University of Missouri - Columbia Archives



The University Archives will work within the established procedures of the UM-System Records Center to provide the best possible service to our customers and the most secure and stable conditions for the historical records in University Archives custody.


By following the established procedures for records transport between the Archives and the Records Center, the Archives' staff can help ensure record accountability while maintaining good working relations between the two facilities.


This policy applies to all University of Missouri - Columbia Archives staff members.


4-1. The University Archivist is the chief liaison between the Archives and the Records Center. The Archivist is responsible for alerting the staff to the Record Center's preferred procedures for records retrieval and refiling, and for ensuring that no communication problems result.

4-2. The University Archives staff is responsible for notifying the Records Center for materials needed, materials being recalled to specific departments, box refiles, box delivery or pickup of new materials.


5-1. Box Delivery - a service provided by the Records Center that allows materials to be transported between the Archives, the Records Center, and other University locations.

5-2. Box Recall - a box temporarily or permanently removed from storage at the Records Center and delivered to the Archives which may in turn facilitate its check-out to the originating department.

5-3. Box Refile - records to be retrieved from the Archives or their place of use and returned to their previous storage location at the Records Center.

5-4. Form UM 362, Request for Return of Record from Records Center/Out Card - a hard copy records request form for return of a record from the University-System Records Center. [Obsolete, of historical interest only.]

5-5. New Box Pickup - a box of records being sent by the Archives or a creating department for the first time to the Records Center or Archives for storage.

5-6. University of Missouri System Records Center - The facility used to provide economical and secure temporary storage for University records, and for permanent storage of some archival records.

5-7. Form UMC/ARCH 009, Charge Out Record - form for returning archival records to the unit that created them temporarily or permanently.

5-8. Form UM 377, Out Card - a card stock sheet with a tab labeled, OUT, and spaces for recording the date of removal, the file number or name of the file, and the person removing the file. The card is inserted into the filing sequence at the place where the file was removed from within a box or in the shelf location when an entire box has been removed.


6-1. New Box Pickup: Notify the Records Center by the currently agreed upon procedure that a box never before stored at the Records Center is to be picked-up at an office for delivery to the University Archives or Records Center. A new box pickup request can be for the transfer of a box from the University Archives for first time storage at the Records Center. The number of boxes to be picked up, the location (address) of the records, the name of the department, the contact person, and that person's phone number need to be specified in the communication with the Records Center when arranging for a pick up. It is always preferred that new accessions first come to the University Archives for examination and summary description before they are transported to the Records Center for storage.

6-1-1. When new records that have come to the University Archives or records previously stored elsewhere are sent to the Records Center, the classification number and accession number is included on the Form UM34, Transfer of Records to Archives on each line of the form detailing a separate new box of records.

6-1-2. A copy of the completed Form UM34, Transfer of Records to Archives is be filed with the Archives

6-2. Box Refile: When boxes of archival records have been temporarily returned to the custody of the creating office and that office is ready to return the records to the care of the Archives, the records must be delivered by the Records Center staff to the University Archives for examination and check-in. When the integrity and arrangement of the records have been established or exceptions noted on the check out form and the finding aids, then the boxes can be returned to the Records Center by that department's box delivery staff.

6-3. Box Delivery: When archival materials must be returned to the creating unit the delivery is to be performed by the staff of the University Archives. The reason for this direct delivery is so that the materials may be examined and a Form UMC/ARCH 009, Charge Out Record may be prepared and delivered to the department personnel taking charge of the records and an official signature acquired on the form. A sheet describing the record return procedure and giving contact information is taped to the top of each box delivered to a department by University Archives staff.

6-4. Box Recall: To recall boxes from the Records Center for delivery to the Archives, request delivery of the boxes from the Center by the currently agreed upon procedure.

6-4-1. After arranging for a box return to a department other than the University Archives, the procedures outlined in the Record Charge-Out Procedures policy must be followed.

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7-1. University Request for Return of Records From Records Center, Form UM 362, completed. [Obsolete, of historical interest only.]

Revised: 22 April 2024

Published by: University Archives

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