Commencement at MU
The nature of commencement celebrations has taken many forms throughout the university's history. Through taking a look at the speakers, the titles of their speeches, and some photographs exhibiting different traditions associated with the exercises, one can see how commencement celebrations at the University of Missouri have come to be what they are today.
Note: The University Archives does not possess the texts of every speech, but throughout the list more information, possibly including speech texts, is provided when possible. Also, the researcher is encouraged to search our holdings to find more information.
Note: All images are thumbnails to larger photographs. Click on the thumbnails to see the pictures in greater detail.

The first commencement at MU, in November 1843, had only two graduates and lasted three hours. The graduates, cousins Robert B. and Robert L. Todd, were cousins of Abraham Lincoln's wife Mary.
(University Archives, C:0/51/1)
November 28, 1843
- Robert B. Todd - Salutatory Oration in Latin
- John Wilson - "The Demagogue"
- L.T. Dameron - "History"
- David Chilton - "Chivalry"
- William P. Thomas - "Female Character"
- A. McKinney - "The Veto Power"
- Robert A. Grant - "Influence of great Minds"
- James H. Moss - "Man"
- Thomas J. Hardin, Disputation - "Dissolution of the Union?"
- Stephen Bedford
- Robert B. Todd - "Political Experience of the Past, important to the American citizen"
April 25, 1844
- James H. Moss - Oration In Latin, with Salutatory Addresses
- Robert McDaniel - "Civil Dissensions
- Lewis T. Dameron - "Application"
- Luther T. Collier - "Characteristics of the present age"
- William W. Todd - "Partizan Spirit"
- Thomas J. Hardin - "Man, the Architect of his own future"
- William Thomas - "The Thorough Scholar"
- John Wilson - "International Copy Right"
- James H. Moss - "Difficulties & Dangers of Eminence"
- Robert A. Grant - "Association;" with Valedictory Addresses
July 7, 1845
- Lewis T. Dameron - "Permanence of Modern Civilization"
- William W. Todd - "Influence of Example"
- Luther T. Collier - "Independent Thought"
- William P. Clarkson - "Decision of Character"
- Thomas J. Hardin - "The Scholar"
- Valedictory Addresses
- President's Baccalaureate Address
July 30, 1846
- Lewis T. Dameron Salutatory Oration in Latin
- John H. Moore Oration: "Civil Society"
- Thompson Burnam Eulogy: "Daniel Boone"
- William H. Allen - "Extension of National Territory"
- John S. Clarkson - "Free Institutions"
- Lewis T. Dameron - "Commerce"
- Luther T. Collier - "Dignity of Reason"
- Valedictory Addresses
August 5, 1847
- Robert W. McDaniel Salutatory Address in Latin
- James H. Parker - "The Orator"
- Lewis B. Daugherty - "Reputation"
- Alexander F. Denny - "Labor"
- John Arthur - "The Judiciary"
- Frederick Russell - "Poland"
- James B. Thomas - "Right of Revolution"
- Robert W. McDaniel - "War"
- M.G. Young - "Executive Power"
- M.G. Singleton - "International Intercourse"
- H. Meredith - "Importance of Political Circumspection"
- Robert A Grant, A.B.
- William P. Thomas, A.B.
- T.B. Reed - "Supremacy of Law"
- Valedictory Addresses
August 24, 1848
