The University of Missouri System Records Center annually transfers records from active/semi-active storage to permanent archival retention in accordance with established Records Retention and Disposition Schedules. The University Archivist reviews these records to appraise their research value and determine their final disposition.
The University of Missouri's Records Retention Guide is broad in scope and can on occasion results in the retention of non-archival records. Archival appraisal provides the opportunity to determine the archival value of all records that have reached the end of their life cycle and have an archival retention authorization.
This policy applies to all University of Missouri-Columbia Archives staff members.
The University Archivist will annually review the records that are eligible to be transferred to the Archives for permanent retention.
5-1. Appraisal - a collection management tool for determining archival value of records and, if so warranted, for correcting or refining scheduling decisions made as part of the records retention and disposition scheduling process.
5-2. Retention Schedule - a document that governs where and how long records will be retained and determines their disposition--destroyed or preserved--when their life cycle is complete. The University System's Records Management Division establishes records retention authorizations, which serve as the general university records retention and disposition schedule for both common and department-specfic records created by units of the Columbia campus and the University System Administration.
6-1. Annually, the University Archivist will appraise the records scheduled for transfer to the Archives.
6-2. Records meriting permanent retention are transferred to the legal and physical custody of the Archives. (See the Accessioning of Records policy, for details on accessioning records into archival custody).
6-3. Records determined to have little long term value are not retained or accessioned by the Archives, are recommended for destruction, and are scheduled for destruction or otherwise re-scheduled with a different authorization by Records Mangement.
6-4. Records not accepted into archival custody or mistakenly scheduled or misidentified for archival retention are so noted during the appraisal process. The University Archivist or designee will inform the creating office in writing that non-archival records will be returned to the Records Center for final disposition. The written communication gives the record creating office the opportunity to make other arrangements for the records by contacting a Records Manager. This action by the originating office should only be taken when there is a compelling reason for retaining the records, such as pending litigation, audit, or continuing administrative usefulness.
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Revised: 16 April 2024
Published by: University Archives
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