University of Missouri Student and Alumni Casualties in the Service of War: The Spanish-American War - World War II
Contents: | ||
Martin Edward Elling | Floyd Bruce Cramer | Arthur Gwinn |
Henry Gerhard Arends | David Francis Banks | Theodore Boleslaw Bazan |
Forrest Lambert Bell | James Kennedy Black | John Cone Black |
David Edwards Blackburn | William Ewing Boone | Wade A. Boots |
Lloyd Reuben Boutwell | Martin Frady Bowles | Leon Elston Briggs |
Sanford Miller Brown, Jr. | William George Brown, Jr. | John Clarence Burk |
Allen Green Byram | Lawrence Hosmer Capehart | Roy Ernest Carr |
Joel Hayden Challis | Joseph Peyton Chamberlain | Henry Robinson Clay, Jr. |
David Israel Cole | Andrew Floyd Collins | Amos Mathieu Colman |
Paul Edward Corriveau, Jr. | Paris Craighead | Harry Chase Crumb |
Rolly Winchester Darling | Murray Davis | Ealy Beverly DeVinna |
Clement Park Dickinson | Charles Elliot Dixon | John Jay Donnohue |
Benjamin Stanford Drain | Claude Luverne Duff | Lee Samuel Eads |
Earl McCann Edgar | Leonidas Verne Ellis | Ivan Hollis Epperson |
Poe Ewing | Joseph Bernard Fast | Clinton Sumner Ferry |
Samuel Norris Fine | Ray Phillbrook Fox | William Thomas Franklin |
Charles Clifford Galbraith | John Gray Galbraith | Garnett Frank George |
Robert McGhee Graham | James Edward Gray | Laurence Henry Gray |
William Douglas Gray | Earl Punshon Groesbeck | James Colwell Harris |
Wendell Phelps Hay | Harry Herrod Jr. | Ledlie Francis Hickerson |
Harry Franks Hickman | Marvin Ray Hillyard | Winston Horton |
Lester Howard Hughes | Victor Abell Hunt | Harold James Hutter |
Harley Clifton Hyde | James Philip Irminger | George Andrew Irion, Jr. |
Robert Patterson Irvine | Charles Walter Jackson, Jr. | George Ouray Kane | Charles Jacob Karl | Ray Marion Karls | David Chenoweth Killam |
Yaro Klepel | Hawthorne Eugene Kyser | Clarence Franklin Layher |
Charles Holmes McCoun | Clinton McFarland Marsh | Frank Parks Mathews |
Clarence Hammett May | Herbert Clarence Meier | Jerome Earle Moore |
Clinton French Moss | Norman Lloyd Ohnsorg | Clarence Bowlan Peeples |
Alva Dale Pickett | Joseph Henry Pierson | Columbus DeWitt Pypes |
James Rollins Reid | Herbert Southall Richey | David McNeil Robertson |
Frank Rodhouse | Thomas Adam Roth | Lovick Ray Rucker |
Lloyd Calvin Ruggles | Joseph Warren Sanborn, Jr. | Robert Glardon Scott |
Guy Wentworth Selden | William Guy Shannon | Irwin Howley Shaw |
James Claude Simpkins | James Young Simpson, Jr. | Minor Mulkey Slaughter |
John Kenneth Sloan | Frank Lawrence Stauver | William Dale Stepp |
Lawrence Williams Stewart | Julius Otto Stipp | Velpo Wright Street |
George Bryan Thomasson | Robert Steele Thurman | Robert Montgomery Walker |
Raymond Boes Ward | Lowell Thayer Wasson | Ralph Edward Triscuit Wilkins |
Henry Murray Williams | Carlisle Robert Wilson | Jacob Henry Young, Jr. |
Wallace Omar Akins | William Sylvanus Allee | Lorenzo Dowe Anderson, Jr. |
Charles Harry Apple III | Alan Charles Attebery | John Dale Baker |
John Leslie Barnes | James Harrison Barns III | Herbert Robinson Bassman |
James Kirby Bauer | Josef Eric Beauclair | Thomas David Becker |
Carl Keith Bell | John Manche Bennett | George Beauregard Berry |
Levi Roland Berry | Max Eugene Biggerstaff | Richard Otto Birk |
Jack Powell Blanton | Clifford Ward Boggess | John Fred Boggs |
Seymour Bornstein | John Phillip Brandt | Robert Louis Brenton |
Thomas Hughes Brents | Clarence Edwin Bridwell | Kenneth Hastings Brigham |
Herbert Dean Brown | James Charles Brubaker | Edward Moscoe Bruton, Jr. |
Chester Lewis Buoy, Jr. | Donald Randall Burke | Evans Hyland Burnite |