- Samuel S. Rice Salutatory Addresses in Latin
- James M. Wilson - "Political Aspirations"
- James L. Howard - "American Republic"
- William Bentley - "Democratic Progress"
- J.F. Williams Philosophical Oration - "Government - the agent of Society"
- Thomas J. Hardin, A.B. Oration
- William C. Shields - "Mental and Moral Culture"
- Valedictory Addresses
August 29, 1849
- Bolivar S. Head Salutatory Addresses in Latin
- Boyle Gordon - "Intellectual and Physical Wealth"
- Asa N. Grant - "Pacific Rail Road"
- John M. Gordon - "The Union"
- John Flournoy - "Independence of Character"
- James F. Campbell - "Progress of Mind"
- George F. Daugherty - "Extension of Territory"
- Robert R. Provines - "Opinion - Its Nature & Power"
- Walter King - "Tyranny of Custom"
- Bolivar S. Head - "Civil Rewards to Military Chiefs"
- William H. Allen, A.B. Master's Oration
- Luther T. Collier, A.B.
- Edmund H. Burnam - "Literary Excellence"
- Valedictory Addresses
July 3, 1858
- A. Haynes - "National Virtue"
- G.M. Catron - "Eternal Vigilance the Price of Liberty"
- E.L. King - "Agricultural Labor"
- E.P. Lamkin - "Immortality of Literary Fame"
- J.W. Harrison - "Modern Literature"
July 4, 1860
- T.B. Catron, LaFayette County, Missouri - "The Influence of Government and Education on National Character"
- S.B. Elkins, Jackson County, Missouri - "Destiny of the Human Race, How Can it Best Be Fulfilled?"
- J.C. Cravens, Daviess County, Missouri - "Liberty Not Inconsistent With Government"
- J. Drury Pulliam, Valedictorian, Agricultural School, Lockhart, Texas
- C.E. Leonard, Cooper County, Missouri Valedictory Address
June 28, 1865
- John H. Overall, St. Charles, Missouri Salutatory Oration in Latin
- Henry C. Daniel, Centralia, Missouri - "The Republic"
- Christopher C. Torbit, Rocheport, Missouri - "Gold"
- Leonidas W. Scott, Boone County, Missouri - "The Rocks"
- James S. Preston, Fayette, Missouri - "Sacred Literature"
- Robert T. Prewitt, Columbia, Missouri - "Art"
- Arthur P. Selby, Columbia, Missouri - "Shakespeare"
- John W. Cowgill, Hickman, Kentucky Philosophical Oration
- Joseph V.C. Karnes, A.B. Columbia, Missouri Master's Oration
- Thomas T. Smith, A.B. St. Louis, Missouri Master's Oration
- Sydney T. Hughes, Franklin, Missouri Oration: "Mind, Its Triumphs"
- Valedictory Addresses
- Baccalaureate Address
July 1, 1876
- Professor James K. Homer Washingon University Address before the Athenaean and Union Literary Society
- Rt. Bishop Ryan, D.D. St. Louis, Missouri Baccalaureate Discourse
- Gardiner Lathrop, Esq. Kansas City, Missouri Meeting of the Alumni, and address
June 7, 1877
- A.E. Douglass, A.B. - "Alps to Italy"
- J.J. Collins, B.S. - "The Mastery of Man"
- Wiley Jones, B.S. - "Progress"
- R.P. Boulton, B.L. - "Power of Ideas"
- E.D. Phillips, Ph.B. - "Unity in Diversity"
- F.W. Houchins, A.B. - "Sublimity of the Scriptures"
- Trew Hayes, B.S. - "Our Position and Duty"
- J.W. Beatty, A.B. - "Utopia of Science"
- J.H. Field, B.S. - "Man, the Monarch"
- A.C. McChesney, B.L. - "The American Statesman"
- H.E. Sherman, B.S.
- Elijah Jones, B.S. - "Freedom of Thought"
- W.D. Johnston, B.S. - "Potable Water"

