University of Missouri - Columbia Archives



Newly accessioned records that are very similar in nature or content to records of an existing collection in the same administrative or academic unit can be added to the existing collection rather than creating a new collection.

NB: In the great majority of cases, it is best for a new accession/collection to receive its own classification number and description. This practice will facilitate reference service much better than adding to an existing collection.


Access to information will be provided more quickly, completely, and efficiently if closely related records or records that reflect the same organic business process from an originating office are brought together in one collection, rather than scattered throughout the holdings in small individual and unrelated collections.


This policy applies to all University of Missouri - Columbia Archives staff members.


4-1. The Reference and Technical Services Archivists determine if newly accessioned records are suitable for addition to existing collections.

4-2. The Archives staff processes the records into the existing collections, following the guidelines specified below.

4-3. The University Archivist has final approval over any addition to an existing collection.


5-1. Collection - a body of records that have come together by reason of a conscious decision.

5-2. Records Series - a body of records from a single administrative unit or academic department that has come together in a file unit by reason of an organic business process.


6-1. The decision is made to add a new accession to an existing collection.

6-2. The Kardex Control Card is adjusted to reflect the increase in volume, the addition of a new accession number, and additional location numbers and location indicators if the volume of new records has warranted additional boxes. If the newly accessioned items are particularly noteworthy, a line or two of descriptive narration can be added to the existing description.

6-3. The collection's hard-copy inventory, as well as the web finding aid, will be updated to reflect the addition of materials to the collection.

6-4. Regardless of format, box lists will be updated to reflect any additions of records to a collection.

6-5. The process of combining a newly accessioned body of records into an existing collection is noted in the accession register and on all finding aids for the collection.

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Revised: 03 May 2024

Published by: University Archives

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