Harry H. Burr | George Keller Busiek | John David Busiek |
Henry Walker Bushyhead | William Sanford Butcher | Lowell Edward Cadwell |
Roy Lee Caldwell, Jr. | Donald Robert Camfield | William Joseph Cargill |
George E. Carter | John Curtis Casteel | Edwin Keith Cheavens |
William Clay Choplin, Jr. | Ray Sherman Clark | Berlin F. Coday, Jr. |
Freeman Blaine Cole | Howard Robert Combs, Jr. | Charles Jackson Conn |
Jacob Henry Cordes, Jr. | Walter Lawrence Crampton | William Morris Crane |
John Allan Crawford | Alexander Crow, Jr. | Lawrence Patrick Culkin |
Robert Firmen Cunningham | Wilkie Burford Cunnyngham, Jr. | Charles English Davis |
Gerald Vincent Davis | James Edwin Davis | Jefferson W. Davis |
Kenneth Searle Davis | Roy Leo Dean | William Clifford Dennis |
Maurice James Dewey | Charles Robert Dimke | John Thomas Dobler |
Clifford Downen | Robert Montgomery Dungan | Claude Joseph DuVall, II |
Leroy Lewis Dyke | Harry Clyde Echols, Jr. | Bowen Thomas Ehrnman, Jr. |
Alvin Dallas Ellis | Harry Barclay Endsley, Jr. | Lewden McCullah Enslen |
Orval Wilford Epperson | William Markham Erickson, Jr. | Charles William Estes |
Charles Arnold Evans | Robert Fletcher Evans | Donal Forest Ewing |
Thomas Mark Fallet | Richard Farrington, Jr. | Lawrence Marion Faulkner |
Robert Lloyd Faurot | Arnold Gray Fawks | William Walter Fearn |
Charles James Flynn, Jr. | Max Elton Fordyce | Richie Van Winkle Fountain |
Christopher Columbus Freeman | Edward Wayne Freeman | William Benjamin Frey, Jr. |
Harry Robert Gilbert, Jr. | Leon Edward Glascock | Robert Samuel Glaves |
Robert Charles Glenn | William Goldstein | William Mortimer Gordon |
Robert Frederick Goudie | Philip Gram | Julian Samuel Grant |
John William Gregg | Edgar Arthur Greve, Jr. | Everett Willis Griffith |
William Montgomery Haines | Haynes Harwood Hall | James Franklin Handley, Jr. |
George Clark Harness | Thomas Franklin Harris | Basil Orman Hartwell, Jr. |
Everett Roscoe Hathman | Elmer Heath, Jr. | Charles Henry Hechler |
Vernon Andrew Heidinger | Grover Frederick Heidlage | William Ogle Heim |
Leo Albert Heinrich | Ralph William Heisinger | Thomas B. Henderson, Jr. |
Elton Francis Hensel | Berryman Tucker Henwood | Pryor Hesse |
Russell Earl Hill | Frank Thomas Hinshaw | William Hugh Hobbs, Jr. |
John Evans Hogan | Albert Waldo Holman | Robert Aaron Horwitz |
Bert Louis Huber | David Ernest Hudson | Thomas Oliver Hudson |
Lew Willis Hughes | Curtis Brown Hurley, II | Frank Hayman Janisch |
Edgar Ambrose Jarman | Benjamin Oscar Johnson | Dale Johnson |
Robert Clifford Johnston | Elbert Whitfield Jones, Jr. | Ernest William Jones, Jr. |
Ritchie Lee Jones | Robert Andrew Kardash | David Loan Kauffman |
Leo Downey Kehoe | Julius Keller | Leo Edmund Kennedy |
William Russell Keon, Jr. | William Martin Kern | Rexford Raymond Kinsley |
Lawrence Marion Kirk | Stanley Fuhrer Kirschman | Robert Harry Kisor |
John Robinson Kitchell | Harry Rudolph Klaus | Harold Edward Knaus |
Alvin Fred Koch | Bert Edgar Kullerstrand | Richard Miller Kunder |
Joseph Wayne Kuntz | Norman Victor Lane | Owen T. Langen |
Robert Lee Lankford | William Ernest Leming, Jr. | Jacob Max Levin |
Glen Edwin Lewis | Samuel Green Licklider, Jr. | William Scott Linsday |
Luther James Luckett, Jr. | Jack Barry Luitwieler | Donald Carl Lundgren |
Donald Melvin Lurie | James Francis McGrath, Jr. | Philip Arthur McGrath |
William Carmin McHarg | Max Daniel McNeil | Matthew John McNeill |
Harry Howard McPherson, Jr. | Thomas Wilson Mackey | Theodore Wyman Magruder |
Robert Harry Marlowe | Alfred James Marsh | Charles William Marsalek |
Francis Patchell Martin | John Emil Martinez | Singleton William Mason, Jr. |
