Spirits of Mizzou - Williams

Spirits of Mizzou

Walter Williams

gravestone of walter williams

Born July 2, 1864 and Died July 29, 1935.

image of walter williams

Walter Williams

Born near Boonville, Missouri, Walter Williams is credited as the founder and first dean of the world's first School of Journalism. Williams founded the Journalism Department in 1908, and remained dean of the school even after accepting an offer from the Board of Curators to take the position of President of the University in 1930. During Williams' time as president, he established the Advisory Council of the University, which acted as an extension of the Board of Curators to work on approval of projects and to secure funding. Williams traveled to many foreign countries to promote journalism education and was particularly influential in Asia, where he helped to establish a school of journalism at Yenching University. Williams retired shortly before his death in 1935, and one year later, construction began on Walter Williams Hall, built in his honor.

Walter Williams' Record As President of University of Missouri, University Archives Vertical File, Presidents - Walter Williams

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Published by: University Archives muarchives.missouri.edu/
Prepared by Nicole Mautino
Revised: 2 June 2008
URL: https://muarchives.missouri.edu/exh_mu_cemetery_williams.html

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