Program from 1878 Commencement.
(University Archives, UW:1/4/1, Box 4 FF 3)
June 6, 1878
- Henry Theodoric Curtright, A.B. Academic College graduate - "True Worth"
- Lizzie McDowell Field, S.B. Academic College graduate - "Matter Ephemeral; Mind Immortal"
- Frederic W. Kumpf, S.B. Academic College graduate - "Let there be Light"
- Mary Neil Gentry, S.B. Academic College graduate - "Search for Truth"
- Jonathan Houston Davis, S.B. Academic College graduate, Valedictory Oration - "The Impress of Deity"

Program from 1881 commencement.
(University Archives, C:0/18/1)
June 2, 1881
- Joseph Thomas Payne, Pe.P., S.B., Top'l Eng'r, C.E. graduate - "Subjection to Law"
- Willoughby Cordell Tindall, S.B. Academic College graduate - "Our Modern Science"
- Cassius Westwood Christie, A.B. Academic College graduate - "The Second Conquest of England by Rome"
- William Strother Cowherd, A.B. Academic College graduate - "Man the Shekinah"
- James Black, A.B. Academic College graduate, Oration and Valedictory - "Our Mission"
June 1, 1882
- Robert M. Cook, S.B. Academic College graduate - "The Ruins of Time"
- Leonard H. Otto, L.B. Academic College graduate - "The Death of Cromwell"
- Frank Bauerlein, A.B. Academic College graduate - "Revolutions"
- Lida Reed, S.B. Academic College graduate - "Disinfection"
- John M. Taylor, S.B. Academic College graduate Thesis and Epithesis - "Comets and Meteors"
- Andrew A. Bailey, A.B. Academic College graduate, Valedictory Address
June 7, 1883
- Sterling P. Reynolds, C.E. Engineering College graduate - "Improvement of the Mississippi"
- John C. Leggett, A.B. Academic College graduate - "Robert Burns"
- Hanau W. Loeb, A.B. Normal College graduate, Valedictory Address of Normal Class
- R.C. Cottingham, M.D. Medical College graduate, Valedictory Address of Medical Class
- Paul Alexander, A.B., L.B. Academic College graduate, "William The Silent and Free Worship"
- Overton G. Ellis, L.B. Academic College graduate, Valedictory Address of Academic Classes
June 5, 1884
- Ernest Augustus Boeger, S.B., C.E. graduate,Thesis and Valedictory Address of Engineering Class - "Every County Should Have an Engineer"
- George W. Coffman, L.B. Academic College graduate, Essay - "Goldsmith as a Humorist"
- Christopher Columbus Morris, M.D. Medical College graduate, Valedictory Address of Medical Class
- Fannie Lenoir Whittle, A.D.B. Academic College graduate, Valedictory Address of Academic Classes
June 4, 1885
- Will Anderson Rothwell, S.B. Academic College graduate, Thesis - "The Plurality of Worlds"
- Zannie May Denny, S.B., Pe.B. graduate, Essay - "The Atheism of Shelly"
- Zach Brainerd, M.D. Medical College graduate, Valedictory Address of Medical Class
- William Edgar Coons, A.B. Academic College graduate, Valedictory Address of Academic Classes
June 3, 1886
- Firmin Bradley Wright, S.B., L.B., Pe.B. graduate, McAnally English Prize Essay - "Carlyle as a Husband"
- Ida May Clendenin, S.B. Academic School graduate, Astronomical Prize Thesis - "Origin of the Solar System"
- William Hubbard Mason, Medical School graduate, Valedictory Address of Medical Class
- Kate Sterne, Pe.P. Normal School graduate, Valedictory Address of Normal Class
- William Jasper Spillman, S.B. Academic School graduate, Valedictory Address of Academic Classes
March 24, 1887
- William Mack graduate, Lamar, Missouri, Thesis - "A Problem in the Law of Executory Devises"
- D.H. Harris graduate, McCredie, Missouri, Thesis - "Some Objections to the Jury System"
- Professor C.G. Tiedeman Address to the Graduating Class - "Henry George's Land Theories"
May 31, 1888
- Robert Ozias Ruark, Pe.P. Normal College graduate, Thesis - "Education; The Old and The New"
- Robert Wilson Barrow, A.B. Academic College graduate, Stephens Medal Oration - "Impersonated Ideas"
- John William Froley, S.B. graduate, Astromical Prize Thesis - "The Nebular Hypothesis"
- John Perry Flournoy, A.B. Academic College graduate, Valedictory of Academic Classes
June 6, 1889
- Byron Buckingham Beery, LL.B. Valedictory Address of Law Class
- Thomas Jefferson Jackson See, A.B., L.B., S.B. Valedictory Address of Academic Classes
June 4, 1891
- J. Bowman Stirling Valedictory Address of Law Class
- Joseph Francis Paxton Valedictory Address of Academic Classes
June 2, 1892
- Harry T. Herndon, LL.B. Valedictory Address of Law Class
- John Nelson Fellows, S.B. Valedictory Address of Academic Class
June 1, 1893
- Hon. G.F. Rothwell President of the Board of Curators Address
- Cruch Drue Corum Valedictory (Law)
- Jennie Adams Valedictory (Academic)
June 7, 1894
- The Honorable W.S. Cowherd Kansas City Commencement Address
June 5, 1895
- Charles Ferdinand Briegleb, M.D., Medical Valedictory Address
- John Benjamin Christensen, LL.B., Law Valedictory Address
- Hermann Benjamin Almstedt, B.P., B.L., Academic Valedictory Address
June 3, 1896
- Robert Peel Garrett, B.S., Engineering Valedictory Address
- William Sherman Campbell, LL.B., Law Valedictory Address
- Frank F. Thompson, B.L., Normal Valedictory Address
- Cora Eitzen Defoe, B.S., M.S., Academic Valedictory Address
June 2, 1897
- President's Statement of the Condition of the University
June 1, 1898
- William Vincent Byars, Esq. St. Louis, Commencement Address - "The Salt of the Earth"
- President's Statement of the Condition of the University
June 7, 1899
- President's Statement of the Condition of the University
June 5, 1901
- President R.H. Jesse Address - "Ten Years in the University"

