of Journalism degree in 1953.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated by Richards' daughter, Nancy J. Richards in 2020.

Series 80. - C:22/8/92 (A20-93)
This Series contains memorablia of the University of Missouri collected by Guy Herbert Railsback, (ca. 1913). The memorabilia consist of four real photo postcards (two by Volney McFadden): high dive on agricultural grounds, track runner crossing finish line, Farmers' Fair parade, and an agriculture college event.
(FF, Small Holdings Box Photographs 1)
Note to Researcher: Guy Herbert Railsback graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture from the University of Missouri in 1914. Note to Archivist: The postcards were donated by Ann C. Bateman whose husband's grandfather was Guy Railsback.

Series 81. - C:22/8/91 (A20-96)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected over three generations by members of the Sherman and Hendin families, (1914-1970). The memorabilia include items from George A. Sherman (Bachelor of Science in Engineering, 1918), from Sherman's daughter Celeste Eunice (Sherman) Hendin (Bachelor of Journalism, 1943), from Celeste Hendin's husband Aaron Hendin (Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry, 1940; Bachelor of Science in Medicine, 1942), and from David B. Hendin (Bachelor of Science in Education, 1967; Master of Arts in Journalism, 1970), the son of Celeste and Aaron Hendin. The items of memorabilia include five scrapbooks, commencement programs, course materials, photographs, news and media clippings, press and other identification cards, and correspondence.
(1 1/2 c.f.: 1/6 c.f., UMLD1; 2 OSB, Ellis)
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated in 2020 by David B. Hendin.
The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 82. - C:22/8/93 (A20-95)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Paul Kufrin, (1973-1982). Much of the memorabilia pertains to Williams House in McDavid Hall were Kufrin lived and includes issues of "The Williams House Word", Williams House events, and a photograph of the house members used in the 1975 edition of the Savitar yearbook. Also included are items related to the College of Engineering and to Kufrin's academic work.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Paul Kufrin received a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the University of Missouri in 1977.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated by Paul Kufrin's brother Robert L. Kufrin (Bachelor of Science in Public Administration, 1974).
The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 83. - C:22/8/94 (A21-05; A22-26)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Richard Irwin Winer, (ca. 1946-1972). The memorabilia include student and Alumni Association identification cards for Winer, 1951 Commencement material, event tickets stubs, a series of artistic views of the University of Missouri Columbia campus, souvenir matchbooks, a University of Missouri class ring, an informational flyer for veterans from the University of Missouri Veterans Textbook Office, Alumni Office correspondence, a University of Missouri decal, and a University Bookstore protective book cover.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1; OSF, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Richard I. Winer attended the University of Missouri on the G.I. Bill and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History in 1951.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia were donated by Winer's cousin, Martha Bunch in 2021 and 2022.
The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 84. - C:22/8/95 (A21-30)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri from alumnus Harold Edward Gove, (1929). The memorabilia consist of a 1929 commencement program booklet and an embossed calling card for Gove.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 3)
Note to Researcher: Harold Gove received a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from the University of Missouri in 1929.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in Series 84 were donated by Jean Bourdon in April of 2021.

Series 85. - C:22/8/96 (A21-54)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by alumnus Eugene William Stapf, (1909). The memorabilia consist of two photographs of the 1909 Hobo Parade in Columbia, Missouri. The two photographs were originally part of a scrapbook or photograph album.
(FF, Small Holdings Box Photographs 1)
Note to Researcher: Eugene Stapf received a Certificate in the Department of Military Science and Tactics from the University of Missouri in 1909 and a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering in 1911.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in Series 85 were donated in August of 2021 by Catherine Anderson, the granddaughter of Eugene Stapf.

Series 86. - C:22/8/97 (A21-57)
This Series contains memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by alumnus Gary Cox, (1994). The memorabilia consist of a student insurance card from the University of Missouri underwritten by the Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company (GTL) for the 1994-1995 school year.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 3)
Note to Researcher: Gary Cox received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology in 1996 and a Master of Arts in Library Science in 2003 from the University of Missouri.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in Series 86 were donated by Gary Cox in August of 2021.

Series 87. - C:22/8/98 (A21-62)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri and other material collected by or pertaining to Melverne Wade Sigler, (1907-1917). The memorabilia consist of mounted photographs of Sigler's fraternity, Beta Theta Pi, (1907, 1908), and of the 1907 football team of which he was a member. Other photographs depict Sigler in uniform as a member of the U.S. Army Reserves and as a track athlete. Also included are four University Co-Operative Store postcards of MU football players, including Sigler, and Sigler's appointment letter to the 14th Provisional Training Regiment.
(2/3 c.f.: OSB, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Melverne Wade Sigler received a Bachelor of Arts degree in the College of Arts and Science from the University of Missouri in 1908.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in Series 87 were donated by Judy Pequet, the great-great-granddaughter of Melvern Sigler, in August of 2021.

