Spirits of Mizzou - Lefevre

Spirits of Mizzou

George Lefevre

gravestone of george lefevre

Born 1869 and Died 1923.

image of george lefevre

George Lefevre

George Lefevre came to the University of Missouri in 1899, and went on to serve as Chairman of the Department of Zoology until his death in 1923. During his time spent at the University, Lefevre served on many important committees, including those involving budget, educational policy and public exercises. Lefevre was actively involved with the design and construction of the Biology Building. Built in 1913, the building was renamed Lefevre Hall to honor him shortly after his death.

Viles, Jonas, The University Of Missouri: A Centennial History, University of Missouri, 1939.
Missouri Alumnus, University of Missouri Alumni Association, February 1923.

MU Homepage

Copyright © Curators of the University of Missouri 2008
Published by: University Archives muarchives.missouri.edu/
Prepared by Nicole Mautino
Revised: 2 June 2008
URL: https://muarchives.missouri.edu/exh_mu_cemetery_lefevre.html

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