Mark Twain with MU Curators in 1902. The author was given an honorary LLD degree.
(University Archives, C:1/141/8, Box 1, FF 150)
June 4, 1902
- Statement of the President of the University
June 4, 1903
- Statement by the President of the University
June 1, 1904
- Statement by the President of the University
June 7, 1905
- Hon. Charles J. Hughes, Jr., LL.D., Denver, Colorado Address
June 6, 1906
- Hon. Frederick W. Lehmann, St. Louis Bar, Address
August 10, 1906
- Honorable E.W. Stephens Address
June 5, 1907
- Hon. Gardiner Lathrop, LL.D., Chicago Bar, Address
- Hon. Edwin William Stephens, LL.D., Columbia, Missouri, Anniversary Address - "For the Class for 1867"
June 3, 1908
- Presentation of Resolutions Commemorative of the Distinguished Services to the Cause of Education of Richard Henry Jesse, the Retiring President of the University Address
- Honorable Walter Williams Resolution of the Board of Curators
- Honorable C.B. Faris
- Resolutions of the University Council Dean J.C. Jones
- Resolutions of the Alumni
- Honorable Gardiner Lathrop
June 2, 1909
- Charles William Eliot, LL.D., Former, President of Harvard University Address (Phi Beta Kappa Oration)
June 8, 1911
- Edmund Janes James, LL.D., President of the University of Illinois Address
June 13, 1912
- Edward A. Birge, LL.D. Dean, College of Letters and Science at University of Wisconsin, Address
June 15, 1913
- William Oxley Thompson, LL.D. President of Ohio State University Address
June 4, 1914
- Abbott Lawrence Lowell, LL.D. President of Harvard University Address
June 3, 1915
- A. Ross Hill, LL.D. President of the University of Missouri Address to the Graduating Class
June 1, 1916
- A. Ross Hill, LL.D. President of the University of Missouri Address to the Graduating Class
June 6, 1917
- A. Ross Hill, LL.D. President of the University of Missouri Address to the Graduating Class
June 5, 1918
- Oswald Garrison Villard, A.M., Editor of The Nation, President of The Address Litt. D., LL.D. New York Evening Post
April 23, 1919
- A. Ross Hill, LL.D. President of the University Memorial Addresses Walter Miller, LL.D. Dean of the Graduate Faculty
April 27, 1921
- Jacob Gould Schurman, LL.D. President Emeritus of Cornell University Address
April 26, 1922
- Glenn Frank Editor of Century Magazine Address
April 25, 1923
- Victor Clarence Vaughan, LL.D. Address - "The Purpose and Functions of the State University"
June 4, 1924
- Ernest Hiram Lindley Chancellor of the University of Kansas Address - "The University and the Vocations of Men"
August 1, 1924
- Thomas William Nadal, Ph.D. Address - "A Challenge to Education"
June 3, 1925
- Shailer Mathews Dean, Divinity School, University of Chicago Address - "The Arising Generation and Its Moral Tasks"
August 1, 1925
- David J. Evans, LL.D. Address - "Complete Living"
June 9, 1926
- Joseph Fort Newton Rector of the Memorial Church of Saint Paul, Philadelphia Address - "Education for Life"
August 4, 1926
- Mr. F.B. Bartlett Address - "Civilization at the Crossroads"
June 8, 1927
- Edwin Markham Address - "What Is Life's Big Business"
August 5, 1927
- M.E. Melvin, D.D. President of Westminster College Address - "A Reappraisal of Andrew Johnson"
June 6, 1928
- Walter Albert Jessup President of the State University of Iowa Address
August 3, 1928
- George R. Throop Acting Chancellor of Washington University Address - "Education--An Attitude"
June 5, 1929
- Henry Moore Bates Dean, Law School, University of Michigan Address

