Spirits of Mizzou - Defoe

Spirits of Mizzou

Luther M. Defoe

grave stone of luther defoe

Born 1860 and Died 1933.

image of luther defoe

Luther M. Defoe

Luther Marion Defoe was born in California, Moniteau County, Missouri, and first came to the University of Missouri as a student in 1881. Defoe joined the faculty in 1892 as tutor in mathematics and became Professor of Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering in 1903. Defoe was so popular with the students that he was commonly referred to amongst them as "Daddy Defoe" and was recognized as the unofficial Dean of Men. Defoe retired as Professor Emeritus one year prior to his death. In 1940, the University honored him by naming Defoe Residence Hall in memory of this well loved professor.

Stephens, Frank F., A History of the University of Missouri, University Press, 1962.
Missouri Alumnus, University of Missouri Alumni Association, October, 1940.

MU Homepage

Published by: University Archives muarchives.missouri.edu/
Prepared by Nicole Mautino
Revised: 2 June 2008
URL: https://muarchives.missouri.edu/exh_mu_cemetery_defoe.html

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