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Conley House

Aunt Sally, the Conley House's Resident Ghost

Note: According to Conley descendants, the Conley House is haunted by the ghost of Aunt Sally Conley. Known to have been a disagreeable woman, Aunt Sally requested to be buried in the north wall of the Conley house when she died. As rumor has it, her final resting place is in the fireplace of the house. She is known to haunt the residence at night, only when the attic door is left ajar.

generic audio symbol
KBIA 91.3 Broadcast from Feb. 24, 2003 on the Conley House Ghost, by Kyle Parrish
(courtesy of KBIA 91.3 FM, Columbia, MO)
Painting of Aunt Sally Conley
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Photograph of the Conley House's Fireplace. Note: some maintain that Aunt Sally is buried here.
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Photograph of the North Wall Interior. Note: some maintain that Aunt Sally is actually buried here, inside of the wall.
Click the thumbnail for a larger JPEG image.
Photograph of the Attic Door. Note: it is believed that when this attic door is left ajar at night, Aunt Sally haunts the premises.
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Photograph of the Conley House Attic. Note: it is believed that Aunt Sally "lives" here in the attic.
Click the thumbnail for a larger JPEG image.
Institute of Museum and Library Services

This project was originally developed with support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the state of Missouri.

401 Ellis Library, Columbia, Missouri 65201
Phone: (573) 882-7567
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Building and Infrastructure Archives
Major Revision: June 2016