Spirits of Mizzou - Norwood

Spirits of Mizzou

Joseph Granville Norwood

gravestone of joseph granville norwood

Born 1807 and Died 1895.

image of joseph granville norwood

Joseph Granville Norwood

Born in Woodford County, Kentucky, Joseph Granville Norwood came to Missouri in 1858, accepting an offer from Professor Swallow as assistant in a geological survey for the State of Missouri. In 1860, Norwood was elected Chair of Natural Sciences at the University and also served as librarian during the Civil War. Norwood tried to mitigate the damages incurred by Federal troop occupation during the War and made detailed accounts of the extensive damages that did occur. He later became Dean of Faculty and served as Dean of the College of Medicine from 1872 - 1880. In 1904, a newly constructed engineering building on the University's School of Mines and Metallurgy campus in Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology) was named, Norwood Hall, in his honor.

Switzler, William F., History of Boone County Missouri, St. Louis, 1882.
Neal, M. P., The Genesis, Heritage and Progress of Medical Education at the University of Missouri 1841-1970, University of Missouri, 1971.
University Archives Collection - C:0/51/1/, University Catalog, 1904.

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Copyright © Curators of the University of Missouri 2008
Published by: University Archives muarchives.missouri.edu/
Prepared by Nicole Mautino
Revised: 2 June 2008
URL: https://muarchives.missouri.edu/exh_mu_cemetery_norwood.html

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