Spirits of Mizzou - Hill

Spirits of Mizzou

Albert Ross Hill

grave stone of albert ross hill

Born Oct. 4, 1869 and Died May 6, 1943.

image of albert ross hill

Albert Ross Hill

Albert Ross Hill, born in Nova Scotia, first came to the University as Professor and Dean of the School of Education in 1903. After a brief appointment at Cornell University as Dean of Arts & Science and Director of the School of Education, Hill was asked to return and accept the position of President of the University of Missouri in 1908. During his thirteen years as president, Hill is credited with pulling together the individual schools of the University into a more unified institution. Hill also changed the economy of the University, working with a limited budget to give more to the students. On one occasion it was mentioned to Hill that a neighboring state's university was recieving twice as much funding per student, to which he replied:

"Never mind-we'll do more and better without one dollar than they will with their two."

Hill resigned from his position as president of the University of Missouri in 1921, and became the Vice-President and Director of Foreign Affairs of the American Red Cross, headquartered in Athens, Greece. Hill is recognized for his role in taking charge of relief efforts for refugees after the massacre of Greeks in Asia Minor. Later, Hill went on to serve as president of the Ward Investment Company of Kansas City, Missouri. In 1934, Hill lost to Brice B. Smith in a fraudulent, violent and deadly election for Mayor of Kansas City, controlled by the Pendergast Machine. In recognition of his service to the University, the education building was renamed Hill Hall, in his honor.

Stephens, Frank F., A History of the University of Missouri, University Press, 1962.
Columbia Missourian, June 7, 1954.
University Archives Collection - C:0/43/1.

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Published by: University Archives muarchives.missouri.edu/
Prepared by Nicole Mautino
Revised: 2 June 2008
URL: https://muarchives.missouri.edu/exh_mu_cemetery_hill.html

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