Spirits of Mizzou - Swallow

Spirits of Mizzou

George Clinton Swallow

gravestone of george clinton swallow

Grave monument of George Swallow.

plaque on gravestone of george clinton swallow

Detail of plaque on grave monument. The inscription reads "A.M., M.D., LL.D.
First Professor of Geology, Chemistry, Agriculture, and First Dean of the College of Agriculture, University of Missouri.
First State Geologist of Missouri."

Born in Buckfield Maine, George Clinton Swallow served as Professor of Chemistry and Geology for only a brief period, before resigning in 1853, to become Missouri's first state geologist. Swallow conducted geological surveys for both the State of Missouri, and the State of Kansas, before returning to the University in 1858. By 1870, he had become Chair of both Natural History, and Agriculture, before being appointed as the first Dean of the College of Agriculture in 1872. Despite being openly crititcal of the lack of financial support that his new program received, Swallow nevertheless remained dean of the college until his departure from the University in 1882. In 1930, Swallow Hall, now the home of the Department of Anthropology, was renamed in his honor.

Switzler, William F., History of Boone County Missouri, St. Louis, 1882.
Viles, Jonas, The University Of Missouri: A Centennial History, University of Missouri, 1939.
Mumford, Frederick B., History of the Missouri College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin # 483, 1944.

image of george clinton swallow

George Clinton Swallow
Missouri Department of Natural Resources

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Published by: University Archives muarchives.missouri.edu/
Prepared by Nicole Mautino
Revised: 2 June 2008
URL: https://muarchives.missouri.edu/exh_mu_cemetery_swallow.html

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