Series 88. - C:22/8/99 (A22-14)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri and other material related to Robert Dale King, (ca. 1946-1950, 2008). The memorabilia consist of three photographs depicting King with fellow students or fraternity brothers, one photograph with King and friends in graduation regalia, and a photographic portrait of King. Series 88 also includes eighteen volumes from the Lincoln Factory Executive Service training series published by the Lincoln Extension Institute in Cleveland, Ohio, as well as a memorial service program for King, (2008).
(1/3 c.f., Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Robert Dale King received a Bachelor of Science degree in the College of Agriculture from the University of Missouri in 1950.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in Series 88 were sent to University Archives by the McClure Archives and University Museum at the University of Central Missouri in 2022.

Series 89. - C:22/8/100 (A22-28)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Waverly Paul Hays and Virginia Elinor Wood, (1909-1928). The memorabilia consist of University of Missouri diplomas for Hays and Wood, fraternity, sorority, and other pins, photographs of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity members, (1920-1921), photographs of University of Missouri herd cows, various certificates including Wood's 1928 University of Missouri Union and Stadium lifetime membership certificate, and printed and duplicated material.
(1 c.f.: 1/6 c.f., Ellis; OSB, Ellis; OSF, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Waverly Paul Hays received a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (1923) and a Master of Arts (1925) from the University of Missouri. Virginia Elinor Wood, who married Hays in 1928, received a Bachelor of Journalism degree in 1927.
Two of the panoramic photographs depict Company No. 1 of the University's Students' Army Training Corps (SATC) on campus. It is likely that Waverly Hays enrolled in the SATC at the University of Missouri after graduating from high school.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in Series 89 were donated by Janet Hays, the granddaughter of Waverly Hays and Virginia Wood. The donation was received in July 2022.
The box lists for this Series are available online. They can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 90. - C:22/8/101 (A23-03)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Ralph S. Lilly, (ca. 1932-1934). The memorabilia consist of Columbia Missourian issues (mainly the feature section), (1934), view books of Columbia, Missouri, a commencement program, (1934), a Journalism Week program, (1934), and a student-faculty directory for Christian College, University of Missouri, and Stephens College, (1932).
(OSB, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Ralph Scott Lilly received a Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of Missouri's School of Journalism in 1934.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in Series 90 were donated by Ralph Lilly's daughter, Mary Lilly Smith in 2022.
The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 91. - C:22/8/102 (A23-05)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Lyndon Burke Phifer, (1911-1912). The memorabilia consist of two home editions of the "yellow extra" from the University Missourian, one from February 21, 1911, and the other from April 11, 1912.
(OSB, Ellis)
Note to Researcher: Lyndon Burke Phifer received a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from the University of Missouri in 1912. He also received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Missouri's College of Arts and Science in 1913 but as of the class of 1912.
A digital version of the "yellow extra" edition from February 21, 1911, is available in the
Chronicling America collection. One from April 11, 1912, is available here.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia was donated by the granddaughter of Phifer, Margie Tullos, in 2023.

Series 92. - C:22/8/103 (A23-77)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Frank Weltner, (ca. 1966). The memorabilia [RESTRICTED] consist of two Missouri Store spiral-bound notebooks with notes and writing for English 426 (Studies in Shakespeare) and other unidentified courses.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 11)
Note to Researcher: Series 92 contains records which are confidential and restricted. See the restrictions note at the end of this finding aid.
Note to Archivist: The two notebooks were received from Ann Carter of the Alumni Association in July of 2023.

Series 93. - C:22/8/104 (A23-89)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Laurie Ahrens, (1987). The memorabilia consist of a copy of the 1987 Freshman Record sponsored by the Interfraternity Council. The publication includes photographs and names of the freshman class, campus phone numbers, addresses of fraternity and sorority houses, a campus map, and a few photographs of campus scenes.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 11)
Note to Archivist: The copy of the Freshman Record in Series 93 was donated by MU alumna Laurie Ahrens in October of 2023.
Note to Researcher: A copy of the 1982 volume of Freshman Record can be found in

Series 94. - C:22/8/105 (A24-06)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Herschel Gooding Crawford, (1918). The memorabilia consist of a small pin with attached back clasp. The pin, possibly a senior class or graduation pin, is in the shape of a column with "1918" on the base and "Missouri" on the shaft.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 11)
Note to Researcher: Herschel Gooding Crawford, from Atlanta, Missouri, entered the University of Missouri as a freshman in 1918. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Agriculture in 1922. His brother Herman Harold Crawford also attended the University of Missouri, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture in 1925.
Note to Archivist: The pin was donated by Steven Lonergan and alumna Elisabeth Huff-Lonergan (Bachelor of Science 1988, College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources) in 2024. Crawford was a great uncle of Huff-Lonergan.