A small crowd at the 1929 Summer Commencement.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 9)
August 2, 1929
- Edward Charles Elliott President of Purdue University Address - "Jack the Giant Maker"

1930 Commencement ceremony
(University Archives, C: 1/141/1, Box 2, FF 11)
August 1, 1930
- Merrill Edward Otis United States District Judge Address - "The University and Government"

An Office of Public Information photo of 1931 Commencement's oldest and youngest graduates.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 13)
June 3, 1931
- Manley Ottmer Hudson Bemis Professor of International Law, Harvard Law School Address - "Citizenship in the Modern World"

Taken in 1931, graduates plant ivy at the base of the columns. This tradition is no longer practiced, as the ivy was found to be damaging to the structures.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 13)
July 31, 1931
- Albert Ross Hill Former President, University of Missouri Address - "Financing Public Education"

Chief Marshall Chester Brewer leading the academic procession in 1932. The procession would begin at Jesse Hall, go around the columns, down Hitt Street and end at what is now known as Brewer Fieldhouse.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 15)
June 8, 1932
- Harry Woodburn Chase President of the University of Illinois Address - "Education in the Modern World"
August 5, 1932
- Walter Williams President of the University Address - "The Joy of Combat"
June 7, 1933
- O'Neill Ryan Judge of the Circuit Court, City of St. Louis Address - "Loyalty to Our Country"
August 4, 1933
- Walter Williams President of the University Address - "The Things That Are Not Caesar's"
June 6, 1934
- Dr. Casper Salathiel Yost, Editor, the Editorial Page, The St. Louis Globe-Democrat Address - "The Motive Power of Life"
August 3, 1934
- Isidor Loeb Dean, School of Business and Public Administration, Washington University Address - "Science and Government"
June 5, 1935
- George Frederick Zook Director, American Council on Education Address - "Frontiers in Education"
August 2, 1935
- Guy Stanton Ford Dean, Graduate School, University of Minnesota Address - "The State in the Service of the University"
June 3, 1936
- Harlow Shapley Director of Harvard College Observatory Address - "The Time Problem"
July 31, 1936
- Alphonse M. Schwitalla Dean, School of Medicine, St. Louis University Address - "The Student and the Treadmill"

Another tradition was the planting of trees by graduates. Here, in 1937.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 24)
June 9, 1937
- Claude Burton Hutchison Dean of the College of Agriculture, University of California Address - "Education, the Lighthouse of Democracy"
August 6, 1937
- William Bennett Bizzell President, University of Oklahoma Address - "Living Between Two Worlds"
June 7, 1938
- Frederick Lee Hisaw Harvard University Address - "The Productive Scholar"
August 5, 1938
- Boyd Henry Bode Ohio State University Address - "This Brave New World"

In 1939, a graduate places a wreath at Memorial Union to commemorate those who had died serving in the military.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 24)
June 6, 1939
- Earle Raymond Hedrick Vice-President and Provost, University of California Address - "The Outlook For Educated Men"
August 4, 1939
- George Reeves Throop Chancellor, Washington University Address - "Cycles in Education"
August 2, 1940
- James William Fulbright University of Arkansas Address - "Our Attitude Toward the War"
June 13, 1941
- Merrill E. Otis United States District Judge, Western District of Missouri Address - "Scraps of Paper"
August 8, 1941
- Theodore C. Blegen University of Minnesota Address - "Challenge to Scholarship"
August 7, 1942
- Frederick A. Middlebush President of the University, Charge to the Graduating Class
July 23, 1943
- Honorable Laurance M. Hyde Judge, Supreme Court of Missouri, Commencement Address
September 3, 1943
- Frederick Arnold Middlebush President of the University, Charge to the Graduating Class
June 16, 1944
- Benjamin Minge Duggar Professor of Physiological and Economic Botany, University of Wisconsin, Commencement Address - "Recent Plant Science Activities in the Parade of Progress"
September 8, 1944
- Frederick Arnold Middlebush President of the University, Charge to the Graduating Class

In 1946, General Omar Bradley was Commencement Speaker as well as the recipient of an honorary LLD degree.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 34)

Baccalaureate Sermons were a common part of Commencement Proceedings. Here, in 1948, is one of the last, as they were cancelled in 1951.
(University Archives, C:1/141/6, Box 2A)