Oliver Gaines Mathews, Jr. | Charles Lewis Mathis | Charles DeWitt Matsler |
Roland Eugene Matson | James Elvis Matteson | Andrew Jackson Matthews |
Lyman Andrew Matthews, Jr. | Harris Roy Meadows | Eric Martin Meding |
Isidor Meites | John Louis Mersch | Theodore Henry Meyer |
Guthrie McNab Miller, Jr. | Charles Allen Mitchell | Jack Mitchell |
Charles Roderick Mize | John Elcock Morgan | Fred Locke Morris |
Ben Mossel | Dean Gilroy Murphy | Raymond Thomas Murphy |
William Francis Murphy, Jr. | Lloyd Ordell Murray | Benjamin Marion Nash |
Evans Gill Nash, Sr. | Robert Nelson Nichols | Gilbert Andrew Nieghorn |
Jerome Martin Notowitz | Leroy Leonard Ochs | Frank Exum O’Connor, Jr. |
Daniel Leo O’Sullivan, Jr. | Robert Mitchell Oliver | George Willard Olliver, Jr. |
Louis Orihuela | George William Otten, Jr. | Archie Roger Pack |
Harold Joseph Parkes | Clarence Howard Parkhurst | Newton James Patton |
Edwin Clifford Paul | Richard McLeod Pearse | Ernest Edwin Pelkey |
John Howard Penisten | Morris Benjamin Penner | Chester Julius Peters |
Robert Eugene Peterson | Walter Louis Pfeffer, Jr. | Walter Edward Pierce |
Earl Francis Pollock, Jr. | Harold Dee Pontius | George Edwin Porter, Jr. |
Raymond Gustavus Powell | William Daniel Powell | John James Pyles, Jr. |
Robert Lee Ramsey | Clifford Edward Randol | Stanley Deuane Ray |
Porter O’Dell Reece | John Noel Ricker | Guy Thomas Riley |
Robert K. Roberts | Oliver Eugene Robinett | Jack Elwood Robinson |
Irving Roby | Edward John Rogers, Jr. | Edward John Roos, Jr. |
William Ernest Roques | Leslie James Ross, Jr. | Robert Hall Rowland |
Albin Valentine Rozman | Edward Basil Ruto | Vaughn E. Salsbury |
Stanley Lloyd Sanders | Marion Lee Sapp | Karl Burton Satterfield |
Charles Sawers | Kurt Ronald Schaefer | Hudson Matthew Schieber |
William Earl Schlueter | Otto Stephen Schmidt, Jr. | Gilbert Ralph Schoener |
Robert William Schuttenberg | John Roten Schweitzer | Gerald D. Scott, Jr. |
Robert Scruby | Marshall Godfrey Seibel | Robert Bruce Shank |
Clay Derrick Shannon | William Boschert Shea | Harley Clarence Shively |
Burnell Reed Shy | Elmer Ray Shryock | Carl Henry Silber |
Ivor John Siler, Jr. | Lawrence Kern Smarr | Giles James Smith, Jr. |
Josephine Mitchell Smith | Marshall Sneed | Earl Lorraine Snell, Jr. |
Maynard Goldman Snell | Harlan Herman Soule | Henry Nelson Spencer |
James Edward Spencer | Richard Yeater Stafford | William Robert Stanbury |
Lloyd Stickney Stark | Elliot Ernest Stone | William Thomas Stone |
Eldon Eugene Stratton | Arthur Summers | Edmund Cornish Suor |
Harold Eugene Surbaugh | Delton Lowell Taylor | James Bentley Taylor |
Charles Elery Thompson | Thomas Orlo Thompson, Jr. | Ronald Francis Thomson |
Joseph Morton Tuttle | Kenneth Elwood Twitty | Robert Frank Van Doren |
Frank William Van Horne, Jr. | Joseph Olin Van Osdol | Thomas Scott Vaughan |
Hobart Stowe Vincent | John Preston Walker | Standlee Mitchell Ward |
William Crim Warner | Richard Jones Waters | Charles L. Waugh |
Earl Charles Weidemueller | Edward Weinstein | Irvin Sherman Weintraub |
Loren Lee Wells | Clark Earl White | George Allen White, Jr. |
Thurman Junior White | William Robert White | William Palen Wilbur |
Loren Burnham Wildermuth | John Levere Willoughby | Alvin Clay Windes |
William Joseph Winemiller | John Bourbon Wise, Jr. | Ivan Herbert Witt |
Russell Newell Woods | William Clay Woods, Jr. | Lawrence L. Wren |
John William Yoest | Arch Bryant Young, Jr. |
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Revised 26 April 2013
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