Spirits of Mizzou - Lowry

Spirits of Mizzou

Thomas Jefferson Lowry

gravestone of thomas jefferson lowry

Born Nov. 29, 1850 and Died May 28, 1903.
For 15 Years Dean of The Engineering Dept Mo. State University.

image of thomas jefferson lowry

Thomas Jefferson Lowry

Thomas Jefferson Lowry was born in Randolph County and received a degree from the University in 1870. After working as a government surveyor and engineer on the West Coast, Lowry returned to accept the position of Professor of Civil Engineering at his alma mater in 1877. Soon after, Lowry was made the first dean of the College of Engineering when the program became independent of the College of Agriculture. Lowry remained dean of the college until 1893, at which time the college was placed once again under the College of Agriculture, due in large part to the absence of his leadership.

Switzler, William F., History of Boone County Missouri, St. Louis, 1882.
Weinbach, Mendell P., Engineering at The University Of Missouri 1850-1940, University of Missouri, 1941.

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Revised: 2 June 2008
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