MU President Frederick Middlebush and Senator Allen McReynolds standing next to diplomas in 1949.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 40)

Artist Thomas Hart Benton was given an honorary Doctorate of Arts in 1949.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 40)

Missouri-born President Harry S. Truman was Commencement speaker in 1950.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 43)

Academic procession passing by the columns in 1951.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 46)

Academic procession passing by Memorial Union in 1953.
(University Archives, C:1/141/1, Box 2, FF 50)

Elmer Ellis delivers brief remarks at Summer Commencement, 1956 in an un-air conditioned Jesse Hall. A formal address was eliminated to provide time for graduates to receive diplomas.
(University Archives, C: 1/141/1, Box 3, FF 57)
August 2, 1957
- James A. Hazlet, Superintendent of Schools, Kansas City School District
August 1, 1958
- Hubert Wheeler, Missouri State Commissioner of Education
August 5, 1960
- Roi Wood, Superintendent of Schools, Joplin, Missouri
June 6, 1961
- Karl Richard Bopp, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
August 4, 1961
- Dr. J. William Maucker, President, State College of Iowa
June 5, 1962
- Eugene J. McNeely, President of AT&T
June 9, 1964
- Homer C. Wadsworth, President, Kansas City Association of Trusts
August 7, 1964
- James A. McCain, President, Kansas State University
June 7, 1966
- James A. Finch, Jr., Missouri Supreme Court
August 5, 1966
- Chancellor Merl Baker, University of Missouri -Rolla
June 6, 1967
- Governor Warren E. Hearnes
August 4, 1967
- Mark Scully, President, Southeast Missouri State College

Summer 1968 Commencement ceremony on Francis Quadrangle.
(University Archives, C:1/141/9, Box 1, FF 3)
June 4, 1968
- Charles Johnston Hitch, President, University of California
June 3, 1969
- Merrimon Cuninggim, President, Danforth Foundation
August 1, 1969
- Chancellor James C. Olson, UMKC

In June of 1970, journalist Walter Cronkite gave the Commencement speech ("The Case for Dissent") and received an honorary Doctorate of Letters.
(University Archives, C: 1/141/9, Box 1, FF 6)
August 7, 1970
- Dr. Walter C. Daniel, President, Lincoln University
June 1, 1971
- C. Brice Ratchford, Interim President, MU
August 6, 1971
- Dr. Glen R. Driscoll, Chancellor, University of Missouri - St. Louis
August 4, 1972
- Governor Warren E. Hearnes
August 3, 1973
- Governor Christopher S. Bond
August 2, 1974
- Randall. B. Curtis, President, William Woods College
August 1, 1975
- Professor Loren D. Reid, Department of Speech and Drama, University of Missouri - Columbia
May 8, 1976
- Professor William H. Peden, Department of English, University of Missouri - Columbia
July 30, 1976
- Walter C. Daniel, Vice Chancellor, University of Missouri - Columbia
August 5, 1977
- Professor Clifton Cornwell, Department of Speech and Drama, University of Missouri - Columbia
May 13, 1978
- J. W. Peltason, American Council on Education
May 12, 1979
- Ernest L.Boyer, U.S. Commissioner of Education
August 3, 1979
- Don H. Blount, Graduate Dean, University of Missouri - Columbia
August 1, 1980
- Ronald F. Bunn, Provost, University of Missouri - Columbia
May 9, 1981
- Donald F. McHenry, Former Ambassador to United Nations
July 31, 1981
- Martin Umansky, President, KAKE-TV, Wichita
May 15, 1982
- Senator J. William Fulbright
August 6, 1982
- Dale Whitman Dean, School of Law, University of Missouri - Columbia
May 14, 1983
- Andrew Young, Mayor of Atlanta, GA
August 3, 1983
- Robert A. Burnett, CEO, Scott & Fetzer Co.
August 2, 1985
- Michael Witunski, President, James S. McDonnell Foundation
December 16, 1990
- Judge Ann K. Covington, Missouri Supreme Court
May 11, 1991
- Dr. Edward H. Blaine, Senior Director, Searle Research and Development
May 16, 1993
- Charles A. Kiesler, Chancellor, University of Missouri - Columbia
May 15, 1994
- Helen A. Thomas, White House Bureau Chief
Published by: University Archives
Prepared by Rob Ryan
Revised: 02 June 2016
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