Series 95. - C:22/8/106 (A24-13)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Carl Wallis, (1934-1947). The memorabilia consist of photographs of the columns and of an MU home football game, various University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, and Agricultural Experiment Station bulletins and circulars, and a few other printed and duplicated items.
(1/3 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Carl Wallis was a Special Student in the College of Agriculture around 1946-1947. He moved from Columbia to Knoxville, Tennessee, to work in plant nurseries. The memorabilia in Series 95 was donated by the daughter of Wallis, Margaret Gehring in 2024.
Note to Archivist: The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

Series 96. - C:22/8/107 (A24-44)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by George Mooney Duncan, (1926). The memorabilia consist of a 1926 Commencement booklet, a name card or carte de visite for Duncan, and a newspaper clipping from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat describing the 1926 Commencement Baccalaureate Sermon given by William Fletcher McMurry, President of Central and Howard-Payne colleges in Fayette.
(FF, Small Holdings Box 11)
Note to Researcher: George M. Duncan received a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and a Life Certificate to Teach from the University of Missouri in 1926.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in Series 96 was donated by the niece of Duncan, Mary Lu Palmer, in November 2024.

Series 97. - C:22/8/108 (A24-51)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Elizabeth McDaniel, (1912-1913). The memorabilia consist of a scrap album from McDaniel's senior year at the University of Missouri. The scrap book includes many photographic prints and postcards depicting McDaniel, Columbia, the university campus, campus events, football games, campus administrators, coaches, athletes and athletic teams, field hockey, sophomores vs freshmen, buildings and grounds, May Day, the Wabash Depot, Broadway, Boone County Court House, military cadets, and many others. Additional material and topics in the scrapbook are dance cards, invitations, newsclippings, musical and other event programs, rules and regulations, personal notes, and commencement. A loose item tucked into the scrapbook is an examination in Greek Literature for a course taught by William G. Manly.
(1/6 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Elizabeth McDaniel, from Faucett in Buchanan County south of St. Louis, received, along with her sister Maud, a Bachelor of Science degree in Education as well as a Life Certificate to Teach from the University of Missouri in 1913.
Note to Archivist: The scrapbook in Series 97 was donated by the granddaughter of McDaniel, Nancy Kirkham, in October 2024.

Series 98. - C:22/8/109 (A24-52)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Lauretta Belle Ferguson, (1913). The memorabilia consist of Ferguson's Bachelor of Arts diploma, a University of Missouri ring, a University of Missouri pin, and an Alpha Phi Sigma pin.
(OSB, Ellis; OSF, MC)
Note to Researcher: Lauretta Belle Ferguson received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the College of Arts and Science at the University of Missouri in 1913.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia in Series 98 was donated by the granddaughter of Ferguson, Carol Cornett Bryan, in September 2024.

Series 99. - C:22/8/110 (A24-55)
This Series contains student memorabilia of the University of Missouri collected by Karen Sue (nee Lang) Kummer and Rex E. Kummer, (1971-1978). The memorabilia consist of pages from Lang's college scrapbook, including event invitations and tickets, course enrollment and grade reports, housing assignments and dormitory information, academic honor certificates, and student identification cards. Also included in Series 99 are photographs of Lang, her dormmates and friends, campus, and Wolpers Hall. Additionally, there are event programs, some correspondence, and two Gibbons House t-shirts. The memorabilia collected by Rex Kummer are two volumes of the Savitar and one volume of the School of Medicine yearbook, MUtations.
(1 c.f., UMLD1)
Note to Researcher: Karen Lang received a Bachelor of Arts degree in the College of Arts and Science at the University of Missouri in 1974. Rex Kummer received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biological Sciences in the College of Arts and Science in 1974 and a Doctor of Medicine degree in the School of Medicine in 1978, both at the University of Missouri.
Note to Archivist: The memorabilia was donated by Karen Kummer in May of 2024.
The box list for this Series is available online. It can be accessed by
following this link.

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Published by: University Archives
Compiled: October 1998
Revised: 24 December 2024

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